# # Test of auto_increment # # run this program with mysql -vvf test < this file drop table if exists auto_incr_test,auto_incr_test2 ; create table auto_incr_test (id int not null auto_increment, name char(40), timestamp timestamp, primary key (id)) ; insert into auto_incr_test (name) values ("first record"); insert into auto_incr_test values (last_insert_id()+1,"second record",null); insert into auto_incr_test (id,name) values (10,"tenth record"); insert into auto_incr_test values (0,"eleventh record",null); insert into auto_incr_test values (last_insert_id()+1,"12","1997-01-01"); insert into auto_incr_test values (12,"this will not work",NULL); replace into auto_incr_test values (12,"twelfth record",NULL); select * from auto_incr_test ; create table auto_incr_test2 (id int not null auto_increment, name char(40), primary key (id)) ; insert into auto_incr_test2 select NULL,name from auto_incr_test; insert into auto_incr_test2 select id,name from auto_incr_test; replace into auto_incr_test2 select id,name from auto_incr_test; select * from auto_incr_test2 ; drop table auto_incr_test,auto_incr_test2;