/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /* COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, and provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below). * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: TokuDB, Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library. Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Tokutek, Inc. DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE: The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it. PATENT MARKING NOTICE: This software is covered by US Patent No. 8,185,551. PATENT RIGHTS GRANT: "THIS IMPLEMENTATION" means the copyrightable works distributed by Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project. "PATENT CLAIMS" means the claims of patents that are owned or licensable by Tokutek, both currently or in the future; and that in the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS IMPLEMENTATION or by using or running THIS IMPLEMENTATION. "PATENT CHALLENGE" shall mean a challenge to the validity, patentability, enforceability and/or non-infringement of any of the PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS. Tokutek hereby grants to you, for the term and geographical scope of the PATENT CLAIMS, a non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, transfer, and otherwise run, modify, and propagate the contents of THIS IMPLEMENTATION, where such license applies only to the PATENT CLAIMS. This grant does not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS IMPLEMENTATION. If you or your agent or licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any rights granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT CHALLENGE, then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you under this License. */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it." #include #include "ft.h" #include "log-internal.h" #include "logcursor.h" #include "cachetable.h" #include "checkpoint.h" #include "txn_manager.h" int tokudb_recovery_trace = 0; // turn on recovery tracing, default off. //#define DO_VERIFY_COUNTS #ifdef DO_VERIFY_COUNTS #define VERIFY_COUNTS(n) toku_verify_or_set_counts(n, false) #else #define VERIFY_COUNTS(n) ((void)0) #endif // time in seconds between recovery progress reports #define TOKUDB_RECOVERY_PROGRESS_TIME 15 enum ss { BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END = 1, BACKWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END, FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END, FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END, }; struct scan_state { enum ss ss; LSN checkpoint_begin_lsn; LSN checkpoint_end_lsn; uint64_t checkpoint_end_timestamp; uint64_t checkpoint_begin_timestamp; uint32_t checkpoint_num_fassociate; uint32_t checkpoint_num_xstillopen; TXNID last_xid; }; static const char *scan_state_strings[] = { "?", "bw_newer", "bw_between", "fw_between", "fw_newer", }; static void scan_state_init(struct scan_state *ss) { ss->ss = BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END; ss->checkpoint_begin_lsn = ZERO_LSN; ss->checkpoint_end_lsn = ZERO_LSN; ss->checkpoint_num_fassociate = 0; ss->checkpoint_num_xstillopen = 0; ss->last_xid = 0; } static const char *scan_state_string(struct scan_state *ss) { assert(BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END <= ss->ss && ss->ss <= FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END); return scan_state_strings[ss->ss]; } // File map tuple struct file_map_tuple { FILENUM filenum; FT_HANDLE ft_handle; // NULL ft_handle means it's a rollback file. char *iname; struct __toku_db fake_db; }; static void file_map_tuple_init(struct file_map_tuple *tuple, FILENUM filenum, FT_HANDLE brt, char *iname) { tuple->filenum = filenum; tuple->ft_handle = brt; tuple->iname = iname; // use a fake DB for comparisons, using the ft's cmp descriptor memset(&tuple->fake_db, 0, sizeof(tuple->fake_db)); tuple->fake_db.cmp_descriptor = &tuple->ft_handle->ft->cmp_descriptor; tuple->fake_db.descriptor = &tuple->ft_handle->ft->descriptor; } static void file_map_tuple_destroy(struct file_map_tuple *tuple) { if (tuple->iname) { toku_free(tuple->iname); tuple->iname = NULL; } } // Map filenum to brt struct file_map { OMT filenums; }; // The recovery environment struct recover_env { DB_ENV *env; prepared_txn_callback_t prepared_txn_callback; // at the end of recovery, all the prepared txns are passed back to the ydb layer to make them into valid transactions. keep_cachetable_callback_t keep_cachetable_callback; // after recovery, store the cachetable into the environment. CACHETABLE ct; TOKULOGGER logger; CHECKPOINTER cp; ft_compare_func bt_compare; ft_update_func update_function; generate_row_for_put_func generate_row_for_put; generate_row_for_del_func generate_row_for_del; struct scan_state ss; struct file_map fmap; bool goforward; bool destroy_logger_at_end; // If true then destroy the logger when we are done. If false then set the logger into write-files mode when we are done with recovery.*/ }; typedef struct recover_env *RECOVER_ENV; static void file_map_init(struct file_map *fmap) { int r = toku_omt_create(&fmap->filenums); assert(r == 0); } static void file_map_destroy(struct file_map *fmap) { toku_omt_destroy(&fmap->filenums); } static uint32_t file_map_get_num_dictionaries(struct file_map *fmap) { return toku_omt_size(fmap->filenums); } static void file_map_close_dictionaries(struct file_map *fmap, LSN oplsn) { int r; while (1) { uint32_t n = toku_omt_size(fmap->filenums); if (n == 0) break; OMTVALUE v; r = toku_omt_fetch(fmap->filenums, n-1, &v); assert(r == 0); r = toku_omt_delete_at(fmap->filenums, n-1); assert(r == 0); struct file_map_tuple *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(tuple, v); assert(tuple->ft_handle); // Logging is on again, but we must pass the right LSN into close. if (tuple->ft_handle) { // it's a DB, not a rollback file toku_ft_handle_close_recovery(tuple->ft_handle, oplsn); } file_map_tuple_destroy(tuple); toku_free(tuple); } } static int file_map_h(OMTVALUE omtv, void *v) { struct file_map_tuple *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(a, omtv); FILENUM *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(b, v); if (a->filenum.fileid < b->fileid) return -1; if (a->filenum.fileid > b->fileid) return +1; return 0; } static int file_map_insert (struct file_map *fmap, FILENUM fnum, FT_HANDLE brt, char *iname) { struct file_map_tuple *XMALLOC(tuple); file_map_tuple_init(tuple, fnum, brt, iname); int r = toku_omt_insert(fmap->filenums, tuple, file_map_h, &fnum, NULL); return r; } static void file_map_remove(struct file_map *fmap, FILENUM fnum) { OMTVALUE v; uint32_t idx; int r = toku_omt_find_zero(fmap->filenums, file_map_h, &fnum, &v, &idx); if (r == 0) { struct file_map_tuple *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(tuple, v); r = toku_omt_delete_at(fmap->filenums, idx); file_map_tuple_destroy(tuple); toku_free(tuple); } } // Look up file info: given FILENUM, return file_map_tuple (or DB_NOTFOUND) static int file_map_find(struct file_map *fmap, FILENUM fnum, struct file_map_tuple **file_map_tuple) { OMTVALUE v; uint32_t idx; int r = toku_omt_find_zero(fmap->filenums, file_map_h, &fnum, &v, &idx); if (r == 0) { struct file_map_tuple *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(tuple, v); assert(tuple->filenum.fileid == fnum.fileid); *file_map_tuple = tuple; } else assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); return r; } static int recover_env_init (RECOVER_ENV renv, const char *env_dir, DB_ENV *env, prepared_txn_callback_t prepared_txn_callback, keep_cachetable_callback_t keep_cachetable_callback, TOKULOGGER logger, ft_compare_func bt_compare, ft_update_func update_function, generate_row_for_put_func generate_row_for_put, generate_row_for_del_func generate_row_for_del, size_t cachetable_size) { int r = 0; // If we are passed a logger use it, otherwise create one. renv->destroy_logger_at_end = logger==NULL; if (logger) { renv->logger = logger; } else { r = toku_logger_create(&renv->logger); assert(r == 0); } toku_logger_write_log_files(renv->logger, false); toku_cachetable_create(&renv->ct, cachetable_size ? cachetable_size : 1<<25, (LSN){0}, renv->logger); toku_cachetable_set_env_dir(renv->ct, env_dir); if (keep_cachetable_callback) keep_cachetable_callback(env, renv->ct); toku_logger_set_cachetable(renv->logger, renv->ct); renv->env = env; renv->prepared_txn_callback = prepared_txn_callback; renv->keep_cachetable_callback = keep_cachetable_callback; renv->bt_compare = bt_compare; renv->update_function = update_function; renv->generate_row_for_put = generate_row_for_put; renv->generate_row_for_del = generate_row_for_del; file_map_init(&renv->fmap); renv->goforward = false; renv->cp = toku_cachetable_get_checkpointer(renv->ct); if (tokudb_recovery_trace) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); return r; } static void recover_env_cleanup (RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; assert(toku_omt_size(renv->fmap.filenums)==0); file_map_destroy(&renv->fmap); if (renv->destroy_logger_at_end) { toku_logger_close_rollback(renv->logger); r = toku_logger_close(&renv->logger); assert(r == 0); } else { toku_logger_write_log_files(renv->logger, true); } if (renv->keep_cachetable_callback) { renv->ct = NULL; } else { toku_cachetable_close(&renv->ct); } if (tokudb_recovery_trace) fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__); } static const char *recover_state(RECOVER_ENV renv) { return scan_state_string(&renv->ss); } // Open the file if it is not already open. If it is already open, then do nothing. static int internal_recover_fopen_or_fcreate (RECOVER_ENV renv, bool must_create, int UU(mode), BYTESTRING *bs_iname, FILENUM filenum, uint32_t treeflags, TOKUTXN txn, uint32_t nodesize, uint32_t basementnodesize, enum toku_compression_method compression_method, LSN max_acceptable_lsn) { int r = 0; FT_HANDLE brt = NULL; char *iname = fixup_fname(bs_iname); toku_ft_handle_create(&brt); toku_ft_set_flags(brt, treeflags); if (nodesize != 0) { toku_ft_handle_set_nodesize(brt, nodesize); } if (basementnodesize != 0) { toku_ft_handle_set_basementnodesize(brt, basementnodesize); } if (compression_method != TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD) { toku_ft_handle_set_compression_method(brt, compression_method); } // set the key compare functions if (!(treeflags & TOKU_DB_KEYCMP_BUILTIN) && renv->bt_compare) { toku_ft_set_bt_compare(brt, renv->bt_compare); } if (renv->update_function) { toku_ft_set_update(brt, renv->update_function); } // TODO mode (FUTURE FEATURE) //mode = mode; r = toku_ft_handle_open_recovery(brt, iname, must_create, must_create, renv->ct, txn, filenum, max_acceptable_lsn); if (r != 0) { //Note: If ft_handle_open fails, then close_ft will NOT write a header to disk. //No need to provide lsn, so use the regular toku_ft_handle_close function toku_ft_handle_close(brt); toku_free(iname); if (r == ENOENT) //Not an error to simply be missing. r = 0; return r; } file_map_insert(&renv->fmap, filenum, brt, iname); return 0; } static int toku_recover_begin_checkpoint (struct logtype_begin_checkpoint *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TXN_MANAGER mgr = toku_logger_get_txn_manager(renv->logger); switch (renv->ss.ss) { case FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: assert(l->lsn.lsn == renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_lsn.lsn); invariant(renv->ss.last_xid == TXNID_NONE); renv->ss.last_xid = l->last_xid; toku_txn_manager_set_last_xid_from_recovered_checkpoint(mgr, l->last_xid); r = 0; break; case FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: assert(l->lsn.lsn > renv->ss.checkpoint_end_lsn.lsn); // Verify last_xid is no older than the previous begin invariant(l->last_xid >= renv->ss.last_xid); // Verify last_xid is no older than the newest txn invariant(l->last_xid >= toku_txn_manager_get_last_xid(mgr)); r = 0; // ignore it (log only has a begin checkpoint) break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Tokudb recovery %s: %d Unknown checkpoint state %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)renv->ss.ss); abort(); break; } return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_begin_checkpoint (struct logtype_begin_checkpoint *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; time_t tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery bw_begin_checkpoint at %" PRIu64 " timestamp %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", ctime(&tnow), l->lsn.lsn, l->timestamp, recover_state(renv)); switch (renv->ss.ss) { case BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: // incomplete checkpoint, nothing to do r = 0; break; case BACKWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: assert(l->lsn.lsn == renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_lsn.lsn); renv->ss.ss = FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END; renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_timestamp = l->timestamp; renv->goforward = true; tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery turning around at begin checkpoint %" PRIu64 " time %" PRIu64 "\n", ctime(&tnow), l->lsn.lsn, renv->ss.checkpoint_end_timestamp - renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_timestamp); r = 0; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Tokudb recovery %s: %d Unknown checkpoint state %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)renv->ss.ss); abort(); break; } return r; } static int toku_recover_end_checkpoint (struct logtype_end_checkpoint *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; switch (renv->ss.ss) { case FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: assert(l->lsn_begin_checkpoint.lsn == renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_lsn.lsn); assert(l->lsn.lsn == renv->ss.checkpoint_end_lsn.lsn); assert(l->num_fassociate_entries == renv->ss.checkpoint_num_fassociate); assert(l->num_xstillopen_entries == renv->ss.checkpoint_num_xstillopen); renv->ss.ss = FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END; r = 0; break; case FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: assert(0); return 0; default: assert(0); return 0; } return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_end_checkpoint (struct logtype_end_checkpoint *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { time_t tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery bw_end_checkpoint at %" PRIu64 " timestamp %" PRIu64 " xid %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", ctime(&tnow), l->lsn.lsn, l->timestamp, l->lsn_begin_checkpoint.lsn, recover_state(renv)); switch (renv->ss.ss) { case BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: renv->ss.ss = BACKWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END; renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_lsn.lsn = l->lsn_begin_checkpoint.lsn; renv->ss.checkpoint_end_lsn.lsn = l->lsn.lsn; renv->ss.checkpoint_end_timestamp = l->timestamp; return 0; case BACKWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: fprintf(stderr, "Tokudb recovery %s:%d Should not see two end_checkpoint log entries without an intervening begin_checkpoint\n", __FILE__, __LINE__); abort(); default: break; } fprintf(stderr, "Tokudb recovery %s: %d Unknown checkpoint state %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, (int)renv->ss.ss); abort(); } static int toku_recover_fassociate (struct logtype_fassociate *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; int r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); char *fname = fixup_fname(&l->iname); switch (renv->ss.ss) { case FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: renv->ss.checkpoint_num_fassociate++; assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); //Not open // Open it if it exists. // If rollback file, specify which checkpointed version of file we need (not just the latest) // because we cannot use a rollback log that is later than the last complete checkpoint. See #3113. { bool rollback_file = (0==strcmp(fname, toku_product_name_strings.rollback_cachefile)); LSN max_acceptable_lsn = MAX_LSN; if (rollback_file) { max_acceptable_lsn = renv->ss.checkpoint_begin_lsn; FT_HANDLE t; toku_ft_handle_create(&t); r = toku_ft_handle_open_recovery(t, toku_product_name_strings.rollback_cachefile, false, false, renv->ct, (TOKUTXN)NULL, l->filenum, max_acceptable_lsn); renv->logger->rollback_cachefile = t->ft->cf; toku_logger_initialize_rollback_cache(renv->logger, t->ft); } else { r = internal_recover_fopen_or_fcreate(renv, false, 0, &l->iname, l->filenum, l->treeflags, NULL, 0, 0, TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD, max_acceptable_lsn); assert(r==0); } } // try to open the file again and if we get it, restore // the unlink on close bit. int ret; ret = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (ret == 0 && l->unlink_on_close) { toku_cachefile_unlink_on_close(tuple->ft_handle->ft->cf); } break; case FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: if (r == 0) { //IF it is open // assert that the filenum maps to the correct iname assert(strcmp(fname, tuple->iname) == 0); } r = 0; break; default: assert(0); return 0; } toku_free(fname); return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_fassociate (struct logtype_fassociate *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int recover_transaction(TOKUTXN *txnp, TXNID_PAIR xid, TXNID_PAIR parentxid, TOKULOGGER logger) { int r; // lookup the parent TOKUTXN parent = NULL; if (!txn_pair_is_none(parentxid)) { toku_txnid2txn(logger, parentxid, &parent); assert(parent!=NULL); } else { invariant(xid.child_id64 == TXNID_NONE); } // create a transaction and bind it to the transaction id TOKUTXN txn = NULL; { //Verify it does not yet exist. toku_txnid2txn(logger, xid, &txn); assert(txn==NULL); } r = toku_txn_begin_with_xid( parent, &txn, logger, xid, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE, NULL, true, // for_recovery false // read_only ); assert(r == 0); // We only know about it because it was logged. Restore the log bit. // Logging is 'off' but it will still set the bit. toku_maybe_log_begin_txn_for_write_operation(txn); if (txnp) *txnp = txn; return 0; } static int recover_xstillopen_internal (TOKUTXN *txnp, LSN UU(lsn), TXNID_PAIR xid, TXNID_PAIR parentxid, uint64_t rollentry_raw_count, FILENUMS open_filenums, bool force_fsync_on_commit, uint64_t num_rollback_nodes, uint64_t num_rollentries, BLOCKNUM spilled_rollback_head, BLOCKNUM spilled_rollback_tail, BLOCKNUM current_rollback, uint32_t UU(crc), uint32_t UU(len), RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; *txnp = NULL; switch (renv->ss.ss) { case FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: { renv->ss.checkpoint_num_xstillopen++; invariant(renv->ss.last_xid != TXNID_NONE); invariant(xid.parent_id64 <= renv->ss.last_xid); TOKUTXN txn = NULL; { //Create the transaction. r = recover_transaction(&txn, xid, parentxid, renv->logger); assert(r==0); assert(txn!=NULL); *txnp = txn; } { //Recover rest of transaction. #define COPY_TO_INFO(field) .field = field struct txninfo info = { COPY_TO_INFO(rollentry_raw_count), .num_fts = 0, //Set afterwards .open_fts = NULL, //Set afterwards COPY_TO_INFO(force_fsync_on_commit), COPY_TO_INFO(num_rollback_nodes), COPY_TO_INFO(num_rollentries), COPY_TO_INFO(spilled_rollback_head), COPY_TO_INFO(spilled_rollback_tail), COPY_TO_INFO(current_rollback) }; #undef COPY_TO_INFO //Generate open_fts FT array[open_filenums.num]; //Allocate maximum possible requirement info.open_fts = array; uint32_t i; for (i = 0; i < open_filenums.num; i++) { //open_filenums.filenums[] struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, open_filenums.filenums[i], &tuple); if (r==0) { info.open_fts[info.num_fts++] = tuple->ft_handle->ft; } else { assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); } } r = toku_txn_load_txninfo(txn, &info); assert(r==0); } break; } case FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: { // assert that the transaction exists TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, xid, &txn); r = 0; *txnp = txn; break; } default: assert(0); return 0; } return r; } static int toku_recover_xstillopen (struct logtype_xstillopen *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { TOKUTXN txn; return recover_xstillopen_internal (&txn, l->lsn, l->xid, l->parentxid, l->rollentry_raw_count, l->open_filenums, l->force_fsync_on_commit, l->num_rollback_nodes, l->num_rollentries, l->spilled_rollback_head, l->spilled_rollback_tail, l->current_rollback, l->crc, l->len, renv); } static int toku_recover_xstillopenprepared (struct logtype_xstillopenprepared *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { TOKUTXN txn; int r = recover_xstillopen_internal (&txn, l->lsn, l->xid, TXNID_PAIR_NONE, l->rollentry_raw_count, l->open_filenums, l->force_fsync_on_commit, l->num_rollback_nodes, l->num_rollentries, l->spilled_rollback_head, l->spilled_rollback_tail, l->current_rollback, l->crc, l->len, renv); if (r != 0) { goto exit; } switch (renv->ss.ss) { case FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END: { toku_txn_prepare_txn(txn, l->xa_xid); break; } case FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END: { assert(txn->state == TOKUTXN_PREPARING); break; } default: { assert(0); } } exit: return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_xstillopen (struct logtype_xstillopen *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_xstillopenprepared (struct logtype_xstillopenprepared *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_xbegin (struct logtype_xbegin *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; r = recover_transaction(NULL, l->xid, l->parentxid, renv->logger); return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_xbegin (struct logtype_xbegin *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_xcommit (struct logtype_xcommit *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { // find the transaction by transaction id TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); // commit the transaction int r = toku_txn_commit_with_lsn(txn, true, l->lsn, NULL, NULL); assert(r == 0); // close the transaction toku_txn_close_txn(txn); return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_xcommit (struct logtype_xcommit *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_xprepare (struct logtype_xprepare *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { // find the transaction by transaction id TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); // Save the transaction toku_txn_prepare_txn(txn, l->xa_xid); return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_xprepare (struct logtype_xprepare *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_xabort (struct logtype_xabort *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; // find the transaction by transaction id TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); // abort the transaction r = toku_txn_abort_with_lsn(txn, l->lsn, NULL, NULL); assert(r == 0); // close the transaction toku_txn_close_txn(txn); return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_xabort (struct logtype_xabort *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } // fcreate is like fopen except that the file must be created. static int toku_recover_fcreate (struct logtype_fcreate *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); // assert that filenum is closed struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); assert(txn!=NULL); //unlink if it exists (recreate from scratch). char *iname = fixup_fname(&l->iname); char *iname_in_cwd = toku_cachetable_get_fname_in_cwd(renv->ct, iname); r = unlink(iname_in_cwd); if (r != 0) { int er = get_error_errno(); if (er != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "Tokudb recovery %s:%d unlink %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, iname, er); toku_free(iname); return r; } } assert(0!=strcmp(iname, toku_product_name_strings.rollback_cachefile)); //Creation of rollback cachefile never gets logged. toku_free(iname_in_cwd); toku_free(iname); bool must_create = true; r = internal_recover_fopen_or_fcreate(renv, must_create, l->mode, &l->iname, l->filenum, l->treeflags, txn, l->nodesize, l->basementnodesize, (enum toku_compression_method) l->compression_method, MAX_LSN); return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_fcreate (struct logtype_fcreate *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_fopen (struct logtype_fopen *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; // assert that filenum is closed struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); bool must_create = false; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; char *fname = fixup_fname(&l->iname); assert(0!=strcmp(fname, toku_product_name_strings.rollback_cachefile)); //Rollback cachefile can be opened only via fassociate. r = internal_recover_fopen_or_fcreate(renv, must_create, 0, &l->iname, l->filenum, l->treeflags, txn, 0, 0, TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD, MAX_LSN); toku_free(fname); return r; } static int toku_recover_backward_fopen (struct logtype_fopen *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_change_fdescriptor (struct logtype_change_fdescriptor *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r==0) { TOKUTXN txn = NULL; //Maybe do the descriptor (lsn filter) toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); DBT old_descriptor, new_descriptor; toku_fill_dbt( &old_descriptor, l->old_descriptor.data, l->old_descriptor.len ); toku_fill_dbt( &new_descriptor, l->new_descriptor.data, l->new_descriptor.len ); toku_ft_change_descriptor( tuple->ft_handle, &old_descriptor, &new_descriptor, false, txn, l->update_cmp_descriptor ); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_change_fdescriptor (struct logtype_change_fdescriptor *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { return 0; } // if file referred to in l is open, close it static int toku_recover_fclose (struct logtype_fclose *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; int r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r == 0) { // if file is open char *iname = fixup_fname(&l->iname); assert(strcmp(tuple->iname, iname) == 0); // verify that file_map has same iname as log entry if (0!=strcmp(iname, toku_product_name_strings.rollback_cachefile)) { //Rollback cachefile is closed manually at end of recovery, not here toku_ft_handle_close_recovery(tuple->ft_handle, l->lsn); } file_map_remove(&renv->fmap, l->filenum); toku_free(iname); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_fclose (struct logtype_fclose *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } // fdelete is a transactional file delete. static int toku_recover_fdelete (struct logtype_fdelete *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn != NULL); // if the forward scan in recovery found this file and opened it, we // need to mark the txn to remove the ft on commit. if the file was // not found and not opened, we don't need to do anything - the ft // is already gone, so we're happy. struct file_map_tuple *tuple; int r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r == 0) { toku_ft_unlink_on_commit(tuple->ft_handle, txn); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_fdelete (struct logtype_fdelete *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_insert (struct logtype_enq_insert *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r==0) { //Maybe do the insertion if we found the cachefile. DBT keydbt, valdbt; toku_fill_dbt(&keydbt, l->key.data, l->key.len); toku_fill_dbt(&valdbt, l->value.data, l->value.len); toku_ft_maybe_insert(tuple->ft_handle, &keydbt, &valdbt, txn, true, l->lsn, false, FT_INSERT); toku_txn_maybe_note_ft(txn, tuple->ft_handle->ft); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_insert (struct logtype_enq_insert *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_insert_no_overwrite (struct logtype_enq_insert_no_overwrite *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r==0) { //Maybe do the insertion if we found the cachefile. DBT keydbt, valdbt; toku_fill_dbt(&keydbt, l->key.data, l->key.len); toku_fill_dbt(&valdbt, l->value.data, l->value.len); toku_ft_maybe_insert(tuple->ft_handle, &keydbt, &valdbt, txn, true, l->lsn, false, FT_INSERT_NO_OVERWRITE); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_insert_no_overwrite (struct logtype_enq_insert_no_overwrite *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_delete_any (struct logtype_enq_delete_any *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r==0) { //Maybe do the deletion if we found the cachefile. DBT keydbt; toku_fill_dbt(&keydbt, l->key.data, l->key.len); toku_ft_maybe_delete(tuple->ft_handle, &keydbt, txn, true, l->lsn, false); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_delete_any (struct logtype_enq_delete_any *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_insert_multiple (struct logtype_enq_insert_multiple *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); DB *src_db = NULL; bool do_inserts = true; { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->src_filenum, &tuple); if (l->src_filenum.fileid == FILENUM_NONE.fileid) assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); else { if (r == 0) src_db = &tuple->fake_db; else do_inserts = false; // src file was probably deleted, #3129 } } if (do_inserts) { DBT src_key, src_val, dest_key, dest_val; toku_fill_dbt(&src_key, l->src_key.data, l->src_key.len); toku_fill_dbt(&src_val, l->src_val.data, l->src_val.len); toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_key, DB_DBT_REALLOC); toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_val, DB_DBT_REALLOC); for (uint32_t file = 0; file < l->dest_filenums.num; file++) { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->dest_filenums.filenums[file], &tuple); if (r==0) { // We found the cachefile. (maybe) Do the insert. DB *db = &tuple->fake_db; r = renv->generate_row_for_put(db, src_db, &dest_key, &dest_val, &src_key, &src_val); assert(r==0); toku_ft_maybe_insert(tuple->ft_handle, &dest_key, &dest_val, txn, true, l->lsn, false, FT_INSERT); //flags==0 means generate_row_for_put callback changed it //(and freed any memory necessary to do so) so that values are now stored //in temporary memory that does not need to be freed. We need to continue //using DB_DBT_REALLOC however. if (dest_key.flags == 0) toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_key, DB_DBT_REALLOC); if (dest_val.flags == 0) toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_val, DB_DBT_REALLOC); } } if (dest_key.data) toku_free(dest_key.data); //TODO: #2321 May need windows hack if (dest_val.data) toku_free(dest_val.data); //TODO: #2321 May need windows hack } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_insert_multiple (struct logtype_enq_insert_multiple *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_delete_multiple (struct logtype_enq_delete_multiple *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); DB *src_db = NULL; bool do_deletes = true; { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->src_filenum, &tuple); if (l->src_filenum.fileid == FILENUM_NONE.fileid) assert(r==DB_NOTFOUND); else { if (r == 0) src_db = &tuple->fake_db; else do_deletes = false; // src file was probably deleted, #3129 } } if (do_deletes) { DBT src_key, src_val, dest_key; toku_fill_dbt(&src_key, l->src_key.data, l->src_key.len); toku_fill_dbt(&src_val, l->src_val.data, l->src_val.len); toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_key, DB_DBT_REALLOC); for (uint32_t file = 0; file < l->dest_filenums.num; file++) { struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->dest_filenums.filenums[file], &tuple); if (r==0) { // We found the cachefile. (maybe) Do the delete. DB *db = &tuple->fake_db; r = renv->generate_row_for_del(db, src_db, &dest_key, &src_key, &src_val); assert(r==0); toku_ft_maybe_delete(tuple->ft_handle, &dest_key, txn, true, l->lsn, false); //flags==0 indicates the return values are stored in temporary memory that does //not need to be freed. We need to continue using DB_DBT_REALLOC however. if (dest_key.flags == 0) toku_init_dbt_flags(&dest_key, DB_DBT_REALLOC); } } if (dest_key.flags & DB_DBT_REALLOC && dest_key.data) toku_free(dest_key.data); //TODO: #2321 May need windows hack } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_delete_multiple (struct logtype_enq_delete_multiple *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_update(struct logtype_enq_update *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn != NULL); struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r == 0) { // Maybe do the update if we found the cachefile. DBT key, extra; toku_fill_dbt(&key, l->key.data, l->key.len); toku_fill_dbt(&extra, l->extra.data, l->extra.len); toku_ft_maybe_update(tuple->ft_handle, &key, &extra, txn, true, l->lsn, false); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_enq_updatebroadcast(struct logtype_enq_updatebroadcast *l, RECOVER_ENV renv) { int r; TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn != NULL); struct file_map_tuple *tuple = NULL; r = file_map_find(&renv->fmap, l->filenum, &tuple); if (r == 0) { // Maybe do the update broadcast if we found the cachefile. DBT extra; toku_fill_dbt(&extra, l->extra.data, l->extra.len); toku_ft_maybe_update_broadcast(tuple->ft_handle, &extra, txn, true, l->lsn, false, l->is_resetting_op); } return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_update(struct logtype_enq_update *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_enq_updatebroadcast(struct logtype_enq_updatebroadcast *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_comment (struct logtype_comment *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_comment (struct logtype_comment *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_shutdown_up_to_19 (struct logtype_shutdown_up_to_19 *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_shutdown_up_to_19 (struct logtype_shutdown_up_to_19 *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_shutdown (struct logtype_shutdown *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_shutdown (struct logtype_shutdown *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } static int toku_recover_load(struct logtype_load *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); char *new_iname = fixup_fname(&l->new_iname); toku_ft_load_recovery(txn, l->old_filenum, new_iname, 0, 0, (LSN*)NULL); toku_free(new_iname); return 0; } static int toku_recover_backward_load(struct logtype_load *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } // #2954 static int toku_recover_hot_index(struct logtype_hot_index *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { TOKUTXN txn = NULL; toku_txnid2txn(renv->logger, l->xid, &txn); assert(txn!=NULL); // just make an entry in the rollback log // - set do_log = 0 -> don't write to recovery log toku_ft_hot_index_recovery(txn, l->hot_index_filenums, 0, 0, (LSN*)NULL); return 0; } // #2954 static int toku_recover_backward_hot_index(struct logtype_hot_index *UU(l), RECOVER_ENV UU(renv)) { // nothing return 0; } // Effects: If there are no log files, or if there is a clean "shutdown" at // the end of the log, then we don't need recovery to run. // Returns: true if we need recovery, otherwise false. int tokudb_needs_recovery(const char *log_dir, bool ignore_log_empty) { int needs_recovery; int r; TOKULOGCURSOR logcursor = NULL; r = toku_logcursor_create(&logcursor, log_dir); if (r != 0) { needs_recovery = true; goto exit; } struct log_entry *le; le = NULL; r = toku_logcursor_last(logcursor, &le); if (r == 0) { needs_recovery = le->cmd != LT_shutdown; } else { needs_recovery = !(r == DB_NOTFOUND && ignore_log_empty); } exit: if (logcursor) { r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&logcursor); assert(r == 0); } return needs_recovery; } static uint32_t recover_get_num_live_txns(RECOVER_ENV renv) { return toku_txn_manager_num_live_root_txns(renv->logger->txn_manager); } static int is_txn_unprepared(TOKUTXN txn, void* extra) { TOKUTXN* ptxn = (TOKUTXN *)extra; if (txn->state != TOKUTXN_PREPARING) { *ptxn = txn; return -1; // return -1 to get iterator to return } return 0; } static int find_an_unprepared_txn (RECOVER_ENV renv, TOKUTXN *txnp) { TOKUTXN txn = nullptr; int r = toku_txn_manager_iter_over_live_root_txns( renv->logger->txn_manager, is_txn_unprepared, &txn ); assert(r == 0 || r == -1); if (txn != nullptr) { *txnp = txn; return 0; } return DB_NOTFOUND; } static int call_prepare_txn_callback_iter(TOKUTXN txn, void* extra) { RECOVER_ENV* renv = (RECOVER_ENV *)extra; invariant(txn->state == TOKUTXN_PREPARING); invariant(txn->child == NULL); (*renv)->prepared_txn_callback((*renv)->env, txn); return 0; } static void recover_abort_live_txn(TOKUTXN txn) { // recursively abort all children first if (txn->child != NULL) { recover_abort_live_txn(txn->child); } // sanity check that the recursive call successfully NULLs out txn->child invariant(txn->child == NULL); // abort the transaction int r = toku_txn_abort_txn(txn, NULL, NULL); assert(r == 0); // close the transaction toku_txn_close_txn(txn); } // abort all of the remaining live transactions in descending transaction id order static void recover_abort_all_live_txns(RECOVER_ENV renv) { while (1) { TOKUTXN txn; int r = find_an_unprepared_txn(renv, &txn); if (r==0) { recover_abort_live_txn(txn); } else if (r==DB_NOTFOUND) { break; } else { abort(); } } // Now we have only prepared txns. These prepared txns don't have full DB_TXNs in them, so we need to make some. int r = toku_txn_manager_iter_over_live_root_txns( renv->logger->txn_manager, call_prepare_txn_callback_iter, &renv ); assert_zero(r); } static void recover_trace_le(const char *f, int l, int r, struct log_entry *le) { if (le) { LSN thislsn = toku_log_entry_get_lsn(le); fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d r=%d cmd=%c lsn=%" PRIu64 "\n", f, l, r, le->cmd, thislsn.lsn); } else fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d r=%d cmd=?\n", f, l, r); } // For test purposes only. static void (*recover_callback_fx)(void*) = NULL; static void * recover_callback_args = NULL; static void (*recover_callback2_fx)(void*) = NULL; static void * recover_callback2_args = NULL; static int do_recovery(RECOVER_ENV renv, const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir) { int r; int rr = 0; TOKULOGCURSOR logcursor = NULL; struct log_entry *le = NULL; time_t tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery starting in env %s\n", ctime(&tnow), env_dir); char org_wd[1000]; { char *wd=getcwd(org_wd, sizeof(org_wd)); assert(wd!=0); } r = toku_logger_open(log_dir, renv->logger); assert(r == 0); // grab the last LSN so that it can be restored when the log is restarted LSN lastlsn = toku_logger_last_lsn(renv->logger); LSN thislsn; // there must be at least one log entry r = toku_logcursor_create(&logcursor, log_dir); assert(r == 0); r = toku_logcursor_last(logcursor, &le); if (r != 0) { if (tokudb_recovery_trace) fprintf(stderr, "RUNRECOVERY: %s:%d r=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r); rr = DB_RUNRECOVERY; goto errorexit; } r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&logcursor); assert(r == 0); r = toku_logcursor_create(&logcursor, log_dir); assert(r == 0); { toku_struct_stat buf; if (toku_stat(env_dir, &buf)!=0) { rr = get_error_errno(); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery error: directory does not exist: %s\n", ctime(&tnow), env_dir); goto errorexit; } else if (!S_ISDIR(buf.st_mode)) { fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery error: this file is supposed to be a directory, but is not: %s\n", ctime(&tnow), env_dir); rr = ENOTDIR; goto errorexit; } } // scan backwards scan_state_init(&renv->ss); tnow = time(NULL); time_t tlast; tlast = tnow; fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery scanning backward from %" PRIu64 "\n", ctime(&tnow), lastlsn.lsn); for (unsigned i=0; 1; i++) { // get the previous log entry (first time gets the last one) le = NULL; r = toku_logcursor_prev(logcursor, &le); if (tokudb_recovery_trace) recover_trace_le(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r, le); if (r != 0) { if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) break; rr = DB_RUNRECOVERY; goto errorexit; } // trace progress if ((i % 1000) == 0) { tnow = time(NULL); if (tnow - tlast >= TOKUDB_RECOVERY_PROGRESS_TIME) { thislsn = toku_log_entry_get_lsn(le); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery scanning backward from %" PRIu64 " at %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", ctime(&tnow), lastlsn.lsn, thislsn.lsn, recover_state(renv)); tlast = tnow; } } // dispatch the log entry handler assert(renv->ss.ss == BACKWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END || renv->ss.ss == BACKWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END); logtype_dispatch_assign(le, toku_recover_backward_, r, renv); if (tokudb_recovery_trace) recover_trace_le(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r, le); if (r != 0) { if (tokudb_recovery_trace) fprintf(stderr, "DB_RUNRECOVERY: %s:%d r=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r); rr = DB_RUNRECOVERY; goto errorexit; } if (renv->goforward) break; } // run first callback if (recover_callback_fx) recover_callback_fx(recover_callback_args); // scan forwards assert(le); thislsn = toku_log_entry_get_lsn(le); tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery starts scanning forward to %" PRIu64 " from %" PRIu64 " left %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", ctime(&tnow), lastlsn.lsn, thislsn.lsn, lastlsn.lsn - thislsn.lsn, recover_state(renv)); for (unsigned i=0; 1; i++) { // trace progress if ((i % 1000) == 0) { tnow = time(NULL); if (tnow - tlast >= TOKUDB_RECOVERY_PROGRESS_TIME) { thislsn = toku_log_entry_get_lsn(le); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery scanning forward to %" PRIu64 " at %" PRIu64 " left %" PRIu64 " (%s)\n", ctime(&tnow), lastlsn.lsn, thislsn.lsn, lastlsn.lsn - thislsn.lsn, recover_state(renv)); tlast = tnow; } } // dispatch the log entry handler (first time calls the forward handler for the log entry at the turnaround assert(renv->ss.ss == FORWARD_BETWEEN_CHECKPOINT_BEGIN_END || renv->ss.ss == FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END); logtype_dispatch_assign(le, toku_recover_, r, renv); if (tokudb_recovery_trace) recover_trace_le(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r, le); if (r != 0) { if (tokudb_recovery_trace) fprintf(stderr, "DB_RUNRECOVERY: %s:%d r=%d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r); rr = DB_RUNRECOVERY; goto errorexit; } // get the next log entry le = NULL; r = toku_logcursor_next(logcursor, &le); if (tokudb_recovery_trace) recover_trace_le(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, r, le); if (r != 0) { if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) break; rr = DB_RUNRECOVERY; goto errorexit; } } // verify the final recovery state assert(renv->ss.ss == FORWARD_NEWER_CHECKPOINT_END); r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&logcursor); assert(r == 0); // run second callback if (recover_callback2_fx) recover_callback2_fx(recover_callback2_args); // restart logging toku_logger_restart(renv->logger, lastlsn); // abort the live transactions { uint32_t n = recover_get_num_live_txns(renv); if (n > 0) { tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery has %" PRIu32 " live transaction%s\n", ctime(&tnow), n, n > 1 ? "s" : ""); } } recover_abort_all_live_txns(renv); { uint32_t n = recover_get_num_live_txns(renv); if (n > 0) { tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery has %" PRIu32 " prepared transaction%s\n", ctime(&tnow), n, n > 1 ? "s" : ""); } } // close the open dictionaries uint32_t n; n = file_map_get_num_dictionaries(&renv->fmap); if (n > 0) { tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery closing %" PRIu32 " dictionar%s\n", ctime(&tnow), n, n > 1 ? "ies" : "y"); } file_map_close_dictionaries(&renv->fmap, lastlsn); { // write a recovery log entry BYTESTRING recover_comment = { static_cast(strlen("recover")), (char *) "recover" }; toku_log_comment(renv->logger, NULL, true, 0, recover_comment); } // checkpoint tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery making a checkpoint\n", ctime(&tnow)); r = toku_checkpoint(renv->cp, renv->logger, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, RECOVERY_CHECKPOINT); assert(r == 0); tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery done\n", ctime(&tnow)); return 0; errorexit: tnow = time(NULL); fprintf(stderr, "%.24s Tokudb recovery failed %d\n", ctime(&tnow), rr); if (logcursor) { r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&logcursor); assert(r == 0); } return rr; } int toku_recover_lock(const char *lock_dir, int *lockfd) { int e = toku_single_process_lock(lock_dir, "recovery", lockfd); if (e != 0 && e != ENOENT) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't run recovery because some other process holds the recovery lock\n"); } return e; } int toku_recover_unlock(int lockfd) { int lockfd_copy = lockfd; return toku_single_process_unlock(&lockfd_copy); } int tokudb_recover(DB_ENV *env, prepared_txn_callback_t prepared_txn_callback, keep_cachetable_callback_t keep_cachetable_callback, TOKULOGGER logger, const char *env_dir, const char *log_dir, ft_compare_func bt_compare, ft_update_func update_function, generate_row_for_put_func generate_row_for_put, generate_row_for_del_func generate_row_for_del, size_t cachetable_size) { int r; int lockfd = -1; r = toku_recover_lock(log_dir, &lockfd); if (r != 0) return r; int rr = 0; if (tokudb_needs_recovery(log_dir, false)) { struct recover_env renv; r = recover_env_init(&renv, env_dir, env, prepared_txn_callback, keep_cachetable_callback, logger, bt_compare, update_function, generate_row_for_put, generate_row_for_del, cachetable_size); assert(r == 0); rr = do_recovery(&renv, env_dir, log_dir); recover_env_cleanup(&renv); } r = toku_recover_unlock(lockfd); if (r != 0) return r; return rr; } // Return 0 if recovery log exists, ENOENT if log is missing int tokudb_recover_log_exists(const char * log_dir) { int r; TOKULOGCURSOR logcursor; r = toku_logcursor_create(&logcursor, log_dir); if (r == 0) { int rclose; r = toku_logcursor_log_exists(logcursor); // return ENOENT if no log rclose = toku_logcursor_destroy(&logcursor); assert(rclose == 0); } else r = ENOENT; return r; } void toku_recover_set_callback (void (*callback_fx)(void*), void* callback_args) { recover_callback_fx = callback_fx; recover_callback_args = callback_args; } void toku_recover_set_callback2 (void (*callback_fx)(void*), void* callback_args) { recover_callback2_fx = callback_fx; recover_callback2_args = callback_args; }