/* Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Kentoku Shiba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_xa" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_XA_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_MEMBER_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_xa_member" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_MEMBER_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_XA_MEMBER_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_tables" #define SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_link_mon_servers" #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_link_failed_log" #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_LINK_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_STR "spider_xa_failed_log" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_LEN (sizeof(SPIDER_SYS_XA_FAILED_TABLE_NAME_STR) - 1) #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_PREPARED_STR "PREPARED" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_NOT_YET_STR "NOT YET" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_COMMIT_STR "COMMIT" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_ROLLBACK_STR "ROLLBACK" #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_COL_CNT 5 #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_PK_COL_CNT 3 #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_IDX1_COL_CNT 1 #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_MEMBER_COL_CNT 18 #define SPIDER_SYS_XA_MEMBER_PK_COL_CNT 6 #define SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_COL_CNT 22 #define SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_PK_COL_CNT 2 #define SPIDER_SYS_TABLES_IDX1_COL_CNT 1 #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_COL_CNT 19 #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_DB_NAME_SIZE 64 #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_TABLE_NAME_SIZE 64 #define SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_LINK_ID_SIZE 10 class SPIDER_MON_KEY: public SPIDER_SORT { public: char db_name[SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_DB_NAME_SIZE + 1]; char table_name[SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_TABLE_NAME_SIZE + 1]; char link_id[SPIDER_SYS_LINK_MON_TABLE_LINK_ID_SIZE + 1]; uint db_name_length; uint table_name_length; uint link_id_length; }; #if MYSQL_VERSION_ID < 50500 TABLE *spider_open_sys_table( THD *thd, const char *table_name, int table_name_length, bool write, Open_tables_state *open_tables_backup, bool need_lock, int *error_num ); void spider_close_sys_table( THD *thd, TABLE *table, Open_tables_state *open_tables_backup, bool need_lock ); #else TABLE *spider_open_sys_table( THD *thd, const char *table_name, int table_name_length, bool write, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_backup, bool need_lock, int *error_num ); void spider_close_sys_table( THD *thd, TABLE *table, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_backup, bool need_lock ); bool spider_sys_open_tables( THD *thd, TABLE_LIST **tables, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_backup ); TABLE *spider_sys_open_table( THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_backup ); void spider_sys_close_table( THD *thd, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_backup ); #endif int spider_sys_index_init( TABLE *table, uint idx, bool sorted ); int spider_sys_index_end( TABLE *table ); int spider_sys_rnd_init( TABLE *table, bool scan ); int spider_sys_rnd_end( TABLE *table ); int spider_check_sys_table( TABLE *table, char *table_key ); int spider_check_sys_table_with_find_flag( TABLE *table, char *table_key, enum ha_rkey_function find_flag ); int spider_get_sys_table_by_idx( TABLE *table, char *table_key, const int idx, const int col_count ); int spider_sys_index_next_same( TABLE *table, char *table_key ); int spider_sys_index_first( TABLE *table, const int idx ); int spider_sys_index_next( TABLE *table ); void spider_store_xa_pk( TABLE *table, XID *xid ); void spider_store_xa_bqual_length( TABLE *table, XID *xid ); void spider_store_xa_status( TABLE *table, const char *status ); void spider_store_xa_member_pk( TABLE *table, XID *xid, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); void spider_store_xa_member_info( TABLE *table, XID *xid, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); void spider_store_tables_name( TABLE *table, const char *name, const uint name_length ); void spider_store_db_and_table_name( TABLE *table, const char *db_name, const uint db_name_length, const char *table_name, const uint table_name_length ); void spider_store_tables_link_idx( TABLE *table, int link_idx ); void spider_store_tables_link_idx_str( TABLE *table, const char *link_idx, const uint link_idx_length ); void spider_store_tables_priority( TABLE *table, longlong priority ); void spider_store_tables_connect_info( TABLE *table, SPIDER_ALTER_TABLE *alter_table, int link_idx ); void spider_store_tables_link_status( TABLE *table, long link_status ); void spider_store_link_chk_server_id( TABLE *table, uint32 server_id ); int spider_insert_xa( TABLE *table, XID *xid, const char *status ); int spider_insert_xa_member( TABLE *table, XID *xid, SPIDER_CONN *conn ); int spider_insert_tables( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share ); int spider_log_tables_link_failed( TABLE *table, char *name, uint name_length, int link_idx ); int spider_log_xa_failed( THD *thd, TABLE *table, XID *xid, SPIDER_CONN *conn, const char *status ); int spider_update_xa( TABLE *table, XID *xid, const char *status ); int spider_update_tables_name( TABLE *table, const char *from, const char *to, int *old_link_count ); int spider_update_tables_priority( TABLE *table, SPIDER_ALTER_TABLE *alter_table, const char *name, int *old_link_count ); int spider_update_tables_link_status( TABLE *table, char *name, uint name_length, int link_idx, long link_status ); int spider_delete_xa( TABLE *table, XID *xid ); int spider_delete_xa_member( TABLE *table, XID *xid ); int spider_delete_tables( TABLE *table, const char *name, int *old_link_count ); int spider_get_sys_xid( TABLE *table, XID *xid, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_server_info( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share, int link_idx, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_check_sys_xa_status( TABLE *table, const char *status1, const char *status2, const char *status3, const int check_error_num, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_tables( TABLE *table, char **db_name, char **table_name, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_tables_connect_info( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share, int link_idx, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_tables_link_status( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share, int link_idx, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_tables_link_idx( TABLE *table, int *link_idx, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_sys_update_tables_link_status( THD *thd, char *name, uint name_length, int link_idx, long link_status, bool need_lock ); int spider_sys_log_tables_link_failed( THD *thd, char *name, uint name_length, int link_idx, bool need_lock ); int spider_sys_log_xa_failed( THD *thd, XID *xid, SPIDER_CONN *conn, const char *status, bool need_lock ); int spider_get_sys_link_mon_key( TABLE *table, SPIDER_MON_KEY *mon_key, MEM_ROOT *mem_root, int *same ); int spider_get_sys_link_mon_server_id( TABLE *table, uint32 *server_id, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_sys_link_mon_connect_info( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share, int link_idx, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_get_link_statuses( TABLE *table, SPIDER_SHARE *share, MEM_ROOT *mem_root ); int spider_sys_replace( TABLE *table, bool *modified_non_trans_table ); TABLE *spider_mk_sys_tmp_table( THD *thd, TABLE *table, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_tbl_prm, const char *field_name, CHARSET_INFO *cs ); void spider_rm_sys_tmp_table( THD *thd, TABLE *tmp_table, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_tbl_prm ); TABLE *spider_mk_sys_tmp_table_for_result( THD *thd, TABLE *table, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_tbl_prm, const char *field_name1, const char *field_name2, const char *field_name3, CHARSET_INFO *cs ); void spider_rm_sys_tmp_table_for_result( THD *thd, TABLE *tmp_table, TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_tbl_prm );