/* Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Kentoku Shiba This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_NUM 12501 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_STR "The connect info '%-.64s' is invalid" #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_TOO_LONG_NUM 12502 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_TOO_LONG_STR "The connect info '%-.64s' for %s is too long" #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_UDF_PARAM_NUM 12503 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_UDF_PARAM_STR "The UDF parameter '%-.64s' is invalid" #define ER_SPIDER_DIFFERENT_LINK_COUNT_NUM 12504 #define ER_SPIDER_DIFFERENT_LINK_COUNT_STR "Different multiple table link parameter's count" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PARAM_TOO_LONG_NUM 12505 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PARAM_TOO_LONG_STR "The UDF parameter '%-.64s' is too long" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PARAM_REQIRED_NUM 12506 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PARAM_REQIRED_STR "The UDF parameter '%-.64s' is required" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_USE_IF_OPEN_TABLE_NUM 12507 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_USE_IF_OPEN_TABLE_STR "This UDF can't execute if other tables are opened" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_USE_IF_OPEN_TABLE_STR_WITH_NUM "This UDF can't execute if other tables are opened '%s'=%lld" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_USE_IF_OPEN_TABLE_STR_WITH_PTR "This UDF can't execute if other tables are opened '%s'=%p" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_NO_SERVER_ID_NUM 12508 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_NO_SERVER_ID_STR "Current server_id is not exist" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_DIFFERENT_MON_NUM 12509 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_PING_TABLE_DIFFERENT_MON_STR "Monitor count is different" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_OK_NUM 12510 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_OK_STR "Table '%s.%s' get a problem, but mon is OK" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_NG_NUM 12511 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_NG_STR "Table '%s.%s' get a problem" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_DRAW_FEW_MON_NUM 12512 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_DRAW_FEW_MON_STR "Can not judge by enough monitor for table '%s.%s'" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_DRAW_NUM 12513 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_DRAW_STR "Can not judge status for table '%s.%s'" #define ER_SPIDER_ALL_LINKS_FAILED_NUM 12514 #define ER_SPIDER_ALL_LINKS_FAILED_STR "All links of '%s.%s' are failed" #define ER_SPIDER_TMP_TABLE_MON_NUM 12515 #define ER_SPIDER_TMP_TABLE_MON_STR "Can't use monitor by temporary table" #define ER_SPIDER_MON_AT_ALTER_TABLE_NUM 12516 #define ER_SPIDER_MON_AT_ALTER_TABLE_STR "Got an error in alter or drop table" #define ER_SPIDER_BLANK_UDF_ARGUMENT_NUM 12517 #define ER_SPIDER_BLANK_UDF_ARGUMENT_STR "The UDF no.%d argument can't be blank" #define ER_SPIDER_READ_ONLY_NUM 12518 #define ER_SPIDER_READ_ONLY_STR "Table '%s.%s' is read only" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_IS_FAILOVER_NUM 12519 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_IS_FAILOVER_STR "A link is fail-overed" #define ER_SPIDER_AUTOINC_VAL_IS_DIFFERENT_NUM 12520 #define ER_SPIDER_AUTOINC_VAL_IS_DIFFERENT_STR "Binlog's auto-inc value is probably different from linked table's auto-inc value" #define ER_SPIDER_SQL_WRAPPER_IS_INVALID_NUM 12521 #define ER_SPIDER_SQL_WRAPPER_IS_INVALID_STR "Can't use wrapper '%s' for SQL connection" #define ER_SPIDER_NOSQL_WRAPPER_IS_INVALID_NUM 12522 #define ER_SPIDER_NOSQL_WRAPPER_IS_INVALID_STR "Can't use wrapper '%s' for NOSQL connection" #define ER_SPIDER_REQUEST_KEY_NUM 12523 #define ER_SPIDER_REQUEST_KEY_STR "Request key not found" #define ER_SPIDER_CANT_OPEN_SYS_TABLE_NUM 12524 #define ER_SPIDER_CANT_OPEN_SYS_TABLE_STR "Can't open system table %s.%s" #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_JUST_NG_NUM 12525 #define ER_SPIDER_LINK_MON_JUST_NG_STR "Table '%s.%s' just got a problem" #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_START_WITH_NUM_NUM 12526 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_START_WITH_NUM_STR "The connect info '%-.64s' for %s cannot start with number" #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_SAME_NUM 12527 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_CONNECT_INFO_SAME_STR "The connect info '%-.64s' for %s cannot use same name in same table" #define ER_SPIDER_CANT_USE_BOTH_INNER_XA_AND_SNAPSHOT_NUM 12601 #define ER_SPIDER_CANT_USE_BOTH_INNER_XA_AND_SNAPSHOT_STR "Can't use both spider_use_consistent_snapshot = 1 and spider_internal_xa = 1" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_LOCKED_NUM 12602 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_LOCKED_STR "This xid is now locked" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_NOT_PREPARED_NUM 12603 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_NOT_PREPARED_STR "This xid is not prepared" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_PREPARED_NUM 12604 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_PREPARED_STR "This xid is prepared" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_EXISTS_NUM 12605 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_EXISTS_STR "This xid is already exist" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_MEMBER_EXISTS_NUM 12606 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_MEMBER_EXISTS_STR "This xid member is already exist" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_NOT_EXISTS_NUM 12607 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_NOT_EXISTS_STR "This xid is not exist" #define ER_SPIDER_XA_MEMBER_NOT_EXISTS_NUM 12608 #define ER_SPIDER_XA_MEMBER_NOT_EXISTS_STR "This xid member is not exist" #define ER_SPIDER_SYS_TABLE_VERSION_NUM 12609 #define ER_SPIDER_SYS_TABLE_VERSION_STR "System table %s is different version" #define ER_SPIDER_WRONG_CHARACTER_IN_NAME_NUM 12611 #define ER_SPIDER_WRONG_CHARACTER_IN_NAME_STR "Wrong character in name string" #define ER_SPIDER_LOW_MEM_READ_PREV_NUM 12621 #define ER_SPIDER_LOW_MEM_READ_PREV_STR "Can't use this operation at low mem read mode" #define ER_SPIDER_ALTER_BEFORE_UNLOCK_NUM 12622 #define ER_SPIDER_ALTER_BEFORE_UNLOCK_STR "Can't use this operation before executing 'unlock tables'" #define ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_SERVER_GONE_AWAY_NUM 12701 #define ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_SERVER_GONE_AWAY_STR "Remote MySQL server has gone away" #define ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_SERVER_GONE_AWAY_LEN (sizeof(ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_SERVER_GONE_AWAY_STR) - 1) #define ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_NUM 12702 #define ER_SPIDER_REMOTE_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_STR "Remote table '%s.%s' is not found" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_TMP_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_NUM 12703 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_TMP_TABLE_NOT_FOUND_STR "Temporary table '%s.%s' is not found" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_SRC_NOT_FOUND_NUM 12704 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_SRC_NOT_FOUND_STR "Source table is not found" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_DST_NOT_FOUND_NUM 12705 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_DST_NOT_FOUND_STR "Destination table is not found" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_SRC_NG_STATUS_NUM 12706 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_SRC_NG_STATUS_STR "Source table is NG status" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_DST_NG_STATUS_NUM 12707 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_DST_NG_STATUS_STR "Destination table is NG status" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_OPEN_TABLE_NUM 12708 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_CANT_OPEN_TABLE_STR "Can't open table %s.%s" #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_NEED_PK_NUM 12709 #define ER_SPIDER_UDF_COPY_TABLE_NEED_PK_STR "Table %s.%s needs PK for copying" #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_REMOTE_TABLE_INFO_NUM 12710 #define ER_SPIDER_INVALID_REMOTE_TABLE_INFO_STR "Invalid information from remote table '%s.%s'" #define ER_SPIDER_HS_STR "Error from HS %d %s" #define ER_SPIDER_HS_NUM 12711 #define ER_SPIDER_ORACLE_STR "Error from Oracle %d %d %s" #define ER_SPIDER_ORACLE_NUM 12712 #define ER_SPIDER_ORACLE_ERR "Oracle error" #define ER_SPIDER_CON_COUNT_ERROR 12713 #define ER_SPIDER_CON_COUNT_ERROR_STR "Too many connections between spider and remote" #define ER_SPIDER_TABLE_OPEN_TIMEOUT_NUM 12714 #define ER_SPIDER_TABLE_OPEN_TIMEOUT_STR "Table %s.%s open timeout" #define ER_SPIDER_COND_SKIP_NUM 12801 #define ER_SPIDER_UNKNOWN_NUM 12500 #define ER_SPIDER_UNKNOWN_STR "unknown" #define ER_SPIDER_UNKNOWN_LEN (sizeof(ER_SPIDER_UNKNOWN_STR) - 1)