/* Copyright (c) 2016, Facebook, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301 USA */ #pragma once /* MySQL header files */ #include "../sql/log.h" #include "./handler.h" /* handler */ #include "./my_global.h" /* ulonglong */ /* C++ standard header files */ #include <queue> #include <set> #include <vector> /* RocksDB header files */ #include "rocksdb/db.h" /* MyRocks header files */ #include "./rdb_comparator.h" namespace myrocks { /* Length of delimiters used during inplace index creation. */ #define RDB_MERGE_CHUNK_LEN sizeof(size_t) #define RDB_MERGE_REC_DELIMITER sizeof(size_t) #define RDB_MERGE_KEY_DELIMITER RDB_MERGE_REC_DELIMITER #define RDB_MERGE_VAL_DELIMITER RDB_MERGE_REC_DELIMITER class Rdb_key_def; class Rdb_tbl_def; class Rdb_index_merge { Rdb_index_merge(const Rdb_index_merge &p) = delete; Rdb_index_merge &operator=(const Rdb_index_merge &p) = delete; public: /* Information about temporary files used in external merge sort */ struct merge_file_info { File m_fd = -1; /* file descriptor */ ulong m_num_sort_buffers = 0; /* number of sort buffers in temp file */ }; /* Buffer for sorting in main memory. */ struct merge_buf_info { /* heap memory allocated for main memory sort/merge */ std::unique_ptr<uchar[]> m_block; const ulonglong m_block_len; /* amount of data bytes allocated for block above */ ulonglong m_curr_offset; /* offset of the record pointer for the block */ ulonglong m_disk_start_offset; /* where the chunk starts on disk */ ulonglong m_disk_curr_offset; /* current offset on disk */ ulonglong m_total_size; /* total # of data bytes in chunk */ void store_key_value(const rocksdb::Slice &key, const rocksdb::Slice &val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); void store_slice(const rocksdb::Slice &slice) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); size_t prepare(File fd, ulonglong f_offset) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); int read_next_chunk_from_disk(File fd) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); inline bool is_chunk_finished() const { return m_curr_offset + m_disk_curr_offset - m_disk_start_offset == m_total_size; } inline bool has_space(uint64 needed) const { return m_curr_offset + needed <= m_block_len; } explicit merge_buf_info(const ulonglong merge_block_size) : m_block(nullptr), m_block_len(merge_block_size), m_curr_offset(0), m_disk_start_offset(0), m_disk_curr_offset(0), m_total_size(merge_block_size) { /* Will throw an exception if it runs out of memory here */ m_block = std::unique_ptr<uchar[]>(new uchar[merge_block_size]); /* Initialize entire buffer to 0 to avoid valgrind errors */ memset(m_block.get(), 0, merge_block_size); } }; /* Represents an entry in the heap during merge phase of external sort */ struct merge_heap_entry { std::shared_ptr<merge_buf_info> m_chunk_info; /* pointer to buffer info */ uchar *m_block; /* pointer to heap memory where record is stored */ const rocksdb::Comparator *const m_comparator; rocksdb::Slice m_key; /* current key pointed to by block ptr */ rocksdb::Slice m_val; size_t prepare(File fd, ulonglong f_offset, ulonglong chunk_size) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); int read_next_chunk_from_disk(File fd) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int read_rec(rocksdb::Slice *const key, rocksdb::Slice *const val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int read_slice(rocksdb::Slice *const slice, const uchar **block_ptr) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); explicit merge_heap_entry(const rocksdb::Comparator *const comparator) : m_chunk_info(nullptr), m_block(nullptr), m_comparator(comparator) {} }; struct merge_heap_comparator { bool operator()(const std::shared_ptr<merge_heap_entry> &lhs, const std::shared_ptr<merge_heap_entry> &rhs) { return lhs->m_comparator->Compare(rhs->m_key, lhs->m_key) < 0; } }; /* Represents a record in unsorted buffer */ struct merge_record { uchar *m_block; /* points to offset of key in sort buffer */ const rocksdb::Comparator *const m_comparator; bool operator<(const merge_record &record) const { return merge_record_compare(this->m_block, record.m_block, m_comparator) < 0; } merge_record(uchar *const block, const rocksdb::Comparator *const comparator) : m_block(block), m_comparator(comparator) {} }; private: const char *m_tmpfile_path; const ulonglong m_merge_buf_size; const ulonglong m_merge_combine_read_size; const ulonglong m_merge_tmp_file_removal_delay; rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *m_cf_handle; struct merge_file_info m_merge_file; std::shared_ptr<merge_buf_info> m_rec_buf_unsorted; std::shared_ptr<merge_buf_info> m_output_buf; std::set<merge_record> m_offset_tree; std::priority_queue<std::shared_ptr<merge_heap_entry>, std::vector<std::shared_ptr<merge_heap_entry>>, merge_heap_comparator> m_merge_min_heap; static inline void merge_store_uint64(uchar *const dst, uint64 n) { memcpy(dst, &n, sizeof(n)); } static inline void merge_read_uint64(const uchar **buf_ptr, uint64 *const dst) { DBUG_ASSERT(buf_ptr != nullptr); memcpy(dst, *buf_ptr, sizeof(uint64)); *buf_ptr += sizeof(uint64); } static inline rocksdb::Slice as_slice(const uchar *block) { uint64 len; merge_read_uint64(&block, &len); return rocksdb::Slice(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(block), len); } static int merge_record_compare(const uchar *a_block, const uchar *b_block, const rocksdb::Comparator *const comparator) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); void merge_read_rec(const uchar *const block, rocksdb::Slice *const key, rocksdb::Slice *const val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); void read_slice(rocksdb::Slice *slice, const uchar *block_ptr) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); public: Rdb_index_merge(const char *const tmpfile_path, const ulonglong merge_buf_size, const ulonglong merge_combine_read_size, const ulonglong merge_tmp_file_removal_delay, rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *cf); ~Rdb_index_merge(); int init() MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int merge_file_create() MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int add(const rocksdb::Slice &key, const rocksdb::Slice &val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int merge_buf_write() MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int next(rocksdb::Slice *const key, rocksdb::Slice *const val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); int merge_heap_prepare() MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); void merge_heap_top(rocksdb::Slice *key, rocksdb::Slice *val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__)); int merge_heap_pop_and_get_next(rocksdb::Slice *const key, rocksdb::Slice *const val) MY_ATTRIBUTE((__nonnull__, __warn_unused_result__)); void merge_reset(); rocksdb::ColumnFamilyHandle *get_cf() const { return m_cf_handle; } }; } // namespace myrocks