/* Copyright (c) 2003-2007 MySQL AB Use is subject to license terms This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // // PUBLIC // EventLoggerBase::~EventLoggerBase() { } #define QQQQ char *m_text, size_t m_text_len, const Uint32* theData void getTextConnected(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node %u Connected", theData[1]); } void getTextConnectedApiVersion(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node %u: API version %d.%d.%d", theData[1], getMajor(theData[2]), getMinor(theData[2]), getBuild(theData[2])); } void getTextDisconnected(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node %u Disconnected", theData[1]); } void getTextCommunicationClosed(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT communication to node closed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Communication to Node %u closed", theData[1]); } void getTextCommunicationOpened(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT communication to node opened. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Communication to Node %u opened", theData[1]); } void getTextNDBStartStarted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of NDB has been initiated. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Start initiated (version %d.%d.%d)", getMajor(theData[1]), getMinor(theData[1]), getBuild(theData[1])); } void getTextNDBStopStarted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "%s shutdown initiated", (theData[1] == 1 ? "Cluster" : "Node")); } void getRestartAction(Uint32 action, BaseString &str) { if (action == 0) return; str.appfmt(", restarting"); if (action & 2) str.appfmt(", no start"); if (action & 4) str.appfmt(", initial"); } void getTextNDBStopCompleted(QQQQ) { BaseString action_str(""); BaseString signum_str(""); getRestartAction(theData[1], action_str); if (theData[2]) signum_str.appfmt(" Initiated by signal %d.", theData[2]); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node shutdown completed%s.%s", action_str.c_str(), signum_str.c_str()); } void getTextNDBStopForced(QQQQ) { BaseString action_str(""); BaseString reason_str(""); BaseString sphase_str(""); int signum = theData[2]; int error = theData[3]; int sphase = theData[4]; int extra = theData[5]; getRestartAction(theData[1],action_str); if (signum) reason_str.appfmt(" Initiated by signal %d.", signum); if (error) { ndbd_exit_classification cl; ndbd_exit_status st; const char *msg = ndbd_exit_message(error, &cl); const char *cl_msg = ndbd_exit_classification_message(cl, &st); const char *st_msg = ndbd_exit_status_message(st); reason_str.appfmt(" Caused by error %d: \'%s(%s). %s\'.", error, msg, cl_msg, st_msg); if (extra != 0) reason_str.appfmt(" (extra info %d)", extra); } if (sphase < 255) sphase_str.appfmt(" Occured during startphase %u.", sphase); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Forced node shutdown completed%s.%s%s", action_str.c_str(), sphase_str.c_str(), reason_str.c_str()); } void getTextNDBStopAborted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node shutdown aborted"); } void getTextNDBStartCompleted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Start of NDB has been completed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Started (version %d.%d.%d)", getMajor(theData[1]), getMinor(theData[1]), getBuild(theData[1])); } void getTextSTTORRYRecieved(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // STTORRY recevied after restart finished. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "STTORRY received after restart finished"); } void getTextStartPhaseCompleted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Start phase completed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *type = ""; switch((NodeState::StartType)theData[2]){ case NodeState::ST_INITIAL_START: type = "(initial start)"; break; case NodeState::ST_SYSTEM_RESTART: type = "(system restart)"; break; case NodeState::ST_NODE_RESTART: type = "(node restart)"; break; case NodeState::ST_INITIAL_NODE_RESTART: type = "(initial node restart)"; break; case NodeState::ST_ILLEGAL_TYPE: type = ""; break; default: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Start phase %u completed (unknown = %d)", theData[1], theData[2]); return; } BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Start phase %u completed %s", theData[1], type); } void getTextCM_REGCONF(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "CM_REGCONF president = %u, own Node = %u, our dynamic id = %u", theData[2], theData[1], theData[3]); } void getTextCM_REGREF(QQQQ) { const char* line = ""; switch (theData[3]) { case 0: line = "Busy"; break; case 1: line = "Election with wait = false"; break; case 2: line = "Election with wait = false"; break; case 3: line = "Not president"; break; case 4: line = "Election without selecting new candidate"; break; default: line = "No such cause"; break; }//switch BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "CM_REGREF from Node %u to our Node %u. Cause = %s", theData[2], theData[1], line); } void getTextFIND_NEIGHBOURS(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node Restart copied a fragment. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "We are Node %u with dynamic ID %u, our left neighbour " "is Node %u, our right is Node %u", theData[1], theData[4], theData[2], theData[3]); } void getTextNodeFailCompleted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node failure phase completed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (theData[1] == 0) { if (theData[3] != 0) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node %u completed failure of Node %u", theData[3], theData[2]); } else { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "All nodes completed failure of Node %u", theData[2]); }//if } else { const char* line = ""; if (theData[1] == DBTC){ line = "DBTC"; }else if (theData[1] == DBDICT){ line = "DBDICT"; }else if (theData[1] == DBDIH){ line = "DBDIH"; }else if (theData[1] == DBLQH){ line = "DBLQH"; } BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node failure of %u %s completed", theData[2], line); } } void getTextNODE_FAILREP(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node %u has failed. The Node state at failure " "was %u", theData[1], theData[2]); } void getTextArbitState(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT arbitrator found or lost. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { const ArbitSignalData* sd = (ArbitSignalData*)theData; char ticketText[ArbitTicket::TextLength + 1]; char errText[ArbitCode::ErrTextLength + 1]; const unsigned code = sd->code & 0xFFFF; const unsigned state = sd->code >> 16; switch (code) { case ArbitCode::ThreadStart: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "President restarts arbitration thread [state=%u]", state); break; case ArbitCode::PrepPart2: sd->ticket.getText(ticketText, sizeof(ticketText)); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Prepare arbitrator node %u [ticket=%s]", sd->node, ticketText); break; case ArbitCode::PrepAtrun: sd->ticket.getText(ticketText, sizeof(ticketText)); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Receive arbitrator node %u [ticket=%s]", sd->node, ticketText); break; case ArbitCode::ApiStart: sd->ticket.getText(ticketText, sizeof(ticketText)); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Started arbitrator node %u [ticket=%s]", sd->node, ticketText); break; case ArbitCode::ApiFail: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Lost arbitrator node %u - process failure [state=%u]", sd->node, state); break; case ArbitCode::ApiExit: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Lost arbitrator node %u - process exit [state=%u]", sd->node, state); break; default: ArbitCode::getErrText(code, errText, sizeof(errText)); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Lost arbitrator node %u - %s [state=%u]", sd->node, errText, state); break; } } } void getTextArbitResult(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT arbitration result (the failures may not reach us). //----------------------------------------------------------------------- { const ArbitSignalData* sd = (ArbitSignalData*)theData; char errText[ArbitCode::ErrTextLength + 1]; const unsigned code = sd->code & 0xFFFF; const unsigned state = sd->code >> 16; switch (code) { case ArbitCode::LoseNodes: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration check lost - less than 1/2 nodes left"); break; case ArbitCode::WinNodes: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration check won - all node groups and more than 1/2 nodes left"); break; case ArbitCode::WinGroups: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration check won - node group majority"); break; case ArbitCode::LoseGroups: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration check lost - missing node group"); break; case ArbitCode::Partitioning: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Network partitioning - arbitration required"); break; case ArbitCode::WinChoose: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration won - positive reply from node %u", sd->node); break; case ArbitCode::LoseChoose: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration lost - negative reply from node %u", sd->node); break; case ArbitCode::LoseNorun: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Network partitioning - no arbitrator available"); break; case ArbitCode::LoseNocfg: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Network partitioning - no arbitrator configured"); break; default: ArbitCode::getErrText(code, errText, sizeof(errText)); BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Arbitration failure - %s [state=%u]", errText, state); break; } } } void getTextGlobalCheckpointStarted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event reports that a global checkpoint has been started and this // node is the master of this global checkpoint. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Global checkpoint %u started", theData[1]); } void getTextGlobalCheckpointCompleted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event reports that a global checkpoint has been completed on this // node and the node is the master of this global checkpoint. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Global checkpoint %u completed", theData[1]); } void getTextLocalCheckpointStarted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event reports that a local checkpoint has been started and this // node is the master of this local checkpoint. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Local checkpoint %u started. " "Keep GCI = %u oldest restorable GCI = %u", theData[1], theData[2], theData[3]); } void getTextLocalCheckpointCompleted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event reports that a local checkpoint has been completed on this // node and the node is the master of this local checkpoint. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Local checkpoint %u completed", theData[1]); } void getTextTableCreated(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // This event reports that a table has been created. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Table with ID = %u created", theData[1]); } /* STRANGE */ void getTextLCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci(QQQQ) { if (theData[1] == 0) BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Local Checkpoint stopped in CALCULATED_KEEP_GCI"); } void getTextNR_CopyDict(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node Restart completed copy of dictionary information. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node restart completed copy of dictionary information"); } void getTextNR_CopyDistr(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node Restart completed copy of distribution information. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node restart completed copy of distribution information"); } void getTextNR_CopyFragsStarted(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node Restart is starting to copy the fragments. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node restart starting to copy the fragments " "to Node %u", theData[1]); } void getTextNR_CopyFragDone(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Node Restart copied a fragment. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Table ID = %u, fragment ID = %u have been copied " "to Node %u", theData[2], theData[3], theData[1]); } void getTextNR_CopyFragsCompleted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Node restart completed copying the fragments " "to Node %u", theData[1]); } void getTextLCPFragmentCompleted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Table ID = %u, fragment ID = %u has completed LCP " "on Node %u maxGciStarted: %d maxGciCompleted: %d", theData[2], theData[3], theData[1], theData[4], theData[5]); } void getTextTransReportCounters(QQQQ) { // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // Report information about transaction activity once per 10 seconds. // ------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Trans. Count = %u, Commit Count = %u, " "Read Count = %u, Simple Read Count = %u, " "Write Count = %u, AttrInfo Count = %u, " "Concurrent Operations = %u, Abort Count = %u" " Scans = %u Range scans = %u", theData[1], theData[2], theData[3], theData[4], theData[5], theData[6], theData[7], theData[8], theData[9], theData[10]); } void getTextOperationReportCounters(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Operations=%u", theData[1]); } void getTextUndoLogBlocked(QQQQ) { //----------------------------------------------------------------------- // REPORT Undo Logging blocked due to buffer near to overflow. //----------------------------------------------------------------------- BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "ACC Blocked %u and TUP Blocked %u times last second", theData[1], theData[2]); } void getTextTransporterError(QQQQ) { struct myTransporterError{ Uint32 errorNum; char errorString[256]; }; int i = 0; int lenth = 0; static const struct myTransporterError TransporterErrorString[]= { //TE_NO_ERROR = 0 {TE_NO_ERROR,"No error"}, //TE_ERROR_CLOSING_SOCKET = 0x1 {TE_ERROR_CLOSING_SOCKET,"Error found during closing of socket"}, //TE_ERROR_IN_SELECT_BEFORE_ACCEPT = 0x2 {TE_ERROR_IN_SELECT_BEFORE_ACCEPT,"Error found before accept. The transporter will retry"}, //TE_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 0x3 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_INVALID_MESSAGE_LENGTH,"Error found in message (invalid message length)"}, //TE_INVALID_CHECKSUM = 0x4 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_INVALID_CHECKSUM,"Error found in message (checksum)"}, //TE_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SOCKET = 0x5 {TE_COULD_NOT_CREATE_SOCKET,"Error found while creating socket(can't create socket)"}, //TE_COULD_NOT_BIND_SOCKET = 0x6 {TE_COULD_NOT_BIND_SOCKET,"Error found while binding server socket"}, //TE_LISTEN_FAILED = 0x7 {TE_LISTEN_FAILED,"Error found while listening to server socket"}, //TE_ACCEPT_RETURN_ERROR = 0x8 {TE_ACCEPT_RETURN_ERROR,"Error found during accept(accept return error)"}, //TE_SHM_DISCONNECT = 0xb | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SHM_DISCONNECT,"The remote node has disconnected"}, //TE_SHM_IPC_STAT = 0xc | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SHM_IPC_STAT,"Unable to check shm segment"}, //TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SEGMENT = 0xd {TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SEGMENT,"Unable to create shm segment"}, //TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_ATTACH_SEGMENT = 0xe {TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_ATTACH_SEGMENT,"Unable to attach shm segment"}, //TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEGMENT = 0xf {TE_SHM_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEGMENT,"Unable to remove shm segment"}, //TE_TOO_SMALL_SIGID = 0x10 {TE_TOO_SMALL_SIGID,"Sig ID too small"}, //TE_TOO_LARGE_SIGID = 0x11 {TE_TOO_LARGE_SIGID,"Sig ID too large"}, //TE_WAIT_STACK_FULL = 0x12 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_WAIT_STACK_FULL,"Wait stack was full"}, //TE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_FULL = 0x13 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_RECEIVE_BUFFER_FULL,"Receive buffer was full"}, //TE_SIGNAL_LOST_SEND_BUFFER_FULL = 0x14 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SIGNAL_LOST_SEND_BUFFER_FULL,"Send buffer was full,and trying to force send fails"}, //TE_SIGNAL_LOST = 0x15 {TE_SIGNAL_LOST,"Send failed for unknown reason(signal lost)"}, //TE_SEND_BUFFER_FULL = 0x16 {TE_SEND_BUFFER_FULL,"The send buffer was full, but sleeping for a while solved"}, //TE_SCI_LINK_ERROR = 0x0017 {TE_SCI_LINK_ERROR,"There is no link from this node to the switch"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_START_SEQUENCE = 0x18 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_START_SEQUENCE,"Could not start a sequence, because system resources are exumed or no sequence has been created"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEQUENCE = 0x19 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEQUENCE,"Could not remove a sequence"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SEQUENCE = 0x1a | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_CREATE_SEQUENCE,"Could not create a sequence, because system resources are exempted. Must reboot"}, //TE_SCI_UNRECOVERABLE_DATA_TFX_ERROR = 0x1b | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNRECOVERABLE_DATA_TFX_ERROR,"Tried to send data on redundant link but failed"}, //TE_SCI_CANNOT_INIT_LOCALSEGMENT = 0x1c | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_CANNOT_INIT_LOCALSEGMENT,"Cannot initialize local segment"}, //TE_SCI_CANNOT_MAP_REMOTESEGMENT = 0x1d | TE_DO_DISCONNEC {TE_SCI_CANNOT_MAP_REMOTESEGMENT,"Cannot map remote segment"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_UNMAP_SEGMENT = 0x1e | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_UNMAP_SEGMENT,"Cannot free the resources used by this segment (step 1)"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEGMENT = 0x1f | TE_DO_DISCONNEC {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_SEGMENT,"Cannot free the resources used by this segment (step 2)"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_DISCONNECT_SEGMENT = 0x20 | TE_DO_DISCONNECT {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_DISCONNECT_SEGMENT,"Cannot disconnect from a remote segment"}, //TE_SHM_IPC_PERMANENT = 0x21 {TE_SHM_IPC_PERMANENT,"Shm ipc Permanent error"}, //TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_CHANNEL = 0x22 {TE_SCI_UNABLE_TO_CLOSE_CHANNEL,"Unable to close the sci channel and the resources allocated"} }; lenth = sizeof(TransporterErrorString)/sizeof(struct myTransporterError); for(i=0; i")), (gth == 0 ? "is" : (gth > 0 ? "increased to" : "decreased to")), percent, "%", used, size/1024, total ); } void getTextBackupStarted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Backup %d started from node %d", theData[2], refToNode(theData[1])); } void getTextBackupFailedToStart(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Backup request from %d failed to start. Error: %d", refToNode(theData[1]), theData[2]); } void getTextBackupCompleted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Backup %u started from node %u completed." " StartGCP: %u StopGCP: %u" " #Records: %u #LogRecords: %u" " Data: %u bytes Log: %u bytes", theData[2], refToNode(theData[1]), theData[3], theData[4], theData[6], theData[8], theData[5], theData[7]); } void getTextBackupAborted(QQQQ) { BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Backup %d started from %d has been aborted. Error: %d", theData[2], refToNode(theData[1]), theData[3]); } void getTextSingleUser(QQQQ) { switch (theData[1]) { case 0: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Entering single user mode"); break; case 1: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Entered single user mode " "Node %d has exclusive access", theData[2]); break; case 2: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len,"Exiting single user mode"); break; default: BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Unknown single user report %d", theData[1]); break; } } void getTextStartReport(QQQQ) { Uint32 time = theData[2]; Uint32 sz = theData[3]; char mask1[100]; char mask2[100]; char mask3[100]; char mask4[100]; BitmaskImpl::getText(sz, theData + 4 + (0 * sz), mask1); BitmaskImpl::getText(sz, theData + 4 + (1 * sz), mask2); BitmaskImpl::getText(sz, theData + 4 + (2 * sz), mask3); BitmaskImpl::getText(sz, theData + 4 + (3 * sz), mask4); switch(theData[1]){ case 1: // Wait initial BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Initial start, waiting for %s to connect, " " nodes [ all: %s connected: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask4, mask1, mask2, mask3); break; case 2: // Wait partial BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Waiting until nodes: %s connects, " "nodes [ all: %s connected: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask4, mask1, mask2, mask3); break; case 3: // Wait partial timeout BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Waiting %u sec for nodes %s to connect, " "nodes [ all: %s connected: %s no-wait: %s ]", time, mask4, mask1, mask2, mask3); break; case 4: // Wait partioned BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Waiting for non partitioned start, " "nodes [ all: %s connected: %s missing: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask1, mask2, mask4, mask3); break; case 5: BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Waiting %u sec for non partitioned start, " "nodes [ all: %s connected: %s missing: %s no-wait: %s ]", time, mask1, mask2, mask4, mask3); break; case 0x8000: // Do initial BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Initial start with nodes %s [ missing: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask2, mask4, mask3); break; case 0x8001: // Do start BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Start with all nodes %s", mask2); break; case 0x8002: // Do partial BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Start with nodes %s [ missing: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask2, mask4, mask3); break; case 0x8003: // Do partioned BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Start potentially partitioned with nodes %s " " [ missing: %s no-wait: %s ]", mask2, mask4, mask3); break; default: BaseString::snprintf (m_text, m_text_len, "Unknown startreport: 0x%x [ %s %s %s %s ]", theData[1], mask1, mask2, mask3, mask4); } } #if 0 BaseString::snprintf(m_text, m_text_len, "Unknown event: %d", theData[0]); #endif /** * This matrix defines which event should be printed when * * threshold - is in range [0-15] * severity - DEBUG to ALERT (Type of log message) */ #define ROW(a,b,c,d) \ { NDB_LE_ ## a, b, c, d, getText ## a} const EventLoggerBase::EventRepLogLevelMatrix EventLoggerBase::matrix[] = { // CONNECTION ROW(Connected, LogLevel::llConnection, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(Disconnected, LogLevel::llConnection, 8, Logger::LL_ALERT ), ROW(CommunicationClosed, LogLevel::llConnection, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(CommunicationOpened, LogLevel::llConnection, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(ConnectedApiVersion, LogLevel::llConnection, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), // CHECKPOINT ROW(GlobalCheckpointStarted, LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 9, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(GlobalCheckpointCompleted,LogLevel::llCheckpoint,10, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(LocalCheckpointStarted, LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(LocalCheckpointCompleted,LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(LCPStoppedInCalcKeepGci, LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 0, Logger::LL_ALERT ), ROW(LCPFragmentCompleted, LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 11, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(UndoLogBlocked, LogLevel::llCheckpoint, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), // STARTUP ROW(NDBStartStarted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NDBStartCompleted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(STTORRYRecieved, LogLevel::llStartUp, 15, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(StartPhaseCompleted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 4, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(CM_REGCONF, LogLevel::llStartUp, 3, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(CM_REGREF, LogLevel::llStartUp, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(FIND_NEIGHBOURS, LogLevel::llStartUp, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NDBStopStarted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NDBStopCompleted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NDBStopForced, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_ALERT ), ROW(NDBStopAborted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 1, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(StartREDOLog, LogLevel::llStartUp, 4, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(StartLog, LogLevel::llStartUp, 10, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(UNDORecordsExecuted, LogLevel::llStartUp, 15, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(StartReport, LogLevel::llStartUp, 4, Logger::LL_INFO ), // NODERESTART ROW(NR_CopyDict, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NR_CopyDistr, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NR_CopyFragsStarted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NR_CopyFragDone, LogLevel::llNodeRestart,10, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NR_CopyFragsCompleted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(NodeFailCompleted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_ALERT), ROW(NODE_FAILREP, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 8, Logger::LL_ALERT), ROW(ArbitState, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 6, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(ArbitResult, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 2, Logger::LL_ALERT), ROW(GCP_TakeoverStarted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(GCP_TakeoverCompleted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(LCP_TakeoverStarted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(LCP_TakeoverCompleted, LogLevel::llNodeRestart, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), // STATISTIC ROW(TransReportCounters, LogLevel::llStatistic, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(OperationReportCounters, LogLevel::llStatistic, 8, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(TableCreated, LogLevel::llStatistic, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(JobStatistic, LogLevel::llStatistic, 9, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(SendBytesStatistic, LogLevel::llStatistic, 9, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(ReceiveBytesStatistic, LogLevel::llStatistic, 9, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(MemoryUsage, LogLevel::llStatistic, 5, Logger::LL_INFO ), // ERROR ROW(TransporterError, LogLevel::llError, 2, Logger::LL_ERROR ), ROW(TransporterWarning, LogLevel::llError, 8, Logger::LL_WARNING ), ROW(MissedHeartbeat, LogLevel::llError, 8, Logger::LL_WARNING ), ROW(DeadDueToHeartbeat, LogLevel::llError, 8, Logger::LL_ALERT ), ROW(WarningEvent, LogLevel::llError, 2, Logger::LL_WARNING ), // INFO ROW(SentHeartbeat, LogLevel::llInfo, 12, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(CreateLogBytes, LogLevel::llInfo, 11, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(InfoEvent, LogLevel::llInfo, 2, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(EventBufferStatus, LogLevel::llInfo, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), //Single User ROW(SingleUser, LogLevel::llInfo, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), // Backup ROW(BackupStarted, LogLevel::llBackup, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(BackupCompleted, LogLevel::llBackup, 7, Logger::LL_INFO ), ROW(BackupFailedToStart, LogLevel::llBackup, 7, Logger::LL_ALERT), ROW(BackupAborted, LogLevel::llBackup, 7, Logger::LL_ALERT ) }; const Uint32 EventLoggerBase::matrixSize= sizeof(EventLoggerBase::matrix)/sizeof(EventRepLogLevelMatrix); EventLogger::EventLogger() : m_filterLevel(15) { setCategory("EventLogger"); enable(Logger::LL_INFO, Logger::LL_ALERT); } EventLogger::~EventLogger() { } bool EventLogger::open(const char* logFileName, int maxNoFiles, long maxFileSize, unsigned int maxLogEntries) { return addHandler(new FileLogHandler(logFileName, maxNoFiles, maxFileSize, maxLogEntries)); } void EventLogger::close() { removeAllHandlers(); } #ifdef NOT_USED static NdbOut& operator<<(NdbOut& out, const LogLevel & ll) { out << "[LogLevel: "; for(size_t i = 0; i 0) textF(dst+pos,dst_len-pos,theData); return dst; } void EventLogger::log(int eventType, const Uint32* theData, NodeId nodeId, const LogLevel* ll) { Uint32 threshold = 0; Logger::LoggerLevel severity = Logger::LL_WARNING; LogLevel::EventCategory cat= LogLevel::llInvalid; EventTextFunction textF; char log_text[MAX_TEXT_LENGTH]; DBUG_ENTER("EventLogger::log"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("eventType=%d, nodeid=%d", eventType, nodeId)); if (EventLoggerBase::event_lookup(eventType,cat,threshold,severity,textF)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; Uint32 set = ll?ll->getLogLevel(cat) : m_logLevel.getLogLevel(cat); DBUG_PRINT("info",("threshold=%d, set=%d", threshold, set)); if (ll) DBUG_PRINT("info",("m_logLevel.getLogLevel=%d", m_logLevel.getLogLevel(cat))); if (threshold <= set){ getText(log_text,sizeof(log_text),textF,theData,nodeId); switch (severity){ case Logger::LL_ALERT: alert(log_text); break; case Logger::LL_CRITICAL: critical(log_text); break; case Logger::LL_WARNING: warning(log_text); break; case Logger::LL_ERROR: error(log_text); break; case Logger::LL_INFO: info(log_text); break; case Logger::LL_DEBUG: debug(log_text); break; default: info(log_text); break; } } // if (.. DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int EventLogger::getFilterLevel() const { return m_filterLevel; } void EventLogger::setFilterLevel(int filterLevel) { m_filterLevel = filterLevel; }