/* Copyright (C) 2006 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Read and write key blocks */ #include "maria_def.h" /* Fetch a key-page in memory */ byte *_ma_fetch_keypage(register MARIA_HA *info, MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo, my_off_t page, int level, byte *buff, int return_buffer) { byte *tmp; uint page_size; DBUG_ENTER("_ma_fetch_keypage"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("page: %ld", (long) page)); DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == keyinfo->block_length && info->s->pagecache->block_size == info->s->block_size); /* TODO: replace PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE with PAGECACHE_LSN_PAGE when LSN on the pages will be implemented */ tmp= pagecache_read(info->s->pagecache, &info->s->kfile, page / keyinfo->block_length, level, buff, PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE, PAGECACHE_LOCK_LEFT_UNLOCKED, 0); if (tmp == info->buff) info->keyread_buff_used=1; else if (!tmp) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("Got errno: %d from pagecache_read",my_errno)); info->last_keypage=HA_OFFSET_ERROR; maria_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno=HA_ERR_CRASHED; DBUG_RETURN(0); } info->last_keypage=page; page_size=maria_getint(tmp); if (page_size < 4 || page_size > keyinfo->block_length) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("page %lu had wrong page length: %u", (ulong) page, page_size)); DBUG_DUMP("page", (char*) tmp, keyinfo->block_length); info->last_keypage = HA_OFFSET_ERROR; maria_print_error(info->s, HA_ERR_CRASHED); my_errno= HA_ERR_CRASHED; tmp= 0; } DBUG_RETURN(tmp); } /* _ma_fetch_keypage */ /* Write a key-page on disk */ int _ma_write_keypage(register MARIA_HA *info, register MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo, my_off_t page, int level, byte *buff) { DBUG_ENTER("_ma_write_keypage"); #ifndef FAST /* Safety check */ if (page < info->s->base.keystart || page+keyinfo->block_length > info->state->key_file_length || (page & (MARIA_MIN_KEY_BLOCK_LENGTH-1))) { DBUG_PRINT("error",("Trying to write inside key status region: " "key_start: %lu length: %lu page: %lu", (long) info->s->base.keystart, (long) info->state->key_file_length, (long) page)); my_errno=EINVAL; DBUG_RETURN((-1)); } DBUG_PRINT("page",("write page at: %lu",(long) page)); DBUG_DUMP("buff",(byte*) buff,maria_getint(buff)); #endif DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == keyinfo->block_length); DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == info->s->block_size); /* TODO: replace PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE with PAGECACHE_LSN_PAGE when LSN on the pages will be implemented */ DBUG_RETURN(pagecache_write(info->s->pagecache, &info->s->kfile, page / keyinfo->block_length, level, buff, PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE, PAGECACHE_LOCK_LEFT_UNLOCKED, PAGECACHE_PIN_LEFT_UNPINNED, PAGECACHE_WRITE_DELAY, 0)); } /* maria_write_keypage */ /* Remove page from disk */ int _ma_dispose(register MARIA_HA *info, MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo, my_off_t pos, int level) { my_off_t old_link; char buff[8]; uint offset; pgcache_page_no_t page_no; DBUG_ENTER("_ma_dispose"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("pos: %ld", (long) pos)); old_link= info->s->state.key_del; info->s->state.key_del= pos; page_no= pos / keyinfo->block_length; offset= pos % keyinfo->block_length; mi_sizestore(buff,old_link); info->s->state.changed|= STATE_NOT_SORTED_PAGES; DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == keyinfo->block_length && info->s->pagecache->block_size == info->s->block_size); /* TODO: replace PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE with PAGECACHE_LSN_PAGE when LSN on the pages will be implemented */ DBUG_RETURN(pagecache_write_part(info->s->pagecache, &info->s->kfile, page_no, level, buff, PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE, PAGECACHE_LOCK_LEFT_UNLOCKED, PAGECACHE_PIN_LEFT_UNPINNED, PAGECACHE_WRITE_DELAY, 0, offset, sizeof(buff))); } /* _ma_dispose */ /* Make new page on disk */ my_off_t _ma_new(register MARIA_HA *info, MARIA_KEYDEF *keyinfo, int level) { my_off_t pos; byte *buff; DBUG_ENTER("_ma_new"); if ((pos= info->s->state.key_del) == HA_OFFSET_ERROR) { if (info->state->key_file_length >= info->s->base.max_key_file_length - keyinfo->block_length) { my_errno=HA_ERR_INDEX_FILE_FULL; DBUG_RETURN(HA_OFFSET_ERROR); } pos=info->state->key_file_length; info->state->key_file_length+= keyinfo->block_length; } else { buff= alloca(info->s->block_size); DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == keyinfo->block_length && info->s->pagecache->block_size == info->s->block_size); /* TODO: replace PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE with PAGECACHE_LSN_PAGE when LSN on the pages will be implemented */ DBUG_ASSERT(info->s->pagecache->block_size == keyinfo->block_length); if (!pagecache_read(info->s->pagecache, &info->s->kfile, pos / keyinfo->block_length, level, buff, PAGECACHE_PLAIN_PAGE, PAGECACHE_LOCK_LEFT_UNLOCKED, 0)) pos= HA_OFFSET_ERROR; else info->s->state.key_del= mi_sizekorr(buff); } info->s->state.changed|= STATE_NOT_SORTED_PAGES; DBUG_PRINT("exit",("Pos: %ld",(long) pos)); DBUG_RETURN(pos); } /* _ma_new */