/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 1995, 2011, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2008, Google Inc. Copyright (c) 2013, 2014, SkySQL Ab. All Rights Reserved. Portions of this file contain modifications contributed and copyrighted by Google, Inc. Those modifications are gratefully acknowledged and are described briefly in the InnoDB documentation. The contributions by Google are incorporated with their permission, and subject to the conditions contained in the file COPYING.Google. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file sync/sync0arr.c The wait array used in synchronization primitives Created 9/5/1995 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #include "sync0arr.h" #ifdef UNIV_NONINL #include "sync0arr.ic" #endif #include "sync0sync.h" #include "sync0rw.h" #include "os0sync.h" #include "os0file.h" #include "srv0srv.h" #include "ha_prototypes.h" /* WAIT ARRAY ========== The wait array consists of cells each of which has an an operating system event object created for it. The threads waiting for a mutex, for example, can reserve a cell in the array and suspend themselves to wait for the event to become signaled. When using the wait array, remember to make sure that some thread holding the synchronization object will eventually know that there is a waiter in the array and signal the object, to prevent infinite wait. Why we chose to implement a wait array? First, to make mutexes fast, we had to code our own implementation of them, which only in usually uncommon cases resorts to using slow operating system primitives. Then we had the choice of assigning a unique OS event for each mutex, which would be simpler, or using a global wait array. In some operating systems, the global wait array solution is more efficient and flexible, because we can do with a very small number of OS events, say 200. In NT 3.51, allocating events seems to be a quadratic algorithm, because 10 000 events are created fast, but 100 000 events takes a couple of minutes to create. As of 5.0.30 the above mentioned design is changed. Since now OS can handle millions of wait events efficiently, we no longer have this concept of each cell of wait array having one event. Instead, now the event that a thread wants to wait on is embedded in the wait object (mutex or rw_lock). We still keep the global wait array for the sake of diagnostics and also to avoid infinite wait The error_monitor thread scans the global wait array to signal any waiting threads who have missed the signal. */ /** A cell where an individual thread may wait suspended until a resource is released. The suspending is implemented using an operating system event semaphore. */ struct sync_cell_struct { void* wait_object; /*!< pointer to the object the thread is waiting for; if NULL the cell is free for use */ mutex_t* old_wait_mutex; /*!< the latest wait mutex in cell */ rw_lock_t* old_wait_rw_lock; /*!< the latest wait rw-lock in cell */ ulint request_type; /*!< lock type requested on the object */ const char* file; /*!< in debug version file where requested */ ulint line; /*!< in debug version line where requested */ os_thread_id_t thread; /*!< thread id of this waiting thread */ ibool waiting; /*!< TRUE if the thread has already called sync_array_event_wait on this cell */ ib_int64_t signal_count; /*!< We capture the signal_count of the wait_object when we reset the event. This value is then passed on to os_event_wait and we wait only if the event has not been signalled in the period between the reset and wait call. */ time_t reservation_time;/*!< time when the thread reserved the wait cell */ }; /* NOTE: It is allowed for a thread to wait for an event allocated for the array without owning the protecting mutex (depending on the case: OS or database mutex), but all changes (set or reset) to the state of the event must be made while owning the mutex. */ /** Synchronization array */ struct sync_array_struct { ulint n_reserved; /*!< number of currently reserved cells in the wait array */ ulint n_cells; /*!< number of cells in the wait array */ sync_cell_t* array; /*!< pointer to wait array */ ulint protection; /*!< this flag tells which mutex protects the data */ mutex_t mutex; /*!< possible database mutex protecting this data structure */ os_mutex_t os_mutex; /*!< Possible operating system mutex protecting the data structure. As this data structure is used in constructing the database mutex, to prevent infinite recursion in implementation, we fall back to an OS mutex. */ ulint sg_count; /*!< count of how many times an object has been signalled */ ulint res_count; /*!< count of cell reservations since creation of the array */ }; #ifdef UNIV_PFS_MUTEX /* Key to register the mutex with performance schema */ UNIV_INTERN mysql_pfs_key_t syn_arr_mutex_key; #endif #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG /******************************************************************//** This function is called only in the debug version. Detects a deadlock of one or more threads because of waits of semaphores. @return TRUE if deadlock detected */ static ibool sync_array_detect_deadlock( /*=======================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array; NOTE! the caller must own the mutex to array */ sync_cell_t* start, /*!< in: cell where recursive search started */ sync_cell_t* cell, /*!< in: cell to search */ ulint depth); /*!< in: recursion depth */ #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ /*****************************************************************//** Gets the nth cell in array. @return cell */ static sync_cell_t* sync_array_get_nth_cell( /*====================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: sync array */ ulint n) /*!< in: index */ { ut_a(arr); ut_a(n < arr->n_cells); return(arr->array + n); } /******************************************************************//** Reserves the mutex semaphore protecting a sync array. */ static void sync_array_enter( /*=============*/ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: sync wait array */ { ulint protection; protection = arr->protection; if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_OS_MUTEX) { os_mutex_enter(arr->os_mutex); } else if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_MUTEX) { mutex_enter(&(arr->mutex)); } else { ut_error; } } /******************************************************************//** Releases the mutex semaphore protecting a sync array. */ static void sync_array_exit( /*============*/ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: sync wait array */ { ulint protection; protection = arr->protection; if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_OS_MUTEX) { os_mutex_exit(arr->os_mutex); } else if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_MUTEX) { mutex_exit(&(arr->mutex)); } else { ut_error; } } /*******************************************************************//** Creates a synchronization wait array. It is protected by a mutex which is automatically reserved when the functions operating on it are called. @return own: created wait array */ UNIV_INTERN sync_array_t* sync_array_create( /*==============*/ ulint n_cells, /*!< in: number of cells in the array to create */ ulint protection) /*!< in: either SYNC_ARRAY_OS_MUTEX or SYNC_ARRAY_MUTEX: determines the type of mutex protecting the data structure */ { ulint sz; sync_array_t* arr; ut_a(n_cells > 0); /* Allocate memory for the data structures */ arr = ut_malloc(sizeof(sync_array_t)); memset(arr, 0x0, sizeof(*arr)); sz = sizeof(sync_cell_t) * n_cells; arr->array = ut_malloc(sz); memset(arr->array, 0x0, sz); arr->n_cells = n_cells; arr->protection = protection; /* Then create the mutex to protect the wait array complex */ if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_OS_MUTEX) { arr->os_mutex = os_mutex_create(); } else if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_MUTEX) { mutex_create(syn_arr_mutex_key, &arr->mutex, SYNC_NO_ORDER_CHECK); } else { ut_error; } return(arr); } /******************************************************************//** Frees the resources in a wait array. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_free( /*============*/ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in, own: sync wait array */ { ulint protection; ut_a(arr->n_reserved == 0); sync_array_validate(arr); protection = arr->protection; /* Release the mutex protecting the wait array complex */ if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_OS_MUTEX) { os_mutex_free(arr->os_mutex); } else if (protection == SYNC_ARRAY_MUTEX) { mutex_free(&(arr->mutex)); } else { ut_error; } ut_free(arr->array); ut_free(arr); } /********************************************************************//** Validates the integrity of the wait array. Checks that the number of reserved cells equals the count variable. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_validate( /*================*/ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: sync wait array */ { ulint i; sync_cell_t* cell; ulint count = 0; sync_array_enter(arr); for (i = 0; i < arr->n_cells; i++) { cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, i); if (cell->wait_object != NULL) { count++; } } ut_a(count == arr->n_reserved); sync_array_exit(arr); } /*******************************************************************//** Returns the event that the thread owning the cell waits for. */ static os_event_t sync_cell_get_event( /*================*/ sync_cell_t* cell) /*!< in: non-empty sync array cell */ { ulint type = cell->request_type; if (type == SYNC_MUTEX) { return(((mutex_t *) cell->wait_object)->event); } else if (type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX) { return(((rw_lock_t *) cell->wait_object)->wait_ex_event); } else { /* RW_LOCK_SHARED and RW_LOCK_EX wait on the same event */ return(((rw_lock_t *) cell->wait_object)->event); } } /******************************************************************//** Reserves a wait array cell for waiting for an object. The event of the cell is reset to nonsignalled state. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_reserve_cell( /*====================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array */ void* object, /*!< in: pointer to the object to wait for */ ulint type, /*!< in: lock request type */ const char* file, /*!< in: file where requested */ ulint line, /*!< in: line where requested */ ulint* index) /*!< out: index of the reserved cell */ { sync_cell_t* cell; os_event_t event; ulint i; ut_a(object); ut_a(index); sync_array_enter(arr); arr->res_count++; /* Reserve a new cell. */ for (i = 0; i < arr->n_cells; i++) { cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, i); if (cell->wait_object == NULL) { cell->waiting = FALSE; cell->wait_object = object; if (type == SYNC_MUTEX) { cell->old_wait_mutex = object; } else { cell->old_wait_rw_lock = object; } cell->request_type = type; cell->file = file; cell->line = line; arr->n_reserved++; *index = i; sync_array_exit(arr); /* Make sure the event is reset and also store the value of signal_count at which the event was reset. */ event = sync_cell_get_event(cell); cell->signal_count = os_event_reset(event); cell->reservation_time = time(NULL); cell->thread = os_thread_get_curr_id(); return; } } ut_error; /* No free cell found */ return; } /******************************************************************//** This function should be called when a thread starts to wait on a wait array cell. In the debug version this function checks if the wait for a semaphore will result in a deadlock, in which case prints info and asserts. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_wait_event( /*==================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array */ ulint index) /*!< in: index of the reserved cell */ { sync_cell_t* cell; os_event_t event; ut_a(arr); sync_array_enter(arr); cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, index); ut_a(cell->wait_object); ut_a(!cell->waiting); ut_ad(os_thread_get_curr_id() == cell->thread); event = sync_cell_get_event(cell); cell->waiting = TRUE; #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG /* We use simple enter to the mutex below, because if we cannot acquire it at once, mutex_enter would call recursively sync_array routines, leading to trouble. rw_lock_debug_mutex freezes the debug lists. */ rw_lock_debug_mutex_enter(); if (TRUE == sync_array_detect_deadlock(arr, cell, cell, 0)) { fputs("########################################\n", stderr); ut_error; } rw_lock_debug_mutex_exit(); #endif sync_array_exit(arr); os_event_wait_low(event, cell->signal_count); sync_array_free_cell(arr, index); } /******************************************************************//** Reports info of a wait array cell. */ static void sync_array_cell_print( /*==================*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ sync_cell_t* cell, /*!< in: sync cell */ os_thread_id_t* reserver) /*!< out: write reserver or 0 */ { mutex_t* mutex = NULL; rw_lock_t* rwlock = NULL; ulint type; ulint writer; type = cell->request_type; fprintf(file, "--Thread %lu has waited at %s line %lu" " for %.2f seconds the semaphore:\n", (ulong) os_thread_pf(cell->thread), innobase_basename(cell->file), (ulong) cell->line, difftime(time(NULL), cell->reservation_time)); if (type == SYNC_MUTEX) { /* We use old_wait_mutex in case the cell has already been freed meanwhile */ mutex = cell->old_wait_mutex; fprintf(file, "Mutex at %p created file %s line %lu, lock var %lu\n" #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG "Last time reserved in file %s line %lu, " #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ "waiters flag %lu\n", (void*) mutex, innobase_basename(mutex->cfile_name), (ulong) mutex->cline, (ulong) mutex->lock_word, #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG mutex->file_name, (ulong) mutex->line, #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ (ulong) mutex->waiters); } else if (type == RW_LOCK_EX || type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX || type == RW_LOCK_SHARED) { fputs(type == RW_LOCK_EX ? "X-lock on" : type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX ? "X-lock (wait_ex) on" : "S-lock on", file); rwlock = cell->old_wait_rw_lock; fprintf(file, " RW-latch at %p created in file %s line %lu\n", (void*) rwlock, innobase_basename(rwlock->cfile_name), (ulong) rwlock->cline); writer = rw_lock_get_writer(rwlock); if (writer != RW_LOCK_NOT_LOCKED) { fprintf(file, "a writer (thread id %lu) has" " reserved it in mode %s", (ulong) os_thread_pf(rwlock->writer_thread), writer == RW_LOCK_EX ? " exclusive\n" : " wait exclusive\n"); *reserver = rwlock->writer_thread; } fprintf(file, "number of readers %lu, waiters flag %lu, " "lock_word: %lx\n" "Last time read locked in file %s line %lu\n" "Last time write locked in file %s line %lu\n", (ulong) rw_lock_get_reader_count(rwlock), (ulong) rwlock->waiters, rwlock->lock_word, innobase_basename(rwlock->last_s_file_name), (ulong) rwlock->last_s_line, rwlock->last_x_file_name, (ulong) rwlock->last_x_line); } else { ut_error; } if (!cell->waiting) { fputs("wait has ended\n", file); } } /******************************************************************//** Looks for a cell with the given thread id. @return pointer to cell or NULL if not found */ static sync_cell_t* sync_array_find_thread( /*===================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array */ os_thread_id_t thread) /*!< in: thread id */ { ulint i; sync_cell_t* cell; for (i = 0; i < arr->n_cells; i++) { cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, i); if (cell->wait_object != NULL && os_thread_eq(cell->thread, thread)) { return(cell); /* Found */ } } return(NULL); /* Not found */ } #ifdef UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG /******************************************************************//** Recursion step for deadlock detection. @return TRUE if deadlock detected */ static ibool sync_array_deadlock_step( /*=====================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array; NOTE! the caller must own the mutex to array */ sync_cell_t* start, /*!< in: cell where recursive search started */ os_thread_id_t thread, /*!< in: thread to look at */ ulint pass, /*!< in: pass value */ ulint depth) /*!< in: recursion depth */ { sync_cell_t* new; if (pass != 0) { /* If pass != 0, then we do not know which threads are responsible of releasing the lock, and no deadlock can be detected. */ return(FALSE); } new = sync_array_find_thread(arr, thread); if (UNIV_UNLIKELY(new == start)) { /* Deadlock */ fputs("########################################\n" "DEADLOCK of threads detected!\n", stderr); return(TRUE); } else if (new) { return(sync_array_detect_deadlock(arr, start, new, depth + 1)); } return(FALSE); } /******************************************************************//** This function is called only in the debug version. Detects a deadlock of one or more threads because of waits of semaphores. @return TRUE if deadlock detected */ static ibool sync_array_detect_deadlock( /*=======================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array; NOTE! the caller must own the mutex to array */ sync_cell_t* start, /*!< in: cell where recursive search started */ sync_cell_t* cell, /*!< in: cell to search */ ulint depth) /*!< in: recursion depth */ { mutex_t* mutex; rw_lock_t* lock; os_thread_id_t thread; ibool ret; rw_lock_debug_t*debug; ut_a(arr); ut_a(start); ut_a(cell); ut_ad(cell->wait_object); ut_ad(os_thread_get_curr_id() == start->thread); ut_ad(depth < 100); depth++; if (!cell->waiting) { return(FALSE); /* No deadlock here */ } if (cell->request_type == SYNC_MUTEX) { mutex = cell->wait_object; if (mutex_get_lock_word(mutex) != 0) { thread = mutex->thread_id; /* Note that mutex->thread_id above may be also OS_THREAD_ID_UNDEFINED, because the thread which held the mutex maybe has not yet updated the value, or it has already released the mutex: in this case no deadlock can occur, as the wait array cannot contain a thread with ID_UNDEFINED value. */ ret = sync_array_deadlock_step(arr, start, thread, 0, depth); if (ret) { fprintf(stderr, "Mutex %p owned by thread %lu file %s line %lu\n", mutex, (ulong) os_thread_pf(mutex->thread_id), mutex->file_name, (ulong) mutex->line); sync_array_cell_print(stderr, cell); return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); /* No deadlock */ } else if (cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_EX || cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX) { lock = cell->wait_object; debug = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(lock->debug_list); while (debug != NULL) { thread = debug->thread_id; if (((debug->lock_type == RW_LOCK_EX) && !os_thread_eq(thread, cell->thread)) || ((debug->lock_type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX) && !os_thread_eq(thread, cell->thread)) || (debug->lock_type == RW_LOCK_SHARED)) { /* The (wait) x-lock request can block infinitely only if someone (can be also cell thread) is holding s-lock, or someone (cannot be cell thread) (wait) x-lock, and he is blocked by start thread */ ret = sync_array_deadlock_step( arr, start, thread, debug->pass, depth); if (ret) { print: fprintf(stderr, "rw-lock %p ", (void*) lock); sync_array_cell_print(stderr, cell); rw_lock_debug_print(stderr, debug); return(TRUE); } } debug = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, debug); } return(FALSE); } else if (cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_SHARED) { lock = cell->wait_object; debug = UT_LIST_GET_FIRST(lock->debug_list); while (debug != NULL) { thread = debug->thread_id; if ((debug->lock_type == RW_LOCK_EX) || (debug->lock_type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX)) { /* The s-lock request can block infinitely only if someone (can also be cell thread) is holding (wait) x-lock, and he is blocked by start thread */ ret = sync_array_deadlock_step( arr, start, thread, debug->pass, depth); if (ret) { goto print; } } debug = UT_LIST_GET_NEXT(list, debug); } return(FALSE); } else { ut_error; } return(TRUE); /* Execution never reaches this line: for compiler fooling only */ } #endif /* UNIV_SYNC_DEBUG */ /******************************************************************//** Determines if we can wake up the thread waiting for a sempahore. */ static ibool sync_arr_cell_can_wake_up( /*======================*/ sync_cell_t* cell) /*!< in: cell to search */ { mutex_t* mutex; rw_lock_t* lock; if (cell->request_type == SYNC_MUTEX) { mutex = cell->wait_object; if (mutex_get_lock_word(mutex) == 0) { return(TRUE); } } else if (cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_EX) { lock = cell->wait_object; if (lock->lock_word > 0) { /* Either unlocked or only read locked. */ return(TRUE); } } else if (cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_WAIT_EX) { lock = cell->wait_object; /* lock_word == 0 means all readers have left */ if (lock->lock_word == 0) { return(TRUE); } } else if (cell->request_type == RW_LOCK_SHARED) { lock = cell->wait_object; /* lock_word > 0 means no writer or reserved writer */ if (lock->lock_word > 0) { return(TRUE); } } return(FALSE); } /******************************************************************//** Frees the cell. NOTE! sync_array_wait_event frees the cell automatically! */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_free_cell( /*=================*/ sync_array_t* arr, /*!< in: wait array */ ulint index) /*!< in: index of the cell in array */ { sync_cell_t* cell; sync_array_enter(arr); cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, index); ut_a(cell->wait_object != NULL); cell->waiting = FALSE; cell->wait_object = NULL; cell->signal_count = 0; ut_a(arr->n_reserved > 0); arr->n_reserved--; sync_array_exit(arr); } /**********************************************************************//** Increments the signalled count. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_object_signalled( /*========================*/ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: wait array */ { #ifdef HAVE_ATOMIC_BUILTINS (void) os_atomic_increment_ulint(&arr->sg_count, 1); #else sync_array_enter(arr); arr->sg_count++; sync_array_exit(arr); #endif } /**********************************************************************//** If the wakeup algorithm does not work perfectly at semaphore relases, this function will do the waking (see the comment in mutex_exit). This function should be called about every 1 second in the server. Note that there's a race condition between this thread and mutex_exit changing the lock_word and calling signal_object, so sometimes this finds threads to wake up even when nothing has gone wrong. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_arr_wake_threads_if_sema_free(void) /*====================================*/ { sync_array_t* arr = sync_primary_wait_array; sync_cell_t* cell; ulint count; ulint i; os_event_t event; sync_array_enter(arr); i = 0; count = 0; while (count < arr->n_reserved) { cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, i); i++; if (cell->wait_object == NULL) { continue; } count++; if (sync_arr_cell_can_wake_up(cell)) { event = sync_cell_get_event(cell); os_event_set(event); } } sync_array_exit(arr); } /**********************************************************************//** Prints warnings of long semaphore waits to stderr. @return TRUE if fatal semaphore wait threshold was exceeded */ UNIV_INTERN ibool sync_array_print_long_waits( /*========================*/ os_thread_id_t* waiter, /*!< out: longest waiting thread */ const void** sema) /*!< out: longest-waited-for semaphore */ { sync_cell_t* cell; ibool old_val; ibool noticed = FALSE; ulint i; ulint fatal_timeout = srv_fatal_semaphore_wait_threshold; ibool fatal = FALSE; double longest_diff = 0; /* For huge tables, skip the check during CHECK TABLE etc... */ if (fatal_timeout > SRV_SEMAPHORE_WAIT_EXTENSION) { return(FALSE); } #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG_VALGRIND /* Increase the timeouts if running under valgrind because it executes extremely slowly. UNIV_DEBUG_VALGRIND does not necessary mean that we are running under valgrind but we have no better way to tell. See Bug#58432 innodb.innodb_bug56143 fails under valgrind for an example */ # define SYNC_ARRAY_TIMEOUT 2400 fatal_timeout *= 10; #else # define SYNC_ARRAY_TIMEOUT 240 #endif sync_array_enter(sync_primary_wait_array); for (i = 0; i < sync_primary_wait_array->n_cells; i++) { double diff; void* wait_object; os_thread_id_t reserver=0; cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(sync_primary_wait_array, i); wait_object = cell->wait_object; if (wait_object == NULL || !cell->waiting) { continue; } diff = difftime(time(NULL), cell->reservation_time); if (diff > SYNC_ARRAY_TIMEOUT) { fputs("InnoDB: Warning: a long semaphore wait:\n", stderr); sync_array_cell_print(stderr, cell, &reserver); noticed = TRUE; } if (diff > fatal_timeout) { fatal = TRUE; } if (diff > longest_diff) { longest_diff = diff; *sema = wait_object; *waiter = cell->thread; } } /* We found a long semaphore wait, wait all threads that are waiting for a semaphore. */ if (noticed) { for (i = 0; i < sync_primary_wait_array->n_cells; i++) { void* wait_object; os_thread_id_t reserver=0; cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(sync_primary_wait_array, i); wait_object = cell->wait_object; if (wait_object == NULL || !cell->waiting) { continue; } fputs("InnoDB: Warning: semaphore wait:\n", stderr); sync_array_cell_print(stderr, cell, &reserver); noticed = TRUE; /* Try to output cell information for writer recursive way */ while (reserver != 0) { sync_cell_t* reserver_wait; reserver_wait = sync_array_find_thread(sync_primary_wait_array, reserver); if (reserver_wait && reserver_wait->wait_object != NULL && reserver_wait->waiting) { fputs("InnoDB: Warning: Writer thread is waiting this semaphore:\n", stderr); sync_array_cell_print(stderr, reserver_wait, &reserver); } else { reserver = 0; } } } } sync_array_exit(sync_primary_wait_array); if (noticed) { fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: ###### Starts InnoDB Monitor" " for 30 secs to print diagnostic info:\n"); old_val = srv_print_innodb_monitor; /* If some crucial semaphore is reserved, then also the InnoDB Monitor can hang, and we do not get diagnostics. Since in many cases an InnoDB hang is caused by a pwrite() or a pread() call hanging inside the operating system, let us print right now the values of pending calls of these. */ fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: Pending preads %lu, pwrites %lu\n", (ulong)os_file_n_pending_preads, (ulong)os_file_n_pending_pwrites); srv_print_innodb_monitor = TRUE; os_event_set(srv_lock_timeout_thread_event); os_thread_sleep(30000000); srv_print_innodb_monitor = old_val; fprintf(stderr, "InnoDB: ###### Diagnostic info printed" " to the standard error stream\n"); } #undef SYNC_ARRAY_TIMEOUT return(fatal); } /**********************************************************************//** Prints info of the wait array. */ static void sync_array_output_info( /*===================*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: wait array; NOTE! caller must own the mutex */ { sync_cell_t* cell; ulint count; ulint i; os_thread_id_t r; fprintf(file, "OS WAIT ARRAY INFO: reservation count %ld, signal count %ld\n", (long) arr->res_count, (long) arr->sg_count); i = 0; count = 0; while (count < arr->n_reserved) { cell = sync_array_get_nth_cell(arr, i); if (cell->wait_object != NULL) { count++; sync_array_cell_print(file, cell, &r); } i++; } } /**********************************************************************//** Prints info of the wait array. */ UNIV_INTERN void sync_array_print_info( /*==================*/ FILE* file, /*!< in: file where to print */ sync_array_t* arr) /*!< in: wait array */ { sync_array_enter(arr); sync_array_output_info(file, arr); sync_array_exit(arr); }