Warnings: Warning 1105 No file name. Table will use t1.xml SET NAMES utf8; CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT UNIQUE NOT NULL) ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=XML FILE_NAME='xt1.xml' OPTION_LIST='xmlsup=libxml2,Rownode=N'; ERROR HY000: Table type XML is not indexable CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=CONNECT TABLE_TYPE=XML FILE_NAME='xt1.xml' OPTION_LIST='xmlsup=libxml2,Rownode=N'; DESCRIBE t1; Field Type Null Key Default Extra i int(11) NO NULL ALTER TABLE t1 ADD UNIQUE(i); ERROR HY000: Table type XML is not indexable CREATE UNIQUE INDEX i ON t1(i); ERROR HY000: Table type XML is not indexable DESCRIBE t1; Field Type Null Key Default Extra i int(11) NO NULL INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(2),(5),(7); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i = 5; i 5 ALTER TABLE t1 DROP INDEX i; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `i`; check that it exists DROP INDEX i ON t1; ERROR 42000: Can't DROP INDEX `i`; check that it exists DROP TABLE t1;