/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Copyright (c) 2009, 2013, Monty Program Ab This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* Function with list databases, tables or fields */ #include "my_global.h" /* NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS */ #include "sql_priv.h" #include "unireg.h" #include "sql_acl.h" // fill_schema_*_privileges #include "sql_select.h" // For select_describe #include "sql_base.h" // close_tables_for_reopen #include "create_options.h" #include "sql_show.h" #include "sql_table.h" // filename_to_tablename, // primary_key_name, // build_table_filename #include "repl_failsafe.h" #include "sql_parse.h" // check_access, check_table_access #include "sql_partition.h" // partition_element #include "sql_derived.h" // mysql_derived_prepare, // mysql_handle_derived, #include "sql_db.h" // check_db_dir_existence, load_db_opt_by_name #include "sql_time.h" // interval_type_to_name #include "tztime.h" // struct Time_zone #include "sql_acl.h" // TABLE_ACLS, check_grant, DB_ACLS, acl_get, // check_grant_db #include "filesort.h" // filesort_free_buffers #include "sp.h" #include "sp_head.h" #include "sp_pcontext.h" #include "set_var.h" #include "sql_trigger.h" #include "sql_derived.h" #include "sql_statistics.h" #include "sql_connect.h" #include "authors.h" #include "contributors.h" #include "sql_partition.h" #ifdef HAVE_EVENT_SCHEDULER #include "events.h" #include "event_data_objects.h" #endif #include #include "lock.h" // MYSQL_OPEN_IGNORE_FLUSH #include "debug_sync.h" #include "keycaches.h" #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE #include "ha_partition.h" #endif enum enum_i_s_events_fields { ISE_EVENT_CATALOG= 0, ISE_EVENT_SCHEMA, ISE_EVENT_NAME, ISE_DEFINER, ISE_TIME_ZONE, ISE_EVENT_BODY, ISE_EVENT_DEFINITION, ISE_EVENT_TYPE, ISE_EXECUTE_AT, ISE_INTERVAL_VALUE, ISE_INTERVAL_FIELD, ISE_SQL_MODE, ISE_STARTS, ISE_ENDS, ISE_STATUS, ISE_ON_COMPLETION, ISE_CREATED, ISE_LAST_ALTERED, ISE_LAST_EXECUTED, ISE_EVENT_COMMENT, ISE_ORIGINATOR, ISE_CLIENT_CS, ISE_CONNECTION_CL, ISE_DB_CL }; #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS static const char *grant_names[]={ "select","insert","update","delete","create","drop","reload","shutdown", "process","file","grant","references","index","alter"}; static TYPELIB grant_types = { sizeof(grant_names)/sizeof(char **), "grant_types", grant_names, NULL}; #endif /* Match the values of enum ha_choice */ static const char *ha_choice_values[] = {"", "0", "1"}; static void store_key_options(THD *thd, String *packet, TABLE *table, KEY *key_info); #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE static void get_cs_converted_string_value(THD *thd, String *input_str, String *output_str, CHARSET_INFO *cs, bool use_hex); #endif static void append_algorithm(TABLE_LIST *table, String *buff); static COND * make_cond_for_info_schema(COND *cond, TABLE_LIST *table); typedef struct st_lookup_field_values { LEX_STRING db_value, table_value; bool wild_db_value, wild_table_value; } LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES; bool get_lookup_field_values(THD *, COND *, TABLE_LIST *, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *); /*************************************************************************** ** List all table types supported ***************************************************************************/ static int make_version_string(char *buf, int buf_length, uint version) { return my_snprintf(buf, buf_length, "%d.%d", version>>8,version&0xff); } static const LEX_STRING maturity_name[]={ { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Unknown") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Experimental") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Alpha") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Beta") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Gamma") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("Stable") }}; static my_bool show_plugins(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin, void *arg) { TABLE *table= (TABLE*) arg; struct st_maria_plugin *plug= plugin_decl(plugin); struct st_plugin_dl *plugin_dl= plugin_dlib(plugin); CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char version_buf[20]; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(plugin_name(plugin)->str, plugin_name(plugin)->length, cs); table->field[1]->store(version_buf, make_version_string(version_buf, sizeof(version_buf), plug->version), cs); switch (plugin_state(plugin)) { case PLUGIN_IS_DELETED: table->field[2]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("DELETED"), cs); break; case PLUGIN_IS_UNINITIALIZED: table->field[2]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("INACTIVE"), cs); break; case PLUGIN_IS_READY: table->field[2]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("ACTIVE"), cs); break; case PLUGIN_IS_DISABLED: table->field[2]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("DISABLED"), cs); break; case PLUGIN_IS_FREED: // filtered in fill_plugins, used in fill_all_plugins table->field[2]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NOT INSTALLED"), cs); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } table->field[3]->store(plugin_type_names[plug->type].str, plugin_type_names[plug->type].length, cs); table->field[4]->store(version_buf, make_version_string(version_buf, sizeof(version_buf), *(uint *)plug->info), cs); if (plugin_dl) { table->field[5]->store(plugin_dl->dl.str, plugin_dl->dl.length, cs); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); table->field[6]->store(version_buf, make_version_string(version_buf, sizeof(version_buf), plugin_dl->mariaversion), cs); table->field[6]->set_notnull(); } else { table->field[5]->set_null(); table->field[6]->set_null(); } if (plug->author) { table->field[7]->store(plug->author, strlen(plug->author), cs); table->field[7]->set_notnull(); } else table->field[7]->set_null(); if (plug->descr) { table->field[8]->store(plug->descr, strlen(plug->descr), cs); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); } else table->field[8]->set_null(); switch (plug->license) { case PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL: table->field[9]->store(PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL_STRING, strlen(PLUGIN_LICENSE_GPL_STRING), cs); break; case PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD: table->field[9]->store(PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD_STRING, strlen(PLUGIN_LICENSE_BSD_STRING), cs); break; default: table->field[9]->store(PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY_STRING, strlen(PLUGIN_LICENSE_PROPRIETARY_STRING), cs); break; } table->field[10]->store( global_plugin_typelib_names[plugin_load_option(plugin)], strlen(global_plugin_typelib_names[plugin_load_option(plugin)]), cs); if (plug->maturity <= MariaDB_PLUGIN_MATURITY_STABLE) table->field[11]->store(maturity_name[plug->maturity].str, maturity_name[plug->maturity].length, cs); else table->field[11]->store("Unknown", 7, cs); if (plug->version_info) { table->field[12]->store(plug->version_info, strlen(plug->version_info), cs); table->field[12]->set_notnull(); } else table->field[12]->set_null(); return schema_table_store_record(thd, table); } int fill_plugins(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_plugins"); TABLE *table= tables->table; if (plugin_foreach_with_mask(thd, show_plugins, MYSQL_ANY_PLUGIN, ~PLUGIN_IS_FREED, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_all_plugins(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_all_plugins"); TABLE *table= tables->table; LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES lookup; if (get_lookup_field_values(thd, cond, tables, &lookup)) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (lookup.db_value.str && !lookup.db_value.str[0]) DBUG_RETURN(0); // empty string never matches a valid SONAME MY_DIR *dirp= my_dir(opt_plugin_dir, MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC); if (!dirp) { my_error(ER_CANT_READ_DIR, MYF(0), opt_plugin_dir, my_errno); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (!lookup.db_value.str) plugin_dl_foreach(thd, 0, show_plugins, table); const char *wstr= lookup.db_value.str, *wend= wstr + lookup.db_value.length; for (uint i=0; i < (uint) dirp->number_of_files; i++) { FILEINFO *file= dirp->dir_entry+i; LEX_STRING dl= { file->name, strlen(file->name) }; const char *dlend= dl.str + dl.length; const size_t so_ext_len= sizeof(SO_EXT) - 1; if (strcasecmp(dlend - so_ext_len, SO_EXT)) continue; if (lookup.db_value.str) { if (lookup.wild_db_value) { if (my_wildcmp(files_charset_info, dl.str, dlend, wstr, wend, wild_prefix, wild_one, wild_many)) continue; } else { if (my_strnncoll(files_charset_info, (uchar*)dl.str, dl.length, (uchar*)lookup.db_value.str, lookup.db_value.length)) continue; } } plugin_dl_foreach(thd, &dl, show_plugins, table); thd->clear_error(); } my_dirend(dirp); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /*************************************************************************** ** List all Authors. ** If you can update it, you get to be in it :) ***************************************************************************/ bool mysqld_show_authors(THD *thd) { List field_list; Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_show_authors"); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Name",40)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Location",40)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Comment",80)); if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); show_table_authors_st *authors; for (authors= show_table_authors; authors->name; authors++) { protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(authors->name, system_charset_info); protocol->store(authors->location, system_charset_info); protocol->store(authors->comment, system_charset_info); if (protocol->write()) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } my_eof(thd); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /*************************************************************************** ** List all Contributors. ** Please get permission before updating ***************************************************************************/ bool mysqld_show_contributors(THD *thd) { List field_list; Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_show_contributors"); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Name",40)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Location",40)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Comment",80)); if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); show_table_contributors_st *contributors; for (contributors= show_table_contributors; contributors->name; contributors++) { protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(contributors->name, system_charset_info); protocol->store(contributors->location, system_charset_info); protocol->store(contributors->comment, system_charset_info); if (protocol->write()) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } my_eof(thd); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /*************************************************************************** List all privileges supported ***************************************************************************/ struct show_privileges_st { const char *privilege; const char *context; const char *comment; }; static struct show_privileges_st sys_privileges[]= { {"Alter", "Tables", "To alter the table"}, {"Alter routine", "Functions,Procedures", "To alter or drop stored functions/procedures"}, {"Create", "Databases,Tables,Indexes", "To create new databases and tables"}, {"Create routine","Databases","To use CREATE FUNCTION/PROCEDURE"}, {"Create temporary tables","Databases","To use CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE"}, {"Create view", "Tables", "To create new views"}, {"Create user", "Server Admin", "To create new users"}, {"Delete", "Tables", "To delete existing rows"}, {"Drop", "Databases,Tables", "To drop databases, tables, and views"}, #ifdef HAVE_EVENT_SCHEDULER {"Event","Server Admin","To create, alter, drop and execute events"}, #endif {"Execute", "Functions,Procedures", "To execute stored routines"}, {"File", "File access on server", "To read and write files on the server"}, {"Grant option", "Databases,Tables,Functions,Procedures", "To give to other users those privileges you possess"}, {"Index", "Tables", "To create or drop indexes"}, {"Insert", "Tables", "To insert data into tables"}, {"Lock tables","Databases","To use LOCK TABLES (together with SELECT privilege)"}, {"Process", "Server Admin", "To view the plain text of currently executing queries"}, {"Proxy", "Server Admin", "To make proxy user possible"}, {"References", "Databases,Tables", "To have references on tables"}, {"Reload", "Server Admin", "To reload or refresh tables, logs and privileges"}, {"Replication client","Server Admin","To ask where the slave or master servers are"}, {"Replication slave","Server Admin","To read binary log events from the master"}, {"Select", "Tables", "To retrieve rows from table"}, {"Show databases","Server Admin","To see all databases with SHOW DATABASES"}, {"Show view","Tables","To see views with SHOW CREATE VIEW"}, {"Shutdown","Server Admin", "To shut down the server"}, {"Super","Server Admin","To use KILL thread, SET GLOBAL, CHANGE MASTER, etc."}, {"Trigger","Tables", "To use triggers"}, {"Create tablespace", "Server Admin", "To create/alter/drop tablespaces"}, {"Update", "Tables", "To update existing rows"}, {"Usage","Server Admin","No privileges - allow connect only"}, {NullS, NullS, NullS} }; bool mysqld_show_privileges(THD *thd) { List field_list; Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_show_privileges"); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Privilege",10)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Context",15)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Comment",NAME_CHAR_LEN)); if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); show_privileges_st *privilege= sys_privileges; for (privilege= sys_privileges; privilege->privilege ; privilege++) { protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(privilege->privilege, system_charset_info); protocol->store(privilege->context, system_charset_info); protocol->store(privilege->comment, system_charset_info); if (protocol->write()) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } my_eof(thd); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /** Hash of LEX_STRINGs used to search for ignored db directories. */ static HASH ignore_db_dirs_hash; /** An array of LEX_STRING pointers to collect the options at option parsing time. */ static DYNAMIC_ARRAY ignore_db_dirs_array; /** A value for the read only system variable to show a list of ignored directories. */ char *opt_ignore_db_dirs= NULL; /** This flag is ON if: - the list of ignored directories is not empty - and some of the ignored directory names need no tablename-to-filename conversion. Otherwise, if the name of the directory contains unconditional characters like '+' or '.', they never can match the database directory name. So the db_name_is_in_ignore_db_dirs_list() can just return at once. */ static bool skip_ignored_dir_check= TRUE; /** Sets up the data structures for collection of directories at option processing time. We need to collect the directories in an array first, because we need the character sets initialized before setting up the hash. @return state @retval TRUE failed @retval FALSE success */ bool ignore_db_dirs_init() { return my_init_dynamic_array(&ignore_db_dirs_array, sizeof(LEX_STRING *), 0, 0, MYF(0)); } /** Retrieves the key (the string itself) from the LEX_STRING hash members. Needed by hash_init(). @param data the data element from the hash @param out len_ret Placeholder to return the length of the key @param unused @return a pointer to the key */ static uchar * db_dirs_hash_get_key(const uchar *data, size_t *len_ret, my_bool __attribute__((unused))) { LEX_STRING *e= (LEX_STRING *) data; *len_ret= e->length; return (uchar *) e->str; } /** Wrap a directory name into a LEX_STRING and push it to the array. Called at option processing time for each --ignore-db-dir option. @param path the name of the directory to push @return state @retval TRUE failed @retval FALSE success */ bool push_ignored_db_dir(char *path) { LEX_STRING *new_elt; char *new_elt_buffer; size_t path_len= strlen(path); if (!path_len || path_len >= FN_REFLEN) return true; // No need to normalize, it's only a directory name, not a path. if (!my_multi_malloc(0, &new_elt, sizeof(LEX_STRING), &new_elt_buffer, path_len + 1, NullS)) return true; new_elt->str= new_elt_buffer; memcpy(new_elt_buffer, path, path_len); new_elt_buffer[path_len]= 0; new_elt->length= path_len; return insert_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array, (uchar*) &new_elt); } /** Clean up the directory ignore options accumulated so far. Called at option processing time for each --ignore-db-dir option with an empty argument. */ void ignore_db_dirs_reset() { LEX_STRING **elt; while (NULL!= (elt= (LEX_STRING **) pop_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array))) if (elt && *elt) my_free(*elt); } /** Free the directory ignore option variables. Called at server shutdown. */ void ignore_db_dirs_free() { if (opt_ignore_db_dirs) { my_free(opt_ignore_db_dirs); opt_ignore_db_dirs= NULL; } ignore_db_dirs_reset(); delete_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array); my_hash_free(&ignore_db_dirs_hash); } /** Initialize the ignore db directories hash and status variable from the options collected in the array. Called when option processing is over and the server's in-memory structures are fully initialized. @return state @retval TRUE failed @retval FALSE success */ static void dispose_db_dir(void *ptr) { my_free(ptr); } bool ignore_db_dirs_process_additions() { ulong i; size_t len; char *ptr; LEX_STRING *dir; skip_ignored_dir_check= TRUE; if (my_hash_init(&ignore_db_dirs_hash, lower_case_table_names ? character_set_filesystem : &my_charset_bin, 0, 0, 0, db_dirs_hash_get_key, dispose_db_dir, HASH_UNIQUE)) return true; /* len starts from 1 because of the terminating zero. */ len= 1; for (i= 0; i < ignore_db_dirs_array.elements; i++) { get_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array, (uchar *) &dir, i); len+= dir->length + 1; // +1 for the comma if (skip_ignored_dir_check) { char buff[FN_REFLEN]; (void) tablename_to_filename(dir->str, buff, sizeof(buff)); skip_ignored_dir_check= strcmp(dir->str, buff) != 0; } } /* No delimiter for the last directory. */ if (len > 1) len--; /* +1 the terminating zero */ ptr= opt_ignore_db_dirs= (char *) my_malloc(len + 1, MYF(0)); if (!ptr) return true; /* Make sure we have an empty string to start with. */ *ptr= 0; for (i= 0; i < ignore_db_dirs_array.elements; i++) { get_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array, (uchar *) &dir, i); if (my_hash_insert(&ignore_db_dirs_hash, (uchar *) dir)) return true; ptr= strnmov(ptr, dir->str, dir->length); if (i + 1 < ignore_db_dirs_array.elements) ptr= strmov(ptr, ","); /* Set the transferred array element to NULL to avoid double free in case of error. */ dir= NULL; set_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array, (uchar *) &dir, i); } /* make sure the string is terminated */ DBUG_ASSERT(ptr - opt_ignore_db_dirs <= (ptrdiff_t) len); *ptr= 0; /* It's OK to empty the array here as the allocated elements are referenced through the hash now. */ reset_dynamic(&ignore_db_dirs_array); return false; } /** Check if a directory name is in the hash of ignored directories. @return search result @retval TRUE found @retval FALSE not found */ static inline bool is_in_ignore_db_dirs_list(const char *directory) { return ignore_db_dirs_hash.records && NULL != my_hash_search(&ignore_db_dirs_hash, (const uchar *) directory, strlen(directory)); } /** Check if a database name is in the hash of ignored directories. @return search result @retval TRUE found @retval FALSE not found */ bool db_name_is_in_ignore_db_dirs_list(const char *directory) { char buff[FN_REFLEN]; uint buff_len; if (skip_ignored_dir_check) return 0; buff_len= tablename_to_filename(directory, buff, sizeof(buff)); return my_hash_search(&ignore_db_dirs_hash, (uchar *) buff, buff_len)!=NULL; } enum find_files_result { FIND_FILES_OK, FIND_FILES_OOM, FIND_FILES_DIR }; /* find_files() - find files in a given directory. SYNOPSIS find_files() thd thread handler files put found files in this list db database name to search tables in or NULL to search for databases path path to database wild filter for found files RETURN FIND_FILES_OK success FIND_FILES_OOM out of memory error FIND_FILES_DIR no such directory, or directory can't be read */ static find_files_result find_files(THD *thd, Dynamic_array *files, LEX_STRING *db, const char *path, const LEX_STRING *wild) { MY_DIR *dirp; Discovered_table_list tl(thd, files, wild); DBUG_ENTER("find_files"); if (!(dirp = my_dir(path, MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC | (db ? 0 : MY_WANT_STAT)))) { if (my_errno == ENOENT) my_error(ER_BAD_DB_ERROR, MYF(ME_BELL | ME_WAITTANG), db->str); else my_error(ER_CANT_READ_DIR, MYF(ME_BELL | ME_WAITTANG), path, my_errno); DBUG_RETURN(FIND_FILES_DIR); } if (!db) /* Return databases */ { for (uint i=0; i < (uint) dirp->number_of_files; i++) { FILEINFO *file= dirp->dir_entry+i; #ifdef USE_SYMDIR char *ext; char buff[FN_REFLEN]; if (my_use_symdir && !strcmp(ext=fn_ext(file->name), ".sym")) { /* Only show the sym file if it points to a directory */ char *end; *ext=0; /* Remove extension */ unpack_dirname(buff, file->name); end= strend(buff); if (end != buff && end[-1] == FN_LIBCHAR) end[-1]= 0; // Remove end FN_LIBCHAR if (!mysql_file_stat(key_file_misc, buff, file->mystat, MYF(0))) continue; } #endif if (!MY_S_ISDIR(file->mystat->st_mode)) continue; if (is_in_ignore_db_dirs_list(file->name)) continue; if (tl.add_file(file->name)) goto err; } tl.sort(); } else { if (ha_discover_table_names(thd, db, dirp, &tl)) goto err; } DBUG_PRINT("info",("found: %zu files", files->elements())); my_dirend(dirp); DBUG_RETURN(FIND_FILES_OK); err: my_dirend(dirp); DBUG_RETURN(FIND_FILES_OOM); } /** An Internal_error_handler that suppresses errors regarding views' underlying tables that occur during privilege checking within SHOW CREATE VIEW commands. This happens in the cases when - A view's underlying table (e.g. referenced in its SELECT list) does not exist. There should not be an error as no attempt was made to access it per se. - Access is denied for some table, column, function or stored procedure such as mentioned above. This error gets raised automatically, since we can't untangle its access checking from that of the view itself. */ class Show_create_error_handler : public Internal_error_handler { TABLE_LIST *m_top_view; bool m_handling; Security_context *m_sctx; char m_view_access_denied_message[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE]; char *m_view_access_denied_message_ptr; public: /** Creates a new Show_create_error_handler for the particular security context and view. @thd Thread context, used for security context information if needed. @top_view The view. We do not verify at this point that top_view is in fact a view since, alas, these things do not stay constant. */ explicit Show_create_error_handler(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *top_view) : m_top_view(top_view), m_handling(FALSE), m_view_access_denied_message_ptr(NULL) { m_sctx = test(m_top_view->security_ctx) ? m_top_view->security_ctx : thd->security_ctx; } /** Lazy instantiation of 'view access denied' message. The purpose of the Show_create_error_handler is to hide details of underlying tables for which we have no privileges behind ER_VIEW_INVALID messages. But this obviously does not apply if we lack privileges on the view itself. Unfortunately the information about for which table privilege checking failed is not available at this point. The only way for us to check is by reconstructing the actual error message and see if it's the same. */ char* get_view_access_denied_message() { if (!m_view_access_denied_message_ptr) { m_view_access_denied_message_ptr= m_view_access_denied_message; my_snprintf(m_view_access_denied_message, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE, ER(ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR), "SHOW VIEW", m_sctx->priv_user, m_sctx->host_or_ip, m_top_view->get_table_name()); } return m_view_access_denied_message_ptr; } bool handle_condition(THD *thd, uint sql_errno, const char * /* sqlstate */, MYSQL_ERROR::enum_warning_level level, const char *message, MYSQL_ERROR ** /* cond_hdl */) { /* The handler does not handle the errors raised by itself. At this point we know if top_view is really a view. */ if (m_handling || !m_top_view->view) return FALSE; m_handling= TRUE; bool is_handled; switch (sql_errno) { case ER_TABLEACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: if (!strcmp(get_view_access_denied_message(), message)) { /* Access to top view is not granted, don't interfere. */ is_handled= FALSE; break; } case ER_COLUMNACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: case ER_VIEW_NO_EXPLAIN: /* Error was anonymized, ignore all the same. */ case ER_PROCACCESS_DENIED_ERROR: is_handled= TRUE; break; case ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE: case ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE: /* Established behavior: warn if underlying tables are missing. */ push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_VIEW_INVALID, ER(ER_VIEW_INVALID), m_top_view->get_db_name(), m_top_view->get_table_name()); is_handled= TRUE; break; case ER_SP_DOES_NOT_EXIST: /* Established behavior: warn if underlying functions are missing. */ push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_VIEW_INVALID, ER(ER_VIEW_INVALID), m_top_view->get_db_name(), m_top_view->get_table_name()); is_handled= TRUE; break; default: is_handled= FALSE; } m_handling= FALSE; return is_handled; } }; /* Return CREATE command for table or view @param thd Thread handler @param table_list Table / view @return @retval 0 OK @retval 1 Error @notes table_list->db and table_list->table_name are kept unchanged to not cause problems with SP. */ bool mysqld_show_create(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list) { Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; char buff[2048]; String buffer(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info); List field_list; bool error= TRUE; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_show_create"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("db: %s table: %s",table_list->db, table_list->table_name)); /* Metadata locks taken during SHOW CREATE should be released when the statmement completes as it is an information statement. */ MDL_savepoint mdl_savepoint= thd->mdl_context.mdl_savepoint(); /* We want to preserve the tree for views. */ thd->lex->context_analysis_only|= CONTEXT_ANALYSIS_ONLY_VIEW; { /* Use open_tables() directly rather than open_normal_and_derived_tables(). This ensures that close_thread_tables() is not called if open tables fails and the error is ignored. This allows us to handle broken views nicely. */ uint counter; Show_create_error_handler view_error_suppressor(thd, table_list); thd->push_internal_handler(&view_error_suppressor); bool open_error= open_tables(thd, &table_list, &counter, MYSQL_OPEN_FORCE_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO_MDL) || mysql_handle_derived(thd->lex, DT_PREPARE); thd->pop_internal_handler(); if (open_error && (thd->killed || thd->is_error())) goto exit; } /* TODO: add environment variables show when it become possible */ if (thd->lex->only_view && !table_list->view) { my_error(ER_WRONG_OBJECT, MYF(0), table_list->db, table_list->table_name, "VIEW"); goto exit; } buffer.length(0); if (table_list->view) buffer.set_charset(table_list->view_creation_ctx->get_client_cs()); if ((table_list->view ? view_store_create_info(thd, table_list, &buffer) : store_create_info(thd, table_list, &buffer, NULL, FALSE /* show_database */))) goto exit; if (table_list->view) { field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("View",NAME_CHAR_LEN)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Create View", max(buffer.length(),1024))); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("character_set_client", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("collation_connection", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE)); } else { field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Table",NAME_CHAR_LEN)); // 1024 is for not to confuse old clients field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Create Table", max(buffer.length(),1024))); } if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) goto exit; protocol->prepare_for_resend(); if (table_list->view) protocol->store(table_list->view_name.str, system_charset_info); else { if (table_list->schema_table) protocol->store(table_list->schema_table->table_name, system_charset_info); else protocol->store(table_list->table->alias.c_ptr(), system_charset_info); } if (table_list->view) { protocol->store(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), table_list->view_creation_ctx->get_client_cs()); protocol->store(table_list->view_creation_ctx->get_client_cs()->csname, system_charset_info); protocol->store(table_list->view_creation_ctx->get_connection_cl()->name, system_charset_info); } else protocol->store(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), buffer.charset()); if (protocol->write()) goto exit; error= FALSE; my_eof(thd); exit: close_thread_tables(thd); /* Release any metadata locks taken during SHOW CREATE. */ thd->mdl_context.rollback_to_savepoint(mdl_savepoint); DBUG_RETURN(error); } bool mysqld_show_create_db(THD *thd, char *dbname, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info) { char buff[2048]; String buffer(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; uint db_access; #endif HA_CREATE_INFO create; uint create_options = create_info ? create_info->options : 0; Protocol *protocol=thd->protocol; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_show_create_db"); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (test_all_bits(sctx->master_access, DB_ACLS)) db_access=DB_ACLS; else db_access= (acl_get(sctx->host, sctx->ip, sctx->priv_user, dbname, 0) | sctx->master_access); if (!(db_access & DB_ACLS) && check_grant_db(thd,dbname)) { status_var_increment(thd->status_var.access_denied_errors); my_error(ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, MYF(0), sctx->priv_user, sctx->host_or_ip, dbname); general_log_print(thd,COM_INIT_DB,ER(ER_DBACCESS_DENIED_ERROR), sctx->priv_user, sctx->host_or_ip, dbname); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } #endif if (is_infoschema_db(dbname)) { dbname= INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME.str; create.default_table_charset= system_charset_info; } else { if (check_db_dir_existence(dbname)) { my_error(ER_BAD_DB_ERROR, MYF(0), dbname); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } load_db_opt_by_name(thd, dbname, &create); } List field_list; field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Database",NAME_CHAR_LEN)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Create Database",1024)); if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store(dbname, strlen(dbname), system_charset_info); buffer.length(0); buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE DATABASE ")); if (create_options & HA_LEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS) buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN("/*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ ")); append_identifier(thd, &buffer, dbname, strlen(dbname)); if (create.default_table_charset) { buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" /*!40100")); buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ")); buffer.append(create.default_table_charset->csname); if (!(create.default_table_charset->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) { buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COLLATE ")); buffer.append(create.default_table_charset->name); } buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" */")); } protocol->store(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), buffer.charset()); if (protocol->write()) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); my_eof(thd); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /**************************************************************************** Return only fields for API mysql_list_fields Use "show table wildcard" in mysql instead of this ****************************************************************************/ void mysqld_list_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, const char *wild) { TABLE *table; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_list_fields"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("table: %s",table_list->table_name)); if (open_normal_and_derived_tables(thd, table_list, MYSQL_OPEN_FORCE_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO_MDL, DT_PREPARE | DT_CREATE)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; table= table_list->table; List field_list; Field **ptr,*field; for (ptr=table->field ; (field= *ptr); ptr++) { if (!wild || !wild[0] || !wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, field->field_name,wild)) { if (table_list->view) field_list.push_back(new Item_ident_for_show(field, table_list->view_db.str, table_list->view_name.str)); else field_list.push_back(new Item_field(field)); } } restore_record(table, s->default_values); // Get empty record table->use_all_columns(); if (thd->protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_DEFAULTS)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; my_eof(thd); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Go through all character combinations and ensure that sql_lex.cc can parse it as an identifier. SYNOPSIS require_quotes() name attribute name name_length length of name RETURN # Pointer to conflicting character 0 No conflicting character */ static const char *require_quotes(const char *name, uint name_length) { uint length; bool pure_digit= TRUE; const char *end= name + name_length; for (; name < end ; name++) { uchar chr= (uchar) *name; length= my_mbcharlen(system_charset_info, chr); if (length == 1 && !system_charset_info->ident_map[chr]) return name; if (length == 1 && (chr < '0' || chr > '9')) pure_digit= FALSE; } if (pure_digit) return name; return 0; } /* Quote the given identifier if needed and append it to the target string. If the given identifier is empty, it will be quoted. SYNOPSIS append_identifier() thd thread handler packet target string name the identifier to be appended name_length length of the appending identifier RETURN VALUES true Error false Ok */ bool append_identifier(THD *thd, String *packet, const char *name, uint length) { const char *name_end; char quote_char; int q= get_quote_char_for_identifier(thd, name, length); if (q == EOF) return packet->append(name, length, packet->charset()); /* The identifier must be quoted as it includes a quote character or it's a keyword */ (void) packet->reserve(length*2 + 2); quote_char= (char) q; if (packet->append("e_char, 1, system_charset_info)) return true; for (name_end= name+length ; name < name_end ; name+= length) { uchar chr= (uchar) *name; length= my_mbcharlen(system_charset_info, chr); /* my_mbcharlen can return 0 on a wrong multibyte sequence. It is possible when upgrading from 4.0, and identifier contains some accented characters. The manual says it does not work. So we'll just change length to 1 not to hang in the endless loop. */ if (!length) length= 1; if (length == 1 && chr == (uchar) quote_char && packet->append("e_char, 1, system_charset_info)) return true; if (packet->append(name, length, system_charset_info)) return true; } return packet->append("e_char, 1, system_charset_info); } /* Get the quote character for displaying an identifier. SYNOPSIS get_quote_char_for_identifier() thd Thread handler name name to quote length length of name IMPLEMENTATION Force quoting in the following cases: - name is empty (for one, it is possible when we use this function for quoting user and host names for DEFINER clause); - name is a keyword; - name includes a special character; Otherwise identifier is quoted only if the option OPTION_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE is set. RETURN EOF No quote character is needed # Quote character */ int get_quote_char_for_identifier(THD *thd, const char *name, uint length) { if (length && !is_keyword(name,length) && !require_quotes(name, length) && !(thd->variables.option_bits & OPTION_QUOTE_SHOW_CREATE)) return EOF; if (thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_ANSI_QUOTES) return '"'; return '`'; } /* Append directory name (if exists) to CREATE INFO */ static void append_directory(THD *thd, String *packet, const char *dir_type, const char *filename) { if (filename && !(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_DIR_IN_CREATE)) { uint length= dirname_length(filename); packet->append(' '); packet->append(dir_type); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" DIRECTORY='")); #ifdef __WIN__ /* Convert \ to / to be able to create table on unix */ char *winfilename= (char*) thd->memdup(filename, length); char *pos, *end; for (pos= winfilename, end= pos+length ; pos < end ; pos++) { if (*pos == '\\') *pos = '/'; } filename= winfilename; #endif packet->append(filename, length); packet->append('\''); } } #define LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN 64 /** Print "ON UPDATE" clause of a field into a string. @param timestamp_field Pointer to timestamp field of a table. @param field The field to generate ON UPDATE clause for. @bool lcase Whether to print in lower case. @return false on success, true on error. */ static bool print_on_update_clause(Field *field, String *val, bool lcase) { DBUG_ASSERT(val->charset()->mbminlen == 1); val->length(0); if (field->has_update_default_function()) { if (lcase) val->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("on update ")); else val->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("ON UPDATE ")); val->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")); if (field->decimals() > 0) val->append_parenthesized(field->decimals()); return true; } return false; } static bool get_field_default_value(THD *thd, Field *field, String *def_value, bool quoted) { bool has_default; bool has_now_default; enum enum_field_types field_type= field->type(); /* We are using CURRENT_TIMESTAMP instead of NOW because it is more standard */ has_now_default= field->has_insert_default_function(); has_default= (field_type != FIELD_TYPE_BLOB && !(field->flags & NO_DEFAULT_VALUE_FLAG) && field->unireg_check != Field::NEXT_NUMBER && !((thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_MYSQL323 | MODE_MYSQL40)) && has_now_default)); def_value->length(0); if (has_default) { if (has_now_default) { def_value->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CURRENT_TIMESTAMP")); if (field->decimals() > 0) def_value->append_parenthesized(field->decimals()); } else if (!field->is_null()) { // Not null by default char tmp[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String type(tmp, sizeof(tmp), field->charset()); if (field_type == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT) { longlong dec= field->val_int(); char *ptr= longlong2str(dec, tmp + 2, 2); uint32 length= (uint32) (ptr - tmp); tmp[0]= 'b'; tmp[1]= '\''; tmp[length]= '\''; type.length(length + 1); quoted= 0; } else field->val_str(&type); if (type.length()) { String def_val; uint dummy_errors; /* convert to system_charset_info == utf8 */ def_val.copy(type.ptr(), type.length(), field->charset(), system_charset_info, &dummy_errors); if (quoted) append_unescaped(def_value, def_val.ptr(), def_val.length()); else def_value->append(def_val.ptr(), def_val.length()); } else if (quoted) def_value->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("''")); } else if (field->maybe_null() && quoted) def_value->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("NULL")); // Null as default else return 0; } return has_default; } /** Appends list of options to string @param thd thread handler @param packet string to append @param opt list of options */ static void append_create_options(THD *thd, String *packet, engine_option_value *opt) { for(; opt; opt= opt->next) { DBUG_ASSERT(opt->value.str); packet->append(' '); append_identifier(thd, packet, opt->name.str, opt->name.length); packet->append('='); if (opt->quoted_value) append_unescaped(packet, opt->value.str, opt->value.length); else packet->append(opt->value.str, opt->value.length); } } /* Build a CREATE TABLE statement for a table. SYNOPSIS store_create_info() thd The thread table_list A list containing one table to write statement for. packet Pointer to a string where statement will be written. create_info_arg Pointer to create information that can be used to tailor the format of the statement. Can be NULL, in which case only SQL_MODE is considered when building the statement. NOTE Currently always return 0, but might return error code in the future. RETURN 0 OK */ int store_create_info(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, String *packet, HA_CREATE_INFO *create_info_arg, bool show_database) { List field_list; char tmp[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], *for_str, buff[128], def_value_buf[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; const char *alias; String type(tmp, sizeof(tmp), system_charset_info); String def_value(def_value_buf, sizeof(def_value_buf), system_charset_info); Field **ptr,*field; uint primary_key; KEY *key_info; TABLE *table= table_list->table; handler *file= table->file; TABLE_SHARE *share= table->s; HA_CREATE_INFO create_info; #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE bool show_table_options= FALSE; #endif /* WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE */ bool foreign_db_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_POSTGRESQL | MODE_ORACLE | MODE_MSSQL | MODE_DB2 | MODE_MAXDB | MODE_ANSI)) != 0; bool limited_mysql_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_NO_FIELD_OPTIONS | MODE_MYSQL323 | MODE_MYSQL40)) != 0; my_bitmap_map *old_map; int error= 0; DBUG_ENTER("store_create_info"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("table: %s", table->s->table_name.str)); restore_record(table, s->default_values); // Get empty record if (share->tmp_table) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE ")); else packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE TABLE ")); if (create_info_arg && (create_info_arg->options & HA_LEX_CREATE_IF_NOT_EXISTS)) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("IF NOT EXISTS ")); if (table_list->schema_table) alias= table_list->schema_table->table_name; else { if (lower_case_table_names == 2) alias= table->alias.c_ptr(); else { alias= share->table_name.str; } } /* Print the database before the table name if told to do that. The database name is only printed in the event that it is different from the current database. The main reason for doing this is to avoid having to update gazillions of tests and result files, but it also saves a few bytes of the binary log. */ if (show_database) { const LEX_STRING *const db= table_list->schema_table ? &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME : &table->s->db; if (!thd->db || strcmp(db->str, thd->db)) { append_identifier(thd, packet, db->str, db->length); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(".")); } } append_identifier(thd, packet, alias, strlen(alias)); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" (\n")); /* We need this to get default values from the table We have to restore the read_set if we are called from insert in case of row based replication. */ old_map= tmp_use_all_columns(table, table->read_set); for (ptr=table->field ; (field= *ptr); ptr++) { uint flags = field->flags; if (ptr != table->field) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n")); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ")); append_identifier(thd,packet,field->field_name, strlen(field->field_name)); packet->append(' '); // check for surprises from the previous call to Field::sql_type() if (type.ptr() != tmp) type.set(tmp, sizeof(tmp), system_charset_info); else type.set_charset(system_charset_info); field->sql_type(type); packet->append(type.ptr(), type.length(), system_charset_info); if (field->has_charset() && !(thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_MYSQL323 | MODE_MYSQL40))) { if (field->charset() != share->table_charset) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" CHARACTER SET ")); packet->append(field->charset()->csname); } /* For string types dump collation name only if collation is not primary for the given charset */ if (!(field->charset()->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COLLATE ")); packet->append(field->charset()->name); } } if (field->vcol_info) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" AS (")); packet->append(field->vcol_info->expr_str.str, field->vcol_info->expr_str.length, system_charset_info); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(")")); if (field->stored_in_db) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" PERSISTENT")); else packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" VIRTUAL")); } if (flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" NOT NULL")); else if (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP) { /* TIMESTAMP field require explicit NULL flag, because unlike all other fields they are treated as NOT NULL by default. */ packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" NULL")); } if (!field->vcol_info && get_field_default_value(thd, field, &def_value, 1)) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" DEFAULT ")); packet->append(def_value.ptr(), def_value.length(), system_charset_info); } if (!limited_mysql_mode && print_on_update_clause(field, &def_value, false)) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ")); packet->append(def_value); } if (field->unireg_check == Field::NEXT_NUMBER && !(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_FIELD_OPTIONS)) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" AUTO_INCREMENT")); if (field->comment.length) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COMMENT ")); append_unescaped(packet, field->comment.str, field->comment.length); } append_create_options(thd, packet, field->option_list); } key_info= table->key_info; bzero((char*) &create_info, sizeof(create_info)); /* Allow update_create_info to update row type, page checksums and options */ create_info.row_type= share->row_type; create_info.page_checksum= share->page_checksum; create_info.options= share->db_create_options; file->update_create_info(&create_info); primary_key= share->primary_key; for (uint i=0 ; i < share->keys ; i++,key_info++) { KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= key_info->key_part; bool found_primary=0; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(",\n ")); if (i == primary_key && !strcmp(key_info->name, primary_key_name)) { found_primary=1; /* No space at end, because a space will be added after where the identifier would go, but that is not added for primary key. */ packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("PRIMARY KEY")); } else if (key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("UNIQUE KEY ")); else if (key_info->flags & HA_FULLTEXT) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("FULLTEXT KEY ")); else if (key_info->flags & HA_SPATIAL) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SPATIAL KEY ")); else packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("KEY ")); if (!found_primary) append_identifier(thd, packet, key_info->name, strlen(key_info->name)); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" (")); for (uint j=0 ; j < key_info->key_parts ; j++,key_part++) { if (j) packet->append(','); if (key_part->field) append_identifier(thd,packet,key_part->field->field_name, strlen(key_part->field->field_name)); if (key_part->field && (key_part->length != table->field[key_part->fieldnr-1]->key_length() && !(key_info->flags & (HA_FULLTEXT | HA_SPATIAL)))) { char *end; buff[0] = '('; end= int10_to_str((long) key_part->length / key_part->field->charset()->mbmaxlen, buff + 1,10); *end++ = ')'; packet->append(buff,(uint) (end-buff)); } } packet->append(')'); store_key_options(thd, packet, table, key_info); if (key_info->parser) { LEX_STRING *parser_name= plugin_name(key_info->parser); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" /*!50100 WITH PARSER ")); append_identifier(thd, packet, parser_name->str, parser_name->length); packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" */ ")); } append_create_options(thd, packet, key_info->option_list); } /* Get possible foreign key definitions stored in InnoDB and append them to the CREATE TABLE statement */ if ((for_str= file->get_foreign_key_create_info())) { packet->append(for_str, strlen(for_str)); file->free_foreign_key_create_info(for_str); } packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("\n)")); if (!(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_TABLE_OPTIONS) && !foreign_db_mode) { #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE show_table_options= TRUE; #endif /* WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE */ /* IF check_create_info THEN add ENGINE only if it was used when creating the table */ if (!create_info_arg || (create_info_arg->used_fields & HA_CREATE_USED_ENGINE)) { if (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_MYSQL323 | MODE_MYSQL40)) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" TYPE=")); else packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ENGINE=")); #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE if (table->part_info) packet->append(ha_resolve_storage_engine_name( table->part_info->default_engine_type)); else packet->append(file->table_type()); #else packet->append(file->table_type()); #endif } /* Add AUTO_INCREMENT=... if there is an AUTO_INCREMENT column, and NEXT_ID > 1 (the default). We must not print the clause for engines that do not support this as it would break the import of dumps, but as of this writing, the test for whether AUTO_INCREMENT columns are allowed and wether AUTO_INCREMENT=... is supported is identical, !(file->table_flags() & HA_NO_AUTO_INCREMENT)) Because of that, we do not explicitly test for the feature, but may extrapolate its existence from that of an AUTO_INCREMENT column. */ if (create_info.auto_increment_value > 1) { char *end; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" AUTO_INCREMENT=")); end= longlong10_to_str(create_info.auto_increment_value, buff,10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end - buff)); } if (share->table_charset && !(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_MYSQL323) && !(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_MYSQL40)) { /* IF check_create_info THEN add DEFAULT CHARSET only if it was used when creating the table */ if (!create_info_arg || (create_info_arg->used_fields & HA_CREATE_USED_DEFAULT_CHARSET)) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" DEFAULT CHARSET=")); packet->append(share->table_charset->csname); if (!(share->table_charset->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COLLATE=")); packet->append(table->s->table_charset->name); } } } if (share->min_rows) { char *end; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" MIN_ROWS=")); end= longlong10_to_str(share->min_rows, buff, 10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end- buff)); } if (share->max_rows && !table_list->schema_table) { char *end; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" MAX_ROWS=")); end= longlong10_to_str(share->max_rows, buff, 10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end - buff)); } if (share->avg_row_length) { char *end; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" AVG_ROW_LENGTH=")); end= longlong10_to_str(share->avg_row_length, buff,10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end - buff)); } if (create_info.options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" PACK_KEYS=1")); if (create_info.options & HA_OPTION_NO_PACK_KEYS) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" PACK_KEYS=0")); /* We use CHECKSUM, instead of TABLE_CHECKSUM, for backward compability */ if (create_info.options & HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" CHECKSUM=1")); if (create_info.page_checksum != HA_CHOICE_UNDEF) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" PAGE_CHECKSUM=")); packet->append(ha_choice_values[create_info.page_checksum], 1); } if (create_info.options & HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" DELAY_KEY_WRITE=1")); if (create_info.row_type != ROW_TYPE_DEFAULT) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" ROW_FORMAT=")); packet->append(ha_row_type[(uint) create_info.row_type]); } if (share->transactional != HA_CHOICE_UNDEF) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" TRANSACTIONAL=")); packet->append(ha_choice_values[(uint) share->transactional], 1); } if (table->s->key_block_size) { char *end; packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=")); end= longlong10_to_str(table->s->key_block_size, buff, 10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end - buff)); } table->file->append_create_info(packet); if (share->comment.length) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COMMENT=")); append_unescaped(packet, share->comment.str, share->comment.length); } if (share->connect_string.length) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" CONNECTION=")); append_unescaped(packet, share->connect_string.str, share->connect_string.length); } append_create_options(thd, packet, share->option_list); append_directory(thd, packet, "DATA", create_info.data_file_name); append_directory(thd, packet, "INDEX", create_info.index_file_name); } #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE { if (table->part_info && !((table->s->db_type()->partition_flags() & HA_USE_AUTO_PARTITION) && table->part_info->is_auto_partitioned)) { /* Partition syntax for CREATE TABLE is at the end of the syntax. */ uint part_syntax_len; char *part_syntax; String comment_start; table->part_info->set_show_version_string(&comment_start); if ((part_syntax= generate_partition_syntax(table->part_info, &part_syntax_len, FALSE, show_table_options, NULL, NULL, comment_start.c_ptr()))) { packet->append(comment_start); if (packet->append(part_syntax, part_syntax_len) || packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" */"))) error= 1; my_free(part_syntax); } } } #endif tmp_restore_column_map(table->read_set, old_map); DBUG_RETURN(error); } static void store_key_options(THD *thd, String *packet, TABLE *table, KEY *key_info) { bool limited_mysql_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_NO_FIELD_OPTIONS | MODE_MYSQL323 | MODE_MYSQL40)) != 0; bool foreign_db_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_POSTGRESQL | MODE_ORACLE | MODE_MSSQL | MODE_DB2 | MODE_MAXDB | MODE_ANSI)) != 0; char *end, buff[32]; if (!(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_NO_KEY_OPTIONS) && !limited_mysql_mode && !foreign_db_mode) { if (key_info->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_BTREE) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" USING BTREE")); if (key_info->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_HASH) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" USING HASH")); /* send USING only in non-default case: non-spatial rtree */ if ((key_info->algorithm == HA_KEY_ALG_RTREE) && !(key_info->flags & HA_SPATIAL)) packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" USING RTREE")); if ((key_info->flags & HA_USES_BLOCK_SIZE) && table->s->key_block_size != key_info->block_size) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=")); end= longlong10_to_str(key_info->block_size, buff, 10); packet->append(buff, (uint) (end - buff)); } DBUG_ASSERT(test(key_info->flags & HA_USES_COMMENT) == (key_info->comment.length > 0)); if (key_info->flags & HA_USES_COMMENT) { packet->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" COMMENT ")); append_unescaped(packet, key_info->comment.str, key_info->comment.length); } } } void view_store_options(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, String *buff) { append_algorithm(table, buff); append_definer(thd, buff, &table->definer.user, &table->definer.host); if (table->view_suid) buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SQL SECURITY DEFINER ")); else buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("SQL SECURITY INVOKER ")); } /* Append DEFINER clause to the given buffer. SYNOPSIS append_definer() thd [in] thread handle buffer [inout] buffer to hold DEFINER clause definer_user [in] user name part of definer definer_host [in] host name part of definer */ static void append_algorithm(TABLE_LIST *table, String *buff) { buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("ALGORITHM=")); switch ((int16)table->algorithm) { case VIEW_ALGORITHM_UNDEFINED: buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("UNDEFINED ")); break; case VIEW_ALGORITHM_TMPTABLE: buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("TEMPTABLE ")); break; case VIEW_ALGORITHM_MERGE: buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("MERGE ")); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); // never should happen } } /* Append DEFINER clause to the given buffer. SYNOPSIS append_definer() thd [in] thread handle buffer [inout] buffer to hold DEFINER clause definer_user [in] user name part of definer definer_host [in] host name part of definer */ void append_definer(THD *thd, String *buffer, const LEX_STRING *definer_user, const LEX_STRING *definer_host) { buffer->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("DEFINER=")); append_identifier(thd, buffer, definer_user->str, definer_user->length); buffer->append('@'); append_identifier(thd, buffer, definer_host->str, definer_host->length); buffer->append(' '); } int view_store_create_info(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, String *buff) { my_bool compact_view_name= TRUE; my_bool foreign_db_mode= (thd->variables.sql_mode & (MODE_POSTGRESQL | MODE_ORACLE | MODE_MSSQL | MODE_DB2 | MODE_MAXDB | MODE_ANSI)) != 0; if (!thd->db || strcmp(thd->db, table->view_db.str)) /* print compact view name if the view belongs to the current database */ compact_view_name= table->compact_view_format= FALSE; else { /* Compact output format for view body can be used if this view only references table inside it's own db */ TABLE_LIST *tbl; table->compact_view_format= TRUE; for (tbl= thd->lex->query_tables; tbl; tbl= tbl->next_global) { if (strcmp(table->view_db.str, tbl->view ? tbl->view_db.str :tbl->db)!= 0) { table->compact_view_format= FALSE; break; } } } buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("CREATE ")); if (!foreign_db_mode) { view_store_options(thd, table, buff); } buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIEW ")); if (!compact_view_name) { append_identifier(thd, buff, table->view_db.str, table->view_db.length); buff->append('.'); } append_identifier(thd, buff, table->view_name.str, table->view_name.length); buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" AS ")); /* We can't just use table->query, because our SQL_MODE may trigger a different syntax, like when ANSI_QUOTES is defined. */ table->view->unit.print(buff, QT_ORDINARY); if (table->with_check != VIEW_CHECK_NONE) { if (table->with_check == VIEW_CHECK_LOCAL) buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" WITH LOCAL CHECK OPTION")); else buff->append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" WITH CASCADED CHECK OPTION")); } return 0; } /**************************************************************************** Return info about all processes returns for each thread: thread id, user, host, db, command, info ****************************************************************************/ class thread_info :public ilink { public: static void *operator new(size_t size) { return (void*) sql_alloc((uint) size); } static void operator delete(void *ptr __attribute__((unused)), size_t size __attribute__((unused))) { TRASH(ptr, size); } ulong thread_id; time_t start_time; uint command; const char *user,*host,*db,*proc_info,*state_info; CSET_STRING query_string; double progress; }; static const char *thread_state_info(THD *tmp) { #ifndef EMBEDDED_LIBRARY if (tmp->net.reading_or_writing) { if (tmp->net.reading_or_writing == 2) return "Writing to net"; else if (tmp->command == COM_SLEEP) return ""; else return "Reading from net"; } else #endif { if (tmp->proc_info) return tmp->proc_info; else if (tmp->mysys_var && tmp->mysys_var->current_cond) return "Waiting on cond"; else return NULL; } } void mysqld_list_processes(THD *thd,const char *user, bool verbose) { Item *field; List field_list; I_List thread_infos; ulong max_query_length= (verbose ? thd->variables.max_allowed_packet : PROCESS_LIST_WIDTH); Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; DBUG_ENTER("mysqld_list_processes"); field_list.push_back(new Item_int("Id", 0, MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("User", USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH)); field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Host",LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN)); field_list.push_back(field=new Item_empty_string("db",NAME_CHAR_LEN)); field->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Command",16)); field_list.push_back(field= new Item_return_int("Time",7, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG)); field->unsigned_flag= 0; field_list.push_back(field=new Item_empty_string("State",30)); field->maybe_null=1; field_list.push_back(field=new Item_empty_string("Info",max_query_length)); field->maybe_null=1; if (!thd->variables.old_mode) { field_list.push_back(field= new Item_float("Progress", 0.0, 3, 7)); field->maybe_null= 0; } if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); // For unlink from list if (!thd->killed) { I_List_iterator it(threads); THD *tmp; while ((tmp=it++)) { Security_context *tmp_sctx= tmp->security_ctx; struct st_my_thread_var *mysys_var; if ((tmp->vio_ok() || tmp->system_thread) && (!user || (tmp_sctx->user && !strcmp(tmp_sctx->user, user)))) { thread_info *thd_info= new thread_info; thd_info->thread_id=tmp->thread_id; thd_info->user= thd->strdup(tmp_sctx->user ? tmp_sctx->user : (tmp->system_thread ? "system user" : "unauthenticated user")); if (tmp->peer_port && (tmp_sctx->host || tmp_sctx->ip) && thd->security_ctx->host_or_ip[0]) { if ((thd_info->host= (char*) thd->alloc(LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN+1))) my_snprintf((char *) thd_info->host, LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN, "%s:%u", tmp_sctx->host_or_ip, tmp->peer_port); } else thd_info->host= thd->strdup(tmp_sctx->host_or_ip[0] ? tmp_sctx->host_or_ip : tmp_sctx->host ? tmp_sctx->host : ""); if ((thd_info->db=tmp->db)) // Safe test thd_info->db=thd->strdup(thd_info->db); thd_info->command=(int) tmp->command; mysql_mutex_lock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); if ((mysys_var= tmp->mysys_var)) mysql_mutex_lock(&mysys_var->mutex); thd_info->proc_info= (char*) (tmp->killed >= KILL_QUERY ? "Killed" : 0); thd_info->state_info= thread_state_info(tmp); if (mysys_var) mysql_mutex_unlock(&mysys_var->mutex); /* Lock THD mutex that protects its data when looking at it. */ if (tmp->query()) { uint length= min(max_query_length, tmp->query_length()); char *q= thd->strmake(tmp->query(),length); /* Safety: in case strmake failed, we set length to 0. */ thd_info->query_string= CSET_STRING(q, q ? length : 0, tmp->query_charset()); } /* Progress report. We need to do this under a lock to ensure that all is from the same stage. */ if (tmp->progress.max_counter) { uint max_stage= max(tmp->progress.max_stage, 1); thd_info->progress= (((tmp->progress.stage / (double) max_stage) + ((tmp->progress.counter / (double) tmp->progress.max_counter) / (double) max_stage)) * 100.0); } else thd_info->progress= 0.0; thd_info->start_time= tmp->start_time; mysql_mutex_unlock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); thread_infos.append(thd_info); } } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); thread_info *thd_info; time_t now= my_time(0); char buff[20]; // For progress String store_buffer(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info); while ((thd_info=thread_infos.get())) { protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store((ulonglong) thd_info->thread_id); protocol->store(thd_info->user, system_charset_info); protocol->store(thd_info->host, system_charset_info); protocol->store(thd_info->db, system_charset_info); if (thd_info->proc_info) protocol->store(thd_info->proc_info, system_charset_info); else protocol->store(command_name[thd_info->command].str, system_charset_info); if (thd_info->start_time) protocol->store_long ((longlong) (now - thd_info->start_time)); else protocol->store_null(); protocol->store(thd_info->state_info, system_charset_info); protocol->store(thd_info->query_string.str(), thd_info->query_string.charset()); if (!thd->variables.old_mode) protocol->store(thd_info->progress, 3, &store_buffer); if (protocol->write()) break; /* purecov: inspected */ } my_eof(thd); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Produce EXPLAIN data. This function is APC-scheduled to be run in the context of the thread that we're producing EXPLAIN for. */ void Show_explain_request::call_in_target_thread() { Query_arena backup_arena; bool printed_anything= FALSE; /* Change the arena because JOIN::print_explain and co. are going to allocate items. Let them allocate them on our arena. */ target_thd->set_n_backup_active_arena((Query_arena*)request_thd, &backup_arena); query_str.copy(target_thd->query(), target_thd->query_length(), target_thd->query_charset()); DBUG_ASSERT(current_thd == target_thd); set_current_thd(request_thd); if (target_thd->lex->unit.print_explain(explain_buf, 0 /* explain flags*/, &printed_anything)) { failed_to_produce= TRUE; } set_current_thd(target_thd); if (!printed_anything) failed_to_produce= TRUE; target_thd->restore_active_arena((Query_arena*)request_thd, &backup_arena); } int select_result_explain_buffer::send_data(List &items) { int res; THD *cur_thd= current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("select_result_explain_buffer::send_data"); /* Switch to the recieveing thread, so that we correctly count memory used by it. This is needed as it's the receiving thread that will free the memory. */ set_current_thd(thd); fill_record(thd, dst_table, dst_table->field, items, TRUE, FALSE); res= dst_table->file->ha_write_tmp_row(dst_table->record[0]); set_current_thd(cur_thd); DBUG_RETURN(test(res)); } /* Store the SHOW EXPLAIN output in the temporary table. */ int fill_show_explain(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, COND *cond) { const char *calling_user; THD *tmp; my_thread_id thread_id; DBUG_ENTER("fill_show_explain"); DBUG_ASSERT(cond==NULL); thread_id= thd->lex->value_list.head()->val_int(); calling_user= (thd->security_ctx->master_access & PROCESS_ACL) ? NullS : thd->security_ctx->priv_user; if ((tmp= find_thread_by_id(thread_id))) { Security_context *tmp_sctx= tmp->security_ctx; /* If calling_user==NULL, calling thread has SUPER or PROCESS privilege, and so can do SHOW EXPLAIN on any user. if calling_user!=NULL, he's only allowed to view SHOW EXPLAIN on his own threads. */ if (calling_user && (!tmp_sctx->user || strcmp(calling_user, tmp_sctx->user))) { my_error(ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, MYF(0), "PROCESS"); mysql_mutex_unlock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (tmp == thd) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); my_error(ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } bool bres; /* Ok we've found the thread of interest and it won't go away because we're holding its LOCK_thd data. Post it a SHOW EXPLAIN request. */ bool timed_out; int timeout_sec= 30; Show_explain_request explain_req; select_result_explain_buffer *explain_buf; explain_buf= new select_result_explain_buffer(thd, table->table); explain_req.explain_buf= explain_buf; explain_req.target_thd= tmp; explain_req.request_thd= thd; explain_req.failed_to_produce= FALSE; /* Ok, we have a lock on target->LOCK_thd_data, can call: */ bres= tmp->apc_target.make_apc_call(thd, &explain_req, timeout_sec, &timed_out); if (bres || explain_req.failed_to_produce) { if (thd->killed) thd->send_kill_message(); else if (timed_out) my_error(ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT, MYF(0)); else my_error(ER_TARGET_NOT_EXPLAINABLE, MYF(0)); bres= TRUE; } else { /* Push the query string as a warning. The query may be in a different charset than the charset that's used for error messages, so, convert it if needed. */ CHARSET_INFO *fromcs= explain_req.query_str.charset(); CHARSET_INFO *tocs= error_message_charset_info; char *warning_text; if (!my_charset_same(fromcs, tocs)) { uint conv_length= 1 + tocs->mbmaxlen * explain_req.query_str.length() / fromcs->mbminlen; uint dummy_errors; char *to, *p; if (!(to= (char*)thd->alloc(conv_length + 1))) DBUG_RETURN(1); p= to; p+= copy_and_convert(to, conv_length, tocs, explain_req.query_str.c_ptr(), explain_req.query_str.length(), fromcs, &dummy_errors); *p= 0; warning_text= to; } else warning_text= explain_req.query_str.c_ptr_safe(); push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_NOTE, ER_YES, warning_text); } DBUG_RETURN(bres); } else { my_error(ER_NO_SUCH_THREAD, MYF(0), thread_id); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } int fill_schema_processlist(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND* cond) { TABLE *table= tables->table; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char *user; my_hrtime_t unow= my_hrtime(); DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_processlist"); user= thd->security_ctx->master_access & PROCESS_ACL ? NullS : thd->security_ctx->priv_user; mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); if (!thd->killed) { I_List_iterator it(threads); THD* tmp; while ((tmp= it++)) { Security_context *tmp_sctx= tmp->security_ctx; struct st_my_thread_var *mysys_var; const char *val; ulonglong max_counter; if ((!tmp->vio_ok() && !tmp->system_thread) || (user && (!tmp_sctx->user || strcmp(tmp_sctx->user, user)))) continue; restore_record(table, s->default_values); /* ID */ table->field[0]->store((longlong) tmp->thread_id, TRUE); /* USER */ val= tmp_sctx->user ? tmp_sctx->user : (tmp->system_thread ? "system user" : "unauthenticated user"); table->field[1]->store(val, strlen(val), cs); /* HOST */ if (tmp->peer_port && (tmp_sctx->host || tmp_sctx->ip) && thd->security_ctx->host_or_ip[0]) { char host[LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN + 1]; my_snprintf(host, LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN, "%s:%u", tmp_sctx->host_or_ip, tmp->peer_port); table->field[2]->store(host, strlen(host), cs); } else table->field[2]->store(tmp_sctx->host_or_ip, strlen(tmp_sctx->host_or_ip), cs); /* DB */ if (tmp->db) { table->field[3]->store(tmp->db, strlen(tmp->db), cs); table->field[3]->set_notnull(); } mysql_mutex_lock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); if ((mysys_var= tmp->mysys_var)) mysql_mutex_lock(&mysys_var->mutex); /* COMMAND */ if ((val= (char *) ((tmp->killed >= KILL_QUERY ? "Killed" : 0)))) table->field[4]->store(val, strlen(val), cs); else table->field[4]->store(command_name[tmp->command].str, command_name[tmp->command].length, cs); /* MYSQL_TIME */ const ulonglong utime= (tmp->start_time ? (unow.val - tmp->start_time * HRTIME_RESOLUTION - tmp->start_time_sec_part) : 0); table->field[5]->store(utime / HRTIME_RESOLUTION, TRUE); /* STATE */ if ((val= thread_state_info(tmp))) { table->field[6]->store(val, strlen(val), cs); table->field[6]->set_notnull(); } if (mysys_var) mysql_mutex_unlock(&mysys_var->mutex); mysql_mutex_unlock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); /* TIME_MS */ table->field[8]->store((double)(utime / (HRTIME_RESOLUTION / 1000.0))); /* INFO */ /* Lock THD mutex that protects its data when looking at it. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); if (tmp->query()) { table->field[7]->store(tmp->query(), min(PROCESS_LIST_INFO_WIDTH, tmp->query_length()), cs); table->field[7]->set_notnull(); } /* Progress report. We need to do this under a lock to ensure that all is from the same stage. */ if ((max_counter= tmp->progress.max_counter)) { table->field[9]->store((longlong) tmp->progress.stage + 1, 1); table->field[10]->store((longlong) tmp->progress.max_stage, 1); table->field[11]->store((double) tmp->progress.counter / (double) max_counter*100.0); } mysql_mutex_unlock(&tmp->LOCK_thd_data); /* This may become negative if we free a memory allocated by another thread in this thread. However it's better that we notice it eventually than hide it. */ table->field[12]->store((longlong) (tmp->status_var.memory_used + sizeof(THD)), FALSE); table->field[12]->set_notnull(); table->field[13]->store((longlong) tmp->examined_row_count, TRUE); table->field[13]->set_notnull(); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************************** Status functions *****************************************************************************/ static DYNAMIC_ARRAY all_status_vars; static bool status_vars_inited= 0; C_MODE_START static int show_var_cmp(const void *var1, const void *var2) { return strcasecmp(((SHOW_VAR*)var1)->name, ((SHOW_VAR*)var2)->name); } C_MODE_END /* deletes all the SHOW_UNDEF elements from the array and calls delete_dynamic() if it's completely empty. */ static void shrink_var_array(DYNAMIC_ARRAY *array) { uint a,b; SHOW_VAR *all= dynamic_element(array, 0, SHOW_VAR *); for (a= b= 0; b < array->elements; b++) if (all[b].type != SHOW_UNDEF) all[a++]= all[b]; if (a) { bzero(all+a, sizeof(SHOW_VAR)); // writing NULL-element to the end array->elements= a; } else // array is completely empty - delete it delete_dynamic(array); } /* Adds an array of SHOW_VAR entries to the output of SHOW STATUS SYNOPSIS add_status_vars(SHOW_VAR *list) list - an array of SHOW_VAR entries to add to all_status_vars the last entry must be {0,0,SHOW_UNDEF} NOTE The handling of all_status_vars[] is completely internal, it's allocated automatically when something is added to it, and deleted completely when the last entry is removed. As a special optimization, if add_status_vars() is called before init_status_vars(), it assumes "startup mode" - neither concurrent access to the array nor SHOW STATUS are possible (thus it skips locks and qsort) The last entry of the all_status_vars[] should always be {0,0,SHOW_UNDEF} */ int add_status_vars(SHOW_VAR *list) { int res= 0; if (status_vars_inited) mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); if (!all_status_vars.buffer && // array is not allocated yet - do it now my_init_dynamic_array(&all_status_vars, sizeof(SHOW_VAR), 200, 20, MYF(0))) { res= 1; goto err; } while (list->name) res|= insert_dynamic(&all_status_vars, (uchar*)list++); res|= insert_dynamic(&all_status_vars, (uchar*)list); // appending NULL-element all_status_vars.elements--; // but next insert_dynamic should overwite it if (status_vars_inited) sort_dynamic(&all_status_vars, show_var_cmp); err: if (status_vars_inited) mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); return res; } /* Make all_status_vars[] usable for SHOW STATUS NOTE See add_status_vars(). Before init_status_vars() call, add_status_vars() works in a special fast "startup" mode. Thus init_status_vars() should be called as late as possible but before enabling multi-threading. */ void init_status_vars() { status_vars_inited=1; sort_dynamic(&all_status_vars, show_var_cmp); } void reset_status_vars() { SHOW_VAR *ptr= (SHOW_VAR*) all_status_vars.buffer; SHOW_VAR *last= ptr + all_status_vars.elements; for (; ptr < last; ptr++) { /* Note that SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH variables are not reset */ if (ptr->type == SHOW_LONG) *(ulong*) ptr->value= 0; } } /* catch-all cleanup function, cleans up everything no matter what DESCRIPTION This function is not strictly required if all add_to_status/ remove_status_vars are properly paired, but it's a safety measure that deletes everything from the all_status_vars[] even if some remove_status_vars were forgotten */ void free_status_vars() { delete_dynamic(&all_status_vars); } /* Removes an array of SHOW_VAR entries from the output of SHOW STATUS SYNOPSIS remove_status_vars(SHOW_VAR *list) list - an array of SHOW_VAR entries to remove to all_status_vars the last entry must be {0,0,SHOW_UNDEF} NOTE there's lots of room for optimizing this, especially in non-sorted mode, but nobody cares - it may be called only in case of failed plugin initialization in the mysqld startup. */ void remove_status_vars(SHOW_VAR *list) { if (status_vars_inited) { mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); SHOW_VAR *all= dynamic_element(&all_status_vars, 0, SHOW_VAR *); int a= 0, b= all_status_vars.elements, c= (a+b)/2; for (; list->name; list++) { int res= 0; for (a= 0, b= all_status_vars.elements; b-a > 1; c= (a+b)/2) { res= show_var_cmp(list, all+c); if (res < 0) b= c; else if (res > 0) a= c; else break; } if (res == 0) all[c].type= SHOW_UNDEF; } shrink_var_array(&all_status_vars); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); } else { SHOW_VAR *all= dynamic_element(&all_status_vars, 0, SHOW_VAR *); uint i; for (; list->name; list++) { for (i= 0; i < all_status_vars.elements; i++) { if (show_var_cmp(list, all+i)) continue; all[i].type= SHOW_UNDEF; break; } } shrink_var_array(&all_status_vars); } } static bool show_status_array(THD *thd, const char *wild, SHOW_VAR *variables, enum enum_var_type value_type, struct system_status_var *status_var, const char *prefix, TABLE *table, bool ucase_names, COND *cond) { my_aligned_storage buffer; char * const buff= buffer.data; char *prefix_end; /* the variable name should not be longer than 64 characters */ char name_buffer[64]; int len; LEX_STRING null_lex_str; SHOW_VAR tmp, *var; enum_check_fields save_count_cuted_fields= thd->count_cuted_fields; bool res= FALSE; CHARSET_INFO *charset= system_charset_info; DBUG_ENTER("show_status_array"); thd->count_cuted_fields= CHECK_FIELD_WARN; null_lex_str.str= 0; // For sys_var->value_ptr() null_lex_str.length= 0; prefix_end=strnmov(name_buffer, prefix, sizeof(name_buffer)-1); if (*prefix) *prefix_end++= '_'; len=name_buffer + sizeof(name_buffer) - prefix_end; for (; variables->name; variables++) { bool wild_checked; strnmov(prefix_end, variables->name, len); name_buffer[sizeof(name_buffer)-1]=0; /* Safety */ if (ucase_names) my_caseup_str(system_charset_info, name_buffer); else { my_casedn_str(system_charset_info, name_buffer); DBUG_ASSERT(name_buffer[0] >= 'a'); DBUG_ASSERT(name_buffer[0] <= 'z'); /* traditionally status variables have a first letter uppercased */ if (status_var) name_buffer[0]-= 'a' - 'A'; } restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(name_buffer, strlen(name_buffer), system_charset_info); /* Compare name for types that can't return arrays. We do this to not calculate the value for function variables that we will not access */ if ((variables->type != SHOW_FUNC && variables->type != SHOW_ARRAY)) { if (wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, name_buffer, wild)) continue; wild_checked= 1; // Avoid checking it again } /* if var->type is SHOW_FUNC or SHOW_SIMPLE_FUNC, call the function. Repeat as necessary, if new var is again one of the above */ for (var=variables; var->type == SHOW_FUNC || var->type == SHOW_SIMPLE_FUNC; var= &tmp) ((mysql_show_var_func)(var->value))(thd, &tmp, buff); SHOW_TYPE show_type=var->type; if (show_type == SHOW_ARRAY) { show_status_array(thd, wild, (SHOW_VAR *) var->value, value_type, status_var, name_buffer, table, ucase_names, cond); } else { if ((wild_checked || (wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, name_buffer, wild))) && (!cond || cond->val_int())) { char *value=var->value; const char *pos, *end; // We assign a lot of const's mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_system_variables); if (show_type == SHOW_SYS) { sys_var *var= ((sys_var *) value); show_type= var->show_type(); value= (char*) var->value_ptr(thd, value_type, &null_lex_str); charset= var->charset(thd); } pos= end= buff; /* note that value may be == buff. All SHOW_xxx code below should still work in this case */ switch (show_type) { case SHOW_DOUBLE_STATUS: value= ((char *) status_var + (intptr) value); /* fall through */ case SHOW_DOUBLE: /* 6 is the default precision for '%f' in sprintf() */ end= buff + my_fcvt(*(double *) value, 6, buff, NULL); break; case SHOW_LONG_STATUS: value= ((char *) status_var + (intptr) value); /* fall through */ case SHOW_ULONG: case SHOW_LONG_NOFLUSH: // the difference lies in refresh_status() end= int10_to_str(*(long*) value, buff, 10); break; case SHOW_LONGLONG_STATUS: value= ((char *) status_var + (intptr) value); /* fall through */ case SHOW_ULONGLONG: end= longlong10_to_str(*(longlong*) value, buff, 10); break; case SHOW_HA_ROWS: end= longlong10_to_str((longlong) *(ha_rows*) value, buff, 10); break; case SHOW_BOOL: end= strmov(buff, *(bool*) value ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; case SHOW_MY_BOOL: end= strmov(buff, *(my_bool*) value ? "ON" : "OFF"); break; case SHOW_UINT: end= int10_to_str((long) *(uint*) value, buff, 10); break; case SHOW_SINT: end= int10_to_str((long) *(uint*) value, buff, -10); break; case SHOW_SLONG: end= int10_to_str(*(long*) value, buff, -10); break; case SHOW_SLONGLONG: end= longlong10_to_str(*(longlong*) value, buff, -10); break; case SHOW_HAVE: { SHOW_COMP_OPTION tmp= *(SHOW_COMP_OPTION*) value; pos= show_comp_option_name[(int) tmp]; end= strend(pos); break; } case SHOW_CHAR: { if (!(pos= value)) pos= ""; end= strend(pos); break; } case SHOW_CHAR_PTR: { if (!(pos= *(char**) value)) pos= ""; end= strend(pos); break; } case SHOW_LEX_STRING: { LEX_STRING *ls=(LEX_STRING*)value; if (!(pos= ls->str)) end= pos= ""; else end= pos + ls->length; break; } case SHOW_UNDEF: break; // Return empty string case SHOW_SYS: // Cannot happen default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); break; } table->field[1]->store(pos, (uint32) (end - pos), charset); thd->count_cuted_fields= CHECK_FIELD_IGNORE; table->field[1]->set_notnull(); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_system_variables); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { res= TRUE; goto end; } } } } end: thd->count_cuted_fields= save_count_cuted_fields; DBUG_RETURN(res); } #ifdef COMPLETE_PATCH_NOT_ADDED_YET /* Aggregate values for mapped_user entries by their role. SYNOPSIS aggregate_user_stats all_user_stats - input to aggregate agg_user_stats - returns aggregated values RETURN 0 - OK 1 - error */ static int aggregate_user_stats(HASH *all_user_stats, HASH *agg_user_stats) { DBUG_ENTER("aggregate_user_stats"); if (my_hash_init(agg_user_stats, system_charset_info, max(all_user_stats->records, 1), 0, 0, (my_hash_get_key)get_key_user_stats, (my_hash_free_key)free_user_stats, 0)) { sql_print_error("Malloc in aggregate_user_stats failed"); DBUG_RETURN(1); } for (uint i= 0; i < all_user_stats->records; i++) { USER_STATS *user= (USER_STATS*)my_hash_element(all_user_stats, i); USER_STATS *agg_user; uint name_length= strlen(user->priv_user); if (!(agg_user= (USER_STATS*) my_hash_search(agg_user_stats, (uchar*)user->priv_user, name_length))) { // First entry for this role. if (!(agg_user= (USER_STATS*) my_malloc(sizeof(USER_STATS), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL| MY_THREAD_SPECIFIC)))) { sql_print_error("Malloc in aggregate_user_stats failed"); DBUG_RETURN(1); } init_user_stats(agg_user, user->priv_user, name_length, user->priv_user, user->total_connections, user->concurrent_connections, user->connected_time, user->busy_time, user->cpu_time, user->bytes_received, user->bytes_sent, user->binlog_bytes_written, user->rows_sent, user->rows_read, user->rows_inserted, user->rows_deleted, user->rows_updated, user->select_commands, user->update_commands, user->other_commands, user->commit_trans, user->rollback_trans, user->denied_connections, user->lost_connections, user->access_denied_errors, user->empty_queries); if (my_hash_insert(agg_user_stats, (uchar*) agg_user)) { /* Out of memory */ my_free(agg_user, 0); sql_print_error("Malloc in aggregate_user_stats failed"); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } else { /* Aggregate with existing values for this role. */ add_user_stats(agg_user, user->total_connections, user->concurrent_connections, user->connected_time, user->busy_time, user->cpu_time, user->bytes_received, user->bytes_sent, user->binlog_bytes_written, user->rows_sent, user->rows_read, user->rows_inserted, user->rows_deleted, user->rows_updated, user->select_commands, user->update_commands, user->other_commands, user->commit_trans, user->rollback_trans, user->denied_connections, user->lost_connections, user->access_denied_errors, user->empty_queries); } } DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("aggregated %lu input into %lu output entries", all_user_stats->records, agg_user_stats->records)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /* Write result to network for SHOW USER_STATISTICS SYNOPSIS send_user_stats all_user_stats - values to return table - I_S table RETURN 0 - OK 1 - error */ int send_user_stats(THD* thd, HASH *all_user_stats, TABLE *table) { DBUG_ENTER("send_user_stats"); for (uint i= 0; i < all_user_stats->records; i++) { uint j= 0; USER_STATS *user_stats= (USER_STATS*) my_hash_element(all_user_stats, i); table->field[j++]->store(user_stats->user, user_stats->user_name_length, system_charset_info); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->total_connections,TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->concurrent_connections, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->connected_time, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((double)user_stats->busy_time); table->field[j++]->store((double)user_stats->cpu_time); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->bytes_received, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->bytes_sent, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->binlog_bytes_written, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rows_read, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rows_sent, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rows_deleted, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rows_inserted, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rows_updated, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->select_commands, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->update_commands, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->other_commands, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->commit_trans, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->rollback_trans, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->denied_connections, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->lost_connections, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->access_denied_errors, TRUE); table->field[j++]->store((longlong)user_stats->empty_queries, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("store record error")); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Process SHOW USER_STATISTICS SYNOPSIS mysqld_show_user_stats thd - current thread wild - limit results to the entry for this user with_roles - when true, display role for mapped users RETURN 0 - OK 1 - error */ int fill_schema_user_stats(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND* cond) { TABLE *table= tables->table; int result; DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_user_stats"); if (check_global_access(thd, SUPER_ACL | PROCESS_ACL, true)) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Iterates through all the global stats and sends them to the client. Pattern matching on the client IP is supported. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_user_client_stats); result= send_user_stats(thd, &global_user_stats, table) != 0; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_user_client_stats); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("result: %d", result)); DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Process SHOW CLIENT_STATISTICS SYNOPSIS mysqld_show_client_stats thd - current thread wild - limit results to the entry for this client RETURN 0 - OK 1 - error */ int fill_schema_client_stats(THD* thd, TABLE_LIST* tables, COND* cond) { TABLE *table= tables->table; int result; DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_client_stats"); if (check_global_access(thd, SUPER_ACL | PROCESS_ACL, true)) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Iterates through all the global stats and sends them to the client. Pattern matching on the client IP is supported. */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_user_client_stats); result= send_user_stats(thd, &global_client_stats, table) != 0; mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_user_client_stats); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("result: %d", result)); DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Fill information schema table with table statistics */ int fill_schema_table_stats(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { TABLE *table= tables->table; DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_table_stats"); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_table_stats); for (uint i= 0; i < global_table_stats.records; i++) { char *end_of_schema; TABLE_STATS *table_stats= (TABLE_STATS*)my_hash_element(&global_table_stats, i); TABLE_LIST tmp_table; size_t schema_length, table_name_length; end_of_schema= strend(table_stats->table); schema_length= (size_t) (end_of_schema - table_stats->table); table_name_length= strlen(table_stats->table + schema_length + 1); bzero((char*) &tmp_table,sizeof(tmp_table)); tmp_table.db= table_stats->table; tmp_table.table_name= end_of_schema+1; tmp_table.grant.privilege= 0; if (check_access(thd, SELECT_ACL, tmp_table.db, &tmp_table.grant.privilege, NULL, 0, 1) || check_grant(thd, SELECT_ACL, &tmp_table, 1, UINT_MAX, 1)) continue; table->field[0]->store(table_stats->table, schema_length, system_charset_info); table->field[1]->store(table_stats->table + schema_length+1, table_name_length, system_charset_info); table->field[2]->store((longlong)table_stats->rows_read, TRUE); table->field[3]->store((longlong)table_stats->rows_changed, TRUE); table->field[4]->store((longlong)table_stats->rows_changed_x_indexes, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_table_stats); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_table_stats); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Fill information schema table with index statistics */ int fill_schema_index_stats(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { TABLE *table= tables->table; DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_index_stats"); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_global_index_stats); for (uint i= 0; i < global_index_stats.records; i++) { INDEX_STATS *index_stats = (INDEX_STATS*) my_hash_element(&global_index_stats, i); TABLE_LIST tmp_table; char *index_name; size_t schema_name_length, table_name_length, index_name_length; bzero((char*) &tmp_table,sizeof(tmp_table)); tmp_table.db= index_stats->index; tmp_table.table_name= strend(index_stats->index)+1; tmp_table.grant.privilege= 0; if (check_access(thd, SELECT_ACL, tmp_table.db, &tmp_table.grant.privilege, NULL, 0, 1) || check_grant(thd, SELECT_ACL, &tmp_table, 1, UINT_MAX, 1)) continue; index_name= strend(tmp_table.table_name)+1; schema_name_length= (tmp_table.table_name - index_stats->index) -1; table_name_length= (index_name - tmp_table.table_name)-1; index_name_length= (index_stats->index_name_length - schema_name_length - table_name_length - 3); table->field[0]->store(tmp_table.db, schema_name_length, system_charset_info); table->field[1]->store(tmp_table.table_name, table_name_length, system_charset_info); table->field[2]->store(index_name, index_name_length, system_charset_info); table->field[3]->store((longlong)index_stats->rows_read, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_index_stats); DBUG_RETURN(1); } } mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_global_index_stats); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* collect status for all running threads */ void calc_sum_of_all_status(STATUS_VAR *to) { DBUG_ENTER("calc_sum_of_all_status"); /* Ensure that thread id not killed during loop */ mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); // For unlink from list I_List_iterator it(threads); THD *tmp; /* Get global values as base */ *to= global_status_var; /* Add to this status from existing threads */ while ((tmp= it++)) add_to_status(to, &tmp->status_var); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* This is only used internally, but we need it here as a forward reference */ extern ST_SCHEMA_TABLE schema_tables[]; /* Store record to I_S table, convert HEAP table to MyISAM if necessary SYNOPSIS schema_table_store_record() thd thread handler table Information schema table to be updated RETURN 0 success 1 error */ bool schema_table_store_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table) { int error; if ((error= table->file->ha_write_tmp_row(table->record[0]))) { TMP_TABLE_PARAM *param= table->pos_in_table_list->schema_table_param; if (create_internal_tmp_table_from_heap(thd, table, param->start_recinfo, ¶m->recinfo, error, 0)) return 1; } return 0; } static int make_table_list(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *sel, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { Table_ident *table_ident; table_ident= new Table_ident(thd, *db_name, *table_name, 1); if (!sel->add_table_to_list(thd, table_ident, 0, 0, TL_READ, MDL_SHARED_READ)) return 1; return 0; } /** @brief Get lookup value from the part of 'WHERE' condition @details This function gets lookup value from the part of 'WHERE' condition if it's possible and fill appropriate lookup_field_vals struct field with this value. @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] item_func part of WHERE condition @param[in] table I_S table @param[in, out] lookup_field_vals Struct which holds lookup values @return 0 success 1 error, there can be no matching records for the condition */ bool get_lookup_value(THD *thd, Item_func *item_func, TABLE_LIST *table, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *lookup_field_vals) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= table->schema_table; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info= schema_table->fields_info; const char *field_name1= schema_table->idx_field1 >= 0 ? field_info[schema_table->idx_field1].field_name : ""; const char *field_name2= schema_table->idx_field2 >= 0 ? field_info[schema_table->idx_field2].field_name : ""; if (item_func->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC || item_func->functype() == Item_func::EQUAL_FUNC) { int idx_field, idx_val; char tmp[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String *tmp_str, str_buff(tmp, sizeof(tmp), system_charset_info); Item_field *item_field; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; if (item_func->arguments()[0]->real_item()->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && item_func->arguments()[1]->const_item()) { idx_field= 0; idx_val= 1; } else if (item_func->arguments()[1]->real_item()->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && item_func->arguments()[0]->const_item()) { idx_field= 1; idx_val= 0; } else return 0; item_field= (Item_field*) item_func->arguments()[idx_field]->real_item(); if (table->table != item_field->field->table) return 0; tmp_str= item_func->arguments()[idx_val]->val_str(&str_buff); /* impossible value */ if (!tmp_str) return 1; /* Lookup value is database name */ if (!cs->coll->strnncollsp(cs, (uchar *) field_name1, strlen(field_name1), (uchar *) item_field->field_name, strlen(item_field->field_name), 0)) { thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_vals->db_value, tmp_str->ptr(), tmp_str->length()); } /* Lookup value is table name */ else if (!cs->coll->strnncollsp(cs, (uchar *) field_name2, strlen(field_name2), (uchar *) item_field->field_name, strlen(item_field->field_name), 0)) { thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_vals->table_value, tmp_str->ptr(), tmp_str->length()); } } return 0; } /** @brief Calculates lookup values from 'WHERE' condition @details This function calculates lookup value(database name, table name) from 'WHERE' condition if it's possible and fill lookup_field_vals struct fields with these values. @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] cond WHERE condition @param[in] table I_S table @param[in, out] lookup_field_vals Struct which holds lookup values @return 0 success 1 error, there can be no matching records for the condition */ bool calc_lookup_values_from_cond(THD *thd, COND *cond, TABLE_LIST *table, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *lookup_field_vals) { if (!cond) return 0; if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item= li++)) { if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM) { if (get_lookup_value(thd, (Item_func*)item, table, lookup_field_vals)) return 1; } else { if (calc_lookup_values_from_cond(thd, item, table, lookup_field_vals)) return 1; } } } return 0; } else if (cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM && get_lookup_value(thd, (Item_func*) cond, table, lookup_field_vals)) return 1; return 0; } bool uses_only_table_name_fields(Item *item, TABLE_LIST *table) { if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM) { Item_func *item_func= (Item_func*)item; for (uint i=0; iargument_count(); i++) { if (!uses_only_table_name_fields(item_func->arguments()[i], table)) return 0; } } else if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM) { Item_field *item_field= (Item_field*)item; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= table->schema_table; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info= schema_table->fields_info; const char *field_name1= schema_table->idx_field1 >= 0 ? field_info[schema_table->idx_field1].field_name : ""; const char *field_name2= schema_table->idx_field2 >= 0 ? field_info[schema_table->idx_field2].field_name : ""; if (table->table != item_field->field->table || (cs->coll->strnncollsp(cs, (uchar *) field_name1, strlen(field_name1), (uchar *) item_field->field_name, strlen(item_field->field_name), 0) && cs->coll->strnncollsp(cs, (uchar *) field_name2, strlen(field_name2), (uchar *) item_field->field_name, strlen(item_field->field_name), 0))) return 0; } else if (item->type() == Item::REF_ITEM) return uses_only_table_name_fields(item->real_item(), table); if (item->real_type() == Item::SUBSELECT_ITEM && !item->const_item()) return 0; return 1; } static COND * make_cond_for_info_schema(COND *cond, TABLE_LIST *table) { if (!cond) return (COND*) 0; if (cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) { if (((Item_cond*) cond)->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) { /* Create new top level AND item */ Item_cond_and *new_cond=new Item_cond_and; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix= make_cond_for_info_schema(item, table); if (fix) new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); } switch (new_cond->argument_list()->elements) { case 0: return (COND*) 0; case 1: return new_cond->argument_list()->head(); default: new_cond->quick_fix_field(); return new_cond; } } else { // Or list Item_cond_or *new_cond=new Item_cond_or; if (!new_cond) return (COND*) 0; List_iterator li(*((Item_cond*) cond)->argument_list()); Item *item; while ((item=li++)) { Item *fix=make_cond_for_info_schema(item, table); if (!fix) return (COND*) 0; new_cond->argument_list()->push_back(fix); } new_cond->quick_fix_field(); new_cond->top_level_item(); return new_cond; } } if (!uses_only_table_name_fields(cond, table)) return (COND*) 0; return cond; } /** @brief Calculate lookup values(database name, table name) @details This function calculates lookup values(database name, table name) from 'WHERE' condition or wild values (for 'SHOW' commands only) from LEX struct and fill lookup_field_vals struct field with these values. @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] cond WHERE condition @param[in] tables I_S table @param[in, out] lookup_field_values Struct which holds lookup values @return 0 success 1 error, there can be no matching records for the condition */ bool get_lookup_field_values(THD *thd, COND *cond, TABLE_LIST *tables, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *lookup_field_values) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; String *wild= lex->wild; bool rc= 0; bzero((char*) lookup_field_values, sizeof(LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES)); switch (lex->sql_command) { case SQLCOM_SHOW_DATABASES: if (wild) { thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_values->db_value, wild->ptr(), wild->length()); lookup_field_values->wild_db_value= 1; } break; case SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLES: case SQLCOM_SHOW_TABLE_STATUS: case SQLCOM_SHOW_TRIGGERS: case SQLCOM_SHOW_EVENTS: thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_values->db_value, lex->select_lex.db, strlen(lex->select_lex.db)); if (wild) { thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_values->table_value, wild->ptr(), wild->length()); lookup_field_values->wild_table_value= 1; } break; case SQLCOM_SHOW_PLUGINS: if (lex->ident.str) thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_values->db_value, lex->ident.str, lex->ident.length); else if (lex->wild) { thd->make_lex_string(&lookup_field_values->db_value, lex->wild->ptr(), lex->wild->length()); lookup_field_values->wild_db_value= 1; } break; default: /* The "default" is for queries over I_S. All previous cases handle SHOW commands. */ rc= calc_lookup_values_from_cond(thd, cond, tables, lookup_field_values); break; } if (lower_case_table_names && !rc) { /* We can safely do in-place upgrades here since all of the above cases are allocating a new memory buffer for these strings. */ if (lookup_field_values->db_value.str && lookup_field_values->db_value.str[0]) my_casedn_str(system_charset_info, lookup_field_values->db_value.str); if (lookup_field_values->table_value.str && lookup_field_values->table_value.str[0]) my_casedn_str(system_charset_info, lookup_field_values->table_value.str); } return rc; } enum enum_schema_tables get_schema_table_idx(ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { return (enum enum_schema_tables) (schema_table - &schema_tables[0]); } /* Create db names list. Information schema name always is first in list SYNOPSIS make_db_list() thd thread handler files list of db names wild wild string idx_field_vals idx_field_vals->db_name contains db name or wild string RETURN zero success non-zero error */ int make_db_list(THD *thd, Dynamic_array *files, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *lookup_field_vals) { if (lookup_field_vals->wild_db_value) { /* This part of code is only for SHOW DATABASES command. idx_field_vals->db_value can be 0 when we don't use LIKE clause (see also get_index_field_values() function) */ if (!lookup_field_vals->db_value.str || !wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME.str, lookup_field_vals->db_value.str)) { if (files->append_val(&INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME)) return 1; } return find_files(thd, files, 0, mysql_data_home, &lookup_field_vals->db_value); } /* If we have db lookup vaule we just add it to list and exit from the function. We don't do this for database names longer than the maximum path length. */ if (lookup_field_vals->db_value.str && lookup_field_vals->db_value.length < FN_REFLEN) { if (is_infoschema_db(lookup_field_vals->db_value.str, lookup_field_vals->db_value.length)) { if (files->append_val(&INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME)) return 1; return 0; } if (files->append_val(&lookup_field_vals->db_value)) return 1; return 0; } /* Create list of existing databases. It is used in case of select from information schema table */ if (files->append_val(&INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME)) return 1; return find_files(thd, files, 0, mysql_data_home, &null_lex_str); } struct st_add_schema_table { Dynamic_array *files; const char *wild; }; static my_bool add_schema_table(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin, void* p_data) { LEX_STRING *file_name= 0; st_add_schema_table *data= (st_add_schema_table *)p_data; Dynamic_array *file_list= data->files; const char *wild= data->wild; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= plugin_data(plugin, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *); DBUG_ENTER("add_schema_table"); if (schema_table->hidden) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (wild) { if (lower_case_table_names) { if (wild_case_compare(files_charset_info, schema_table->table_name, wild)) DBUG_RETURN(0); } else if (wild_compare(schema_table->table_name, wild, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(0); } if ((file_name= thd->make_lex_string(schema_table->table_name, strlen(schema_table->table_name))) && !file_list->append(file_name)) DBUG_RETURN(0); DBUG_RETURN(1); } int schema_tables_add(THD *thd, Dynamic_array *files, const char *wild) { LEX_STRING *file_name= 0; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *tmp_schema_table= schema_tables; st_add_schema_table add_data; DBUG_ENTER("schema_tables_add"); for (; tmp_schema_table->table_name; tmp_schema_table++) { if (tmp_schema_table->hidden) continue; if (wild) { if (lower_case_table_names) { if (wild_case_compare(files_charset_info, tmp_schema_table->table_name, wild)) continue; } else if (wild_compare(tmp_schema_table->table_name, wild, 0)) continue; } if ((file_name= thd->make_lex_string(tmp_schema_table->table_name, strlen(tmp_schema_table->table_name))) && !files->append(file_name)) continue; DBUG_RETURN(1); } add_data.files= files; add_data.wild= wild; if (plugin_foreach(thd, add_schema_table, MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &add_data)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** @brief Create table names list @details The function creates the list of table names in database @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] table_names List of table names in database @param[in] lex pointer to LEX struct @param[in] lookup_field_vals pointer to LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUE struct @param[in] db_name database name @return Operation status @retval 0 ok @retval 1 fatal error @retval 2 Not fatal error; Safe to ignore this file list */ static int make_table_name_list(THD *thd, Dynamic_array *table_names, LEX *lex, LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES *lookup_field_vals, LEX_STRING *db_name) { char path[FN_REFLEN + 1]; build_table_filename(path, sizeof(path) - 1, db_name->str, "", "", 0); if (!lookup_field_vals->wild_table_value && lookup_field_vals->table_value.str) { if (db_name == &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) { LEX_STRING *name; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= find_schema_table(thd, lookup_field_vals->table_value.str); if (schema_table && !schema_table->hidden) { if (!(name= thd->make_lex_string(schema_table->table_name, strlen(schema_table->table_name))) || table_names->append(name)) return 1; } } else { if (table_names->append_val(&lookup_field_vals->table_value)) return 1; } return 0; } /* This call will add all matching the wildcards (if specified) IS tables to the list */ if (db_name == &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) return (schema_tables_add(thd, table_names, lookup_field_vals->table_value.str)); find_files_result res= find_files(thd, table_names, db_name, path, &lookup_field_vals->table_value); if (res != FIND_FILES_OK) { /* Downgrade errors about problems with database directory to warnings if this is not a 'SHOW' command. Another thread may have dropped database, and we may still have a name for that directory. */ if (res == FIND_FILES_DIR) { if (sql_command_flags[lex->sql_command] & CF_STATUS_COMMAND) return 1; thd->clear_error(); return 2; } return 1; } return 0; } /** Fill I_S table with data obtained by performing full-blown table open. @param thd Thread handler. @param is_show_fields_or_keys Indicates whether it is a legacy SHOW COLUMNS or SHOW KEYS statement. @param table TABLE object for I_S table to be filled. @param schema_table I_S table description structure. @param orig_db_name Database name. @param orig_table_name Table name. @param open_tables_state_backup Open_tables_state object which is used to save/restore original status of variables related to open tables state. @param can_deadlock Indicates that deadlocks are possible due to metadata locks, so to avoid them we should not wait in case if conflicting lock is present. @retval FALSE - Success. @retval TRUE - Failure. */ static bool fill_schema_table_by_open(THD *thd, bool is_show_fields_or_keys, TABLE *table, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table, LEX_STRING *orig_db_name, LEX_STRING *orig_table_name, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_state_backup, bool can_deadlock) { Query_arena i_s_arena(thd->mem_root, Query_arena::STMT_CONVENTIONAL_EXECUTION), backup_arena, *old_arena; LEX *old_lex= thd->lex, temp_lex, *lex; LEX_STRING db_name, table_name; TABLE_LIST *table_list; bool result= true; DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_table_by_open"); /* When a view is opened its structures are allocated on a permanent statement arena and linked into the LEX tree for the current statement (this happens even in cases when view is handled through TEMPTABLE algorithm). To prevent this process from unnecessary hogging of memory in the permanent arena of our I_S query and to avoid damaging its LEX we use temporary arena and LEX for table/view opening. Use temporary arena instead of statement permanent arena. Also make it active arena and save original one for successive restoring. */ old_arena= thd->stmt_arena; thd->stmt_arena= &i_s_arena; thd->set_n_backup_active_arena(&i_s_arena, &backup_arena); /* Prepare temporary LEX. */ thd->lex= lex= &temp_lex; lex_start(thd); /* Disable constant subquery evaluation as we won't be locking tables. */ lex->context_analysis_only= CONTEXT_ANALYSIS_ONLY_VIEW; /* Some of process_table() functions rely on wildcard being passed from old LEX (or at least being initialized). */ lex->wild= old_lex->wild; /* Since make_table_list() might change database and table name passed to it we create copies of orig_db_name and orig_table_name here. These copies are used for make_table_list() while unaltered values are passed to process_table() functions. */ if (!thd->make_lex_string(&db_name, orig_db_name->str, orig_db_name->length) || !thd->make_lex_string(&table_name, orig_table_name->str, orig_table_name->length)) goto end; /* Create table list element for table to be open. Link it with the temporary LEX. The latter is required to correctly open views and produce table describing their structure. */ if (make_table_list(thd, &lex->select_lex, &db_name, &table_name)) goto end; table_list= lex->select_lex.table_list.first; if (is_show_fields_or_keys) { /* Restore thd->temporary_tables to be able to process temporary tables (only for 'show index' & 'show columns'). This should be changed when processing of temporary tables for I_S tables will be done. */ thd->temporary_tables= open_tables_state_backup->temporary_tables; } else { /* Apply optimization flags for table opening which are relevant for this I_S table. We can't do this for SHOW COLUMNS/KEYS because of backward compatibility. */ table_list->i_s_requested_object= schema_table->i_s_requested_object; } /* Let us set fake sql_command so views won't try to merge themselves into main statement. If we don't do this, SELECT * from information_schema.xxxx will cause problems. SQLCOM_SHOW_FIELDS is used because it satisfies 'only_view_structure()'. */ lex->sql_command= SQLCOM_SHOW_FIELDS; result= open_normal_and_derived_tables(thd, table_list, (MYSQL_OPEN_IGNORE_FLUSH | MYSQL_OPEN_FORCE_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO_MDL | (can_deadlock ? MYSQL_OPEN_FAIL_ON_MDL_CONFLICT : 0)), DT_PREPARE | DT_CREATE); /* Restore old value of sql_command back as it is being looked at in process_table() function. */ lex->sql_command= old_lex->sql_command; DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "after_open_table_ignore_flush"); /* XXX: show_table_list has a flag i_is_requested, and when it's set, open_normal_and_derived_tables() can return an error without setting an error message in THD, which is a hack. This is why we have to check for res, then for thd->is_error() and only then for thd->main_da.sql_errno(). Again we don't do this for SHOW COLUMNS/KEYS because of backward compatibility. */ if (!is_show_fields_or_keys && result && thd->is_error() && (thd->stmt_da->sql_errno() == ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE || thd->stmt_da->sql_errno() == ER_WRONG_OBJECT)) { /* Hide error for a non-existing table. For example, this error can occur when we use a where condition with a db name and table, but the table does not exist or there is a view with the same name. */ result= false; thd->clear_error(); } else { result= schema_table->process_table(thd, table_list, table, result, orig_db_name, orig_table_name); } end: lex->unit.cleanup(); /* Restore original LEX value, statement's arena and THD arena values. */ lex_end(thd->lex); // Free items, before restoring backup_arena below. DBUG_ASSERT(i_s_arena.free_list == NULL); thd->free_items(); /* For safety reset list of open temporary tables before closing all tables open within this Open_tables_state. */ thd->temporary_tables= NULL; close_thread_tables(thd); /* Release metadata lock we might have acquired. See comment in fill_schema_table_from_frm() for details. */ thd->mdl_context.rollback_to_savepoint(open_tables_state_backup->mdl_system_tables_svp); thd->lex= old_lex; thd->stmt_arena= old_arena; thd->restore_active_arena(&i_s_arena, &backup_arena); DBUG_RETURN(result); } /** @brief Fill I_S table for SHOW TABLE NAMES commands @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] table TABLE struct for I_S table @param[in] db_name database name @param[in] table_name table name @return Operation status @retval 0 success @retval 1 error */ static int fill_schema_table_names(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { TABLE *table= tables->table; if (db_name == &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) { table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SYSTEM VIEW"), system_charset_info); } else if (tables->table_open_method != SKIP_OPEN_TABLE) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; handlerton *hton; if (ha_table_exists(thd, db_name->str, table_name->str, &hton)) { if (hton == view_pseudo_hton) table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIEW"), cs); else table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("BASE TABLE"), cs); } else table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("ERROR"), cs); if (thd->is_error() && thd->stmt_da->sql_errno() == ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE) { thd->clear_error(); return 0; } } if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; return 0; } /** @brief Get open table method @details The function calculates the method which will be used for table opening: SKIP_OPEN_TABLE - do not open table OPEN_FRM_ONLY - open FRM file only OPEN_FULL_TABLE - open FRM, data, index files @param[in] tables I_S table table_list @param[in] schema_table I_S table struct @param[in] schema_table_idx I_S table index @return return a set of flags @retval SKIP_OPEN_TABLE | OPEN_FRM_ONLY | OPEN_FULL_TABLE */ uint get_table_open_method(TABLE_LIST *tables, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table, enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx) { /* determine which method will be used for table opening */ if (schema_table->i_s_requested_object & OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE) { Field **ptr, *field; int table_open_method= 0, field_indx= 0; uint star_table_open_method= OPEN_FULL_TABLE; bool used_star= true; // true if '*' is used in select for (ptr=tables->table->field; (field= *ptr) ; ptr++) { star_table_open_method= min(star_table_open_method, schema_table->fields_info[field_indx].open_method); if (bitmap_is_set(tables->table->read_set, field->field_index)) { used_star= false; table_open_method|= schema_table->fields_info[field_indx].open_method; } field_indx++; } if (used_star) return star_table_open_method; return table_open_method; } /* I_S tables which use get_all_tables but can not be optimized */ return (uint) OPEN_FULL_TABLE; } /** Try acquire high priority share metadata lock on a table (with optional wait for conflicting locks to go away). @param thd Thread context. @param mdl_request Pointer to memory to be used for MDL_request object for a lock request. @param table Table list element for the table @param can_deadlock Indicates that deadlocks are possible due to metadata locks, so to avoid them we should not wait in case if conflicting lock is present. @note This is an auxiliary function to be used in cases when we want to access table's description by looking up info in TABLE_SHARE without going through full-blown table open. @note This function assumes that there are no other metadata lock requests in the current metadata locking context. @retval FALSE No error, if lock was obtained TABLE_LIST::mdl_request::ticket is set to non-NULL value. @retval TRUE Some error occured (probably thread was killed). */ static bool try_acquire_high_prio_shared_mdl_lock(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table, bool can_deadlock) { bool error; table->mdl_request.init(MDL_key::TABLE, table->db, table->table_name, MDL_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO, MDL_TRANSACTION); if (can_deadlock) { /* When .FRM is being open in order to get data for an I_S table, we might have some tables not only open but also locked. E.g. this happens when a SHOW or I_S statement is run under LOCK TABLES or inside a stored function. By waiting for the conflicting metadata lock to go away we might create a deadlock which won't entirely belong to the MDL subsystem and thus won't be detectable by this subsystem's deadlock detector. To avoid such situation, when there are other locked tables, we prefer not to wait on a conflicting lock. */ error= thd->mdl_context.try_acquire_lock(&table->mdl_request); } else error= thd->mdl_context.acquire_lock(&table->mdl_request, thd->variables.lock_wait_timeout); return error; } /** @brief Fill I_S table with data from FRM file only @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] table TABLE struct for I_S table @param[in] schema_table I_S table struct @param[in] db_name database name @param[in] table_name table name @param[in] schema_table_idx I_S table index @param[in] open_tables_state_backup Open_tables_state object which is used to save/restore original state of metadata locks. @param[in] can_deadlock Indicates that deadlocks are possible due to metadata locks, so to avoid them we should not wait in case if conflicting lock is present. @return Operation status @retval 0 Table is processed and we can continue with new table @retval 1 It's view and we have to use open_tables function for this table */ static int fill_schema_table_from_frm(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name, enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx, Open_tables_backup *open_tables_state_backup, bool can_deadlock) { TABLE *table= tables->table; TABLE_SHARE *share; TABLE tbl; TABLE_LIST table_list; uint res= 0; char db_name_buff[NAME_LEN + 1], table_name_buff[NAME_LEN + 1]; bzero((char*) &table_list, sizeof(TABLE_LIST)); bzero((char*) &tbl, sizeof(TABLE)); if (lower_case_table_names) { /* In lower_case_table_names > 0 metadata locking and table definition cache subsystems require normalized (lowercased) database and table names as input. */ strmov(db_name_buff, db_name->str); strmov(table_name_buff, table_name->str); my_casedn_str(files_charset_info, db_name_buff); my_casedn_str(files_charset_info, table_name_buff); table_list.db= db_name_buff; table_list.table_name= table_name_buff; } else { table_list.table_name= table_name->str; table_list.db= db_name->str; } /* TODO: investigate if in this particular situation we can get by simply obtaining internal lock of the data-dictionary instead of obtaining full-blown metadata lock. */ if (try_acquire_high_prio_shared_mdl_lock(thd, &table_list, can_deadlock)) { /* Some error occured (most probably we have been killed while waiting for conflicting locks to go away), let the caller to handle the situation. */ return 1; } if (! table_list.mdl_request.ticket) { /* We are in situation when we have encountered conflicting metadata lock and deadlocks can occur due to waiting for it to go away. So instead of waiting skip this table with an appropriate warning. */ DBUG_ASSERT(can_deadlock); push_warning_printf(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE, ER(ER_WARN_I_S_SKIPPED_TABLE), table_list.db, table_list.table_name); return 0; } if (schema_table->i_s_requested_object & OPEN_TRIGGER_ONLY) { init_sql_alloc(&tbl.mem_root, TABLE_ALLOC_BLOCK_SIZE, 0, MYF(0)); if (!Table_triggers_list::check_n_load(thd, db_name->str, table_name->str, &tbl, 1)) { table_list.table= &tbl; res= schema_table->process_table(thd, &table_list, table, res, db_name, table_name); delete tbl.triggers; } free_root(&tbl.mem_root, MYF(0)); goto end; } share= get_table_share(thd, table_list.db, table_list.table_name, GTS_TABLE | GTS_VIEW); if (!share) { res= 0; goto end; } if (share->is_view) { if (schema_table->i_s_requested_object & OPEN_TABLE_ONLY) { /* skip view processing */ res= 0; goto end_share; } else if (schema_table->i_s_requested_object & OPEN_VIEW_FULL) { /* tell get_all_tables() to fall back to open_normal_and_derived_tables() */ res= 1; goto end_share; } if (open_new_frm(thd, share, table_name->str, (uint) (HA_OPEN_KEYFILE | HA_OPEN_RNDFILE | HA_GET_INDEX | HA_TRY_READ_ONLY), READ_KEYINFO | COMPUTE_TYPES | EXTRA_RECORD | OPEN_VIEW_NO_PARSE, thd->open_options, &tbl, &table_list, thd->mem_root)) goto end_share; table_list.view= (LEX*) share->is_view; res= schema_table->process_table(thd, &table_list, table, res, db_name, table_name); goto end_share; } if (!open_table_from_share(thd, share, table_name->str, 0, (EXTRA_RECORD | OPEN_FRM_FILE_ONLY), thd->open_options, &tbl, FALSE)) { tbl.s= share; table_list.table= &tbl; table_list.view= (LEX*) share->is_view; res= schema_table->process_table(thd, &table_list, table, res, db_name, table_name); free_root(&tbl.mem_root, MYF(0)); } end_share: mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); release_table_share(share); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); end: /* Release metadata lock we might have acquired. Without this step metadata locks acquired for each table processed will be accumulated. In situation when a lot of tables are processed by I_S query this will result in transaction with too many metadata locks. As result performance of acquisition of new lock will suffer. Of course, the fact that we don't hold metadata lock on tables which were processed till the end of I_S query makes execution less isolated from concurrent DDL. Consequently one might get 'dirty' results from such a query. But we have never promised serializability of I_S queries anyway. We don't have any tables open since we took backup, so rolling back to savepoint is safe. */ DBUG_ASSERT(thd->open_tables == NULL); thd->mdl_context.rollback_to_savepoint(open_tables_state_backup->mdl_system_tables_svp); thd->clear_error(); return res; } /** Trigger_error_handler is intended to intercept and silence SQL conditions that might happen during trigger loading for SHOW statements. The potential SQL conditions are: - ER_PARSE_ERROR -- this error is thrown if a trigger definition file is damaged or contains invalid CREATE TRIGGER statement. That should not happen in normal life. - ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER -- this warning is thrown when we're loading a trigger created/imported in/from the version of MySQL, which does not support trigger definers. - ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX -- this warning is thrown when we're loading a trigger created/imported in/from the version of MySQL, which does not support trigger creation contexts. */ class Trigger_error_handler : public Internal_error_handler { public: bool handle_condition(THD *thd, uint sql_errno, const char* sqlstate, MYSQL_ERROR::enum_warning_level level, const char* msg, MYSQL_ERROR ** cond_hdl) { if (sql_errno == ER_PARSE_ERROR || sql_errno == ER_TRG_NO_DEFINER || sql_errno == ER_TRG_NO_CREATION_CTX) return true; return false; } }; /** @brief Fill I_S tables whose data are retrieved from frm files and storage engine @details The information schema tables are internally represented as temporary tables that are filled at query execution time. Those I_S tables whose data are retrieved from frm files and storage engine are filled by the function get_all_tables(). @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] tables I_S table @param[in] cond 'WHERE' condition @return Operation status @retval 0 success @retval 1 error */ int get_all_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; TABLE *table= tables->table; TABLE_LIST table_acl_check; SELECT_LEX *lsel= tables->schema_select_lex; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= tables->schema_table; LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES lookup_field_vals; enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx; Dynamic_array db_names; COND *partial_cond= 0; int error= 1; Open_tables_backup open_tables_state_backup; #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; #endif uint table_open_method; bool can_deadlock; DBUG_ENTER("get_all_tables"); /* In cases when SELECT from I_S table being filled by this call is part of statement which also uses other tables or is being executed under LOCK TABLES or is part of transaction which also uses other tables waiting for metadata locks which happens below might result in deadlocks. To avoid them we don't wait if conflicting metadata lock is encountered and skip table with emitting an appropriate warning. */ can_deadlock= thd->mdl_context.has_locks(); /* We should not introduce deadlocks even if we already have some tables open and locked, since we won't lock tables which we will open and will ignore pending exclusive metadata locks for these tables by using high-priority requests for shared metadata locks. */ thd->reset_n_backup_open_tables_state(&open_tables_state_backup); schema_table_idx= get_schema_table_idx(schema_table); tables->table_open_method= table_open_method= get_table_open_method(tables, schema_table, schema_table_idx); DBUG_PRINT("open_method", ("%d", tables->table_open_method)); /* this branch processes SHOW FIELDS, SHOW INDEXES commands. see sql_parse.cc, prepare_schema_table() function where this values are initialized */ if (lsel && lsel->table_list.first) { LEX_STRING db_name, table_name; db_name.str= lsel->table_list.first->db; db_name.length= lsel->table_list.first->db_length; table_name.str= lsel->table_list.first->table_name; table_name.length= lsel->table_list.first->table_name_length; error= fill_schema_table_by_open(thd, TRUE, table, schema_table, &db_name, &table_name, &open_tables_state_backup, can_deadlock); goto err; } if (get_lookup_field_values(thd, cond, tables, &lookup_field_vals)) { error= 0; goto err; } DBUG_PRINT("info",("db_name='%s', table_name='%s'", lookup_field_vals.db_value.str, lookup_field_vals.table_value.str)); if (!lookup_field_vals.wild_db_value && !lookup_field_vals.wild_table_value) { /* if lookup value is empty string then it's impossible table name or db name */ if ((lookup_field_vals.db_value.str && !lookup_field_vals.db_value.str[0]) || (lookup_field_vals.table_value.str && !lookup_field_vals.table_value.str[0])) { error= 0; goto err; } } if (lookup_field_vals.db_value.length && !lookup_field_vals.wild_db_value) tables->has_db_lookup_value= TRUE; if (lookup_field_vals.table_value.length && !lookup_field_vals.wild_table_value) tables->has_table_lookup_value= TRUE; if (tables->has_db_lookup_value && tables->has_table_lookup_value) partial_cond= 0; else partial_cond= make_cond_for_info_schema(cond, tables); if (lex->describe) { /* EXPLAIN SELECT */ error= 0; goto err; } bzero((char*) &table_acl_check, sizeof(table_acl_check)); if (make_db_list(thd, &db_names, &lookup_field_vals)) goto err; for (size_t i=0; i < db_names.elements(); i++) { LEX_STRING *db_name= db_names.at(i); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (!(check_access(thd, SELECT_ACL, db_name->str, &thd->col_access, NULL, 0, 1) || (!thd->col_access && check_grant_db(thd, db_name->str))) || sctx->master_access & (DB_ACLS | SHOW_DB_ACL) || acl_get(sctx->host, sctx->ip, sctx->priv_user, db_name->str, 0)) #endif { Dynamic_array table_names; int res= make_table_name_list(thd, &table_names, lex, &lookup_field_vals, db_name); if (res == 2) /* Not fatal error, continue */ continue; if (res) goto err; for (size_t i=0; i < table_names.elements(); i++) { LEX_STRING *table_name= table_names.at(i); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (!(thd->col_access & TABLE_ACLS)) { table_acl_check.db= db_name->str; table_acl_check.db_length= db_name->length; table_acl_check.table_name= table_name->str; table_acl_check.table_name_length= table_name->length; table_acl_check.grant.privilege= thd->col_access; if (check_grant(thd, TABLE_ACLS, &table_acl_check, TRUE, 1, TRUE)) continue; } #endif restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[schema_table->idx_field1]-> store(db_name->str, db_name->length, system_charset_info); table->field[schema_table->idx_field2]-> store(table_name->str, table_name->length, system_charset_info); if (!partial_cond || partial_cond->val_int()) { /* If table is I_S.tables and open_table_method is 0 (eg SKIP_OPEN) we can skip table opening and we don't have lookup value for table name or lookup value is wild string(table name list is already created by make_table_name_list() function). */ if (!table_open_method && schema_table_idx == SCH_TABLES && (!lookup_field_vals.table_value.length || lookup_field_vals.wild_table_value)) { table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), system_charset_info); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) goto err; /* Out of space in temporary table */ continue; } /* SHOW TABLE NAMES command */ if (schema_table_idx == SCH_TABLE_NAMES) { if (fill_schema_table_names(thd, tables, db_name, table_name)) continue; } else { if (!(table_open_method & ~OPEN_FRM_ONLY) && db_name != &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) { /* Here we need to filter out warnings, which can happen during loading of triggers in fill_schema_table_from_frm(), because we don't need those warnings to pollute output of SELECT from I_S / SHOW-statements. */ Trigger_error_handler err_handler; thd->push_internal_handler(&err_handler); int res= fill_schema_table_from_frm(thd, tables, schema_table, db_name, table_name, schema_table_idx, &open_tables_state_backup, can_deadlock); thd->pop_internal_handler(); if (!res) continue; } DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "before_open_in_get_all_tables"); if (fill_schema_table_by_open(thd, FALSE, table, schema_table, db_name, table_name, &open_tables_state_backup, can_deadlock)) goto err; } } } } } error= 0; err: thd->restore_backup_open_tables_state(&open_tables_state_backup); DBUG_RETURN(error); } bool store_schema_shemata(THD* thd, TABLE *table, LEX_STRING *db_name, CHARSET_INFO *cs) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), system_charset_info); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, system_charset_info); table->field[2]->store(cs->csname, strlen(cs->csname), system_charset_info); table->field[3]->store(cs->name, strlen(cs->name), system_charset_info); return schema_table_store_record(thd, table); } int fill_schema_schemata(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { /* TODO: fill_schema_shemata() is called when new client is connected. Returning error status in this case leads to client hangup. */ LOOKUP_FIELD_VALUES lookup_field_vals; Dynamic_array db_names; HA_CREATE_INFO create; TABLE *table= tables->table; #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; #endif DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_shemata"); if (get_lookup_field_values(thd, cond, tables, &lookup_field_vals)) DBUG_RETURN(0); DBUG_PRINT("INDEX VALUES",("db_name: %s table_name: %s", lookup_field_vals.db_value.str, lookup_field_vals.table_value.str)); if (make_db_list(thd, &db_names, &lookup_field_vals)) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* If we have lookup db value we should check that the database exists */ if(lookup_field_vals.db_value.str && !lookup_field_vals.wild_db_value && db_names.at(0) != &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) { char path[FN_REFLEN+16]; uint path_len; MY_STAT stat_info; if (!lookup_field_vals.db_value.str[0]) DBUG_RETURN(0); path_len= build_table_filename(path, sizeof(path) - 1, lookup_field_vals.db_value.str, "", "", 0); path[path_len-1]= 0; if (!mysql_file_stat(key_file_misc, path, &stat_info, MYF(0))) DBUG_RETURN(0); } for (size_t i=0; i < db_names.elements(); i++) { LEX_STRING *db_name= db_names.at(i); if (db_name == &INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME) { if (store_schema_shemata(thd, table, db_name, system_charset_info)) DBUG_RETURN(1); continue; } #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS if (sctx->master_access & (DB_ACLS | SHOW_DB_ACL) || acl_get(sctx->host, sctx->ip, sctx->priv_user, db_name->str, 0) || !check_grant_db(thd, db_name->str)) #endif { load_db_opt_by_name(thd, db_name->str, &create); if (store_schema_shemata(thd, table, db_name, create.default_table_charset)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int get_schema_tables_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { const char *tmp_buff; MYSQL_TIME time; int info_error= 0; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_tables_record"); restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); if (res) { /* There was a table open error, so set the table type and return */ if (tables->view) table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIEW"), cs); else if (tables->schema_table) table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SYSTEM VIEW"), cs); else table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("BASE TABLE"), cs); goto err; } if (tables->view) { table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIEW"), cs); table->field[20]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIEW"), cs); } else { char option_buff[350]; String str(option_buff,sizeof(option_buff), system_charset_info); TABLE *show_table= tables->table; TABLE_SHARE *share= show_table->s; handler *file= show_table->file; handlerton *tmp_db_type= share->db_type(); #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE bool is_partitioned= FALSE; #endif if (share->tmp_table == SYSTEM_TMP_TABLE) table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SYSTEM VIEW"), cs); else if (share->tmp_table) table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("LOCAL TEMPORARY"), cs); else table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("BASE TABLE"), cs); for (int i= 4; i < 20; i++) { if (i == 7 || (i > 12 && i < 17) || i == 18) continue; table->field[i]->set_notnull(); } /* Collect table info from the table share */ #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE if (share->db_type() == partition_hton && share->partition_info_str_len) { tmp_db_type= share->default_part_db_type; is_partitioned= TRUE; } #endif tmp_buff= (char *) ha_resolve_storage_engine_name(tmp_db_type); table->field[4]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); table->field[5]->store((longlong) share->frm_version, TRUE); str.length(0); if (share->min_rows) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" min_rows=")); str.qs_append(share->min_rows); } if (share->max_rows) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" max_rows=")); str.qs_append(share->max_rows); } if (share->avg_row_length) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" avg_row_length=")); str.qs_append(share->avg_row_length); } if (share->db_create_options & HA_OPTION_PACK_KEYS) str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" pack_keys=1")); if (share->db_create_options & HA_OPTION_NO_PACK_KEYS) str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" pack_keys=0")); /* We use CHECKSUM, instead of TABLE_CHECKSUM, for backward compability */ if (share->db_create_options & HA_OPTION_CHECKSUM) str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" checksum=1")); if (share->page_checksum != HA_CHOICE_UNDEF) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" page_checksum=")); str.qs_append(ha_choice_values[(uint) share->page_checksum]); } if (share->db_create_options & HA_OPTION_DELAY_KEY_WRITE) str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" delay_key_write=1")); if (share->row_type != ROW_TYPE_DEFAULT) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" row_format=")); str.qs_append(ha_row_type[(uint) share->row_type]); } if (share->key_block_size) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" key_block_size=")); str.qs_append(share->key_block_size); } #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE if (is_partitioned) str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" partitioned")); #endif if (share->transactional != HA_CHOICE_UNDEF) { str.qs_append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" transactional=")); str.qs_append(ha_choice_values[(uint) share->transactional]); } append_create_options(thd, &str, share->option_list); if (str.length()) table->field[19]->store(str.ptr()+1, str.length()-1, cs); tmp_buff= (share->table_charset ? share->table_charset->name : "default"); table->field[17]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); if (share->comment.str) table->field[20]->store(share->comment.str, share->comment.length, cs); /* Collect table info from the storage engine */ if(file) { /* If info() fails, then there's nothing else to do */ if ((info_error= file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_TIME | HA_STATUS_VARIABLE_EXTRA | HA_STATUS_AUTO)) != 0) goto err; enum row_type row_type = file->get_row_type(); switch (row_type) { case ROW_TYPE_NOT_USED: case ROW_TYPE_DEFAULT: tmp_buff= ((share->db_options_in_use & HA_OPTION_COMPRESS_RECORD) ? "Compressed" : (share->db_options_in_use & HA_OPTION_PACK_RECORD) ? "Dynamic" : "Fixed"); break; case ROW_TYPE_FIXED: tmp_buff= "Fixed"; break; case ROW_TYPE_DYNAMIC: tmp_buff= "Dynamic"; break; case ROW_TYPE_COMPRESSED: tmp_buff= "Compressed"; break; case ROW_TYPE_REDUNDANT: tmp_buff= "Redundant"; break; case ROW_TYPE_COMPACT: tmp_buff= "Compact"; break; case ROW_TYPE_PAGE: tmp_buff= "Page"; break; } table->field[6]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); if (!tables->schema_table) { table->field[7]->store((longlong) file->stats.records, TRUE); table->field[7]->set_notnull(); } table->field[8]->store((longlong) file->stats.mean_rec_length, TRUE); table->field[9]->store((longlong) file->stats.data_file_length, TRUE); if (file->stats.max_data_file_length) { table->field[10]->store((longlong) file->stats.max_data_file_length, TRUE); } table->field[11]->store((longlong) file->stats.index_file_length, TRUE); table->field[12]->store((longlong) file->stats.delete_length, TRUE); if (show_table->found_next_number_field) { table->field[13]->store((longlong) file->stats.auto_increment_value, TRUE); table->field[13]->set_notnull(); } if (file->stats.create_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t) file->stats.create_time); table->field[14]->store_time(&time); table->field[14]->set_notnull(); } if (file->stats.update_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t) file->stats.update_time); table->field[15]->store_time(&time); table->field[15]->set_notnull(); } if (file->stats.check_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t) file->stats.check_time); table->field[16]->store_time(&time); table->field[16]->set_notnull(); } if (file->ha_table_flags() & (HA_HAS_OLD_CHECKSUM | HA_HAS_NEW_CHECKSUM)) { table->field[18]->store((longlong) file->checksum(), TRUE); table->field[18]->set_notnull(); } } } err: if (res || info_error) { /* If an error was encountered, push a warning, set the TABLE COMMENT column with the error text, and clear the error so that the operation can continue. */ const char *error= thd->is_error() ? thd->stmt_da->message() : ""; table->field[20]->store(error, strlen(error), cs); if (thd->is_error()) { push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); } } DBUG_RETURN(schema_table_store_record(thd, table)); } /** @brief Store field characteristics into appropriate I_S table columns @param[in] table I_S table @param[in] field processed field @param[in] cs I_S table charset @param[in] offset offset from beginning of table to DATE_TYPE column in I_S table @return void */ static void store_column_type(TABLE *table, Field *field, CHARSET_INFO *cs, uint offset) { bool is_blob; int decimals, field_length; const char *tmp_buff; char column_type_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String column_type(column_type_buff, sizeof(column_type_buff), cs); field->sql_type(column_type); /* DTD_IDENTIFIER column */ table->field[offset + 8]->store(column_type.ptr(), column_type.length(), cs); table->field[offset + 8]->set_notnull(); /* DATA_TYPE column: MySQL column type has the following format: base_type [(dimension)] [unsigned] [zerofill]. For DATA_TYPE column we extract only base type. */ tmp_buff= strchr(column_type.c_ptr_safe(), '('); if (!tmp_buff) /* if there is no dimention part then check the presence of [unsigned] [zerofill] attributes and cut them of if exist. */ tmp_buff= strchr(column_type.c_ptr_safe(), ' '); table->field[offset]->store(column_type.ptr(), (tmp_buff ? tmp_buff - column_type.ptr() : column_type.length()), cs); is_blob= (field->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB); if (field->has_charset() || is_blob || field->real_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR || // For varbinary type field->real_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING) // For binary type { uint32 octet_max_length= field->max_display_length(); if (is_blob && octet_max_length != (uint32) 4294967295U) octet_max_length /= field->charset()->mbmaxlen; longlong char_max_len= is_blob ? (longlong) octet_max_length / field->charset()->mbminlen : (longlong) octet_max_length / field->charset()->mbmaxlen; /* CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH column*/ table->field[offset + 1]->store(char_max_len, TRUE); table->field[offset + 1]->set_notnull(); /* CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH column */ table->field[offset + 2]->store((longlong) octet_max_length, TRUE); table->field[offset + 2]->set_notnull(); } /* Calculate field_length and decimals. They are set to -1 if they should not be set (we should return NULL) */ field_length= -1; decimals= field->decimals(); switch (field->type()) { case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: field_length= ((Field_new_decimal*) field)->precision; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: field_length= field->field_length - (decimals ? 2 : 1); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: field_length= field->max_display_length() - 1; break; case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: field_length= field->max_display_length() - ((field->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG) ? 0 : 1); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_BIT: field_length= field->max_display_length(); decimals= -1; // return NULL break; case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: field_length= field->field_length; if (decimals == NOT_FIXED_DEC) decimals= -1; // return NULL break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: /* DATETIME_PRECISION column */ table->field[offset + 5]->store((longlong) field->decimals(), TRUE); table->field[offset + 5]->set_notnull(); break; default: break; } /* NUMERIC_PRECISION column */ if (field_length >= 0) { table->field[offset + 3]->store((longlong) field_length, TRUE); table->field[offset + 3]->set_notnull(); /* NUMERIC_SCALE column */ if (decimals >= 0) { table->field[offset + 4]->store((longlong) decimals, TRUE); table->field[offset + 4]->set_notnull(); } } if (field->has_charset()) { /* CHARACTER_SET_NAME column*/ tmp_buff= field->charset()->csname; table->field[offset + 6]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); table->field[offset + 6]->set_notnull(); /* COLLATION_NAME column */ tmp_buff= field->charset()->name; table->field[offset + 7]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); table->field[offset + 7]->set_notnull(); } } static int get_schema_column_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; const char *wild= lex->wild ? lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; TABLE *show_table; Field **ptr, *field; int count; DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_column_record"); if (res) { if (lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SHOW_FIELDS) { /* I.e. we are in SELECT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMS rather than in SHOW COLUMNS */ if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); res= 0; } DBUG_RETURN(res); } show_table= tables->table; count= 0; ptr= show_table->field; show_table->use_all_columns(); // Required for default restore_record(show_table, s->default_values); for (; (field= *ptr) ; ptr++) { uchar *pos; char tmp[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String type(tmp,sizeof(tmp), system_charset_info); DEBUG_SYNC(thd, "get_schema_column"); if (wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, field->field_name,wild)) continue; count++; /* Get default row, with all NULL fields set to NULL */ restore_record(table, s->default_values); #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS uint col_access; check_access(thd,SELECT_ACL, db_name->str, &tables->grant.privilege, 0, 0, test(tables->schema_table)); col_access= get_column_grant(thd, &tables->grant, db_name->str, table_name->str, field->field_name) & COL_ACLS; if (!tables->schema_table && !col_access) continue; char *end= tmp; for (uint bitnr=0; col_access ; col_access>>=1,bitnr++) { if (col_access & 1) { *end++=','; end=strmov(end,grant_types.type_names[bitnr]); } } table->field[18]->store(tmp+1,end == tmp ? 0 : (uint) (end-tmp-1), cs); #endif table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[3]->store(field->field_name, strlen(field->field_name), cs); table->field[4]->store((longlong) count, TRUE); if (get_field_default_value(thd, field, &type, 0)) { table->field[5]->store(type.ptr(), type.length(), cs); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); } pos=(uchar*) ((field->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) ? "NO" : "YES"); table->field[6]->store((const char*) pos, strlen((const char*) pos), cs); store_column_type(table, field, cs, 7); pos=(uchar*) ((field->flags & PRI_KEY_FLAG) ? "PRI" : (field->flags & UNIQUE_KEY_FLAG) ? "UNI" : (field->flags & MULTIPLE_KEY_FLAG) ? "MUL":""); table->field[16]->store((const char*) pos, strlen((const char*) pos), cs); if (field->unireg_check == Field::NEXT_NUMBER) table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("auto_increment"), cs); if (print_on_update_clause(field, &type, true)) table->field[17]->store(type.ptr(), type.length(), cs); if (field->vcol_info) { if (field->stored_in_db) table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("PERSISTENT"), cs); else table->field[17]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("VIRTUAL"), cs); } table->field[19]->store(field->comment.str, field->comment.length, cs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_schema_charsets(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { CHARSET_INFO **cs; const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; TABLE *table= tables->table; CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; for (cs= all_charsets ; cs < all_charsets + array_elements(all_charsets) ; cs++) { CHARSET_INFO *tmp_cs= cs[0]; if (tmp_cs && (tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY) && (tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) && !(tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_HIDDEN) && !(wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(scs, tmp_cs->csname,wild))) { const char *comment; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(tmp_cs->csname, strlen(tmp_cs->csname), scs); table->field[1]->store(tmp_cs->name, strlen(tmp_cs->name), scs); comment= tmp_cs->comment ? tmp_cs->comment : ""; table->field[2]->store(comment, strlen(comment), scs); table->field[3]->store((longlong) tmp_cs->mbmaxlen, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } } return 0; } static my_bool iter_schema_engines(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin, void *ptable) { TABLE *table= (TABLE *) ptable; handlerton *hton= plugin_data(plugin, handlerton *); const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; handlerton *default_type= ha_default_handlerton(thd); DBUG_ENTER("iter_schema_engines"); /* Disabled plugins */ if (plugin_state(plugin) != PLUGIN_IS_READY) { struct st_maria_plugin *plug= plugin_decl(plugin); if (!(wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(scs, plug->name,wild))) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(plug->name, strlen(plug->name), scs); table->field[1]->store(C_STRING_WITH_LEN("NO"), scs); table->field[2]->store(plug->descr, strlen(plug->descr), scs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!(hton->flags & HTON_HIDDEN)) { LEX_STRING *name= plugin_name(plugin); if (!(wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(scs, name->str,wild))) { LEX_STRING yesno[2]= {{ C_STRING_WITH_LEN("NO") }, { C_STRING_WITH_LEN("YES") }}; LEX_STRING *tmp; const char *option_name= show_comp_option_name[(int) hton->state]; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(name->str, name->length, scs); if (hton->state == SHOW_OPTION_YES && default_type == hton) option_name= "DEFAULT"; table->field[1]->store(option_name, strlen(option_name), scs); table->field[2]->store(plugin_decl(plugin)->descr, strlen(plugin_decl(plugin)->descr), scs); tmp= &yesno[test(hton->commit)]; table->field[3]->store(tmp->str, tmp->length, scs); table->field[3]->set_notnull(); tmp= &yesno[test(hton->prepare)]; table->field[4]->store(tmp->str, tmp->length, scs); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); tmp= &yesno[test(hton->savepoint_set)]; table->field[5]->store(tmp->str, tmp->length, scs); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_schema_engines(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_engines"); if (plugin_foreach_with_mask(thd, iter_schema_engines, MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, ~PLUGIN_IS_FREED, tables->table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_schema_collation(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { CHARSET_INFO **cs; const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; TABLE *table= tables->table; CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; for (cs= all_charsets ; cs < all_charsets + array_elements(all_charsets) ; cs++ ) { CHARSET_INFO **cl; CHARSET_INFO *tmp_cs= cs[0]; if (!tmp_cs || !(tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) || (tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_HIDDEN) || !(tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) continue; for (cl= all_charsets; cl < all_charsets + array_elements(all_charsets) ; cl ++) { CHARSET_INFO *tmp_cl= cl[0]; if (!tmp_cl || !(tmp_cl->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) || !my_charset_same(tmp_cs, tmp_cl)) continue; if (!(wild && wild[0] && wild_case_compare(scs, tmp_cl->name,wild))) { const char *tmp_buff; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(tmp_cl->name, strlen(tmp_cl->name), scs); table->field[1]->store(tmp_cl->csname , strlen(tmp_cl->csname), scs); table->field[2]->store((longlong) tmp_cl->number, TRUE); tmp_buff= (tmp_cl->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY) ? "Yes" : ""; table->field[3]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), scs); tmp_buff= (tmp_cl->state & MY_CS_COMPILED)? "Yes" : ""; table->field[4]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), scs); table->field[5]->store((longlong) tmp_cl->strxfrm_multiply, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } } } return 0; } int fill_schema_coll_charset_app(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { CHARSET_INFO **cs; TABLE *table= tables->table; CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; for (cs= all_charsets ; cs < all_charsets + array_elements(all_charsets) ; cs++ ) { CHARSET_INFO **cl; CHARSET_INFO *tmp_cs= cs[0]; if (!tmp_cs || !(tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) || !(tmp_cs->state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) continue; for (cl= all_charsets; cl < all_charsets + array_elements(all_charsets) ; cl ++) { CHARSET_INFO *tmp_cl= cl[0]; if (!tmp_cl || !(tmp_cl->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) || (tmp_cl->state & MY_CS_HIDDEN) || !my_charset_same(tmp_cs,tmp_cl)) continue; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(tmp_cl->name, strlen(tmp_cl->name), scs); table->field[1]->store(tmp_cl->csname , strlen(tmp_cl->csname), scs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) return 1; } } return 0; } static inline void copy_field_as_string(Field *to_field, Field *from_field) { char buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String tmp_str(buff, sizeof(buff), system_charset_info); from_field->val_str(&tmp_str); to_field->store(tmp_str.ptr(), tmp_str.length(), system_charset_info); } /** @brief Store record into I_S.PARAMETERS table @param[in] thd thread handler @param[in] table I_S table @param[in] proc_table 'mysql.proc' table @param[in] wild wild string, not used for now, will be useful if we add 'SHOW PARAMETERs' @param[in] full_access if 1 user has privileges on the routine @param[in] sp_user user in 'user@host' format @return Operation status @retval 0 ok @retval 1 error */ bool store_schema_params(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE *proc_table, const char *wild, bool full_access, const char *sp_user) { TABLE_SHARE share; TABLE tbl; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char params_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], returns_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH], sp_db_buff[NAME_LEN], sp_name_buff[NAME_LEN], path[FN_REFLEN], definer_buff[USERNAME_LENGTH + HOSTNAME_LENGTH + 1]; String params(params_buff, sizeof(params_buff), cs); String returns(returns_buff, sizeof(returns_buff), cs); String sp_db(sp_db_buff, sizeof(sp_db_buff), cs); String sp_name(sp_name_buff, sizeof(sp_name_buff), cs); String definer(definer_buff, sizeof(definer_buff), cs); sp_head *sp; stored_procedure_type routine_type; bool free_sp_head; DBUG_ENTER("store_schema_params"); bzero((char*) &tbl, sizeof(TABLE)); (void) build_table_filename(path, sizeof(path), "", "", "", 0); init_tmp_table_share(thd, &share, "", 0, "", path); get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DB], &sp_db); get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_NAME], &sp_name); get_field(thd->mem_root,proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DEFINER],&definer); routine_type= (stored_procedure_type) proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]->val_int(); if (!full_access) full_access= !strcmp(sp_user, definer.ptr()); if (!full_access && check_some_routine_access(thd, sp_db.ptr(),sp_name.ptr(), routine_type == TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE)) DBUG_RETURN(0); params.length(0); get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_PARAM_LIST], ¶ms); returns.length(0); if (routine_type == TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION) get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_RETURNS], &returns); sp= sp_load_for_information_schema(thd, proc_table, &sp_db, &sp_name, (ulong) proc_table-> field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_SQL_MODE]->val_int(), routine_type, returns.c_ptr_safe(), params.c_ptr_safe(), &free_sp_head); if (sp) { Field *field; Create_field *field_def; String tmp_string; if (routine_type == TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(sp_db.ptr(), sp_db.length(), cs); table->field[2]->store(sp_name.ptr(), sp_name.length(), cs); table->field[3]->store((longlong) 0, TRUE); get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE], &tmp_string); table->field[15]->store(tmp_string.ptr(), tmp_string.length(), cs); field_def= &sp->m_return_field_def; field= make_field(&share, (uchar*) 0, field_def->length, (uchar*) "", 0, field_def->pack_flag, field_def->sql_type, field_def->charset, field_def->geom_type, Field::NONE, field_def->interval, ""); field->table= &tbl; tbl.in_use= thd; store_column_type(table, field, cs, 6); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { free_table_share(&share); if (free_sp_head) delete sp; DBUG_RETURN(1); } } sp_pcontext *spcont= sp->get_parse_context(); uint params= spcont->context_var_count(); for (uint i= 0 ; i < params ; i++) { const char *tmp_buff; sp_variable_t *spvar= spcont->find_variable(i); field_def= &spvar->field_def; switch (spvar->mode) { case sp_param_in: tmp_buff= "IN"; break; case sp_param_out: tmp_buff= "OUT"; break; case sp_param_inout: tmp_buff= "INOUT"; break; default: tmp_buff= ""; break; } restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(sp_db.ptr(), sp_db.length(), cs); table->field[2]->store(sp_name.ptr(), sp_name.length(), cs); table->field[3]->store((longlong) i + 1, TRUE); table->field[4]->store(tmp_buff, strlen(tmp_buff), cs); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); table->field[5]->store(spvar->name.str, spvar->name.length, cs); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); get_field(thd->mem_root, proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE], &tmp_string); table->field[15]->store(tmp_string.ptr(), tmp_string.length(), cs); field= make_field(&share, (uchar*) 0, field_def->length, (uchar*) "", 0, field_def->pack_flag, field_def->sql_type, field_def->charset, field_def->geom_type, Field::NONE, field_def->interval, spvar->name.str); field->table= &tbl; tbl.in_use= thd; store_column_type(table, field, cs, 6); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) { free_table_share(&share); if (free_sp_head) delete sp; DBUG_RETURN(1); } } if (free_sp_head) delete sp; } free_table_share(&share); DBUG_RETURN(0); } bool store_schema_proc(THD *thd, TABLE *table, TABLE *proc_table, const char *wild, bool full_access, const char *sp_user) { MYSQL_TIME time; LEX *lex= thd->lex; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char sp_db_buff[SAFE_NAME_LEN + 1], sp_name_buff[NAME_LEN + 1], definer_buff[USERNAME_LENGTH + HOSTNAME_LENGTH + 2], returns_buff[MAX_FIELD_WIDTH]; String sp_db(sp_db_buff, sizeof(sp_db_buff), cs); String sp_name(sp_name_buff, sizeof(sp_name_buff), cs); String definer(definer_buff, sizeof(definer_buff), cs); String returns(returns_buff, sizeof(returns_buff), cs); proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DB]->val_str(&sp_db); proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_NAME]->val_str(&sp_name); proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DEFINER]->val_str(&definer); if (!full_access) full_access= !strcmp(sp_user, definer.c_ptr_safe()); if (!full_access && check_some_routine_access(thd, sp_db.c_ptr_safe(), sp_name.c_ptr_safe(), proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]-> val_int() == TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE)) return 0; if ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS_PROC && proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]->val_int() == TYPE_ENUM_PROCEDURE) || (lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_STATUS_FUNC && proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]->val_int() == TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION) || (sql_command_flags[lex->sql_command] & CF_STATUS_COMMAND) == 0) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); if (!wild || !wild[0] || !wild_case_compare(system_charset_info, sp_name.c_ptr_safe(), wild)) { int enum_idx= (int) proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_ACCESS]->val_int(); table->field[3]->store(sp_name.ptr(), sp_name.length(), cs); copy_field_as_string(table->field[0], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_SPECIFIC_NAME]); table->field[1]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[2]->store(sp_db.ptr(), sp_db.length(), cs); copy_field_as_string(table->field[4], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]); if (proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_MYSQL_TYPE]->val_int() == TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION) { sp_head *sp; bool free_sp_head; proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_RETURNS]->val_str(&returns); sp= sp_load_for_information_schema(thd, proc_table, &sp_db, &sp_name, (ulong) proc_table-> field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_SQL_MODE]-> val_int(), TYPE_ENUM_FUNCTION, returns.c_ptr_safe(), "", &free_sp_head); if (sp) { char path[FN_REFLEN]; TABLE_SHARE share; TABLE tbl; Field *field; Create_field *field_def= &sp->m_return_field_def; bzero((char*) &tbl, sizeof(TABLE)); (void) build_table_filename(path, sizeof(path), "", "", "", 0); init_tmp_table_share(thd, &share, "", 0, "", path); field= make_field(&share, (uchar*) 0, field_def->length, (uchar*) "", 0, field_def->pack_flag, field_def->sql_type, field_def->charset, field_def->geom_type, Field::NONE, field_def->interval, ""); field->table= &tbl; tbl.in_use= thd; store_column_type(table, field, cs, 5); free_table_share(&share); if (free_sp_head) delete sp; } } if (full_access) { copy_field_as_string(table->field[15], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_BODY_UTF8]); table->field[15]->set_notnull(); } table->field[14]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SQL"), cs); table->field[18]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SQL"), cs); copy_field_as_string(table->field[19], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DETERMINISTIC]); table->field[20]->store(sp_data_access_name[enum_idx].str, sp_data_access_name[enum_idx].length , cs); copy_field_as_string(table->field[22], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_SECURITY_TYPE]); bzero((char *)&time, sizeof(time)); ((Field_timestamp *) proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_CREATED])-> get_time(&time); table->field[23]->store_time(&time); bzero((char *)&time, sizeof(time)); ((Field_timestamp *) proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_MODIFIED])-> get_time(&time); table->field[24]->store_time(&time); copy_field_as_string(table->field[25], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_SQL_MODE]); copy_field_as_string(table->field[26], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_COMMENT]); table->field[27]->store(definer.ptr(), definer.length(), cs); copy_field_as_string(table->field[28], proc_table-> field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT]); copy_field_as_string(table->field[29], proc_table-> field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_COLLATION_CONNECTION]); copy_field_as_string(table->field[30], proc_table->field[MYSQL_PROC_FIELD_DB_COLLATION]); return schema_table_store_record(thd, table); } } return 0; } int fill_schema_proc(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { TABLE *proc_table; TABLE_LIST proc_tables; const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; int res= 0; TABLE *table= tables->table; bool full_access; char definer[USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE]; Open_tables_backup open_tables_state_backup; enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx= get_schema_table_idx(tables->schema_table); DBUG_ENTER("fill_schema_proc"); strxmov(definer, thd->security_ctx->priv_user, "@", thd->security_ctx->priv_host, NullS); /* We use this TABLE_LIST instance only for checking of privileges. */ bzero((char*) &proc_tables,sizeof(proc_tables)); proc_tables.db= (char*) "mysql"; proc_tables.db_length= 5; proc_tables.table_name= proc_tables.alias= (char*) "proc"; proc_tables.table_name_length= 4; proc_tables.lock_type= TL_READ; full_access= !check_table_access(thd, SELECT_ACL, &proc_tables, FALSE, 1, TRUE); if (!(proc_table= open_proc_table_for_read(thd, &open_tables_state_backup))) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (proc_table->file->ha_index_init(0, 1)) { res= 1; goto err; } if ((res= proc_table->file->ha_index_first(proc_table->record[0]))) { res= (res == HA_ERR_END_OF_FILE) ? 0 : 1; goto err; } if (schema_table_idx == SCH_PROCEDURES ? store_schema_proc(thd, table, proc_table, wild, full_access, definer) : store_schema_params(thd, table, proc_table, wild, full_access, definer)) { res= 1; goto err; } while (!proc_table->file->ha_index_next(proc_table->record[0])) { if (schema_table_idx == SCH_PROCEDURES ? store_schema_proc(thd, table, proc_table, wild, full_access, definer): store_schema_params(thd, table, proc_table, wild, full_access, definer)) { res= 1; goto err; } } err: if (proc_table->file->inited) (void) proc_table->file->ha_index_end(); close_system_tables(thd, &open_tables_state_backup); DBUG_RETURN(res); } static int get_schema_stat_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_stat_record"); if (res) { if (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SHOW_KEYS) { /* I.e. we are in SELECT FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS rather than in SHOW KEYS */ if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); res= 0; } DBUG_RETURN(res); } else if (!tables->view) { TABLE *show_table= tables->table; KEY *key_info=show_table->s->key_info; if (show_table->file) { show_table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK | HA_STATUS_TIME); set_statistics_for_table(thd, show_table); } for (uint i=0 ; i < show_table->s->keys ; i++,key_info++) { KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= key_info->key_part; const char *str; for (uint j=0 ; j < key_info->key_parts ; j++,key_part++) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[3]->store((longlong) ((key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME) ? 0 : 1), TRUE); table->field[4]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[5]->store(key_info->name, strlen(key_info->name), cs); table->field[6]->store((longlong) (j+1), TRUE); str=(key_part->field ? key_part->field->field_name : "?unknown field?"); table->field[7]->store(str, strlen(str), cs); if (show_table->file) { if (show_table->file->index_flags(i, j, 0) & HA_READ_ORDER) { table->field[8]->store(((key_part->key_part_flag & HA_REVERSE_SORT) ? "D" : "A"), 1, cs); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); } KEY *key=show_table->key_info+i; if (key->rec_per_key[j]) { ha_rows records= (ha_rows) ((double) show_table->stat_records() / key->actual_rec_per_key(j)); table->field[9]->store((longlong) records, TRUE); table->field[9]->set_notnull(); } str= show_table->file->index_type(i); table->field[13]->store(str, strlen(str), cs); } if (!(key_info->flags & HA_FULLTEXT) && (key_part->field && key_part->length != show_table->s->field[key_part->fieldnr-1]->key_length())) { table->field[10]->store((longlong) key_part->length / key_part->field->charset()->mbmaxlen, TRUE); table->field[10]->set_notnull(); } uint flags= key_part->field ? key_part->field->flags : 0; const char *pos=(char*) ((flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) ? "" : "YES"); table->field[12]->store(pos, strlen(pos), cs); if (!show_table->s->keys_in_use.is_set(i)) table->field[14]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("disabled"), cs); else table->field[14]->store("", 0, cs); table->field[14]->set_notnull(); DBUG_ASSERT(test(key_info->flags & HA_USES_COMMENT) == (key_info->comment.length > 0)); if (key_info->flags & HA_USES_COMMENT) table->field[15]->store(key_info->comment.str, key_info->comment.length, cs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } DBUG_RETURN(res); } static int get_schema_views_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char definer[USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE]; uint definer_len; bool updatable_view; DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_views_record"); if (tables->view) { Security_context *sctx= thd->security_ctx; if (!tables->allowed_show) { if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, tables->definer.user.str, sctx->priv_user) && !my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, tables->definer.host.str, sctx->priv_host)) tables->allowed_show= TRUE; #ifndef NO_EMBEDDED_ACCESS_CHECKS else { if ((thd->col_access & (SHOW_VIEW_ACL|SELECT_ACL)) == (SHOW_VIEW_ACL|SELECT_ACL)) tables->allowed_show= TRUE; else { TABLE_LIST table_list; uint view_access; memset(&table_list, 0, sizeof(table_list)); table_list.db= tables->db; table_list.table_name= tables->table_name; table_list.grant.privilege= thd->col_access; view_access= get_table_grant(thd, &table_list); if ((view_access & (SHOW_VIEW_ACL|SELECT_ACL)) == (SHOW_VIEW_ACL|SELECT_ACL)) tables->allowed_show= TRUE; } } #endif } restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); if (tables->allowed_show) { table->field[3]->store(tables->view_body_utf8.str, tables->view_body_utf8.length, cs); } if (tables->with_check != VIEW_CHECK_NONE) { if (tables->with_check == VIEW_CHECK_LOCAL) table->field[4]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("LOCAL"), cs); else table->field[4]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("CASCADED"), cs); } else table->field[4]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NONE"), cs); /* Only try to fill in the information about view updatability if it is requested as part of the top-level query (i.e. it's select * from i_s.views, as opposed to, say, select security_type from i_s.views). Do not try to access the underlying tables if there was an error when opening the view: all underlying tables are released back to the table definition cache on error inside open_normal_and_derived_tables(). If a field is not assigned explicitly, it defaults to NULL. */ if (res == FALSE && table->pos_in_table_list->table_open_method & OPEN_FULL_TABLE) { updatable_view= 0; if (tables->algorithm != VIEW_ALGORITHM_TMPTABLE) { /* We should use tables->view->select_lex.item_list here and can not use Field_iterator_view because the view always uses temporary algorithm during opening for I_S and TABLE_LIST fields 'field_translation' & 'field_translation_end' are uninitialized is this case. */ List *fields= &tables->view->select_lex.item_list; List_iterator it(*fields); Item *item; Item_field *field; /* check that at least one column in view is updatable */ while ((item= it++)) { if ((field= item->filed_for_view_update()) && field->field && !field->field->table->pos_in_table_list->schema_table) { updatable_view= 1; break; } } if (updatable_view && !tables->view->can_be_merged()) updatable_view= 0; } if (updatable_view) table->field[5]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("YES"), cs); else table->field[5]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NO"), cs); } definer_len= (strxmov(definer, tables->definer.user.str, "@", tables->definer.host.str, NullS) - definer); table->field[6]->store(definer, definer_len, cs); if (tables->view_suid) table->field[7]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("DEFINER"), cs); else table->field[7]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("INVOKER"), cs); table->field[8]->store(tables->view_creation_ctx->get_client_cs()->csname, strlen(tables->view_creation_ctx-> get_client_cs()->csname), cs); table->field[9]->store(tables->view_creation_ctx-> get_connection_cl()->name, strlen(tables->view_creation_ctx-> get_connection_cl()->name), cs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (res && thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); } if (res) thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } bool store_constraints(THD *thd, TABLE *table, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name, const char *key_name, uint key_len, const char *con_type, uint con_len) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(key_name, key_len, cs); table->field[3]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[4]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[5]->store(con_type, con_len, cs); return schema_table_store_record(thd, table); } static int get_schema_constraints_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_constraints_record"); if (res) { if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } else if (!tables->view) { List f_key_list; TABLE *show_table= tables->table; KEY *key_info=show_table->key_info; uint primary_key= show_table->s->primary_key; show_table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK | HA_STATUS_TIME); for (uint i=0 ; i < show_table->s->keys ; i++, key_info++) { if (i != primary_key && !(key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME)) continue; if (i == primary_key && !strcmp(key_info->name, primary_key_name)) { if (store_constraints(thd, table, db_name, table_name, key_info->name, strlen(key_info->name), STRING_WITH_LEN("PRIMARY KEY"))) DBUG_RETURN(1); } else if (key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME) { if (store_constraints(thd, table, db_name, table_name, key_info->name, strlen(key_info->name), STRING_WITH_LEN("UNIQUE"))) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } show_table->file->get_foreign_key_list(thd, &f_key_list); FOREIGN_KEY_INFO *f_key_info; List_iterator_fast it(f_key_list); while ((f_key_info=it++)) { if (store_constraints(thd, table, db_name, table_name, f_key_info->foreign_id->str, strlen(f_key_info->foreign_id->str), "FOREIGN KEY", 11)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(res); } static bool store_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE *table, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name, LEX_STRING *trigger_name, enum trg_event_type event, enum trg_action_time_type timing, LEX_STRING *trigger_stmt, ulong sql_mode, LEX_STRING *definer_buffer, LEX_STRING *client_cs_name, LEX_STRING *connection_cl_name, LEX_STRING *db_cl_name) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; LEX_STRING sql_mode_rep; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(trigger_name->str, trigger_name->length, cs); table->field[3]->store(trg_event_type_names[event].str, trg_event_type_names[event].length, cs); table->field[4]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[5]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[6]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[9]->store(trigger_stmt->str, trigger_stmt->length, cs); table->field[10]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("ROW"), cs); table->field[11]->store(trg_action_time_type_names[timing].str, trg_action_time_type_names[timing].length, cs); table->field[14]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("OLD"), cs); table->field[15]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NEW"), cs); sql_mode_string_representation(thd, sql_mode, &sql_mode_rep); table->field[17]->store(sql_mode_rep.str, sql_mode_rep.length, cs); table->field[18]->store(definer_buffer->str, definer_buffer->length, cs); table->field[19]->store(client_cs_name->str, client_cs_name->length, cs); table->field[20]->store(connection_cl_name->str, connection_cl_name->length, cs); table->field[21]->store(db_cl_name->str, db_cl_name->length, cs); return schema_table_store_record(thd, table); } static int get_schema_triggers_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_triggers_record"); /* res can be non zero value when processed table is a view or error happened during opening of processed table. */ if (res) { if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!tables->view && tables->table->triggers) { Table_triggers_list *triggers= tables->table->triggers; int event, timing; if (check_table_access(thd, TRIGGER_ACL, tables, FALSE, 1, TRUE)) goto ret; for (event= 0; event < (int)TRG_EVENT_MAX; event++) { for (timing= 0; timing < (int)TRG_ACTION_MAX; timing++) { LEX_STRING trigger_name; LEX_STRING trigger_stmt; ulong sql_mode; char definer_holder[USER_HOST_BUFF_SIZE]; LEX_STRING definer_buffer; LEX_STRING client_cs_name; LEX_STRING connection_cl_name; LEX_STRING db_cl_name; definer_buffer.str= definer_holder; if (triggers->get_trigger_info(thd, (enum trg_event_type) event, (enum trg_action_time_type)timing, &trigger_name, &trigger_stmt, &sql_mode, &definer_buffer, &client_cs_name, &connection_cl_name, &db_cl_name)) continue; if (store_trigger(thd, table, db_name, table_name, &trigger_name, (enum trg_event_type) event, (enum trg_action_time_type) timing, &trigger_stmt, sql_mode, &definer_buffer, &client_cs_name, &connection_cl_name, &db_cl_name)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } ret: DBUG_RETURN(0); } void store_key_column_usage(TABLE *table, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name, const char *key_name, uint key_len, const char *con_type, uint con_len, longlong idx) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(key_name, key_len, cs); table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[4]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[5]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[6]->store(con_type, con_len, cs); table->field[7]->store((longlong) idx, TRUE); } static int get_schema_key_column_usage_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_key_column_usage_record"); if (res) { if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } else if (!tables->view) { List f_key_list; TABLE *show_table= tables->table; KEY *key_info=show_table->key_info; uint primary_key= show_table->s->primary_key; show_table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK | HA_STATUS_TIME); for (uint i=0 ; i < show_table->s->keys ; i++, key_info++) { if (i != primary_key && !(key_info->flags & HA_NOSAME)) continue; uint f_idx= 0; KEY_PART_INFO *key_part= key_info->key_part; for (uint j=0 ; j < key_info->key_parts ; j++,key_part++) { if (key_part->field) { f_idx++; restore_record(table, s->default_values); store_key_column_usage(table, db_name, table_name, key_info->name, strlen(key_info->name), key_part->field->field_name, strlen(key_part->field->field_name), (longlong) f_idx); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } show_table->file->get_foreign_key_list(thd, &f_key_list); FOREIGN_KEY_INFO *f_key_info; List_iterator_fast fkey_it(f_key_list); while ((f_key_info= fkey_it++)) { LEX_STRING *f_info; LEX_STRING *r_info; List_iterator_fast it(f_key_info->foreign_fields), it1(f_key_info->referenced_fields); uint f_idx= 0; while ((f_info= it++)) { r_info= it1++; f_idx++; restore_record(table, s->default_values); store_key_column_usage(table, db_name, table_name, f_key_info->foreign_id->str, f_key_info->foreign_id->length, f_info->str, f_info->length, (longlong) f_idx); table->field[8]->store((longlong) f_idx, TRUE); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); table->field[9]->store(f_key_info->referenced_db->str, f_key_info->referenced_db->length, system_charset_info); table->field[9]->set_notnull(); table->field[10]->store(f_key_info->referenced_table->str, f_key_info->referenced_table->length, system_charset_info); table->field[10]->set_notnull(); table->field[11]->store(r_info->str, r_info->length, system_charset_info); table->field[11]->set_notnull(); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } } DBUG_RETURN(res); } #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE static void collect_partition_expr(THD *thd, List &field_list, String *str) { List_iterator part_it(field_list); ulong no_fields= field_list.elements; const char *field_str; str->length(0); while ((field_str= part_it++)) { append_identifier(thd, str, field_str, strlen(field_str)); if (--no_fields != 0) str->append(","); } return; } /* Convert a string in a given character set to a string which can be used for FRM file storage in which case use_hex is TRUE and we store the character constants as hex strings in the character set encoding their field have. In the case of SHOW CREATE TABLE and the PARTITIONS information schema table we instead provide utf8 strings to the user and convert to the utf8 character set. SYNOPSIS get_cs_converted_part_value_from_string() item Item from which constant comes input_str String as provided by val_str after conversion to character set output_str Out value: The string created cs Character set string is encoded in NULL for INT_RESULT's here use_hex TRUE => hex string created FALSE => utf8 constant string created RETURN VALUES TRUE Error FALSE Ok */ int get_cs_converted_part_value_from_string(THD *thd, Item *item, String *input_str, String *output_str, CHARSET_INFO *cs, bool use_hex) { if (item->result_type() == INT_RESULT) { longlong value= item->val_int(); output_str->set(value, system_charset_info); return FALSE; } if (!input_str) { my_error(ER_PARTITION_FUNCTION_IS_NOT_ALLOWED, MYF(0)); return TRUE; } get_cs_converted_string_value(thd, input_str, output_str, cs, use_hex); return FALSE; } #endif static void store_schema_partitions_record(THD *thd, TABLE *schema_table, TABLE *showing_table, partition_element *part_elem, handler *file, uint part_id) { TABLE* table= schema_table; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; PARTITION_STATS stat_info; MYSQL_TIME time; file->get_dynamic_partition_info(&stat_info, part_id); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[12]->store((longlong) stat_info.records, TRUE); table->field[13]->store((longlong) stat_info.mean_rec_length, TRUE); table->field[14]->store((longlong) stat_info.data_file_length, TRUE); if (stat_info.max_data_file_length) { table->field[15]->store((longlong) stat_info.max_data_file_length, TRUE); table->field[15]->set_notnull(); } table->field[16]->store((longlong) stat_info.index_file_length, TRUE); table->field[17]->store((longlong) stat_info.delete_length, TRUE); if (stat_info.create_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t)stat_info.create_time); table->field[18]->store_time(&time); table->field[18]->set_notnull(); } if (stat_info.update_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t)stat_info.update_time); table->field[19]->store_time(&time); table->field[19]->set_notnull(); } if (stat_info.check_time) { thd->variables.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, (my_time_t)stat_info.check_time); table->field[20]->store_time(&time); table->field[20]->set_notnull(); } if (file->ha_table_flags() & (HA_HAS_OLD_CHECKSUM | HA_HAS_NEW_CHECKSUM)) { table->field[21]->store((longlong) stat_info.check_sum, TRUE); table->field[21]->set_notnull(); } if (part_elem) { if (part_elem->part_comment) table->field[22]->store(part_elem->part_comment, strlen(part_elem->part_comment), cs); else table->field[22]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN(""), cs); if (part_elem->nodegroup_id != UNDEF_NODEGROUP) table->field[23]->store((longlong) part_elem->nodegroup_id, TRUE); else table->field[23]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("default"), cs); table->field[24]->set_notnull(); if (part_elem->tablespace_name) table->field[24]->store(part_elem->tablespace_name, strlen(part_elem->tablespace_name), cs); else { char *ts= showing_table->file->get_tablespace_name(thd,0,0); if(ts) table->field[24]->store(ts, strlen(ts), cs); else table->field[24]->set_null(); } } return; } #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE static int get_partition_column_description(THD *thd, partition_info *part_info, part_elem_value *list_value, String &tmp_str) { uint num_elements= part_info->part_field_list.elements; uint i; DBUG_ENTER("get_partition_column_description"); for (i= 0; i < num_elements; i++) { part_column_list_val *col_val= &list_value->col_val_array[i]; if (col_val->max_value) tmp_str.append(partition_keywords[PKW_MAXVALUE].str); else if (col_val->null_value) tmp_str.append("NULL"); else { char buffer[MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; String str(buffer, sizeof(buffer), &my_charset_bin); String val_conv; Item *item= col_val->item_expression; if (!(item= part_info->get_column_item(item, part_info->part_field_array[i]))) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } String *res= item->val_str(&str); if (get_cs_converted_part_value_from_string(thd, item, res, &val_conv, part_info->part_field_array[i]->charset(), FALSE)) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } tmp_str.append(val_conv); } if (i != num_elements - 1) tmp_str.append(","); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif /* WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE */ static int get_schema_partitions_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; char buff[61]; String tmp_res(buff, sizeof(buff), cs); String tmp_str; TABLE *show_table= tables->table; handler *file; #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE partition_info *part_info; #endif DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_partitions_record"); if (res) { if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } file= show_table->file; #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE part_info= show_table->part_info; if (part_info) { partition_element *part_elem; List_iterator part_it(part_info->partitions); uint part_pos= 0, part_id= 0; restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); /* Partition method*/ switch (part_info->part_type) { case RANGE_PARTITION: case LIST_PARTITION: tmp_res.length(0); if (part_info->part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_RANGE].str, partition_keywords[PKW_RANGE].length); else tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_LIST].str, partition_keywords[PKW_LIST].length); if (part_info->column_list) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_COLUMNS].str, partition_keywords[PKW_COLUMNS].length); table->field[7]->store(tmp_res.ptr(), tmp_res.length(), cs); break; case HASH_PARTITION: tmp_res.length(0); if (part_info->linear_hash_ind) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_LINEAR].str, partition_keywords[PKW_LINEAR].length); if (part_info->list_of_part_fields) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_KEY].str, partition_keywords[PKW_KEY].length); else tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_HASH].str, partition_keywords[PKW_HASH].length); table->field[7]->store(tmp_res.ptr(), tmp_res.length(), cs); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); my_error(ER_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, MYF(ME_FATALERROR)); DBUG_RETURN(1); } table->field[7]->set_notnull(); /* Partition expression */ if (part_info->part_expr) { table->field[9]->store(part_info->part_func_string, part_info->part_func_len, cs); } else if (part_info->list_of_part_fields) { collect_partition_expr(thd, part_info->part_field_list, &tmp_str); table->field[9]->store(tmp_str.ptr(), tmp_str.length(), cs); } table->field[9]->set_notnull(); if (part_info->is_sub_partitioned()) { /* Subpartition method */ tmp_res.length(0); if (part_info->linear_hash_ind) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_LINEAR].str, partition_keywords[PKW_LINEAR].length); if (part_info->list_of_subpart_fields) tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_KEY].str, partition_keywords[PKW_KEY].length); else tmp_res.append(partition_keywords[PKW_HASH].str, partition_keywords[PKW_HASH].length); table->field[8]->store(tmp_res.ptr(), tmp_res.length(), cs); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); /* Subpartition expression */ if (part_info->subpart_expr) { table->field[10]->store(part_info->subpart_func_string, part_info->subpart_func_len, cs); } else if (part_info->list_of_subpart_fields) { collect_partition_expr(thd, part_info->subpart_field_list, &tmp_str); table->field[10]->store(tmp_str.ptr(), tmp_str.length(), cs); } table->field[10]->set_notnull(); } while ((part_elem= part_it++)) { table->field[3]->store(part_elem->partition_name, strlen(part_elem->partition_name), cs); table->field[3]->set_notnull(); /* PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION */ table->field[5]->store((longlong) ++part_pos, TRUE); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); /* Partition description */ if (part_info->part_type == RANGE_PARTITION) { if (part_info->column_list) { List_iterator list_val_it(part_elem->list_val_list); part_elem_value *list_value= list_val_it++; tmp_str.length(0); if (get_partition_column_description(thd, part_info, list_value, tmp_str)) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } table->field[11]->store(tmp_str.ptr(), tmp_str.length(), cs); } else { if (part_elem->range_value != LONGLONG_MAX) table->field[11]->store((longlong) part_elem->range_value, FALSE); else table->field[11]->store(partition_keywords[PKW_MAXVALUE].str, partition_keywords[PKW_MAXVALUE].length, cs); } table->field[11]->set_notnull(); } else if (part_info->part_type == LIST_PARTITION) { List_iterator list_val_it(part_elem->list_val_list); part_elem_value *list_value; uint num_items= part_elem->list_val_list.elements; tmp_str.length(0); tmp_res.length(0); if (part_elem->has_null_value) { tmp_str.append("NULL"); if (num_items > 0) tmp_str.append(","); } while ((list_value= list_val_it++)) { if (part_info->column_list) { if (part_info->part_field_list.elements > 1U) tmp_str.append("("); if (get_partition_column_description(thd, part_info, list_value, tmp_str)) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (part_info->part_field_list.elements > 1U) tmp_str.append(")"); } else { if (!list_value->unsigned_flag) tmp_res.set(list_value->value, cs); else tmp_res.set((ulonglong)list_value->value, cs); tmp_str.append(tmp_res); } if (--num_items != 0) tmp_str.append(","); } table->field[11]->store(tmp_str.ptr(), tmp_str.length(), cs); table->field[11]->set_notnull(); } if (part_elem->subpartitions.elements) { List_iterator sub_it(part_elem->subpartitions); partition_element *subpart_elem; uint subpart_pos= 0; while ((subpart_elem= sub_it++)) { table->field[4]->store(subpart_elem->partition_name, strlen(subpart_elem->partition_name), cs); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); /* SUBPARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION */ table->field[6]->store((longlong) ++subpart_pos, TRUE); table->field[6]->set_notnull(); store_schema_partitions_record(thd, table, show_table, subpart_elem, file, part_id); part_id++; if(schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } else { store_schema_partitions_record(thd, table, show_table, part_elem, file, part_id); part_id++; if(schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } else #endif { store_schema_partitions_record(thd, table, show_table, 0, file, 0); if(schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } #ifdef HAVE_EVENT_SCHEDULER /* Loads an event from mysql.event and copies it's data to a row of I_S.EVENTS Synopsis copy_event_to_schema_table() thd Thread sch_table The schema table (information_schema.event) event_table The event table to use for loading (mysql.event). Returns 0 OK 1 Error */ int copy_event_to_schema_table(THD *thd, TABLE *sch_table, TABLE *event_table) { const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; CHARSET_INFO *scs= system_charset_info; MYSQL_TIME time; Event_timed et; DBUG_ENTER("copy_event_to_schema_table"); restore_record(sch_table, s->default_values); if (et.load_from_row(thd, event_table)) { my_error(ER_CANNOT_LOAD_FROM_TABLE, MYF(0), event_table->alias.c_ptr()); DBUG_RETURN(1); } if (!(!wild || !wild[0] || !wild_case_compare(scs, et.name.str, wild))) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* Skip events in schemas one does not have access to. The check is optimized. It's guaranteed in case of SHOW EVENTS that the user has access. */ if (thd->lex->sql_command != SQLCOM_SHOW_EVENTS && check_access(thd, EVENT_ACL, et.dbname.str, NULL, NULL, 0, 1)) DBUG_RETURN(0); sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_CATALOG]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), scs); sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_SCHEMA]-> store(et.dbname.str, et.dbname.length,scs); sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_NAME]-> store(et.name.str, et.name.length, scs); sch_table->field[ISE_DEFINER]-> store(et.definer.str, et.definer.length, scs); const String *tz_name= et.time_zone->get_name(); sch_table->field[ISE_TIME_ZONE]-> store(tz_name->ptr(), tz_name->length(), scs); sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_BODY]-> store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SQL"), scs); sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_DEFINITION]->store( et.body_utf8.str, et.body_utf8.length, scs); /* SQL_MODE */ { LEX_STRING sql_mode; sql_mode_string_representation(thd, et.sql_mode, &sql_mode); sch_table->field[ISE_SQL_MODE]-> store(sql_mode.str, sql_mode.length, scs); } int not_used=0; if (et.expression) { String show_str; /* type */ sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_TYPE]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("RECURRING"), scs); if (Events::reconstruct_interval_expression(&show_str, et.interval, et.expression)) DBUG_RETURN(1); sch_table->field[ISE_INTERVAL_VALUE]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_INTERVAL_VALUE]-> store(show_str.ptr(), show_str.length(), scs); LEX_STRING *ival= &interval_type_to_name[et.interval]; sch_table->field[ISE_INTERVAL_FIELD]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_INTERVAL_FIELD]->store(ival->str, ival->length, scs); /* starts & ends . STARTS is always set - see sql_yacc.yy */ et.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, et.starts); sch_table->field[ISE_STARTS]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_STARTS]->store_time(&time); if (!et.ends_null) { et.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, et.ends); sch_table->field[ISE_ENDS]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_ENDS]->store_time(&time); } } else { /* type */ sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_TYPE]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("ONE TIME"), scs); et.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, et.execute_at); sch_table->field[ISE_EXECUTE_AT]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_EXECUTE_AT]->store_time(&time); } /* status */ switch (et.status) { case Event_parse_data::ENABLED: sch_table->field[ISE_STATUS]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("ENABLED"), scs); break; case Event_parse_data::SLAVESIDE_DISABLED: sch_table->field[ISE_STATUS]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("SLAVESIDE_DISABLED"), scs); break; case Event_parse_data::DISABLED: sch_table->field[ISE_STATUS]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("DISABLED"), scs); break; default: DBUG_ASSERT(0); } sch_table->field[ISE_ORIGINATOR]->store(et.originator, TRUE); /* on_completion */ if (et.on_completion == Event_parse_data::ON_COMPLETION_DROP) sch_table->field[ISE_ON_COMPLETION]-> store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NOT PRESERVE"), scs); else sch_table->field[ISE_ON_COMPLETION]-> store(STRING_WITH_LEN("PRESERVE"), scs); number_to_datetime(et.created, 0, &time, 0, ¬_used); DBUG_ASSERT(not_used==0); sch_table->field[ISE_CREATED]->store_time(&time); number_to_datetime(et.modified, 0, &time, 0, ¬_used); DBUG_ASSERT(not_used==0); sch_table->field[ISE_LAST_ALTERED]->store_time(&time); if (et.last_executed) { et.time_zone->gmt_sec_to_TIME(&time, et.last_executed); sch_table->field[ISE_LAST_EXECUTED]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_LAST_EXECUTED]->store_time(&time); } sch_table->field[ISE_EVENT_COMMENT]-> store(et.comment.str, et.comment.length, scs); sch_table->field[ISE_CLIENT_CS]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_CLIENT_CS]->store( et.creation_ctx->get_client_cs()->csname, strlen(et.creation_ctx->get_client_cs()->csname), scs); sch_table->field[ISE_CONNECTION_CL]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_CONNECTION_CL]->store( et.creation_ctx->get_connection_cl()->name, strlen(et.creation_ctx->get_connection_cl()->name), scs); sch_table->field[ISE_DB_CL]->set_notnull(); sch_table->field[ISE_DB_CL]->store( et.creation_ctx->get_db_cl()->name, strlen(et.creation_ctx->get_db_cl()->name), scs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, sch_table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } #endif int fill_open_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_open_tables"); const char *wild= thd->lex->wild ? thd->lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; TABLE *table= tables->table; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; OPEN_TABLE_LIST *open_list; if (!(open_list=list_open_tables(thd,thd->lex->select_lex.db, wild)) && thd->is_fatal_error) DBUG_RETURN(1); for (; open_list ; open_list=open_list->next) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(open_list->db, strlen(open_list->db), cs); table->field[1]->store(open_list->table, strlen(open_list->table), cs); table->field[2]->store((longlong) open_list->in_use, TRUE); table->field[3]->store((longlong) open_list->locked, TRUE); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_variables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_variables"); int res= 0; LEX *lex= thd->lex; const char *wild= lex->wild ? lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx= get_schema_table_idx(tables->schema_table); enum enum_var_type option_type= OPT_SESSION; bool upper_case_names= (schema_table_idx != SCH_VARIABLES); bool sorted_vars= (schema_table_idx == SCH_VARIABLES); if (lex->option_type == OPT_GLOBAL || schema_table_idx == SCH_GLOBAL_VARIABLES) option_type= OPT_GLOBAL; COND *partial_cond= make_cond_for_info_schema(cond, tables); mysql_rwlock_rdlock(&LOCK_system_variables_hash); res= show_status_array(thd, wild, enumerate_sys_vars(thd, sorted_vars, option_type), option_type, NULL, "", tables->table, upper_case_names, partial_cond); mysql_rwlock_unlock(&LOCK_system_variables_hash); DBUG_RETURN(res); } int fill_status(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_status"); LEX *lex= thd->lex; const char *wild= lex->wild ? lex->wild->ptr() : NullS; int res= 0; STATUS_VAR *tmp1, tmp; enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx= get_schema_table_idx(tables->schema_table); enum enum_var_type option_type; bool upper_case_names= (schema_table_idx != SCH_STATUS); if (schema_table_idx == SCH_STATUS) { option_type= lex->option_type; if (option_type == OPT_GLOBAL) tmp1= &tmp; else tmp1= thd->initial_status_var; } else if (schema_table_idx == SCH_GLOBAL_STATUS) { option_type= OPT_GLOBAL; tmp1= &tmp; } else { option_type= OPT_SESSION; tmp1= &thd->status_var; } COND *partial_cond= make_cond_for_info_schema(cond, tables); // Evaluate and cache const subqueries now, before the mutex. if (partial_cond) partial_cond->val_int(); mysql_mutex_lock(&LOCK_status); if (option_type == OPT_GLOBAL) calc_sum_of_all_status(&tmp); res= show_status_array(thd, wild, (SHOW_VAR *)all_status_vars.buffer, option_type, tmp1, "", tables->table, upper_case_names, partial_cond); mysql_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_status); DBUG_RETURN(res); } /* Fill and store records into I_S.referential_constraints table SYNOPSIS get_referential_constraints_record() thd thread handle tables table list struct(processed table) table I_S table res 1 means the error during opening of the processed table 0 means processed table is opened without error base_name db name file_name table name RETURN 0 ok # error */ static int get_referential_constraints_record(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE *table, bool res, LEX_STRING *db_name, LEX_STRING *table_name) { CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; DBUG_ENTER("get_referential_constraints_record"); if (res) { if (thd->is_error()) push_warning(thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_WARN, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->message()); thd->clear_error(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!tables->view) { List f_key_list; TABLE *show_table= tables->table; show_table->file->info(HA_STATUS_VARIABLE | HA_STATUS_NO_LOCK | HA_STATUS_TIME); show_table->file->get_foreign_key_list(thd, &f_key_list); FOREIGN_KEY_INFO *f_key_info; List_iterator_fast it(f_key_list); while ((f_key_info= it++)) { restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[1]->store(db_name->str, db_name->length, cs); table->field[9]->store(table_name->str, table_name->length, cs); table->field[2]->store(f_key_info->foreign_id->str, f_key_info->foreign_id->length, cs); table->field[3]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs); table->field[4]->store(f_key_info->referenced_db->str, f_key_info->referenced_db->length, cs); table->field[10]->store(f_key_info->referenced_table->str, f_key_info->referenced_table->length, cs); if (f_key_info->referenced_key_name) { table->field[5]->store(f_key_info->referenced_key_name->str, f_key_info->referenced_key_name->length, cs); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); } else table->field[5]->set_null(); table->field[6]->store(STRING_WITH_LEN("NONE"), cs); table->field[7]->store(f_key_info->update_method->str, f_key_info->update_method->length, cs); table->field[8]->store(f_key_info->delete_method->str, f_key_info->delete_method->length, cs); if (schema_table_store_record(thd, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } struct schema_table_ref { const char *table_name; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table; }; ST_FIELD_INFO user_stats_fields_info[]= { {"USER", USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "User", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TOTAL_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Total_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Concurrent_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONNECTED_TIME", MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Connected_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BUSY_TIME", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 0, "Busy_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CPU_TIME", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 0, "Cpu_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BYTES_RECEIVED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Bytes_received",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BYTES_SENT", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Bytes_sent",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BINLOG_BYTES_WRITTEN", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Binlog_bytes_written",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_READ", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_read",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_SENT", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_sent",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_DELETED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_deleted",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_INSERTED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_inserted",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_UPDATED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_updated",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SELECT_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Select_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Update_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"OTHER_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Other_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COMMIT_TRANSACTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Commit_transactions",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROLLBACK_TRANSACTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rollback_transactions",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DENIED_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Denied_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOST_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Lost_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ACCESS_DENIED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Access_denied",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EMPTY_QUERIES", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Empty_queries",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; ST_FIELD_INFO client_stats_fields_info[]= { {"CLIENT", LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Client",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TOTAL_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Total_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONCURRENT_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Concurrent_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONNECTED_TIME", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Connected_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BUSY_TIME", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 0, "Busy_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CPU_TIME", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE, 0, 0, "Cpu_time",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BYTES_RECEIVED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Bytes_received",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BYTES_SENT", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Bytes_sent",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BINLOG_BYTES_WRITTEN", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Binlog_bytes_written",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_READ", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_read",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_SENT", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_sent",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_DELETED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_deleted",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_INSERTED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_inserted",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_UPDATED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_updated",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SELECT_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Select_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Update_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"OTHER_COMMANDS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Other_commands",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COMMIT_TRANSACTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Commit_transactions",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROLLBACK_TRANSACTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rollback_transactions",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DENIED_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Denied_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOST_CONNECTIONS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Lost_connections",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ACCESS_DENIED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Access_denied",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EMPTY_QUERIES", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Empty_queries",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; ST_FIELD_INFO table_stats_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table_schema",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table_name",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_READ", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_read",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_CHANGED", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_changed",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_CHANGED_X_INDEXES", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_changed_x_#indexes",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; ST_FIELD_INFO index_stats_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table_schema",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table_name",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INDEX_NAME", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Index_name",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROWS_READ", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Rows_read",SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0,0} }; /* Find schema_tables elment by name SYNOPSIS find_schema_table_in_plugin() thd thread handler plugin plugin table_name table name RETURN 0 table not found 1 found the schema table */ static my_bool find_schema_table_in_plugin(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin, void* p_table) { schema_table_ref *p_schema_table= (schema_table_ref *)p_table; const char* table_name= p_schema_table->table_name; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= plugin_data(plugin, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *); DBUG_ENTER("find_schema_table_in_plugin"); if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, schema_table->table_name, table_name)) { my_plugin_lock(thd, plugin); p_schema_table->schema_table= schema_table; DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Find schema_tables elment by name SYNOPSIS find_schema_table() thd thread handler table_name table name RETURN 0 table not found # pointer to 'schema_tables' element */ ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *find_schema_table(THD *thd, const char* table_name) { schema_table_ref schema_table_a; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= schema_tables; DBUG_ENTER("find_schema_table"); for (; schema_table->table_name; schema_table++) { if (!my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, schema_table->table_name, table_name)) DBUG_RETURN(schema_table); } schema_table_a.table_name= table_name; if (plugin_foreach(thd, find_schema_table_in_plugin, MYSQL_INFORMATION_SCHEMA_PLUGIN, &schema_table_a)) DBUG_RETURN(schema_table_a.schema_table); DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *get_schema_table(enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx) { return &schema_tables[schema_table_idx]; } /** Create information_schema table using schema_table data. @note For MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL fields only, the field_length member has encoded into it two numbers, based on modulus of base-10 numbers. In the ones position is the number of decimals. Tens position is unused. In the hundreds and thousands position is a two-digit decimal number representing length. Encode this value with (length*100)+decimals , where 0 field_list; ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= table_list->schema_table; ST_FIELD_INFO *fields_info= schema_table->fields_info; CHARSET_INFO *cs= system_charset_info; DBUG_ENTER("create_schema_table"); for (; fields_info->field_name; fields_info++) { switch (fields_info->field_type) { case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG: case MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG: case MYSQL_TYPE_INT24: if (!(item= new Item_return_int(fields_info->field_name, fields_info->field_length, fields_info->field_type, fields_info->value))) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } item->unsigned_flag= (fields_info->field_flags & MY_I_S_UNSIGNED); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DATE: if (!(item=new Item_return_date_time(fields_info->field_name, strlen(fields_info->field_name), fields_info->field_type))) DBUG_RETURN(0); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TIME: if (!(item=new Item_return_date_time(fields_info->field_name, strlen(fields_info->field_name), fields_info->field_type))) DBUG_RETURN(0); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP: case MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME: if (!(item=new Item_return_date_time(fields_info->field_name, strlen(fields_info->field_name), fields_info->field_type))) DBUG_RETURN(0); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT: case MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE: if ((item= new Item_float(fields_info->field_name, 0.0, NOT_FIXED_DEC, fields_info->field_length)) == NULL) DBUG_RETURN(NULL); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL: case MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL: if (!(item= new Item_decimal((longlong) fields_info->value, false))) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Create a type holder, as we want the type of the item to defined the type of the object, not the value */ if (!(item= new Item_type_holder(thd, item))) DBUG_RETURN(0); item->unsigned_flag= (fields_info->field_flags & MY_I_S_UNSIGNED); item->decimals= fields_info->field_length%10; item->max_length= (fields_info->field_length/100)%100; if (item->unsigned_flag == 0) item->max_length+= 1; if (item->decimals > 0) item->max_length+= 1; item->set_name(fields_info->field_name, strlen(fields_info->field_name), cs); break; case MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB: case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB: if (!(item= new Item_blob(fields_info->field_name, fields_info->field_length))) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } break; default: /* Don't let unimplemented types pass through. Could be a grave error. */ DBUG_ASSERT(fields_info->field_type == MYSQL_TYPE_STRING); if (!(item= new Item_empty_string("", fields_info->field_length, cs))) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } item->set_name(fields_info->field_name, strlen(fields_info->field_name), cs); break; } field_list.push_back(item); item->maybe_null= (fields_info->field_flags & MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL); field_count++; } TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_table_param = (TMP_TABLE_PARAM*) (thd->alloc(sizeof(TMP_TABLE_PARAM))); tmp_table_param->init(); tmp_table_param->table_charset= cs; tmp_table_param->field_count= field_count; tmp_table_param->schema_table= 1; SELECT_LEX *select_lex= thd->lex->current_select; if (!(table= create_tmp_table(thd, tmp_table_param, field_list, (ORDER*) 0, 0, 0, (select_lex->options | thd->variables.option_bits | TMP_TABLE_ALL_COLUMNS), HA_POS_ERROR, table_list->alias))) DBUG_RETURN(0); my_bitmap_map* bitmaps= (my_bitmap_map*) thd->alloc(bitmap_buffer_size(field_count)); bitmap_init(&table->def_read_set, (my_bitmap_map*) bitmaps, field_count, FALSE); table->read_set= &table->def_read_set; bitmap_clear_all(table->read_set); table_list->schema_table_param= tmp_table_param; DBUG_RETURN(table); } /* For old SHOW compatibility. It is used when old SHOW doesn't have generated column names Make list of fields for SHOW SYNOPSIS make_old_format() thd thread handler schema_table pointer to 'schema_tables' element RETURN 1 error 0 success */ int make_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info= schema_table->fields_info; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; for (; field_info->field_name; field_info++) { if (field_info->old_name) { Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (field) { field->set_name(field_info->old_name, strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; } } } return 0; } int make_schemata_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { char tmp[128]; LEX *lex= thd->lex; SELECT_LEX *sel= lex->current_select; Name_resolution_context *context= &sel->context; if (!sel->item_list.elements) { ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[1]; String buffer(tmp,sizeof(tmp), system_charset_info); Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (!field || add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; buffer.length(0); buffer.append(field_info->old_name); if (lex->wild && lex->wild->ptr()) { buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" (")); buffer.append(lex->wild->ptr()); buffer.append(')'); } field->set_name(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), system_charset_info); } return 0; } int make_table_names_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { char tmp[128]; String buffer(tmp,sizeof(tmp), thd->charset()); LEX *lex= thd->lex; Name_resolution_context *context= &lex->select_lex.context; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[2]; buffer.length(0); buffer.append(field_info->old_name); buffer.append(lex->select_lex.db); if (lex->wild && lex->wild->ptr()) { buffer.append(STRING_WITH_LEN(" (")); buffer.append(lex->wild->ptr()); buffer.append(')'); } Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; field->set_name(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), system_charset_info); if (thd->lex->verbose) { field->set_name(buffer.ptr(), buffer.length(), system_charset_info); field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[3]; field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; field->set_name(field_info->old_name, strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); } return 0; } int make_columns_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { int fields_arr[]= {3, 15, 14, 6, 16, 5, 17, 18, 19, -1}; int *field_num= fields_arr; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; for (; *field_num >= 0; field_num++) { field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[*field_num]; if (!thd->lex->verbose && (*field_num == 14 || *field_num == 18 || *field_num == 19)) continue; Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (field) { field->set_name(field_info->old_name, strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; } } return 0; } int make_character_sets_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { int fields_arr[]= {0, 2, 1, 3, -1}; int *field_num= fields_arr; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; for (; *field_num >= 0; field_num++) { field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[*field_num]; Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (field) { field->set_name(field_info->old_name, strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; } } return 0; } int make_proc_old_format(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { int fields_arr[]= {2, 3, 4, 27, 24, 23, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30, -1}; int *field_num= fields_arr; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; for (; *field_num >= 0; field_num++) { field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[*field_num]; Item_field *field= new Item_field(context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (field) { field->set_name(field_info->old_name, strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; } } return 0; } /* Create information_schema table SYNOPSIS mysql_schema_table() thd thread handler lex pointer to LEX table_list pointer to table_list RETURN 0 success 1 error */ int mysql_schema_table(THD *thd, LEX *lex, TABLE_LIST *table_list) { TABLE *table; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_schema_table"); if (!(table= table_list->schema_table->create_table(thd, table_list))) DBUG_RETURN(1); table->s->tmp_table= SYSTEM_TMP_TABLE; table->grant.privilege= SELECT_ACL; /* This test is necessary to make case insensitive file systems + upper case table names(information schema tables) + views working correctly */ if (table_list->schema_table_name) table->alias_name_used= my_strcasecmp(table_alias_charset, table_list->schema_table_name, table_list->alias); table_list->table_name= table->s->table_name.str; table_list->table_name_length= table->s->table_name.length; table_list->table= table; table->next= thd->derived_tables; thd->derived_tables= table; table_list->select_lex->options |= OPTION_SCHEMA_TABLE; lex->safe_to_cache_query= 0; if (table_list->schema_table_reformed) // show command { SELECT_LEX *sel= lex->current_select; Item *item; Field_translator *transl, *org_transl; if (table_list->field_translation) { Field_translator *end= table_list->field_translation_end; for (transl= table_list->field_translation; transl < end; transl++) { if (!transl->item->fixed && transl->item->fix_fields(thd, &transl->item)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } List_iterator_fast it(sel->item_list); if (!(transl= (Field_translator*)(thd->stmt_arena-> alloc(sel->item_list.elements * sizeof(Field_translator))))) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } for (org_transl= transl; (item= it++); transl++) { transl->item= item; transl->name= item->name; if (!item->fixed && item->fix_fields(thd, &transl->item)) { DBUG_RETURN(1); } } table_list->field_translation= org_transl; table_list->field_translation_end= transl; } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Generate select from information_schema table SYNOPSIS make_schema_select() thd thread handler sel pointer to SELECT_LEX schema_table_idx index of 'schema_tables' element RETURN 0 success 1 error */ int make_schema_select(THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *sel, enum enum_schema_tables schema_table_idx) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= get_schema_table(schema_table_idx); LEX_STRING db, table; DBUG_ENTER("make_schema_select"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("mysql_schema_select: %s", schema_table->table_name)); /* We have to make non const db_name & table_name because of lower_case_table_names */ if (!thd->make_lex_string(&db, INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME.str, INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME.length)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (!thd->make_lex_string(&table, schema_table->table_name, strlen(schema_table->table_name))) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (schema_table->old_format(thd, schema_table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (!sel->add_table_to_list(thd, new Table_ident(thd, db, table, 0), 0, 0, TL_READ, MDL_SHARED_READ)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** Fill INFORMATION_SCHEMA-table, leave correct Diagnostics_area / Warning_info state after itself. This function is a wrapper around ST_SCHEMA_TABLE::fill_table(), which may "partially silence" some errors. The thing is that during fill_table() many errors might be emitted. These errors stem from the nature of fill_table(). For example, SELECT ... FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.xxx WHERE TABLE_NAME = 'xxx' results in a number of 'Table .xxx does not exist' errors, because fill_table() tries to open the 'xxx' table in every possible database. Those errors are cleared (the error status is cleared from Diagnostics_area) inside fill_table(), but they remain in Warning_info (Warning_info is not cleared because it may contain useful warnings). This function is responsible for making sure that Warning_info does not contain warnings corresponding to the cleared errors. @note: THD::no_warnings_for_error used to be set before calling fill_table(), thus those errors didn't go to Warning_info. This is not the case now (THD::no_warnings_for_error was eliminated as a hack), so we need to take care of those warnings here. @param thd Thread context. @param table_list I_S table. @param join_table JOIN/SELECT table. @return Error status. @retval TRUE Error. @retval FALSE Success. */ static bool do_fill_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *table_list, JOIN_TAB *join_table) { // NOTE: fill_table() may generate many "useless" warnings, which will be // ignored afterwards. On the other hand, there might be "useful" // warnings, which should be presented to the user. Warning_info usually // stores no more than THD::variables.max_error_count warnings. // The problem is that "useless warnings" may occupy all the slots in the // Warning_info, so "useful warnings" get rejected. In order to avoid // that problem we create a Warning_info instance, which is capable of // storing "unlimited" number of warnings. Warning_info wi(thd->query_id, true); Warning_info *wi_saved= thd->warning_info; thd->warning_info= &wi; bool res= table_list->schema_table->fill_table( thd, table_list, join_table->select_cond); thd->warning_info= wi_saved; // Pass an error if any. if (thd->stmt_da->is_error()) { thd->warning_info->push_warning(thd, thd->stmt_da->sql_errno(), thd->stmt_da->get_sqlstate(), MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, thd->stmt_da->message()); } // Pass warnings (if any). // // Filter out warnings with WARN_LEVEL_ERROR level, because they // correspond to the errors which were filtered out in fill_table(). List_iterator_fast it(wi.warn_list()); MYSQL_ERROR *err; while ((err= it++)) { if (err->get_level() != MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR) thd->warning_info->push_warning(thd, err); } return res; } /* Fill temporary schema tables before SELECT SYNOPSIS get_schema_tables_result() join join which use schema tables executed_place place where I_S table processed RETURN FALSE success TRUE error */ bool get_schema_tables_result(JOIN *join, enum enum_schema_table_state executed_place) { THD *thd= join->thd; LEX *lex= thd->lex; bool result= 0; DBUG_ENTER("get_schema_tables_result"); for (JOIN_TAB *tab= first_linear_tab(join, WITH_CONST_TABLES); tab; tab= next_linear_tab(join, tab, WITHOUT_BUSH_ROOTS)) { if (!tab->table || !tab->table->pos_in_table_list) break; TABLE_LIST *table_list= tab->table->pos_in_table_list; if (table_list->schema_table && thd->fill_information_schema_tables()) { bool is_subselect= (&lex->unit != lex->current_select->master_unit() && lex->current_select->master_unit()->item); /* A value of 0 indicates a dummy implementation */ if (table_list->schema_table->fill_table == 0) continue; /* skip I_S optimizations specific to get_all_tables */ if (thd->lex->describe && (table_list->schema_table->fill_table != get_all_tables)) continue; /* If schema table is already processed and the statement is not a subselect then we don't need to fill this table again. If schema table is already processed and schema_table_state != executed_place then table is already processed and we should skip second data processing. */ if (table_list->schema_table_state && (!is_subselect || table_list->schema_table_state != executed_place)) continue; /* if table is used in a subselect and table has been processed earlier with the same 'executed_place' value then we should refresh the table. */ if (table_list->schema_table_state && is_subselect) { table_list->table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_NO_CACHE); table_list->table->file->extra(HA_EXTRA_RESET_STATE); table_list->table->file->ha_delete_all_rows(); free_io_cache(table_list->table); filesort_free_buffers(table_list->table,1); table_list->table->null_row= 0; } else table_list->table->file->stats.records= 0; if (do_fill_table(thd, table_list, tab)) { result= 1; join->error= 1; tab->read_record.table->file= table_list->table->file; table_list->schema_table_state= executed_place; if (!thd->is_error()) my_error(ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR, MYF(0)); break; } tab->read_record.table->file= table_list->table->file; table_list->schema_table_state= executed_place; } } DBUG_RETURN(result); } struct run_hton_fill_schema_table_args { TABLE_LIST *tables; COND *cond; }; static my_bool run_hton_fill_schema_table(THD *thd, plugin_ref plugin, void *arg) { struct run_hton_fill_schema_table_args *args= (run_hton_fill_schema_table_args *) arg; handlerton *hton= plugin_data(plugin, handlerton *); if (hton->fill_is_table && hton->state == SHOW_OPTION_YES) hton->fill_is_table(hton, thd, args->tables, args->cond, get_schema_table_idx(args->tables->schema_table)); return false; } int hton_fill_schema_table(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("hton_fill_schema_table"); struct run_hton_fill_schema_table_args args; args.tables= tables; args.cond= cond; plugin_foreach(thd, run_hton_fill_schema_table, MYSQL_STORAGE_ENGINE_PLUGIN, &args); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int store_key_cache_table_record(THD *thd, TABLE *table, const char *name, uint name_length, KEY_CACHE *key_cache, uint partitions, uint partition_no) { KEY_CACHE_STATISTICS keycache_stats; uint err; DBUG_ENTER("store_key_cache_table_record"); get_key_cache_statistics(key_cache, partition_no, &keycache_stats); if (!key_cache->key_cache_inited || keycache_stats.mem_size == 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); restore_record(table, s->default_values); table->field[0]->store(name, name_length, system_charset_info); if (partitions == 0) table->field[1]->set_null(); else { table->field[1]->set_notnull(); table->field[1]->store((long) partitions, TRUE); } if (partition_no == 0) table->field[2]->set_null(); else { table->field[2]->set_notnull(); table->field[2]->store((long) partition_no, TRUE); } table->field[3]->store(keycache_stats.mem_size, TRUE); table->field[4]->store(keycache_stats.block_size, TRUE); table->field[5]->store(keycache_stats.blocks_used, TRUE); table->field[6]->store(keycache_stats.blocks_unused, TRUE); table->field[7]->store(keycache_stats.blocks_changed, TRUE); table->field[8]->store(keycache_stats.read_requests, TRUE); table->field[9]->store(keycache_stats.reads, TRUE); table->field[10]->store(keycache_stats.write_requests, TRUE); table->field[11]->store(keycache_stats.writes, TRUE); err= schema_table_store_record(thd, table); DBUG_RETURN(err); } int run_fill_key_cache_tables(const char *name, KEY_CACHE *key_cache, void *p) { DBUG_ENTER("run_fill_key_cache_tables"); if (!key_cache->key_cache_inited) DBUG_RETURN(0); TABLE *table= (TABLE *)p; THD *thd= table->in_use; uint partitions= key_cache->partitions; size_t namelen= strlen(name); DBUG_ASSERT(partitions <= MAX_KEY_CACHE_PARTITIONS); if (partitions) { for (uint i= 0; i < partitions; i++) { if (store_key_cache_table_record(thd, table, name, namelen, key_cache, partitions, i+1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } if (store_key_cache_table_record(thd, table, name, namelen, key_cache, partitions, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int fill_key_cache_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, COND *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("fill_key_cache_tables"); int res= process_key_caches(run_fill_key_cache_tables, tables->table); DBUG_RETURN(res); } ST_FIELD_INFO schema_fields_info[]= { {"CATALOG_NAME", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SCHEMA_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Database", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DEFAULT_CHARACTER_SET_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DEFAULT_COLLATION_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SQL_PATH", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO tables_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Name", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ENGINE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Engine", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"VERSION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Version", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ROW_FORMAT", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Row_format", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_ROWS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Rows", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"AVG_ROW_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Avg_row_length", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATA_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Data_length", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"MAX_DATA_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Max_data_length", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"INDEX_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Index_length", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATA_FREE", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Data_free", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"AUTO_INCREMENT", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Auto_increment", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CREATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Create_time", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Update_time", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CHECK_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Check_time", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_COLLATION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Collation", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHECKSUM", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Checksum", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CREATE_OPTIONS", 255, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Create_options", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_COMMENT", TABLE_COMMENT_MAXLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Comment", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO columns_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Field", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ORDINAL_POSITION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_DEFAULT", MAX_FIELD_VARCHARLENGTH, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Default", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"IS_NULLABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Null", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"DATA_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"NUMERIC_PRECISION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"NUMERIC_SCALE", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"DATETIME_PRECISION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLLATION_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Collation", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_TYPE", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Type", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_KEY", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Key", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"EXTRA", 27, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Extra", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"PRIVILEGES", 80, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Privileges", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_COMMENT", COLUMN_COMMENT_MAXLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Comment", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO charsets_fields_info[]= { {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Charset", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DEFAULT_COLLATE_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Default collation", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DESCRIPTION", 60, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Description", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MAXLEN", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Maxlen", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO collation_fields_info[]= { {"COLLATION_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Collation", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Charset", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ID", MY_INT32_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Id", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_DEFAULT", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Default", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_COMPILED", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Compiled", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SORTLEN", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Sortlen", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO engines_fields_info[]= { {"ENGINE", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Engine", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SUPPORT", 8, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Support", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COMMENT", 160, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Comment", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TRANSACTIONS", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Transactions", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"XA", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "XA", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SAVEPOINTS", 3 ,MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Savepoints", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO events_fields_info[]= { {"EVENT_CATALOG", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Db", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Name", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DEFINER", 77, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Definer", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TIME_ZONE", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Time zone", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_BODY", 8, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_DEFINITION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_TYPE", 9, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXECUTE_AT", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Execute at", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INTERVAL_VALUE", 256, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Interval value", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INTERVAL_FIELD", 18, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Interval field", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SQL_MODE", 32*256, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STARTS", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Starts", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ENDS", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Ends", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STATUS", 18, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Status", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ON_COMPLETION", 12, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CREATED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LAST_ALTERED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LAST_EXECUTED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EVENT_COMMENT", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ORIGINATOR", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Originator", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "character_set_client", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COLLATION_CONNECTION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "collation_connection", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATABASE_COLLATION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Database Collation", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO coll_charset_app_fields_info[]= { {"COLLATION_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO proc_fields_info[]= { {"SPECIFIC_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Db", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Name", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_TYPE", 9, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATA_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"NUMERIC_PRECISION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"NUMERIC_SCALE", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATETIME_PRECISION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COLLATION_NAME", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DTD_IDENTIFIER", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_BODY", 8, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_DEFINITION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXTERNAL_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXTERNAL_LANGUAGE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PARAMETER_STYLE", 8, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_DETERMINISTIC", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SQL_DATA_ACCESS", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SQL_PATH", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SECURITY_TYPE", 7, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Security_type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CREATED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 0, "Created", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LAST_ALTERED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 0, "Modified", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SQL_MODE", 32*256, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_COMMENT", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Comment", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DEFINER", 77, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Definer", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "character_set_client", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COLLATION_CONNECTION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "collation_connection", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATABASE_COLLATION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Database Collation", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO stat_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"NON_UNIQUE", 1, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Non_unique", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"INDEX_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"INDEX_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Key_name", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"SEQ_IN_INDEX", 2, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Seq_in_index", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLUMN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Column_name", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLLATION", 1, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Collation", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CARDINALITY", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, "Cardinality", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SUB_PART", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, "Sub_part", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"PACKED", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Packed", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"NULLABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Null", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"INDEX_TYPE", 16, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Index_type", OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"COMMENT", 16, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Comment", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"INDEX_COMMENT", INDEX_COMMENT_MAXLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Index_comment", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO view_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"VIEW_DEFINITION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHECK_OPTION", 8, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"IS_UPDATABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DEFINER", 77, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"SECURITY_TYPE", 7, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLLATION_CONNECTION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO user_privileges_fields_info[]= { {"GRANTEE", 81, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PRIVILEGE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_GRANTABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO schema_privileges_fields_info[]= { {"GRANTEE", 81, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PRIVILEGE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_GRANTABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO table_privileges_fields_info[]= { {"GRANTEE", 81, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PRIVILEGE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_GRANTABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO column_privileges_fields_info[]= { {"GRANTEE", 81, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COLUMN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PRIVILEGE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"IS_GRANTABLE", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO table_constraints_fields_info[]= { {"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO key_column_usage_fields_info[]= { {"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"COLUMN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"ORDINAL_POSITION", 10 ,MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"POSITION_IN_UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT", 10 ,MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO table_names_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA",NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN + MYSQL50_TABLE_NAME_PREFIX_LENGTH, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Tables_in_", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table_type", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO open_tables_fields_info[]= { {"Database", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Database", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"Table",NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"In_use", 1, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "In_use", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"Name_locked", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Name_locked", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO triggers_fields_info[]= { {"TRIGGER_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TRIGGER_SCHEMA",NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"TRIGGER_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Trigger", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"EVENT_MANIPULATION", 6, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Event", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"EVENT_OBJECT_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"EVENT_OBJECT_SCHEMA",NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"EVENT_OBJECT_TABLE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Table", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_ORDER", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_CONDITION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_STATEMENT", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Statement", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_ORIENTATION", 9, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_TIMING", 6, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Timing", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_TABLE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_TABLE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_REFERENCE_OLD_ROW", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"ACTION_REFERENCE_NEW_ROW", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CREATED", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Created", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"SQL_MODE", 32*256, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "sql_mode", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"DEFINER", 77, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Definer", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_SET_CLIENT", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "character_set_client", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"COLLATION_CONNECTION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "collation_connection", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"DATABASE_COLLATION", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Database Collation", OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO partitions_fields_info[]= { {"TABLE_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA",NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SUBPARTITION_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SUBPARTITION_ORDINAL_POSITION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_METHOD", 18, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SUBPARTITION_METHOD", 12, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_EXPRESSION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SUBPARTITION_EXPRESSION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_DESCRIPTION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_ROWS", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"AVG_ROW_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATA_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"MAX_DATA_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"INDEX_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATA_FREE", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CREATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CHECK_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CHECKSUM", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARTITION_COMMENT", 80, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"NODEGROUP", 12 , MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLESPACE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO variables_fields_info[]= { {"VARIABLE_NAME", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Variable_name", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"VARIABLE_VALUE", 1024, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Value", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO processlist_fields_info[]= { {"ID", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, "Id", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"USER", USERNAME_CHAR_LENGTH, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "User", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"HOST", LIST_PROCESS_HOST_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Host", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DB", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Db", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"COMMAND", 16, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Command", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TIME", 7, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Time", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STATE", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "State", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INFO", PROCESS_LIST_INFO_WIDTH, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Info", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TIME_MS", 100 * (MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS + 1) + 3, MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, 0, 0, "Time_ms", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STAGE", 2, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, 0, 0, "Stage", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MAX_STAGE", 2, MYSQL_TYPE_TINY, 0, 0, "Max_stage", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PROGRESS", 703, MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, 0, 0, "Progress", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MEMORY_USED", 7, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Memory_used", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXAMINED_ROWS", 7, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, "Examined_rows", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO plugin_fields_info[]= { {"PLUGIN_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Name", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_VERSION", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_STATUS", 16, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Status", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_TYPE", 80, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "Type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_TYPE_VERSION", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_LIBRARY", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Library", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_LIBRARY_VERSION", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_AUTHOR", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_DESCRIPTION", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_LICENSE", 80, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, "License", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOAD_OPTION", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_MATURITY", 12, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PLUGIN_AUTH_VERSION", 80, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO files_fields_info[]= { {"FILE_ID", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"FILE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"FILE_TYPE", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLESPACE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_CATALOG", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOGFILE_GROUP_NUMBER", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ENGINE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"FULLTEXT_KEYS", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DELETED_ROWS", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_COUNT", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"FREE_EXTENTS", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TOTAL_EXTENTS", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXTENT_SIZE", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INITIAL_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MAXIMUM_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CREATION_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LAST_UPDATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LAST_ACCESS_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"RECOVER_TIME", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TRANSACTION_COUNTER", 4, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"VERSION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Version", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ROW_FORMAT", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, "Row_format", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLE_ROWS", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Rows", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"AVG_ROW_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Avg_row_length", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATA_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Data_length", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MAX_DATA_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Max_data_length", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"INDEX_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Index_length", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DATA_FREE", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Data_free", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CREATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Create_time", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Update_time", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHECK_TIME", 0, MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, 0, 1, "Check_time", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CHECKSUM", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Checksum", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STATUS", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXTRA", 255, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; void init_fill_schema_files_row(TABLE* table) { int i; for(i=0; files_fields_info[i].field_name!=NULL; i++) table->field[i]->set_null(); table->field[IS_FILES_STATUS]->set_notnull(); table->field[IS_FILES_STATUS]->store("NORMAL", 6, system_charset_info); } ST_FIELD_INFO referential_constraints_fields_info[]= { {"CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CONSTRAINT_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"MATCH_OPTION", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"UPDATE_RULE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DELETE_RULE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO parameters_fields_info[]= { {"SPECIFIC_CATALOG", FN_REFLEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SPECIFIC_SCHEMA", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"SPECIFIC_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"ORDINAL_POSITION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARAMETER_MODE", 5, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"PARAMETER_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATA_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"CHARACTER_OCTET_LENGTH", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"NUMERIC_PRECISION", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"NUMERIC_SCALE", 21 , MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DATETIME_PRECISION", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, OPEN_FRM_ONLY}, {"CHARACTER_SET_NAME", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"COLLATION_NAME", 64, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 1, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"DTD_IDENTIFIER", 65535, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {"ROUTINE_TYPE", 9, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, OPEN_FULL_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO tablespaces_fields_info[]= { {"TABLESPACE_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ENGINE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLESPACE_TYPE", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"LOGFILE_GROUP_NAME", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"EXTENT_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"AUTOEXTEND_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MAXIMUM_SIZE", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"NODEGROUP_ID", 21, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"TABLESPACE_COMMENT", 2048, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO keycache_fields_info[]= { {"KEY_CACHE_NAME", NAME_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SEGMENTS", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED) , 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SEGMENT_NUMBER", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, (MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL | MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"FULL_SIZE", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BLOCK_SIZE", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE }, {"USED_BLOCKS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_blocks_used", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"UNUSED_BLOCKS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_blocks_unused", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DIRTY_BLOCKS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_blocks_not_flushed", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"READ_REQUESTS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_read_requests", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"READS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_reads", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"WRITE_REQUESTS", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_write_requests", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"WRITES", MY_INT64_NUM_DECIMAL_DIGITS, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0, (MY_I_S_UNSIGNED), "Key_writes", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; ST_FIELD_INFO show_explain_fields_info[]= { /* field_name, length, type, value, field_flags, old_name*/ {"id", 3, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0 /*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "id", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"select_type", 19, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0 /*value*/, 0, "select_type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"table", NAME_CHAR_LEN, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0 /*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "table", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"type", 15, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "type", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"possible_keys", NAME_CHAR_LEN*MAX_KEY, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0/*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "possible_keys", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"key", NAME_CHAR_LEN*MAX_KEY, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0/*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "key", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"key_len", NAME_CHAR_LEN*MAX_KEY, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0/*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "key_len", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"ref", NAME_CHAR_LEN*MAX_REF_PARTS, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0/*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "ref", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"rows", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG, 0/*value*/, MY_I_S_MAYBE_NULL, "rows", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"Extra", 255, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0/*value*/, 0 /*flags*/, "Extra", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {0, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, 0, 0, SKIP_OPEN_TABLE} }; /* Description of ST_FIELD_INFO in table.h Make sure that the order of schema_tables and enum_schema_tables are the same. */ ST_SCHEMA_TABLE schema_tables[]= { {"CHARACTER_SETS", charsets_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_charsets, make_character_sets_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"CLIENT_STATISTICS", client_stats_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_client_stats, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"COLLATIONS", collation_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_collation, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"COLLATION_CHARACTER_SET_APPLICABILITY", coll_charset_app_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_coll_charset_app, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"COLUMNS", columns_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, make_columns_old_format, get_schema_column_record, 1, 2, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE|OPEN_VIEW_FULL}, {"COLUMN_PRIVILEGES", column_privileges_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_column_privileges, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"ENGINES", engines_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_engines, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, #ifdef HAVE_EVENT_SCHEDULER {"EVENTS", events_fields_info, create_schema_table, Events::fill_schema_events, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, #else {"EVENTS", events_fields_info, create_schema_table, 0, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, #endif {"EXPLAIN", show_explain_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_show_explain, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, TRUE /*hidden*/ , 0}, {"FILES", files_fields_info, create_schema_table, hton_fill_schema_table, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"GLOBAL_STATUS", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_status, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0}, {"GLOBAL_VARIABLES", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_variables, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0}, {"INDEX_STATISTICS", index_stats_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_index_stats, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"KEY_CACHES", keycache_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_key_cache_tables, make_old_format, 0, -1,-1, 0, 0}, {"KEY_COLUMN_USAGE", key_column_usage_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, 0, get_schema_key_column_usage_record, 4, 5, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE|OPEN_TABLE_ONLY}, {"OPEN_TABLES", open_tables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_open_tables, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 1, 0}, {"PARAMETERS", parameters_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_proc, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"PARTITIONS", partitions_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, 0, get_schema_partitions_record, 1, 2, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE|OPEN_TABLE_ONLY}, {"PLUGINS", plugin_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_plugins, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"ALL_PLUGINS", plugin_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_all_plugins, make_old_format, 0, 5, -1, 0, 0}, {"PROCESSLIST", processlist_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_processlist, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"PROFILING", query_profile_statistics_info, create_schema_table, fill_query_profile_statistics_info, make_profile_table_for_show, NULL, -1, -1, false, 0}, {"REFERENTIAL_CONSTRAINTS", referential_constraints_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, 0, get_referential_constraints_record, 1, 9, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE|OPEN_TABLE_ONLY}, {"ROUTINES", proc_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_proc, make_proc_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"SCHEMATA", schema_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_schemata, make_schemata_old_format, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0}, {"SCHEMA_PRIVILEGES", schema_privileges_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_schema_privileges, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"SESSION_STATUS", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_status, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0}, {"SESSION_VARIABLES", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_variables, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0}, {"STATISTICS", stat_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, make_old_format, get_schema_stat_record, 1, 2, 0, OPEN_TABLE_ONLY|OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE}, {"STATUS", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_status, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0}, {"TABLES", tables_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, make_old_format, get_schema_tables_record, 1, 2, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE}, {"TABLESPACES", tablespaces_fields_info, create_schema_table, hton_fill_schema_table, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"TABLE_CONSTRAINTS", table_constraints_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, 0, get_schema_constraints_record, 3, 4, 0, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE|OPEN_TABLE_ONLY}, {"TABLE_NAMES", table_names_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, make_table_names_old_format, 0, 1, 2, 1, OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE}, {"TABLE_PRIVILEGES", table_privileges_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_table_privileges, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"TABLE_STATISTICS", table_stats_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_table_stats, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"TRIGGERS", triggers_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, make_old_format, get_schema_triggers_record, 5, 6, 0, OPEN_TRIGGER_ONLY|OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE}, {"USER_PRIVILEGES", user_privileges_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_user_privileges, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"USER_STATISTICS", user_stats_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_schema_user_stats, make_old_format, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0}, {"VARIABLES", variables_fields_info, create_schema_table, fill_variables, make_old_format, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0}, {"VIEWS", view_fields_info, create_schema_table, get_all_tables, 0, get_schema_views_record, 1, 2, 0, OPEN_VIEW_ONLY|OPTIMIZE_I_S_TABLE}, {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; int initialize_schema_table(st_plugin_int *plugin) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table; DBUG_ENTER("initialize_schema_table"); if (!(schema_table= (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *)my_malloc(sizeof(ST_SCHEMA_TABLE), MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) DBUG_RETURN(1); /* Historical Requirement */ plugin->data= schema_table; // shortcut for the future if (plugin->plugin->init) { schema_table->create_table= create_schema_table; schema_table->old_format= make_old_format; schema_table->idx_field1= -1, schema_table->idx_field2= -1; /* Make the name available to the init() function. */ schema_table->table_name= plugin->name.str; if (plugin->plugin->init(schema_table)) { sql_print_error("Plugin '%s' init function returned error.", plugin->name.str); plugin->data= NULL; my_free(schema_table); DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* Make sure the plugin name is not set inside the init() function. */ schema_table->table_name= plugin->name.str; } DBUG_RETURN(0); } int finalize_schema_table(st_plugin_int *plugin) { ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table= (ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *)plugin->data; DBUG_ENTER("finalize_schema_table"); if (schema_table) { if (plugin->plugin->deinit) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Deinitializing plugin: '%s'", plugin->name.str)); if (plugin->plugin->deinit(NULL)) { DBUG_PRINT("warning", ("Plugin '%s' deinit function returned error.", plugin->name.str)); } } my_free(schema_table); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /** Output trigger information (SHOW CREATE TRIGGER) to the client. @param thd Thread context. @param triggers List of triggers for the table. @param trigger_idx Index of the trigger to dump. @return Operation status @retval TRUE Error. @retval FALSE Success. */ static bool show_create_trigger_impl(THD *thd, Table_triggers_list *triggers, int trigger_idx) { int ret_code; Protocol *p= thd->protocol; List fields; LEX_STRING trg_name; ulonglong trg_sql_mode; LEX_STRING trg_sql_mode_str; LEX_STRING trg_sql_original_stmt; LEX_STRING trg_client_cs_name; LEX_STRING trg_connection_cl_name; LEX_STRING trg_db_cl_name; CHARSET_INFO *trg_client_cs; /* TODO: Check privileges here. This functionality will be added by implementation of the following WL items: - WL#2227: New privileges for new objects - WL#3482: Protect SHOW CREATE PROCEDURE | FUNCTION | VIEW | TRIGGER properly SHOW TRIGGERS and I_S.TRIGGERS will be affected too. */ /* Prepare trigger "object". */ triggers->get_trigger_info(thd, trigger_idx, &trg_name, &trg_sql_mode, &trg_sql_original_stmt, &trg_client_cs_name, &trg_connection_cl_name, &trg_db_cl_name); sql_mode_string_representation(thd, trg_sql_mode, &trg_sql_mode_str); /* Resolve trigger client character set. */ if (resolve_charset(trg_client_cs_name.str, NULL, &trg_client_cs)) return TRUE; /* Send header. */ fields.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Trigger", NAME_LEN)); fields.push_back(new Item_empty_string("sql_mode", trg_sql_mode_str.length)); { /* NOTE: SQL statement field must be not less than 1024 in order not to confuse old clients. */ Item_empty_string *stmt_fld= new Item_empty_string("SQL Original Statement", max(trg_sql_original_stmt.length, 1024)); stmt_fld->maybe_null= TRUE; fields.push_back(stmt_fld); } fields.push_back(new Item_empty_string("character_set_client", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE)); fields.push_back(new Item_empty_string("collation_connection", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE)); fields.push_back(new Item_empty_string("Database Collation", MY_CS_NAME_SIZE)); if (p->send_result_set_metadata(&fields, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) return TRUE; /* Send data. */ p->prepare_for_resend(); p->store(trg_name.str, trg_name.length, system_charset_info); p->store(trg_sql_mode_str.str, trg_sql_mode_str.length, system_charset_info); p->store(trg_sql_original_stmt.str, trg_sql_original_stmt.length, trg_client_cs); p->store(trg_client_cs_name.str, trg_client_cs_name.length, system_charset_info); p->store(trg_connection_cl_name.str, trg_connection_cl_name.length, system_charset_info); p->store(trg_db_cl_name.str, trg_db_cl_name.length, system_charset_info); ret_code= p->write(); if (!ret_code) my_eof(thd); return ret_code != 0; } /** Read TRN and TRG files to obtain base table name for the specified trigger name and construct TABE_LIST object for the base table. @param thd Thread context. @param trg_name Trigger name. @return TABLE_LIST object corresponding to the base table. TODO: This function is a copy&paste from add_table_to_list() and sp_add_to_query_tables(). The problem is that in order to be compatible with Stored Programs (Prepared Statements), we should not touch thd->lex. The "source" functions also add created TABLE_LIST object to the thd->lex->query_tables. The plan to eliminate this copy&paste is to: - get rid of sp_add_to_query_tables() and use Lex::add_table_to_list(). Only add_table_to_list() must be used to add tables from the parser into Lex::query_tables list. - do not update Lex::query_tables in add_table_to_list(). */ static TABLE_LIST *get_trigger_table(THD *thd, const sp_name *trg_name) { char trn_path_buff[FN_REFLEN]; LEX_STRING trn_path= { trn_path_buff, 0 }; LEX_STRING db; LEX_STRING tbl_name; TABLE_LIST *table; build_trn_path(thd, trg_name, &trn_path); if (check_trn_exists(&trn_path)) { my_error(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, MYF(0)); return NULL; } if (load_table_name_for_trigger(thd, trg_name, &trn_path, &tbl_name)) return NULL; /* We need to reset statement table list to be PS/SP friendly. */ if (!(table= (TABLE_LIST*) thd->alloc(sizeof(TABLE_LIST)))) return NULL; db= trg_name->m_db; db.str= thd->strmake(db.str, db.length); tbl_name.str= thd->strmake(tbl_name.str, tbl_name.length); if (db.str == NULL || tbl_name.str == NULL) return NULL; table->init_one_table(db.str, db.length, tbl_name.str, tbl_name.length, tbl_name.str, TL_IGNORE); return table; } /** SHOW CREATE TRIGGER high-level implementation. @param thd Thread context. @param trg_name Trigger name. @return Operation status @retval TRUE Error. @retval FALSE Success. */ bool show_create_trigger(THD *thd, const sp_name *trg_name) { TABLE_LIST *lst= get_trigger_table(thd, trg_name); uint num_tables; /* NOTE: unused, only to pass to open_tables(). */ Table_triggers_list *triggers; int trigger_idx; bool error= TRUE; if (!lst) return TRUE; if (check_table_access(thd, TRIGGER_ACL, lst, FALSE, 1, TRUE)) { my_error(ER_SPECIFIC_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR, MYF(0), "TRIGGER"); return TRUE; } /* Metadata locks taken during SHOW CREATE TRIGGER should be released when the statement completes as it is an information statement. */ MDL_savepoint mdl_savepoint= thd->mdl_context.mdl_savepoint(); /* Open the table by name in order to load Table_triggers_list object. */ if (open_tables(thd, &lst, &num_tables, MYSQL_OPEN_FORCE_SHARED_HIGH_PRIO_MDL)) { my_error(ER_TRG_CANT_OPEN_TABLE, MYF(0), (const char *) trg_name->m_db.str, (const char *) lst->table_name); goto exit; /* Perform closing actions and return error status. */ } triggers= lst->table->triggers; if (!triggers) { my_error(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, MYF(0)); goto exit; } trigger_idx= triggers->find_trigger_by_name(&trg_name->m_name); if (trigger_idx < 0) { my_error(ER_TRG_CORRUPTED_FILE, MYF(0), (const char *) trg_name->m_db.str, (const char *) lst->table_name); goto exit; } error= show_create_trigger_impl(thd, triggers, trigger_idx); /* NOTE: if show_create_trigger_impl() failed, that means we could not send data to the client. In this case we simply raise the error status and client connection will be closed. */ exit: close_thread_tables(thd); /* Release any metadata locks taken during SHOW CREATE TRIGGER. */ thd->mdl_context.rollback_to_savepoint(mdl_savepoint); return error; } class IS_internal_schema_access : public ACL_internal_schema_access { public: IS_internal_schema_access() {} ~IS_internal_schema_access() {} ACL_internal_access_result check(ulong want_access, ulong *save_priv) const; const ACL_internal_table_access *lookup(const char *name) const; }; ACL_internal_access_result IS_internal_schema_access::check(ulong want_access, ulong *save_priv) const { want_access &= ~SELECT_ACL; /* We don't allow any simple privileges but SELECT_ACL on the information_schema database. */ if (unlikely(want_access & DB_ACLS)) return ACL_INTERNAL_ACCESS_DENIED; /* Always grant SELECT for the information schema. */ *save_priv|= SELECT_ACL; return want_access ? ACL_INTERNAL_ACCESS_CHECK_GRANT : ACL_INTERNAL_ACCESS_GRANTED; } const ACL_internal_table_access * IS_internal_schema_access::lookup(const char *name) const { /* There are no per table rules for the information schema. */ return NULL; } static IS_internal_schema_access is_internal_schema_access; void initialize_information_schema_acl() { ACL_internal_schema_registry::register_schema(&INFORMATION_SCHEMA_NAME, &is_internal_schema_access); } #ifdef WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE /* Convert a string in character set in column character set format to utf8 character set if possible, the utf8 character set string will later possibly be converted to character set used by client. Thus we attempt conversion from column character set to both utf8 and to character set client. Examples of strings that should fail conversion to utf8 are unassigned characters as e.g. 0x81 in cp1250 (Windows character set for for countries like Czech and Poland). Example of string that should fail conversion to character set on client (e.g. if this is latin1) is 0x2020 (daggger) in ucs2. If the conversion fails we will as a fall back convert the string to hex encoded format. The caller of the function can also ask for hex encoded format of output string unconditionally. SYNOPSIS get_cs_converted_string_value() thd Thread object input_str Input string in cs character set output_str Output string to be produced in utf8 cs Character set of input string use_hex Use hex string unconditionally RETURN VALUES No return value */ static void get_cs_converted_string_value(THD *thd, String *input_str, String *output_str, CHARSET_INFO *cs, bool use_hex) { output_str->length(0); if (input_str->length() == 0) { output_str->append("''"); return; } if (!use_hex) { String try_val; uint try_conv_error= 0; try_val.copy(input_str->ptr(), input_str->length(), cs, thd->variables.character_set_client, &try_conv_error); if (!try_conv_error) { String val; uint conv_error= 0; val.copy(input_str->ptr(), input_str->length(), cs, system_charset_info, &conv_error); if (!conv_error) { append_unescaped(output_str, val.ptr(), val.length()); return; } } /* We had a conversion error, use hex encoded string for safety */ } { const uchar *ptr; uint i, len; char buf[3]; output_str->append("_"); output_str->append(cs->csname); output_str->append(" "); output_str->append("0x"); len= input_str->length(); ptr= (uchar*)input_str->ptr(); for (i= 0; i < len; i++) { uint high, low; high= (*ptr) >> 4; low= (*ptr) & 0x0F; buf[0]= _dig_vec_upper[high]; buf[1]= _dig_vec_upper[low]; buf[2]= 0; output_str->append((const char*)buf); ptr++; } } return; } #endif