/* Copyright (c) 2007, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Copyright (c) 2008, 2012, Monty Program Ab This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /** @file Implement query profiling as as list of metaphorical fences, with one fence per query, and each fencepost a change of thd->proc_info state (with a snapshot of system statistics). When asked, we can then iterate over the fenceposts and calculate the distance between them, to inform the user what happened during a particular query or thd->proc_info state. User variables that inform profiling behavior: - "profiling", boolean, session only, "Are queries profiled?" - "profiling_history_size", integer, session + global, "Num queries stored?" */ #include #include "sql_priv.h" #include "sql_profile.h" #include #include "sql_show.h" // schema_table_store_record #include "sql_class.h" // THD #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma comment(lib,"psapi.lib") #endif #define TIME_FLOAT_DIGITS 9 /** two vals encoded: (len*100)+dec */ #define TIME_I_S_DECIMAL_SIZE (TIME_FLOAT_DIGITS*100)+(TIME_FLOAT_DIGITS-3) #define MAX_QUERY_LENGTH 300 #define MAX_QUERY_HISTORY 101 /** Connects Information_Schema and Profiling. */ int fill_query_profile_statistics_info(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item *cond) { #if defined(ENABLED_PROFILING) return(thd->profiling.fill_statistics_info(thd, tables, cond)); #else my_error(ER_FEATURE_DISABLED, MYF(0), "SHOW PROFILE", "enable-profiling"); return(1); #endif } ST_FIELD_INFO query_profile_statistics_info[]= { /* name, length, type, value, maybe_null, old_name, open_method */ {"QUERY_ID", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, false, "Query_id", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SEQ", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, false, "Seq", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"STATE", 30, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, false, "Status", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"DURATION", TIME_I_S_DECIMAL_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, 0, false, "Duration", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CPU_USER", TIME_I_S_DECIMAL_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, 0, true, "CPU_user", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CPU_SYSTEM", TIME_I_S_DECIMAL_SIZE, MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, 0, true, "CPU_system", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONTEXT_VOLUNTARY", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Context_voluntary", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"CONTEXT_INVOLUNTARY", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Context_involuntary", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BLOCK_OPS_IN", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Block_ops_in", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"BLOCK_OPS_OUT", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Block_ops_out", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MESSAGES_SENT", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Messages_sent", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"MESSAGES_RECEIVED", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Messages_received", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PAGE_FAULTS_MAJOR", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Page_faults_major", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"PAGE_FAULTS_MINOR", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Page_faults_minor", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SWAPS", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Swaps", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SOURCE_FUNCTION", 30, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, true, "Source_function", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SOURCE_FILE", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, true, "Source_file", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {"SOURCE_LINE", 20, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, 0, true, "Source_line", SKIP_OPEN_TABLE}, {NULL, 0, MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, 0, true, NULL, 0} }; int make_profile_table_for_show(THD *thd, ST_SCHEMA_TABLE *schema_table) { uint profile_options = thd->lex->profile_options; uint fields_include_condition_truth_values[]= { FALSE, /* Query_id */ FALSE, /* Seq */ TRUE, /* Status */ TRUE, /* Duration */ profile_options & PROFILE_CPU, /* CPU_user */ profile_options & PROFILE_CPU, /* CPU_system */ profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT, /* Context_voluntary */ profile_options & PROFILE_CONTEXT, /* Context_involuntary */ profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO, /* Block_ops_in */ profile_options & PROFILE_BLOCK_IO, /* Block_ops_out */ profile_options & PROFILE_IPC, /* Messages_sent */ profile_options & PROFILE_IPC, /* Messages_received */ profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS, /* Page_faults_major */ profile_options & PROFILE_PAGE_FAULTS, /* Page_faults_minor */ profile_options & PROFILE_SWAPS, /* Swaps */ profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE, /* Source_function */ profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE, /* Source_file */ profile_options & PROFILE_SOURCE, /* Source_line */ }; ST_FIELD_INFO *field_info; Name_resolution_context *context= &thd->lex->select_lex.context; int i; for (i= 0; schema_table->fields_info[i].field_name != NULL; i++) { if (! fields_include_condition_truth_values[i]) continue; field_info= &schema_table->fields_info[i]; Item_field *field= new (thd->mem_root) Item_field(thd, context, NullS, NullS, field_info->field_name); if (field) { field->set_name(field_info->old_name, (uint) strlen(field_info->old_name), system_charset_info); if (add_item_to_list(thd, field)) return 1; } } return 0; } #if defined(ENABLED_PROFILING) #define RUSAGE_USEC(tv) ((tv).tv_sec*1000*1000 + (tv).tv_usec) #define RUSAGE_DIFF_USEC(tv1, tv2) (RUSAGE_USEC((tv1))-RUSAGE_USEC((tv2))) #ifdef _WIN32 static ULONGLONG FileTimeToQuadWord(FILETIME *ft) { // Overlay FILETIME onto a ULONGLONG. union { ULONGLONG qwTime; FILETIME ft; } u; u.ft = *ft; return u.qwTime; } // Get time difference between to FILETIME objects in seconds. static double GetTimeDiffInSeconds(FILETIME *a, FILETIME *b) { return ((FileTimeToQuadWord(a) - FileTimeToQuadWord(b)) / 1e7); } #endif PROF_MEASUREMENT::PROF_MEASUREMENT(QUERY_PROFILE *profile_arg, const char *status_arg) :profile(profile_arg) { collect(); set_label(status_arg, NULL, NULL, 0); } PROF_MEASUREMENT::PROF_MEASUREMENT(QUERY_PROFILE *profile_arg, const char *status_arg, const char *function_arg, const char *file_arg, unsigned int line_arg) :profile(profile_arg) { collect(); set_label(status_arg, function_arg, file_arg, line_arg); } PROF_MEASUREMENT::~PROF_MEASUREMENT() { my_free(allocated_status_memory); status= function= file= NULL; } void PROF_MEASUREMENT::set_label(const char *status_arg, const char *function_arg, const char *file_arg, unsigned int line_arg) { size_t sizes[3]; /* 3 == status+function+file */ char *cursor; /* Compute all the space we'll need to allocate one block for everything we'll need, instead of N mallocs. */ sizes[0]= (status_arg == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(status_arg) + 1; sizes[1]= (function_arg == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(function_arg) + 1; sizes[2]= (file_arg == NULL) ? 0 : strlen(file_arg) + 1; allocated_status_memory= (char *) my_malloc(sizes[0] + sizes[1] + sizes[2], MYF(0)); DBUG_ASSERT(allocated_status_memory != NULL); cursor= allocated_status_memory; if (status_arg != NULL) { strcpy(cursor, status_arg); status= cursor; cursor+= sizes[0]; } else status= NULL; if (function_arg != NULL) { strcpy(cursor, function_arg); function= cursor; cursor+= sizes[1]; } else function= NULL; if (file_arg != NULL) { strcpy(cursor, file_arg); file= cursor; cursor+= sizes[2]; } else file= NULL; line= line_arg; } /** This updates the statistics for this moment of time. It captures the state of the running system, so later we can compare points in time and infer what happened in the mean time. It should only be called immediately upon instantiation of this PROF_MEASUREMENT. @todo Implement resource capture for OSes not like BSD. */ void PROF_MEASUREMENT::collect() { time_usecs= my_interval_timer() / 1e3; /* ns to us */ #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &rusage); #elif defined(_WIN32) FILETIME ftDummy; // NOTE: Get{Process|Thread}Times has a granularity of the clock interval, // which is typically ~15ms. So intervals shorter than that will not be // measurable by this function. GetProcessTimes(GetCurrentProcess(), &ftDummy, &ftDummy, &ftKernel, &ftUser); GetProcessIoCounters(GetCurrentProcess(), &io_count); GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), &mem_count, sizeof(mem_count)); #endif } QUERY_PROFILE::QUERY_PROFILE(PROFILING *profiling_arg, const char *status_arg) :profiling(profiling_arg), profiling_query_id(0), query_source(NULL) { m_seq_counter= 1; PROF_MEASUREMENT *prof= new PROF_MEASUREMENT(this, status_arg); prof->m_seq= m_seq_counter++; m_start_time_usecs= prof->time_usecs; m_end_time_usecs= m_start_time_usecs; entries.push_back(prof); } QUERY_PROFILE::~QUERY_PROFILE() { while (! entries.is_empty()) delete entries.pop(); my_free(query_source); } /** @todo Provide a way to include the full text, as in SHOW PROCESSLIST. */ void QUERY_PROFILE::set_query_source(char *query_source_arg, uint query_length_arg) { /* Truncate to avoid DoS attacks. */ uint length= MY_MIN(MAX_QUERY_LENGTH, query_length_arg); DBUG_ASSERT(query_source == NULL); /* we don't leak memory */ if (query_source_arg != NULL) query_source= my_strndup(query_source_arg, length, MYF(0)); } void QUERY_PROFILE::new_status(const char *status_arg, const char *function_arg, const char *file_arg, unsigned int line_arg) { PROF_MEASUREMENT *prof; DBUG_ENTER("QUERY_PROFILE::status"); if (!status_arg) DBUG_VOID_RETURN; if ((function_arg != NULL) && (file_arg != NULL)) prof= new PROF_MEASUREMENT(this, status_arg, function_arg, base_name(file_arg), line_arg); else prof= new PROF_MEASUREMENT(this, status_arg); prof->m_seq= m_seq_counter++; m_end_time_usecs= prof->time_usecs; entries.push_back(prof); /* Maintain the query history size. */ while (entries.elements > MAX_QUERY_HISTORY) delete entries.pop(); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } PROFILING::PROFILING() :profile_id_counter(1), current(NULL), last(NULL) { } PROFILING::~PROFILING() { while (! history.is_empty()) delete history.pop(); if (current != NULL) delete current; } /** Throw away the current profile, because it's useless or unwanted or corrupted. */ void PROFILING::discard_current_query() { DBUG_ENTER("PROFILING::discard_current_profile"); delete current; current= NULL; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /** Try to save the current profile entry, clean up the data if it shouldn't be saved, and maintain the profile history size. Naturally, this may not succeed if the profile was previously discarded, and that's expected. */ void PROFILING::finish_current_query_impl() { DBUG_ENTER("PROFILING::finish_current_profile"); DBUG_ASSERT(current); /* The last fence-post, so we can support the span before this. */ status_change("ending", NULL, NULL, 0); if (enabled && /* ON at end? */ (current->query_source != NULL) && (! current->entries.is_empty())) { current->profiling_query_id= next_profile_id(); /* assign an id */ history.push_back(current); last= current; /* never contains something that is not in the history. */ /* Maintain the history size. */ while (history.elements > thd->variables.profiling_history_size) delete history.pop(); } else delete current; current= NULL; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool PROFILING::show_profiles() { QUERY_PROFILE *prof; List field_list; MEM_ROOT *mem_root= thd->mem_root; SELECT_LEX *sel= &thd->lex->select_lex; SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit= &thd->lex->unit; ha_rows idx= 0; Protocol *protocol= thd->protocol; void *iterator; DBUG_ENTER("PROFILING::show_profiles"); field_list.push_back(new (mem_root) Item_return_int(thd, "Query_ID", 10, MYSQL_TYPE_LONG), mem_root); field_list.push_back(new (mem_root) Item_return_int(thd, "Duration", TIME_FLOAT_DIGITS - 1, MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE), mem_root); field_list.push_back(new (mem_root) Item_empty_string(thd, "Query", 40), mem_root); if (protocol->send_result_set_metadata(&field_list, Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); unit->set_limit(sel); for (iterator= history.new_iterator(); iterator != NULL; iterator= history.iterator_next(iterator)) { prof= history.iterator_value(iterator); String elapsed; double query_time_usecs= prof->m_end_time_usecs - prof->m_start_time_usecs; if (++idx <= unit->offset_limit_cnt) continue; if (idx > unit->select_limit_cnt) break; protocol->prepare_for_resend(); protocol->store((uint32)(prof->profiling_query_id)); protocol->store((double)(query_time_usecs/(1000.0*1000)), (uint32) TIME_FLOAT_DIGITS-1, &elapsed); if (prof->query_source != NULL) protocol->store(prof->query_source, strlen(prof->query_source), system_charset_info); else protocol->store_null(); if (protocol->write()) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } my_eof(thd); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } /** Fill the information schema table, "query_profile", as defined in show.cc . There are two ways to get to this function: Selecting from the information schema, and a SHOW command. */ int PROFILING::fill_statistics_info(THD *thd_arg, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item *cond) { DBUG_ENTER("PROFILING::fill_statistics_info"); TABLE *table= tables->table; ulonglong row_number= 0; QUERY_PROFILE *query; /* Go through each query in this thread's stored history... */ void *history_iterator; for (history_iterator= history.new_iterator(); history_iterator != NULL; history_iterator= history.iterator_next(history_iterator)) { query= history.iterator_value(history_iterator); /* Because we put all profiling info into a table that may be reordered, let us also include a numbering of each state per query. The query_id and the "seq" together are unique. */ ulong seq; void *entry_iterator; PROF_MEASUREMENT *entry, *previous= NULL; /* ...and for each query, go through all its state-change steps. */ for (entry_iterator= query->entries.new_iterator(); entry_iterator != NULL; entry_iterator= query->entries.iterator_next(entry_iterator), previous=entry, row_number++) { entry= query->entries.iterator_value(entry_iterator); seq= entry->m_seq; /* Skip the first. We count spans of fence, not fence-posts. */ if (previous == NULL) continue; if (thd_arg->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SHOW_PROFILE) { /* We got here via a SHOW command. That means that we stored information about the query we wish to show and that isn't in a WHERE clause at a higher level to filter out rows we wish to exclude. Because that functionality isn't available in the server yet, we must filter here, at the wrong level. Once one can con- struct where and having conditions at the SQL layer, then this condition should be ripped out. */ if (thd_arg->lex->profile_query_id == 0) /* 0 == show final query */ { if (query != last) continue; } else { if (thd_arg->lex->profile_query_id != query->profiling_query_id) continue; } } /* Set default values for this row. */ restore_record(table, s->default_values); /* The order of these fields is set by the query_profile_statistics_info array. */ table->field[0]->store((ulonglong) query->profiling_query_id, TRUE); table->field[1]->store((ulonglong) seq, TRUE); /* the step in the sequence */ /* This entry, n, has a point in time, T(n), and a status phrase, S(n). The status phrase S(n) describes the period of time that begins at T(n). The previous status phrase S(n-1) describes the period of time that starts at T(n-1) and ends at T(n). Since we want to describe the time that a status phrase took T(n)-T(n-1), this line must describe the previous status. */ table->field[2]->store(previous->status, strlen(previous->status), system_charset_info); my_decimal duration_decimal; double2my_decimal(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, (entry->time_usecs-previous->time_usecs)/(1000.0*1000), &duration_decimal); table->field[3]->store_decimal(&duration_decimal); #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE my_decimal cpu_utime_decimal, cpu_stime_decimal; double2my_decimal(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, RUSAGE_DIFF_USEC(entry->rusage.ru_utime, previous->rusage.ru_utime) / (1000.0*1000), &cpu_utime_decimal); double2my_decimal(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, RUSAGE_DIFF_USEC(entry->rusage.ru_stime, previous->rusage.ru_stime) / (1000.0*1000), &cpu_stime_decimal); table->field[4]->store_decimal(&cpu_utime_decimal); table->field[5]->store_decimal(&cpu_stime_decimal); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); #elif defined(_WIN32) my_decimal cpu_utime_decimal, cpu_stime_decimal; double2my_decimal(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, GetTimeDiffInSeconds(&entry->ftUser, &previous->ftUser), &cpu_utime_decimal); double2my_decimal(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, GetTimeDiffInSeconds(&entry->ftKernel, &previous->ftKernel), &cpu_stime_decimal); // Store the result. table->field[4]->store_decimal(&cpu_utime_decimal); table->field[5]->store_decimal(&cpu_stime_decimal); table->field[4]->set_notnull(); table->field[5]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add CPU-usage info for non-BSD systems */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE table->field[6]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_nvcsw - previous->rusage.ru_nvcsw)); table->field[6]->set_notnull(); table->field[7]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_nivcsw - previous->rusage.ru_nivcsw)); table->field[7]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add context switch info for non-BSD systems */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE table->field[8]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_inblock - previous->rusage.ru_inblock)); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); table->field[9]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_oublock - previous->rusage.ru_oublock)); table->field[9]->set_notnull(); #elif defined(__WIN__) ULONGLONG reads_delta = entry->io_count.ReadOperationCount - previous->io_count.ReadOperationCount; ULONGLONG writes_delta = entry->io_count.WriteOperationCount - previous->io_count.WriteOperationCount; table->field[8]->store((uint32)reads_delta); table->field[8]->set_notnull(); table->field[9]->store((uint32)writes_delta); table->field[9]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add block IO info for non-BSD systems */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE table->field[10]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_msgsnd - previous->rusage.ru_msgsnd), true); table->field[10]->set_notnull(); table->field[11]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_msgrcv - previous->rusage.ru_msgrcv), true); table->field[11]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add message info for non-BSD systems */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE table->field[12]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_majflt - previous->rusage.ru_majflt), true); table->field[12]->set_notnull(); table->field[13]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_minflt - previous->rusage.ru_minflt), true); table->field[13]->set_notnull(); #elif defined(__WIN__) /* Windows APIs don't easily distinguish between hard and soft page faults, so we just fill the 'major' column and leave the second NULL. */ table->field[12]->store((uint32)(entry->mem_count.PageFaultCount - previous->mem_count.PageFaultCount), true); table->field[12]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add page fault info for non-BSD systems */ #endif #ifdef HAVE_GETRUSAGE table->field[14]->store((uint32)(entry->rusage.ru_nswap - previous->rusage.ru_nswap), true); table->field[14]->set_notnull(); #else /* TODO: Add swap info for non-BSD systems */ #endif /* Emit the location that started this step, not that ended it. */ if ((previous->function != NULL) && (previous->file != NULL)) { table->field[15]->store(previous->function, strlen(previous->function), system_charset_info); table->field[15]->set_notnull(); table->field[16]->store(previous->file, strlen(previous->file), system_charset_info); table->field[16]->set_notnull(); table->field[17]->store(previous->line, true); table->field[17]->set_notnull(); } if (schema_table_store_record(thd_arg, table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } void PROFILING::reset() { enabled= thd->variables.option_bits & OPTION_PROFILING; } #endif /* ENABLED_PROFILING */