#ifndef SQL_PLIST_H #define SQL_PLIST_H /* Copyright (C) 2008 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include template class I_P_List_iterator; /** Intrusive parameterized list. Unlike I_List does not require its elements to be descendant of ilink class and therefore allows them to participate in several such lists simultaneously. Unlike List is doubly-linked list and thus supports efficient deletion of element without iterator. @param T Type of elements which will belong to list. @param B Class which via its methods specifies which members of T should be used for participating in this list. Here is typical layout of such class: struct B { static inline T **next_ptr(T *el) { return &el->next; } static inline T ***prev_ptr(T *el) { return &el->prev; } }; */ template class I_P_List { T *first; /* Do not prohibit copying of I_P_List object to simplify their usage in backup/restore scenarios. Note that performing any operations on such is a bad idea. */ public: I_P_List() : first(NULL) { }; inline void empty() { first= NULL; } inline bool is_empty() const { return (first == NULL); } inline void push_front(T* a) { *B::next_ptr(a)= first; if (first) *B::prev_ptr(first)= B::next_ptr(a); first= a; *B::prev_ptr(a)= &first; } inline void push_back(T *a) { insert_after(back(), a); } inline T *back() { T *t= front(); if (t) { while (*B::next_ptr(t)) t= *B::next_ptr(t); } return t; } inline void insert_after(T *pos, T *a) { if (pos == NULL) push_front(a); else { *B::next_ptr(a)= *B::next_ptr(pos); *B::prev_ptr(a)= B::next_ptr(pos); *B::next_ptr(pos)= a; if (*B::next_ptr(a)) { T *old_next= *B::next_ptr(a); *B::prev_ptr(old_next)= B::next_ptr(a); } } } inline void remove(T *a) { T *next= *B::next_ptr(a); if (next) *B::prev_ptr(next)= *B::prev_ptr(a); **B::prev_ptr(a)= next; } inline T* front() { return first; } inline const T *front() const { return first; } void swap(I_P_List &rhs) { swap_variables(T *, first, rhs.first); if (first) *B::prev_ptr(first)= &first; if (rhs.first) *B::prev_ptr(rhs.first)= &rhs.first; } #ifndef _lint friend class I_P_List_iterator; #endif typedef I_P_List_iterator Iterator; }; /** Iterator for I_P_List. */ template class I_P_List_iterator { I_P_List *list; T *current; public: I_P_List_iterator(I_P_List &a) : list(&a), current(a.first) {} I_P_List_iterator(I_P_List &a, T* current_arg) : list(&a), current(current_arg) {} inline void init(I_P_List &a) { list= &a; current= a.first; } inline T* operator++(int) { T *result= current; if (result) current= *B::next_ptr(current); return result; } inline T* operator++() { current= *B::next_ptr(current); return current; } inline void rewind() { current= list->first; } }; #endif