/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include /* Send a error string to client */ void send_error(NET *net, uint sql_errno, const char *err) { uint length; char buff[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE+2]; THD *thd=current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("send_error"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("sql_errno: %d err: %s", sql_errno, err ? err : net->last_error[0] ? net->last_error : "NULL")); query_cache_abort(net); if (thd) thd->query_error = 1; // needed to catch query errors during replication if (!err) { if (sql_errno) err=ER(sql_errno); else { if ((err=net->last_error)[0]) sql_errno=net->last_errno; else { sql_errno=ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR; err=ER(sql_errno); /* purecov: inspected */ } } } if (net->vio == 0) { if (thd && thd->bootstrap) { /* In bootstrap it's ok to print on stderr */ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %d %s\n",sql_errno,err); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } if (net->return_errno) { // new client code; Add errno before message int2store(buff,sql_errno); length= (uint) (strmake(buff+2,err,MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE-1) - buff); err=buff; } else { length=(uint) strlen(err); set_if_smaller(length,MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE); } VOID(net_write_command(net,(uchar) 255,(char*) err,length)); if (thd) thd->fatal_error=0; // Error message is given DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* At some point we need to be able to distinguish between warnings and errors; The following function will help make this easier. */ void send_warning(NET *net, uint sql_errno, const char *err) { DBUG_ENTER("send_warning"); send_error(net,sql_errno,err); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Write error package and flush to client It's a little too low level, but I don't want to allow another buffer */ /* VARARGS3 */ void net_printf(NET *net, uint errcode, ...) { va_list args; uint length,offset; const char *format,*text_pos; int head_length= NET_HEADER_SIZE; THD *thd=current_thd; DBUG_ENTER("net_printf"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("message: %u",errcode)); if (thd) thd->query_error = 1; // if we are here, something is wrong :-) query_cache_abort(net); // Safety va_start(args,errcode); /* The following is needed to make net_printf() work with 0 argument for errorcode and use the argument after that as the format string. This is useful for rare errors that are not worth the hassle to put in errmsg.sys, but at the same time, the message is not fixed text */ format=errcode ? ER(errcode) : va_arg(args,char*); offset= net->return_errno ? 2 : 0; text_pos=(char*) net->buff+head_length+offset+1; (void) vsprintf(my_const_cast(char*) (text_pos),format,args); length=(uint) strlen((char*) text_pos); if (length >= sizeof(net->last_error)) length=sizeof(net->last_error)-1; /* purecov: inspected */ va_end(args); if (net->vio == 0) { if (thd && thd->bootstrap) { /* In bootstrap it's ok to print on stderr */ fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: %d %s\n",errcode,text_pos); thd->fatal_error=1; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } int3store(net->buff,length+1+offset); net->buff[3]= (net->compress) ? 0 : (uchar) (net->pkt_nr++); net->buff[head_length]=(uchar) 255; // Error package if (offset) int2store(text_pos-2, errcode); VOID(net_real_write(net,(char*) net->buff,length+head_length+1+offset)); if (thd) thd->fatal_error=0; // Error message is given DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void send_ok(NET *net,ha_rows affected_rows,ulonglong id,const char *message) { if (net->no_send_ok) // hack for re-parsing queries return; char buff[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE+10],*pos; DBUG_ENTER("send_ok"); buff[0]=0; // No fields pos=net_store_length(buff+1,(ulonglong) affected_rows); pos=net_store_length(pos, (ulonglong) id); if (net->return_status) { int2store(pos,*net->return_status); pos+=2; } if (message) pos=net_store_data((char*) pos,message); if (net->vio != 0) { VOID(my_net_write(net,buff,(uint) (pos-buff))); VOID(net_flush(net)); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } void send_eof(NET *net,bool no_flush) { static char eof_buff[1]= { (char) 254 }; /* Marker for end of fields */ DBUG_ENTER("send_eof"); if (net->vio != 0) { VOID(my_net_write(net,eof_buff,1)); if (!no_flush) VOID(net_flush(net)); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /**************************************************************************** ** Store a field length in logical packet ****************************************************************************/ char * net_store_length(char *pkg, ulonglong length) { uchar *packet=(uchar*) pkg; if (length < LL(251)) { *packet=(uchar) length; return (char*) packet+1; } /* 251 is reserved for NULL */ if (length < LL(65536)) { *packet++=252; int2store(packet,(uint) length); return (char*) packet+2; } if (length < LL(16777216)) { *packet++=253; int3store(packet,(ulong) length); return (char*) packet+3; } *packet++=254; int8store(packet,length); return (char*) packet+9; } char * net_store_length(char *pkg, uint length) { uchar *packet=(uchar*) pkg; if (length < 251) { *packet=(uchar) length; return (char*) packet+1; } *packet++=252; int2store(packet,(uint) length); return (char*) packet+2; } /* The following will only be used for short strings < 65K */ char * net_store_data(char *to,const char *from) { uint length=(uint) strlen(from); to=net_store_length(to,length); memcpy(to,from,length); return to+length; } char * net_store_data(char *to,int32 from) { char buff[20]; uint length=(uint) (int10_to_str(from,buff,10)-buff); to=net_store_length(to,length); memcpy(to,buff,length); return to+length; } char * net_store_data(char *to,longlong from) { char buff[22]; uint length=(uint) (longlong10_to_str(from,buff,10)-buff); to=net_store_length(to,length); memcpy(to,buff,length); return to+length; } bool net_store_null(String *packet) { return packet->append((char) 251); } bool net_store_data(String *packet,const char *from,uint length) { ulong packet_length=packet->length(); if (packet_length+5+length > packet->alloced_length() && packet->realloc(packet_length+5+length)) return 1; char *to=(char*) net_store_length((char*) packet->ptr()+packet_length, (ulonglong) length); memcpy(to,from,length); packet->length((uint) (to+length-packet->ptr())); return 0; } /* The following is only used at short, null terminated data */ bool net_store_data(String *packet,const char *from) { uint length=(uint) strlen(from); uint packet_length=packet->length(); if (packet_length+5+length > packet->alloced_length() && packet->realloc(packet_length+5+length)) return 1; char *to=(char*) net_store_length((char*) packet->ptr()+packet_length, length); memcpy(to,from,length); packet->length((uint) (to+length-packet->ptr())); return 0; } bool net_store_data(String *packet,uint32 from) { char buff[20]; return net_store_data(packet,(char*) buff, (uint) (int10_to_str(from,buff,10)-buff)); } bool net_store_data(String *packet, longlong from) { char buff[22]; return net_store_data(packet,(char*) buff, (uint) (longlong10_to_str(from,buff,10)-buff)); } bool net_store_data(String *packet,struct tm *tmp) { char buff[20]; sprintf(buff,"%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d", ((int) (tmp->tm_year+1900)) % 10000, (int) tmp->tm_mon+1, (int) tmp->tm_mday, (int) tmp->tm_hour, (int) tmp->tm_min, (int) tmp->tm_sec); return net_store_data(packet,(char*) buff,19); } bool net_store_data(String* packet, I_List* str_list) { char buf[256]; String tmp(buf, sizeof(buf)); tmp.length(0); I_List_iterator it(*str_list); i_string* s; while ((s=it++)) { if (tmp.length()) tmp.append(','); tmp.append(s->ptr); } return net_store_data(packet, (char*)tmp.ptr(), tmp.length()); } /* ** translate and store data; These are mainly used by the SHOW functions */ bool net_store_data(String *packet,CONVERT *convert, const char *from,uint length) { if (convert) return convert->store(packet, from, length); return net_store_data(packet,from,length); } bool net_store_data(String *packet, CONVERT *convert, const char *from) { uint length=(uint) strlen(from); if (convert) return convert->store(packet, from, length); return net_store_data(packet,from,length); } /* Function called by my_net_init() to set some check variables */ extern "C" { void my_net_local_init(NET *net) { net->max_packet= (uint) global_system_variables.net_buffer_length; net->read_timeout= (uint) global_system_variables.net_read_timeout; net->write_timeout=(uint) global_system_variables.net_write_timeout; net->retry_count= (uint) global_system_variables.net_retry_count; net->max_packet_size= max(global_system_variables.net_buffer_length, global_system_variables.max_allowed_packet); } }