/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* classes for sum functions */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */ #endif #include class Item_sum :public Item_result_field { public: enum Sumfunctype { COUNT_FUNC,COUNT_DISTINCT_FUNC,SUM_FUNC,AVG_FUNC,MIN_FUNC, MAX_FUNC, UNIQUE_USERS_FUNC,STD_FUNC,VARIANCE_FUNC,SUM_BIT_FUNC, UDF_SUM_FUNC, GROUP_CONCAT_FUNC }; Item **args,*tmp_args[2]; uint arg_count; bool quick_group; /* If incremental update of fields */ void mark_as_sum_func(); Item_sum() : arg_count(0),quick_group(1) { mark_as_sum_func(); } Item_sum(Item *a) :quick_group(1) { arg_count=1; args=tmp_args; args[0]=a; mark_as_sum_func(); } Item_sum( Item *a, Item *b ) :quick_group(1) { arg_count=2; args=tmp_args; args[0]=a; args[1]=b; mark_as_sum_func(); } Item_sum(List &list); //Copy constructor, need to perform subselects with temporary tables Item_sum(THD *thd, Item_sum &item); ~Item_sum() { result_field=0; } enum Type type() const { return SUM_FUNC_ITEM; } virtual enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const=0; virtual bool reset()=0; virtual bool add()=0; virtual void reset_field()=0; virtual void update_field(int offset)=0; virtual bool keep_field_type(void) const { return 0; } virtual void fix_length_and_dec() { maybe_null=1; null_value=1; } virtual const char *func_name() const { return "?"; } virtual Item *result_item(Field *field) { return new Item_field(field);} table_map used_tables() const { return ~(table_map) 0; } /* Not used */ bool const_item() const { return 0; } bool is_null() { return null_value; } void update_used_tables() { } void make_field(Send_field *field); void print(String *str); void fix_num_length_and_dec(); void no_rows_in_result() { reset(); } virtual bool setup(THD *thd) {return 0;} virtual void make_unique() {} Item *get_tmp_table_item(THD *thd); }; class Item_sum_num :public Item_sum { public: Item_sum_num() :Item_sum() {} Item_sum_num(Item *item_par) :Item_sum(item_par) {} Item_sum_num(Item *a, Item* b) :Item_sum(a,b) {} Item_sum_num(List &list) :Item_sum(list) {} Item_sum_num(THD *thd, Item_sum_num &item) :Item_sum(thd, item) {} bool fix_fields(THD *, TABLE_LIST *, Item **); longlong val_int() { return (longlong) val(); } /* Real as default */ String *val_str(String*str); void reset_field(); }; class Item_sum_int :public Item_sum_num { public: Item_sum_int(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_num(item_par) {} Item_sum_int(List &list) :Item_sum_num(list) {} Item_sum_int(THD *thd, Item_sum_int &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item) {} double val() { return (double) val_int(); } String *val_str(String*str); enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; } void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals=0; max_length=21; maybe_null=null_value=0; } }; class Item_sum_sum :public Item_sum_num { double sum; void fix_length_and_dec() { maybe_null=null_value=1; } public: Item_sum_sum(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_num(item_par),sum(0.0) {} Item_sum_sum(THD *thd, Item_sum_sum &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item), sum(item.sum) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return SUM_FUNC;} bool reset(); bool add(); double val(); void reset_field(); void update_field(int offset); void no_rows_in_result() {} const char *func_name() const { return "sum"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_count :public Item_sum_int { longlong count; table_map used_table_cache; public: Item_sum_count(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_int(item_par),count(0),used_table_cache(~(table_map) 0) {} Item_sum_count(THD *thd, Item_sum_count &item) :Item_sum_int(thd, item), count(item.count), used_table_cache(item.used_table_cache) {} table_map used_tables() const { return used_table_cache; } bool const_item() const { return !used_table_cache; } enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return COUNT_FUNC; } bool reset(); void no_rows_in_result() { count=0; } bool add(); void make_const(longlong count_arg) { count=count_arg; used_table_cache=0; } longlong val_int(); void reset_field(); void update_field(int offset); const char *func_name() const { return "count"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class TMP_TABLE_PARAM; class Item_sum_count_distinct :public Item_sum_int { TABLE *table; table_map used_table_cache; bool fix_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **ref); uint32 *field_lengths; TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_table_param; TREE tree_base; TREE *tree; /* Following is 0 normal object and pointer to original one for copy (to correctly free resources) */ Item_sum_count_distinct *original; uint key_length; CHARSET_INFO *key_charset; // calculated based on max_heap_table_size. If reached, // walk the tree and dump it into MyISAM table uint max_elements_in_tree; // the first few bytes of record ( at least one) // are just markers for deleted and NULLs. We want to skip them since // they will just bloat the tree without providing any valuable info int rec_offset; // If there are no blobs, we can use a tree, which // is faster than heap table. In that case, we still use the table // to help get things set up, but we insert nothing in it bool use_tree; bool always_null; // Set to 1 if the result is always NULL int tree_to_myisam(); friend int composite_key_cmp(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int simple_str_key_cmp(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int simple_raw_key_cmp(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int dump_leaf(byte* key, uint32 count __attribute__((unused)), Item_sum_count_distinct* item); public: Item_sum_count_distinct(List &list) :Item_sum_int(list), table(0), used_table_cache(~(table_map) 0), tmp_table_param(0), tree(&tree_base), original(0), use_tree(0), always_null(0) { quick_group= 0; } Item_sum_count_distinct(THD *thd, Item_sum_count_distinct &item) :Item_sum_int(thd, item), table(item.table), used_table_cache(item.used_table_cache), field_lengths(item.field_lengths), tmp_table_param(item.tmp_table_param), tree(item.tree), original(&item), key_length(item.key_length), max_elements_in_tree(item.max_elements_in_tree), rec_offset(item.rec_offset), use_tree(item.use_tree), always_null(item.always_null) {} ~Item_sum_count_distinct(); table_map used_tables() const { return used_table_cache; } enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return COUNT_DISTINCT_FUNC; } bool reset(); bool add(); longlong val_int(); void reset_field() { return ;} // Never called void update_field(int offset) { return ; } // Never called const char *func_name() const { return "count_distinct"; } bool setup(THD *thd); void make_unique(); Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); void no_rows_in_result() {} }; /* Item to get the value of a stored sum function */ class Item_sum_avg; class Item_avg_field :public Item_result_field { public: Field *field; Item_avg_field(Item_sum_avg *item); enum Type type() const { return FIELD_AVG_ITEM; } double val(); longlong val_int() { return (longlong) val(); } bool is_null() { (void) val_int(); return null_value; } String *val_str(String*); enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE; } void fix_length_and_dec() {} }; class Item_sum_avg :public Item_sum_num { void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals+=4; maybe_null=1; } double sum; ulonglong count; public: Item_sum_avg(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_num(item_par),count(0) {} Item_sum_avg(THD *thd, Item_sum_avg &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item), sum(item.sum), count(item.count) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return AVG_FUNC;} bool reset(); bool add(); double val(); void reset_field(); void update_field(int offset); Item *result_item(Field *field) { return new Item_avg_field(this); } const char *func_name() const { return "avg"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_variance; class Item_variance_field :public Item_result_field { public: Field *field; Item_variance_field(Item_sum_variance *item); enum Type type() const {return FIELD_VARIANCE_ITEM; } double val(); longlong val_int() { return (longlong) val(); } String *val_str(String*); bool is_null() { (void) val_int(); return null_value; } enum_field_types field_type() const { return MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE; } void fix_length_and_dec() {} }; /* variance(a) = = sum (ai - avg(a))^2 / count(a) ) = sum (ai^2 - 2*ai*avg(a) + avg(a)^2) / count(a) = (sum(ai^2) - sum(2*ai*avg(a)) + sum(avg(a)^2))/count(a) = = (sum(ai^2) - 2*avg(a)*sum(a) + count(a)*avg(a)^2)/count(a) = = (sum(ai^2) - 2*sum(a)*sum(a)/count(a) + count(a)*sum(a)^2/count(a)^2 )/count(a) = = (sum(ai^2) - 2*sum(a)^2/count(a) + sum(a)^2/count(a) )/count(a) = = (sum(ai^2) - sum(a)^2/count(a))/count(a) */ class Item_sum_variance : public Item_sum_num { double sum, sum_sqr; ulonglong count; void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals+=4; maybe_null=1; } public: Item_sum_variance(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_num(item_par),count(0) {} Item_sum_variance(THD *thd, Item_sum_variance &item): Item_sum_num(thd, item), sum(item.sum), sum_sqr(item.sum_sqr), count(item.count) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return VARIANCE_FUNC; } bool reset(); bool add(); double val(); void reset_field(); void update_field(int offset); Item *result_item(Field *field) { return new Item_variance_field(this); } const char *func_name() const { return "variance"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_std; class Item_std_field :public Item_variance_field { public: Item_std_field(Item_sum_std *item); enum Type type() const { return FIELD_STD_ITEM; } double val(); }; /* standard_deviation(a) = sqrt(variance(a)) */ class Item_sum_std :public Item_sum_variance { public: Item_sum_std(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_variance(item_par) {} Item_sum_std(THD *thd, Item_sum_std &item) :Item_sum_variance(thd, item) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return STD_FUNC; } double val(); Item *result_item(Field *field) { return new Item_std_field(this); } const char *func_name() const { return "std"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; // This class is a string or number function depending on num_func class Item_sum_hybrid :public Item_sum { protected: String value,tmp_value; double sum; longlong sum_int; Item_result hybrid_type; enum_field_types hybrid_field_type; int cmp_sign; table_map used_table_cache; CHARSET_INFO *cmp_charset; public: Item_sum_hybrid(Item *item_par,int sign) :Item_sum(item_par), hybrid_type(INT_RESULT), cmp_sign(sign), used_table_cache(~(table_map) 0), cmp_charset(&my_charset_bin) {} Item_sum_hybrid(THD *thd, Item_sum_hybrid &item): Item_sum(thd, item), value(item.value), tmp_value(item.tmp_value), sum(item.sum), sum_int(item.sum_int), hybrid_type(item.hybrid_type), cmp_sign(item.cmp_sign), used_table_cache(used_table_cache), cmp_charset(item.cmp_charset) {} bool fix_fields(THD *, TABLE_LIST *, Item **); table_map used_tables() const { return used_table_cache; } bool const_item() const { return !used_table_cache; } bool reset() { sum=0.0; sum_int=0; value.length(0); null_value=1; return add(); } double val(); longlong val_int(); void reset_field(); String *val_str(String *); void make_const() { used_table_cache=0; } bool keep_field_type(void) const { return 1; } enum Item_result result_type () const { return hybrid_type; } enum enum_field_types field_type() const { return hybrid_field_type; } void update_field(int offset); void min_max_update_str_field(int offset); void min_max_update_real_field(int offset); void min_max_update_int_field(int offset); }; class Item_sum_min :public Item_sum_hybrid { public: Item_sum_min(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_hybrid(item_par,1) {} Item_sum_min(THD *thd, Item_sum_min &item) :Item_sum_hybrid(thd, item) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return MIN_FUNC;} bool add(); const char *func_name() const { return "min"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_max :public Item_sum_hybrid { public: Item_sum_max(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_hybrid(item_par,-1) {} Item_sum_max(THD *thd, Item_sum_max &item) :Item_sum_hybrid(thd, item) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return MAX_FUNC;} bool add(); const char *func_name() const { return "max"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_bit :public Item_sum_int { protected: ulonglong reset_bits,bits; public: Item_sum_bit(Item *item_par,ulonglong reset_arg) :Item_sum_int(item_par),reset_bits(reset_arg),bits(reset_arg) {} Item_sum_bit(THD *thd, Item_sum_bit &item): Item_sum_int(thd, item), reset_bits(item.reset_bits), bits(item.bits) {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return SUM_BIT_FUNC;} bool reset(); longlong val_int(); void reset_field(); void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals=0; max_length=21; unsigned_flag=1; maybe_null=null_value=0; } }; class Item_sum_or :public Item_sum_bit { public: Item_sum_or(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_bit(item_par,LL(0)) {} Item_sum_or(THD *thd, Item_sum_or &item) :Item_sum_bit(thd, item) {} bool add(); void update_field(int offset); const char *func_name() const { return "bit_or"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_and :public Item_sum_bit { public: Item_sum_and(Item *item_par) :Item_sum_bit(item_par, ~(ulonglong) LL(0)) {} Item_sum_and(THD *thd, Item_sum_and &item) :Item_sum_bit(thd, item) {} bool add(); void update_field(int offset); const char *func_name() const { return "bit_and"; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; /* ** user defined aggregates */ #ifdef HAVE_DLOPEN class Item_udf_sum : public Item_sum { protected: udf_handler udf; public: Item_udf_sum(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_sum(), udf(udf_arg) { quick_group=0;} Item_udf_sum( udf_func *udf_arg, List &list ) :Item_sum( list ), udf(udf_arg) { quick_group=0;} Item_udf_sum(THD *thd, Item_udf_sum &item) :Item_sum(thd, item), udf(item.udf) {} ~Item_udf_sum() {} const char *func_name() const { return udf.name(); } bool fix_fields(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, Item **ref) { fixed= 1; return udf.fix_fields(thd,tables,this,this->arg_count,this->args); } enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return UDF_SUM_FUNC; } virtual bool have_field_update(void) const { return 0; } bool reset(); bool add(); void reset_field() {}; void update_field(int offset_arg) {}; }; class Item_sum_udf_float :public Item_udf_sum { public: Item_sum_udf_float(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg) {} Item_sum_udf_float(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg,list) {} Item_sum_udf_float(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_float &item) :Item_udf_sum(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_float() {} longlong val_int() { return (longlong) Item_sum_udf_float::val(); } double val(); String *val_str(String*str); void fix_length_and_dec() { fix_num_length_and_dec(); } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_udf_int :public Item_udf_sum { public: Item_sum_udf_int(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg) {} Item_sum_udf_int(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg,list) {} Item_sum_udf_int(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_int &item) :Item_udf_sum(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_int() {} longlong val_int(); double val() { return (double) Item_sum_udf_int::val_int(); } String *val_str(String*str); enum Item_result result_type () const { return INT_RESULT; } void fix_length_and_dec() { decimals=0; max_length=21; } Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; class Item_sum_udf_str :public Item_udf_sum { public: Item_sum_udf_str(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg) {} Item_sum_udf_str(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_udf_sum(udf_arg,list) {} Item_sum_udf_str(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_str &item) :Item_udf_sum(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_str() {} String *val_str(String *); double val() { int err; String *res; res=val_str(&str_value); return res ? my_strntod(res->charset(),(char*) res->ptr(),res->length(), (char**) 0, &err) : 0.0; } longlong val_int() { int err; String *res; res=val_str(&str_value); return res ? my_strntoll(res->charset(),res->ptr(),res->length(),10, (char**) 0, &err) : (longlong) 0; } enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } void fix_length_and_dec(); Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); }; #else /* Dummy functions to get sql_yacc.cc compiled */ class Item_sum_udf_float :public Item_sum_num { public: Item_sum_udf_float(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_float(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_float(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_float &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_float() {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return UDF_SUM_FUNC; } double val() { return 0.0; } bool reset() { return 0; } bool add() { return 0; } void update_field(int offset) {} }; class Item_sum_udf_int :public Item_sum_num { public: Item_sum_udf_int(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_int(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_int(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_int &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_int() {} enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return UDF_SUM_FUNC; } longlong val_int() { return 0; } double val() { return 0; } bool reset() { return 0; } bool add() { return 0; } void update_field(int offset) {} }; class Item_sum_udf_str :public Item_sum_num { public: Item_sum_udf_str(udf_func *udf_arg) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_str(udf_func *udf_arg, List &list) :Item_sum_num() {} Item_sum_udf_str(THD *thd, Item_sum_udf_str &item) :Item_sum_num(thd, item) {} ~Item_sum_udf_str() {} String *val_str(String *) { null_value=1; return 0; } double val() { null_value=1; return 0.0; } longlong val_int() { null_value=1; return 0; } enum Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } void fix_length_and_dec() { maybe_null=1; max_length=0; } enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const { return UDF_SUM_FUNC; } bool reset() { return 0; } bool add() { return 0; } void update_field(int offset) {} }; #endif /* HAVE_DLOPEN */ class MYSQL_ERROR; class Item_func_group_concat : public Item_sum { THD *item_thd; TMP_TABLE_PARAM *tmp_table_param; uint max_elements_in_tree; MYSQL_ERROR *warning; bool warning_available; uint key_length; int rec_offset; bool tree_mode; bool distinct; bool warning_for_row; bool always_null; friend int group_concat_key_cmp_with_distinct(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int group_concat_key_cmp_with_order(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int group_concat_key_cmp_with_distinct_and_order(void* arg, byte* key1, byte* key2); friend int dump_leaf_key(byte* key, uint32 count __attribute__((unused)), Item_func_group_concat *group_concat_item); public: String result; String *separator; TREE tree_base; TREE *tree; TABLE *table; ORDER **order; TABLE_LIST *tables_list; ulong group_concat_max_len; uint show_elements; uint arg_count_order; uint arg_count_field; uint arg_show_fields; uint count_cut_values; /* Following is 0 normal object and pointer to original one for copy (to correctly free resources) */ Item_func_group_concat *original; Item_func_group_concat(bool is_distinct,List *is_select, SQL_LIST *is_order,String *is_separator); Item_func_group_concat(THD *thd, Item_func_group_concat &item) :Item_sum(thd, item),item_thd(thd), tmp_table_param(item.tmp_table_param), max_elements_in_tree(item.max_elements_in_tree), warning(item.warning), warning_available(item.warning_available), key_length(item.key_length), rec_offset(item.rec_offset), tree_mode(0), distinct(item.distinct), warning_for_row(item.warning_for_row), separator(item.separator), tree(item.tree), table(item.table), order(item.order), tables_list(item.tables_list), group_concat_max_len(item.group_concat_max_len), show_elements(item.show_elements), arg_count_order(item.arg_count_order), arg_count_field(item.arg_count_field), arg_show_fields(item.arg_show_fields), count_cut_values(item.count_cut_values), original(&item) { quick_group = 0; }; ~Item_func_group_concat(); enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const {return GROUP_CONCAT_FUNC;} const char *func_name() const { return "group_concat"; } enum Type type() const { return SUM_FUNC_ITEM; } void fix_length_and_dec() { max_length=group_concat_max_len; } virtual Item_result result_type () const { return STRING_RESULT; } bool reset(); bool add(); void reset_field(); bool fix_fields(THD *, TABLE_LIST *, Item **); bool setup(THD *thd); void make_unique(); virtual void update_field(int offset) {}; double val() { String *res; res=val_str(&str_value); return res ? atof(res->c_ptr()) : 0.0; } longlong val_int() { String *res; res=val_str(&str_value); return res ? strtoll(res->c_ptr(),(char**) 0,10) : (longlong) 0; } String* val_str(String* str); Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd); };