#ifndef ITEM_JSONFUNC_INCLUDED #define ITEM_JSONFUNC_INCLUDED /* Copyright (c) 2016, MariaDB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* This file defines all JSON functions */ #include #include "item_cmpfunc.h" // Item_bool_func #include "item_strfunc.h" // Item_str_func #include "item_sum.h" class json_path_with_flags { public: json_path_t p; bool constant; bool parsed; json_path_step_t *cur_step; void set_constant_flag(bool s_constant) { constant= s_constant; parsed= FALSE; } }; void report_path_error_ex(const char *ps, json_path_t *p, const char *fname, int n_param, Sql_condition::enum_warning_level lv); void report_json_error_ex(const char *js, json_engine_t *je, const char *fname, int n_param, Sql_condition::enum_warning_level lv); class Json_engine_scan: public json_engine_t { public: Json_engine_scan(CHARSET_INFO *i_cs, const uchar *str, const uchar *end) { json_scan_start(this, i_cs, str, end); } Json_engine_scan(const String &str) :Json_engine_scan(str.charset(), (const uchar *) str.ptr(), (const uchar *) str.end()) { } bool check_and_get_value_scalar(String *res, int *error); bool check_and_get_value_complex(String *res, int *error); }; class Json_path_extractor: public json_path_with_flags { protected: String tmp_js, tmp_path; virtual ~Json_path_extractor() { } virtual bool check_and_get_value(Json_engine_scan *je, String *to, int *error)=0; bool extract(String *to, Item *js, Item *jp, CHARSET_INFO *cs); }; class Item_func_json_valid: public Item_bool_func { protected: String tmp_value; public: Item_func_json_valid(THD *thd, Item *json) : Item_bool_func(thd, json) {} longlong val_int() override; LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_valid") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override { if (Item_bool_func::fix_length_and_dec()) return TRUE; set_maybe_null(); return FALSE; } bool set_format_by_check_constraint(Send_field_extended_metadata *to) const override { static const Lex_cstring fmt(STRING_WITH_LEN("json")); return to->set_format_name(fmt); } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } enum Functype functype() const override { return JSON_VALID_FUNC; } }; class Item_func_json_exists: public Item_bool_func { protected: json_path_with_flags path; String tmp_js, tmp_path; public: Item_func_json_exists(THD *thd, Item *js, Item *i_path): Item_bool_func(thd, js, i_path) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_exists") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } longlong val_int() override; }; class Item_json_func: public Item_str_func { public: Item_json_func(THD *thd) :Item_str_func(thd) { } Item_json_func(THD *thd, Item *a) :Item_str_func(thd, a) { } Item_json_func(THD *thd, Item *a, Item *b) :Item_str_func(thd, a, b) { } Item_json_func(THD *thd, List &list) :Item_str_func(thd, list) { } bool is_json_type() { return true; } void make_send_field(THD *thd, Send_field *tmp_field) { Item_str_func::make_send_field(thd, tmp_field); static const Lex_cstring fmt(STRING_WITH_LEN("json")); tmp_field->set_format_name(fmt); } }; class Item_func_json_value: public Item_str_func, public Json_path_extractor { public: Item_func_json_value(THD *thd, Item *js, Item *i_path): Item_str_func(thd, js, i_path) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_value") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override ; String *val_str(String *to) override { null_value= Json_path_extractor::extract(to, args[0], args[1], collation.collation); return null_value ? NULL : to; } bool check_and_get_value(Json_engine_scan *je, String *res, int *error) override { return je->check_and_get_value_scalar(res, error); } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_query: public Item_json_func, public Json_path_extractor { public: Item_func_json_query(THD *thd, Item *js, Item *i_path): Item_json_func(thd, js, i_path) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_query") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *to) override { null_value= Json_path_extractor::extract(to, args[0], args[1], collation.collation); return null_value ? NULL : to; } bool check_and_get_value(Json_engine_scan *je, String *res, int *error) override { return je->check_and_get_value_complex(res, error); } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_quote: public Item_str_func { protected: String tmp_s; public: Item_func_json_quote(THD *thd, Item *s): Item_str_func(thd, s) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_quote") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_unquote: public Item_str_func { protected: String tmp_s; String *read_json(json_engine_t *je); public: Item_func_json_unquote(THD *thd, Item *s): Item_str_func(thd, s) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_unquote") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_json_str_multipath: public Item_json_func { protected: json_path_with_flags *paths; String *tmp_paths; public: Item_json_str_multipath(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_func(thd, list), tmp_paths(0) {} bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref); void cleanup(); virtual uint get_n_paths() const = 0; }; class Item_func_json_extract: public Item_json_str_multipath { protected: String tmp_js; public: String *read_json(String *str, json_value_types *type, char **out_val, int *value_len); Item_func_json_extract(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_str_multipath(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_extract") }; return name; } enum Functype functype() const override { return JSON_EXTRACT_FUNC; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; longlong val_int() override; double val_real() override; my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *) override; uint get_n_paths() const override { return arg_count - 1; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_contains: public Item_bool_func { protected: String tmp_js; json_path_with_flags path; String tmp_path; bool a2_constant, a2_parsed; String tmp_val, *val; public: Item_func_json_contains(THD *thd, List &list): Item_bool_func(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_contains") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; longlong val_int() override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_contains_path: public Item_bool_func { protected: String tmp_js; json_path_with_flags *paths; String *tmp_paths; bool mode_one; bool ooa_constant, ooa_parsed; bool *p_found; public: Item_func_json_contains_path(THD *thd, List &list): Item_bool_func(thd, list), tmp_paths(0) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_contains_path") }; return name; } bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) override; bool fix_length_and_dec() override; void cleanup() override; longlong val_int() override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_array: public Item_json_func { protected: String tmp_val; ulong result_limit; public: Item_func_json_array(THD *thd): Item_json_func(thd) {} Item_func_json_array(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_func(thd, list) {} String *val_str(String *) override; bool fix_length_and_dec() override; LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_array") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_array_append: public Item_json_str_multipath { protected: String tmp_js; String tmp_val; public: Item_func_json_array_append(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_str_multipath(thd, list) {} bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; uint get_n_paths() const override { return arg_count/2; } LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_array_append") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_array_insert: public Item_func_json_array_append { public: Item_func_json_array_insert(THD *thd, List &list): Item_func_json_array_append(thd, list) {} String *val_str(String *) override; LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_array_insert") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_object: public Item_func_json_array { public: Item_func_json_object(THD *thd): Item_func_json_array(thd) {} Item_func_json_object(THD *thd, List &list): Item_func_json_array(thd, list) {} String *val_str(String *) override; LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_object") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_merge: public Item_func_json_array { protected: String tmp_js1, tmp_js2; public: Item_func_json_merge(THD *thd, List &list): Item_func_json_array(thd, list) {} String *val_str(String *) override; LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_merge_preserve") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_merge_patch: public Item_func_json_merge { public: Item_func_json_merge_patch(THD *thd, List &list): Item_func_json_merge(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_merge_patch") }; return name; } String *val_str(String *) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_length: public Item_long_func { bool check_arguments() const override { return args[0]->check_type_can_return_text(func_name_cstring()) || (arg_count > 1 && args[1]->check_type_general_purpose_string(func_name_cstring())); } protected: json_path_with_flags path; String tmp_js; String tmp_path; public: Item_func_json_length(THD *thd, List &list): Item_long_func(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_length") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; longlong val_int() override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_depth: public Item_long_func { bool check_arguments() const override { return args[0]->check_type_can_return_text(func_name_cstring()); } protected: String tmp_js; public: Item_func_json_depth(THD *thd, Item *js): Item_long_func(thd, js) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_depth") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override { max_length= 10; return FALSE; } longlong val_int() override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_type: public Item_str_func { protected: String tmp_js; public: Item_func_json_type(THD *thd, Item *js): Item_str_func(thd, js) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_type") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_insert: public Item_json_str_multipath { protected: String tmp_js; String tmp_val; bool mode_insert, mode_replace; public: Item_func_json_insert(bool i_mode, bool r_mode, THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_str_multipath(thd, list), mode_insert(i_mode), mode_replace(r_mode) {} bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; uint get_n_paths() const override { return arg_count/2; } LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING json_set= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_set") }; static LEX_CSTRING json_insert= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_insert") }; static LEX_CSTRING json_update= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_update") }; return (mode_insert ? (mode_replace ? json_set : json_insert) : json_update); } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_remove: public Item_json_str_multipath { protected: String tmp_js; public: Item_func_json_remove(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_str_multipath(thd, list) {} bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; uint get_n_paths() const override { return arg_count - 1; } LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_remove") }; return name; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_keys: public Item_str_func { protected: json_path_with_flags path; String tmp_js, tmp_path; public: Item_func_json_keys(THD *thd, List &list): Item_str_func(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_keys") }; return name; } bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_search: public Item_json_str_multipath { protected: String tmp_js, tmp_path, esc_value; bool mode_one; bool ooa_constant, ooa_parsed; int escape; int n_path_found; json_path_t sav_path; int compare_json_value_wild(json_engine_t *je, const String *cmp_str); public: Item_func_json_search(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_str_multipath(thd, list) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_search") }; return name; } bool fix_fields(THD *thd, Item **ref) override; bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *) override; uint get_n_paths() const override { return arg_count > 4 ? arg_count - 4 : 0; } Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_format: public Item_json_func { public: enum formats { NONE, COMPACT, LOOSE, DETAILED }; protected: formats fmt; String tmp_js; public: Item_func_json_format(THD *thd, Item *js, formats format): Item_json_func(thd, js), fmt(format) {} Item_func_json_format(THD *thd, List &list): Item_json_func(thd, list), fmt(DETAILED) {} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override; bool fix_length_and_dec() override; String *val_str(String *str) override; String *val_json(String *str) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_arrayagg : public Item_func_group_concat { protected: /* Overrides Item_func_group_concat::skip_nulls() NULL-s should be added to the result as JSON null value. */ bool skip_nulls() const override { return false; } String *get_str_from_item(Item *i, String *tmp) override; String *get_str_from_field(Item *i, Field *f, String *tmp, const uchar *key, size_t offset) override; void cut_max_length(String *result, uint old_length, uint max_length) const override; public: String m_tmp_json; /* Used in get_str_from_*.. */ Item_func_json_arrayagg(THD *thd, Name_resolution_context *context_arg, bool is_distinct, List *is_select, const SQL_I_List &is_order, String *is_separator, bool limit_clause, Item *row_limit, Item *offset_limit): Item_func_group_concat(thd, context_arg, is_distinct, is_select, is_order, is_separator, limit_clause, row_limit, offset_limit) { } Item_func_json_arrayagg(THD *thd, Item_func_json_arrayagg *item); bool is_json_type() override { return true; } LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_arrayagg(") }; return name; } enum Sumfunctype sum_func() const override {return JSON_ARRAYAGG_FUNC;} String* val_str(String *str) override; Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; class Item_func_json_objectagg : public Item_sum { String result; public: Item_func_json_objectagg(THD *thd, Item *key, Item *value) : Item_sum(thd, key, value) { quick_group= FALSE; result.append('{'); } Item_func_json_objectagg(THD *thd, Item_func_json_objectagg *item); bool is_json_type() override { return true; } void cleanup() override; enum Sumfunctype sum_func () const override { return JSON_OBJECTAGG_FUNC;} LEX_CSTRING func_name_cstring() const override { static LEX_CSTRING name= {STRING_WITH_LEN("json_objectagg") }; return name; } const Type_handler *type_handler() const override { if (too_big_for_varchar()) return &type_handler_blob; return &type_handler_varchar; } void clear() override; bool add() override; void reset_field() override { DBUG_ASSERT(0); } // not used void update_field() override { DBUG_ASSERT(0); } // not used bool fix_fields(THD *,Item **) override; double val_real() override { return 0.0; } longlong val_int() override { return 0; } my_decimal *val_decimal(my_decimal *decimal_value) override { my_decimal_set_zero(decimal_value); return decimal_value; } bool get_date(THD *thd, MYSQL_TIME *ltime, date_mode_t fuzzydate) override { return get_date_from_string(thd, ltime, fuzzydate); } String *val_str(String* str) override; Item *copy_or_same(THD* thd) override; void no_rows_in_result() override {} Item *get_copy(THD *thd) override { return get_item_copy(thd, this); } }; #endif /* ITEM_JSONFUNC_INCLUDED */