#!/bin/sh ############################################################# # This script created by Jonas does the following # # Cleans up clones and pevious builds, pulls new clones, # # builds, deploys, configures the tests and launches ATRT # ############################################################# ############### #Script setup # ############## save_args=$* VERSION="ndb-autotest.sh version 1.04" DATE=`date '+%Y-%m-%d'` HOST=`hostname -s` export DATE HOST set -e ulimit -Sc unlimited echo "`date` starting: $*" RSYNC_RSH=ssh export RSYNC_RSH verbose=0 do_clone=yes build=yes deploy=yes run_test=yes config=yes report=yes clone=5.0-ndb RUN="daily-basic daily-devel" conf=autotest.conf LOCK=$HOME/.autotest-lock ############################ # Read command line entries# ############################ while [ "$1" ] do case "$1" in --no-clone) do_clone="";; --no-build) build="";; --no-deploy) deploy="";; --no-test) run_test="";; --no-config) config="";; --no-report) report="";; --verbose) verbose=`expr $verbose + 1`;; --clone=*) clone=`echo $1 | sed s/--clone=//`;; --conf=*) conf=`echo $1 | sed s/--conf=//`;; --version) echo $VERSION; exit;; *) RUN=$*;; esac shift done ################################# #Make sure the configfile exists# #if it does not exit. if it does# # (.) load it # ################################# if [ -f $conf ] then . $conf else echo "Can't find config file: $conf" exit fi ############################### # Validate that all interesting # variables where set in conf ############################### vars="target base_dir src_clone_base install_dir build_dir hosts configure" if [ "$report" ] then vars="$vars result_host result_path" fi for i in $vars do t=`echo echo \\$$i` if [ -z "`eval $t`" ] then echo "Invalid config: $conf, variable $i is not set" exit fi done ############################### #Print out the enviroment vars# ############################### if [ $verbose -gt 0 ] then env fi #################################### # Setup the lock file name and path# # Setup the clone source location # #################################### src_clone=$src_clone_base-$clone ####################################### # Check to see if the lock file exists# # If it does exit. # ####################################### if [ -f $LOCK ] then echo "Lock file exists: $LOCK" exit 1 fi ####################################### # If the lock file does not exist then# # create it with date and run info # ####################################### echo "$DATE $RUN" > $LOCK ############################# #If any errors here down, we# # trap them, and remove the # # Lock file before exit # ############################# if [ `uname -s` != "SunOS" ] then trap "rm -f $LOCK" ERR fi # You can add more to this path# ################################ dst_place=${build_dir}/clone-mysql-$clone-$DATE ######################################### # Delete source and pull down the latest# ######################################### if [ "$do_clone" ] then rm -rf $dst_place bk clone $src_clone $dst_place fi ########################################## # Build the source, make installs, and # # create the database to be rsynced # ########################################## if [ "$build" ] then cd $dst_place rm -rf $install_dir/* if [ -x BUILD/autorun.sh ] then ./BUILD/autorun.sh else aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake if [ -d storage ] then (cd storage/innobase; aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake) (cd storage/bdb/dist; sh s_all) else (cd innobase; aclocal; autoheader; autoconf; automake) (cd bdb/dist; sh s_all) fi fi eval $configure --prefix=$install_dir make make install (cd $install_dir; ./bin/mysql_install_db) # This will be rsynced to all fi ################################ # check script version. If the # # version is old, replace it # # and restart # ################################ script=$install_dir/mysql-test/ndb/ndb-autotest.sh if [ -x $script ] then $script --version > /tmp/version.$$ else echo $VERSION > /tmp/version.$$ fi match=`grep -c "$VERSION" /tmp/version.$$ | xargs echo` rm -f /tmp/version.$$ if [ $match -eq 0 ] then echo "Incorrect script version...restarting" cp $install_dir/mysql-test/ndb/ndb-autotest.sh /tmp/at.$$.sh rm -rf $install_dir $dst_place sh /tmp/at.$$.sh $save_args exit fi ############################################### # Check that all interesting files are present# ############################################### test_dir=$install_dir/mysql-test/ndb atrt=$test_dir/atrt html=$test_dir/make-html-reports.sh mkconfig=$install_dir/mysql-test/ndb/make-config.sh ########################## #Setup bin and test paths# ########################## PATH=$install_dir/bin:$test_dir:$PATH export PATH ########################### # This will filter out all# # the host that did not # # respond. Called below # ########################### filter(){ neg=$1 shift while [ $# -gt 0 ] do if [ `grep -c $1 $neg | xargs echo` -eq 0 ] ; then echo $1; fi shift done } ############################ # check ndb_cpcc fail hosts# ############################ ndb_cpcc $hosts | awk '{ if($1=="Failed"){ print;}}' > /tmp/failed.$DATE filter /tmp/failed.$DATE $hosts > /tmp/hosts.$DATE hosts=`cat /tmp/hosts.$DATE` ############################# # Push bin and test to hosts# ############################# if [ "$deploy" ] then for i in $hosts do rsync -a --delete --force --ignore-errors $install_dir/ $i:$install_dir ok=$? if [ $ok -ne 0 ] then echo "$i failed during rsync, excluding" echo $i >> /tmp/failed.$DATE fi done fi ### # handle scp failed hosts # filter /tmp/failed.$DATE $hosts > /tmp/hosts.$DATE hosts=`cat /tmp/hosts.$DATE` cat /tmp/failed.$DATE > /tmp/filter_hosts.$$ ############################# # Function for replacing the# # choose host with real host# # names. Note $$ = PID # ############################# choose(){ SRC=$1 TMP1=/tmp/choose.$$ TMP2=/tmp/choose.$$.$$ shift cp $SRC $TMP1 i=1 while [ $# -gt 0 ] do sed -e s,"CHOOSE_host$i",$1,g < $TMP1 > $TMP2 mv $TMP2 $TMP1 shift i=`expr $i + 1` done cat $TMP1 rm -f $TMP1 } choose_conf(){ if [ -f $test_dir/conf-$1-$HOST.txt ] then echo "$test_dir/conf-$1-$HOST.txt" elif [ -f $test_dir/conf-$1.txt ] then echo "$test_dir/conf-$1.txt" elif [ -f $test_dir/conf-$HOST.txt ] echo "$test_dir/conf-$HOST.txt" else echo "Unable to find conf file looked for" 1>&2 echo "$test_dir/conf-$1-$HOST.txt and" 1>&2 echo "$test_dir/conf-$HOST.txt" 1>&2 echo "$test_dir/conf-$1.txt" 1>&2 exit fi } ###################################### # Starts ATRT and gives it the right # # command line options. after it # # Gathers results and moves them # ###################################### start(){ rm -rf report.txt result* log.txt $atrt -v -v -r -R --log-file=log.txt --testcase-file=$test_dir/$2-tests.txt & pid=$! echo $pid > run.pid wait $pid rm run.pid [ -f log.txt ] && mv log.txt $3 [ -f report.txt ] && mv report.txt $3 [ "`find . -name 'result*'`" ] && mv result* $3 cd $3 sh $html . $1 $DATE cd .. p2=`pwd` cd .. if [ "$report" ] then tar cfz /tmp/res.$2.$$.tgz `basename $p2`/$DATE scp /tmp/res.$2.$$.tgz \ $result_host:$result_path/res.$DATE.$HOST.$2.$$.tgz if [ $? -eq 0 ] then rm -f /tmp/res.$2.$$.tgz fi fi } ######################################### # Count how many computers we have ready# ######################################### count_hosts(){ cnt=`grep "CHOOSE_host" $1 | awk '{for(i=1; i<=NF;i++) \ if(index($i, "CHOOSE_host") > 0) print $i;}' | sort | uniq | wc -l` echo $cnt } ####################################################### # Calls: Choose # # Choose_host # # Count_host # # start # # for each directory in the $RUN variable # ####################################################### p=`pwd` for dir in $RUN do echo "Fixing hosts for $dir" run_dir=$base_dir/run-$dir-mysql-$clone-$target res_dir=$base_dir/result-$dir-mysql-$clone-$target/$DATE mkdir -p $run_dir $res_dir rm -rf $res_dir/* cd $run_dir if [ "$config" ] then rm -rf $run_dir/* conf=`choose_conf $dir` count=`count_hosts $conf` avail_hosts=`filter /tmp/filter_hosts.$$ $hosts` avail=`echo $avail_hosts | wc -w` if [ $count -gt $avail ] then echo "Not enough hosts" echo "Needs: $count available: $avail ($avail_hosts)" break; fi run_hosts=`echo $avail_hosts| \ awk '{for(i=1;i<='$count';i++)print $i;}'` echo $run_hosts >> /tmp/filter_hosts.$$ choose $conf $run_hosts > d.tmp.$$ sed -e s,CHOOSE_dir,"$install_dir",g < d.tmp.$$ > d.tmp $mkconfig d.tmp fi if [ "$run_test" ] then start $dir-mysql-$clone-$target $dir $res_dir & fi done cd $p rm /tmp/filter_hosts.$$ wait rm -f $LOCK