/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* * testBlobs */ #include #include #include #include #include #include struct Bcol { bool m_nullable; unsigned m_inline; unsigned m_partsize; unsigned m_stripe; char m_btname[NdbBlobImpl::BlobTableNameSize]; Bcol(bool a, unsigned b, unsigned c, unsigned d) : m_nullable(a), m_inline(b), m_partsize(c), m_stripe(d) {} }; struct Opt { unsigned m_batch; bool m_core; bool m_dbg; bool m_dbgall; const char* m_dbug; bool m_full; unsigned m_loop; unsigned m_parts; unsigned m_rows; unsigned m_seed; const char* m_skip; const char* m_test; // metadata const char* m_tname; const char* m_x1name; // hash index const char* m_x2name; // ordered index unsigned m_pk1off; unsigned m_pk2len; bool m_oneblob; Bcol m_blob1; Bcol m_blob2; // perf const char* m_tnameperf; unsigned m_rowsperf; // bugs int m_bug; int (*m_bugtest)(); Opt() : m_batch(7), m_core(false), m_dbg(false), m_dbgall(false), m_dbug(0), m_full(false), m_loop(1), m_parts(10), m_rows(100), m_seed(0), m_skip(0), m_test(0), // metadata m_tname("TBLOB1"), m_x1name("TBLOB1X1"), m_x2name("TBLOB1X2"), m_pk1off(0x12340000), m_pk2len(55), m_oneblob(false), m_blob1(false, 7, 1137, 10), m_blob2(true, 99, 55, 1), // perf m_tnameperf("TBLOB2"), m_rowsperf(10000), // bugs m_bug(0), m_bugtest(0) { } }; static const unsigned g_max_pk2len = 256; static void printusage() { Opt d; ndbout << "usage: testBlobs options [default/max]" << endl << " -batch N number of pk ops in batch [" << d.m_batch << "]" << endl << " -core dump core on error" << endl << " -dbg print debug" << endl << " -dbgall print also NDB API debug (if compiled in)" << endl << " -dbug opt dbug options" << endl << " -full read/write only full blob values" << endl << " -loop N loop N times 0=forever [" << d.m_loop << "]" << endl << " -parts N max parts in blob value [" << d.m_parts << "]" << endl << " -rows N number of rows [" << d.m_rows << "]" << endl << " -rowsperf N rows for performace test [" << d.m_rowsperf << "]" << endl << " -seed N random seed 0=loop number [" << d.m_seed << "]" << endl << " -skip xxx skip given tests (see list) [no tests]" << endl << " -test xxx only given tests (see list) [all tests]" << endl << "metadata" << endl << " -pk2len N length of PK2 [" << d.m_pk2len << "/" << g_max_pk2len <<"]" << endl << " -oneblob only 1 blob attribute [default 2]" << endl << "testcases for test/skip" << endl << " k primary key ops" << endl << " i hash index ops" << endl << " s table scans" << endl << " r ordered index scans" << endl << " p performance test" << endl << "additional flags for test/skip" << endl << " u update existing blob value" << endl << " n normal insert and update" << endl << " w insert and update using writeTuple" << endl << " 0 getValue / setValue" << endl << " 1 setActiveHook" << endl << " 2 readData / writeData" << endl << "bug tests (no blob test)" << endl << " -bug 4088 ndb api hang with mixed ops on index table" << endl << " -bug nnnn delete + write gives 626" << endl << " -bug nnnn acc crash on delete and long key" << endl ; } static Opt g_opt; static bool testcase(char x) { if (x < 10) x += '0'; return (g_opt.m_test == 0 || strchr(g_opt.m_test, x) != 0) && (g_opt.m_skip == 0 || strchr(g_opt.m_skip, x) == 0); } static Ndb_cluster_connection* g_ncc = 0; static Ndb* g_ndb = 0; static NdbDictionary::Dictionary* g_dic = 0; static NdbConnection* g_con = 0; static NdbOperation* g_opr = 0; static NdbIndexOperation* g_opx = 0; static NdbScanOperation* g_ops = 0; static NdbBlob* g_bh1 = 0; static NdbBlob* g_bh2 = 0; static bool g_printerror = true; static unsigned g_loop = 0; static void printerror(int line, const char* msg) { ndbout << "line " << line << " FAIL " << msg << endl; if (! g_printerror) { return; } if (g_ndb != 0 && g_ndb->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "ndb: " << g_ndb->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_dic != 0 && g_dic->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "dic: " << g_dic->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_con != 0 && g_con->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "con: " << g_con->getNdbError() << endl; if (g_opr != 0 && g_opr->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "opr: table=" << g_opr->getTableName() << " " << g_opr->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_opx != 0 && g_opx->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "opx: table=" << g_opx->getTableName() << " " << g_opx->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_ops != 0 && g_ops->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "ops: table=" << g_ops->getTableName() << " " << g_ops->getNdbError() << endl; } NdbOperation* ope = g_con->getNdbErrorOperation(); if (ope != 0 && ope->getNdbError().code != 0) { if (ope != g_opr && ope != g_opx && ope != g_ops) ndbout << "ope: table=" << ope->getTableName() << " " << ope->getNdbError() << endl; } } if (g_bh1 != 0 && g_bh1->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "bh1: " << g_bh1->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_bh2 != 0 && g_bh2->getNdbError().code != 0) { ndbout << "bh2: " << g_bh2->getNdbError() << endl; } if (g_opt.m_core) { abort(); } g_printerror = false; } #define CHK(x) \ do { \ if (x) break; \ printerror(__LINE__, #x); return -1; \ } while (0) #define DBG(x) \ do { \ if (! g_opt.m_dbg) break; \ ndbout << "line " << __LINE__ << " " << x << endl; \ } while (0) static int dropTable() { NdbDictionary::Table tab(g_opt.m_tname); if (g_dic->getTable(g_opt.m_tname) != 0) CHK(g_dic->dropTable(tab) == 0); return 0; } static int createTable() { NdbDictionary::Table tab(g_opt.m_tname); tab.setLogging(false); // col PK1 - Uint32 { NdbDictionary::Column col("PK1"); col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col.setPrimaryKey(true); tab.addColumn(col); } // col BL1 - Blob not-nullable { NdbDictionary::Column col("BL1"); const Bcol& b = g_opt.m_blob1; col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Blob); col.setInlineSize(b.m_inline); col.setPartSize(b.m_partsize); col.setStripeSize(b.m_stripe); tab.addColumn(col); } // col PK2 - Char[55] if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) { NdbDictionary::Column col("PK2"); col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Char); col.setLength(g_opt.m_pk2len); col.setPrimaryKey(true); tab.addColumn(col); } // col BL2 - Text nullable if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) { NdbDictionary::Column col("BL2"); const Bcol& b = g_opt.m_blob2; col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Text); col.setNullable(true); col.setInlineSize(b.m_inline); col.setPartSize(b.m_partsize); col.setStripeSize(b.m_stripe); tab.addColumn(col); } // create table CHK(g_dic->createTable(tab) == 0); // unique hash index on PK2 if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) { NdbDictionary::Index idx(g_opt.m_x1name); idx.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::UniqueHashIndex); idx.setLogging(false); idx.setTable(g_opt.m_tname); idx.addColumnName("PK2"); CHK(g_dic->createIndex(idx) == 0); } // ordered index on PK2 if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) { NdbDictionary::Index idx(g_opt.m_x2name); idx.setType(NdbDictionary::Index::OrderedIndex); idx.setLogging(false); idx.setTable(g_opt.m_tname); idx.addColumnName("PK2"); CHK(g_dic->createIndex(idx) == 0); } return 0; } // tuples struct Bval { char* m_val; unsigned m_len; char* m_buf; unsigned m_buflen; Bval() : m_val(0), m_len(0), m_buf(0), // read/write buffer m_buflen(0) {} ~Bval() { delete [] m_val; delete [] m_buf; } void alloc(unsigned buflen) { m_buflen = buflen; delete [] m_buf; m_buf = new char [m_buflen]; trash(); } void copyfrom(const Bval& v) { m_len = v.m_len; delete [] m_val; if (v.m_val == 0) m_val = 0; else m_val = (char*)memcpy(new char [m_len], v.m_val, m_len); } void trash() const { assert(m_buf != 0); memset(m_buf, 'x', m_buflen); } private: Bval(const Bval&); Bval& operator=(const Bval&); }; struct Tup { bool m_exists; // exists in table Uint32 m_pk1; // primary keys concatenated like keyinfo char m_pk2[g_max_pk2len + 1]; Bval m_blob1; Bval m_blob2; Tup() : m_exists(false) {} ~Tup() { } // alloc buffers of max size void alloc() { m_blob1.alloc(g_opt.m_blob1.m_inline + g_opt.m_blob1.m_partsize * g_opt.m_parts); m_blob2.alloc(g_opt.m_blob2.m_inline + g_opt.m_blob2.m_partsize * g_opt.m_parts); } void copyfrom(const Tup& tup) { assert(m_pk1 == tup.m_pk1); m_blob1.copyfrom(tup.m_blob1); m_blob2.copyfrom(tup.m_blob2); } private: Tup(const Tup&); Tup& operator=(const Tup&); }; static Tup* g_tups; static unsigned urandom(unsigned n) { return n == 0 ? 0 : random() % n; } static void calcBval(const Bcol& b, Bval& v, bool keepsize) { if (b.m_nullable && urandom(10) == 0) { v.m_len = 0; delete [] v.m_val; v.m_val = 0; v.m_buf = new char [1]; } else { if (keepsize && v.m_val != 0) ; else if (urandom(10) == 0) v.m_len = urandom(b.m_inline); else v.m_len = urandom(b.m_inline + g_opt.m_parts * b.m_partsize + 1); delete [] v.m_val; v.m_val = new char [v.m_len + 1]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.m_len; i++) v.m_val[i] = 'a' + urandom(25); v.m_val[v.m_len] = 0; v.m_buf = new char [v.m_len]; } v.m_buflen = v.m_len; v.trash(); } static void calcBval(Tup& tup, bool keepsize) { calcBval(g_opt.m_blob1, tup.m_blob1, keepsize); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) calcBval(g_opt.m_blob2, tup.m_blob2, keepsize); } static void calcTups(bool keepsize) { for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; tup.m_pk1 = g_opt.m_pk1off + k; for (unsigned i = 0, n = k; i < g_opt.m_pk2len; i++) { if (n != 0) { tup.m_pk2[i] = '0' + n % 10; n = n / 10; } else { tup.m_pk2[i] = 'a' + i % 26; } } calcBval(tup, keepsize); } } // blob handle ops static int getBlobHandles(NdbOperation* opr) { CHK((g_bh1 = opr->getBlobHandle("BL1")) != 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK((g_bh2 = opr->getBlobHandle("BL2")) != 0); return 0; } static int getBlobHandles(NdbIndexOperation* opx) { CHK((g_bh1 = opx->getBlobHandle("BL1")) != 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK((g_bh2 = opx->getBlobHandle("BL2")) != 0); return 0; } static int getBlobHandles(NdbScanOperation* ops) { CHK((g_bh1 = ops->getBlobHandle("BL1")) != 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK((g_bh2 = ops->getBlobHandle("BL2")) != 0); return 0; } static int getBlobLength(NdbBlob* h, unsigned& len) { Uint64 len2 = (unsigned)-1; CHK(h->getLength(len2) == 0); len = (unsigned)len2; assert(len == len2); bool isNull; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0); DBG("getBlobLength " << h->getColumn()->getName() << " len=" << len << " null=" << isNull); return 0; } // setValue / getValue static int setBlobValue(NdbBlob* h, const Bval& v) { bool null = (v.m_val == 0); bool isNull; unsigned len; DBG("setValue " << h->getColumn()->getName() << " len=" << v.m_len << " null=" << null); if (null) { CHK(h->setNull() == 0); isNull = false; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == true); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == 0); } else { CHK(h->setValue(v.m_val, v.m_len) == 0); CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == false); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == v.m_len); } return 0; } static int setBlobValue(const Tup& tup) { CHK(setBlobValue(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(setBlobValue(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } static int getBlobValue(NdbBlob* h, const Bval& v) { bool null = (v.m_val == 0); DBG("getValue " << h->getColumn()->getName() << " buflen=" << v.m_buflen); CHK(h->getValue(v.m_buf, v.m_buflen) == 0); return 0; } static int getBlobValue(const Tup& tup) { CHK(getBlobValue(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(getBlobValue(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } static int verifyBlobValue(NdbBlob* h, const Bval& v) { bool null = (v.m_val == 0); bool isNull; unsigned len; if (null) { isNull = false; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == true); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == 0); } else { isNull = true; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == false); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == v.m_len); for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.m_len; i++) CHK(v.m_val[i] == v.m_buf[i]); } return 0; } static int verifyBlobValue(const Tup& tup) { CHK(verifyBlobValue(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(verifyBlobValue(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } // readData / writeData static int writeBlobData(NdbBlob* h, const Bval& v) { bool null = (v.m_val == 0); bool isNull; unsigned len; DBG("write " << h->getColumn()->getName() << " len=" << v.m_len << " null=" << null); if (null) { CHK(h->setNull() == 0); isNull = false; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == true); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == 0); } else { CHK(h->truncate(v.m_len) == 0); unsigned n = 0; do { unsigned m = g_opt.m_full ? v.m_len : urandom(v.m_len + 1); if (m > v.m_len - n) m = v.m_len - n; DBG("write pos=" << n << " cnt=" << m); CHK(h->writeData(v.m_val + n, m) == 0); n += m; } while (n < v.m_len); assert(n == v.m_len); isNull = true; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == false); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == v.m_len); } return 0; } static int writeBlobData(const Tup& tup) { CHK(writeBlobData(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(writeBlobData(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } static int readBlobData(NdbBlob* h, const Bval& v) { bool null = (v.m_val == 0); bool isNull; unsigned len; DBG("read " << h->getColumn()->getName() << " len=" << v.m_len << " null=" << null); if (null) { isNull = false; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == true); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == 0); } else { isNull = true; CHK(h->getNull(isNull) == 0 && isNull == false); CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0 && len == v.m_len); v.trash(); unsigned n = 0; while (n < v.m_len) { unsigned m = g_opt.m_full ? v.m_len : urandom(v.m_len + 1); if (m > v.m_len - n) m = v.m_len - n; DBG("read pos=" << n << " cnt=" << m); const unsigned m2 = m; CHK(h->readData(v.m_buf + n, m) == 0); CHK(m2 == m); n += m; } assert(n == v.m_len); // need to execute to see the data CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < v.m_len; i++) CHK(v.m_val[i] == v.m_buf[i]); } return 0; } static int readBlobData(const Tup& tup) { CHK(readBlobData(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(readBlobData(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } // hooks static NdbBlob::ActiveHook blobWriteHook; static int blobWriteHook(NdbBlob* h, void* arg) { DBG("blobWriteHook"); Bval& v = *(Bval*)arg; CHK(writeBlobData(h, v) == 0); return 0; } static int setBlobWriteHook(NdbBlob* h, Bval& v) { DBG("setBlobWriteHook"); CHK(h->setActiveHook(blobWriteHook, &v) == 0); return 0; } static int setBlobWriteHook(Tup& tup) { CHK(setBlobWriteHook(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(setBlobWriteHook(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } static NdbBlob::ActiveHook blobReadHook; // no PK yet to identify tuple so just read the value static int blobReadHook(NdbBlob* h, void* arg) { DBG("blobReadHook"); Bval& v = *(Bval*)arg; unsigned len; CHK(getBlobLength(h, len) == 0); v.alloc(len); Uint32 maxlen = 0xffffffff; CHK(h->readData(v.m_buf, maxlen) == 0); DBG("read " << maxlen << " bytes"); CHK(len == maxlen); return 0; } static int setBlobReadHook(NdbBlob* h, Bval& v) { DBG("setBlobReadHook"); CHK(h->setActiveHook(blobReadHook, &v) == 0); return 0; } static int setBlobReadHook(Tup& tup) { CHK(setBlobReadHook(g_bh1, tup.m_blob1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(setBlobReadHook(g_bh2, tup.m_blob2) == 0); return 0; } // verify blob data static int verifyHeadInline(const Bcol& c, const Bval& v, NdbRecAttr* ra) { if (v.m_val == 0) { CHK(ra->isNULL() == 1); } else { CHK(ra->isNULL() == 0); const NdbBlob::Head* head = (const NdbBlob::Head*)ra->aRef(); CHK(head->length == v.m_len); const char* data = (const char*)(head + 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < head->length && i < c.m_inline; i++) CHK(data[i] == v.m_val[i]); } return 0; } static int verifyHeadInline(const Tup& tup) { DBG("verifyHeadInline pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); NdbRecAttr* ra1; NdbRecAttr* ra2; CHK((ra1 = g_opr->getValue("BL1")) != 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK((ra2 = g_opr->getValue("BL2")) != 0); if (tup.m_exists) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); DBG("verifyHeadInline BL1"); CHK(verifyHeadInline(g_opt.m_blob1, tup.m_blob1, ra1) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) { DBG("verifyHeadInline BL2"); CHK(verifyHeadInline(g_opt.m_blob2, tup.m_blob2, ra2) == 0); } } else { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == -1 && g_con->getNdbError().code == 626); } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; return 0; } static int verifyBlobTable(const Bcol& b, const Bval& v, Uint32 pk1, bool exists) { DBG("verify " << b.m_btname << " pk1=" << hex << pk1); NdbRecAttr* ra_pk; NdbRecAttr* ra_part; NdbRecAttr* ra_data; NdbResultSet* rs; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(b.m_btname)) != 0); CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples()) != 0); CHK((ra_pk = g_ops->getValue("PK")) != 0); CHK((ra_part = g_ops->getValue("PART")) != 0); CHK((ra_data = g_ops->getValue("DATA")) != 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned partcount; if (! exists || v.m_len <= b.m_inline) partcount = 0; else partcount = (v.m_len - b.m_inline + b.m_partsize - 1) / b.m_partsize; char* seen = new char [partcount]; memset(seen, 0, partcount); while (1) { int ret; CHK((ret = rs->nextResult()) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; if (pk1 != ra_pk->u_32_value()) continue; Uint32 part = ra_part->u_32_value(); DBG("part " << part << " of " << partcount); const char* data = ra_data->aRef(); CHK(part < partcount && ! seen[part]); seen[part] = 1; unsigned n = b.m_inline + part * b.m_partsize; assert(exists && v.m_val != 0 && n < v.m_len); unsigned m = v.m_len - n; if (m > b.m_partsize) m = b.m_partsize; CHK(memcmp(data, v.m_val + n, m) == 0); } for (unsigned i = 0; i < partcount; i++) CHK(seen[i] == 1); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_ops = 0; g_con = 0; return 0; } static int verifyBlobTable(const Tup& tup) { CHK(verifyBlobTable(g_opt.m_blob1, tup.m_blob1, tup.m_pk1, tup.m_exists) == 0); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) CHK(verifyBlobTable(g_opt.m_blob2, tup.m_blob2, tup.m_pk1, tup.m_exists) == 0); return 0; } static int verifyBlob() { for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { const Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("verifyBlob pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK(verifyHeadInline(tup) == 0); CHK(verifyBlobTable(tup) == 0); } return 0; } // operations static const char* stylename[3] = { "style=getValue/setValue", "style=setActiveHook", "style=readData/writeData" }; // pk ops static int insertPk(int style) { DBG("--- insertPk " << stylename[style] << " ---"); unsigned n = 0; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("insertPk pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->insertTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opr) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } if (++n == g_opt.m_batch) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); n = 0; } g_opr = 0; tup.m_exists = true; } if (n != 0) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); n = 0; } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; return 0; } static int readPk(int style) { DBG("--- readPk " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("readPk pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opr) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(getBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobReadHook(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(readBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); if (style == 0 || style == 1) { CHK(verifyBlobValue(tup) == 0); } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; } return 0; } static int updatePk(int style) { DBG("--- updatePk " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("updatePk pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->updateTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opr) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; tup.m_exists = true; } return 0; } static int writePk(int style) { DBG("--- writePk " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("writePk pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->writeTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opr) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; tup.m_exists = true; } return 0; } static int deletePk() { DBG("--- deletePk ---"); unsigned n = 0; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("deletePk pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->deleteTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK1", tup.m_pk1) == 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); if (++n == g_opt.m_batch) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); n = 0; } g_opr = 0; tup.m_exists = false; } if (n != 0) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); n = 0; } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; return 0; } // hash index ops static int readIdx(int style) { DBG("--- readIdx " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("readIdx pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opx = g_con->getNdbIndexOperation(g_opt.m_x1name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opx->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opx->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opx) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(getBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobReadHook(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(readBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); if (style == 0 || style == 1) { CHK(verifyBlobValue(tup) == 0); } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opx = 0; g_con = 0; } return 0; } static int updateIdx(int style) { DBG("--- updateIdx " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("updateIdx pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opx = g_con->getNdbIndexOperation(g_opt.m_x1name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opx->updateTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opx->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opx) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opx = 0; g_con = 0; tup.m_exists = true; } return 0; } static int writeIdx(int style) { DBG("--- writeIdx " << stylename[style] << " ---"); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("writeIdx pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_opx = g_con->getNdbIndexOperation(g_opt.m_x1name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opx->writeTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opx->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opx) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { // non-nullable must be set CHK(g_bh1->setValue("", 0) == 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opx = 0; g_con = 0; tup.m_exists = true; } return 0; } static int deleteIdx() { DBG("--- deleteIdx ---"); unsigned n = 0; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; DBG("deleteIdx pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); CHK((g_opx = g_con->getNdbIndexOperation(g_opt.m_x1name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opx->deleteTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opx->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); if (++n == g_opt.m_batch) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); n = 0; } g_opx = 0; tup.m_exists = false; } if (n != 0) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); n = 0; } return 0; } // scan ops table and index static int readScan(int style, bool idx) { DBG("--- " << "readScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " " << stylename[style] << " ---"); Tup tup; tup.alloc(); // allocate buffers NdbResultSet* rs; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); if (! idx) { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } else { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_opt.m_x2name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Read)) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK1", (char*)&tup.m_pk1) != 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK2", tup.m_pk2) != 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_ops) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(getBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobReadHook(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned rows = 0; while (1) { int ret; tup.m_pk1 = (Uint32)-1; memset(tup.m_pk2, 'x', g_opt.m_pk2len); CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; DBG("readScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); Uint32 k = tup.m_pk1 - g_opt.m_pk1off; CHK(k < g_opt.m_rows && g_tups[k].m_exists); tup.copyfrom(g_tups[k]); if (style == 0) { CHK(verifyBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { // execute ops generated by callbacks, if any CHK(verifyBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(readBlobData(tup) == 0); } rows++; } g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; g_ops = 0; CHK(g_opt.m_rows == rows); return 0; } static int updateScan(int style, bool idx) { DBG("--- " << "updateScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " " << stylename[style] << " ---"); Tup tup; tup.alloc(); // allocate buffers NdbResultSet* rs; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); if (! idx) { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } else { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_opt.m_x2name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Exclusive)) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK1", (char*)&tup.m_pk1) != 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK2", tup.m_pk2) != 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned rows = 0; while (1) { int ret; tup.m_pk1 = (Uint32)-1; memset(tup.m_pk2, 'x', g_opt.m_pk2len); CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; DBG("updateScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); Uint32 k = tup.m_pk1 - g_opt.m_pk1off; CHK(k < g_opt.m_rows && g_tups[k].m_exists); // calculate new blob values calcBval(g_tups[k], false); tup.copyfrom(g_tups[k]); CHK((g_opr = rs->updateTuple()) != 0); CHK(getBlobHandles(g_opr) == 0); if (style == 0) { CHK(setBlobValue(tup) == 0); } else if (style == 1) { CHK(setBlobWriteHook(tup) == 0); } else { CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(writeBlobData(tup) == 0); } CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); g_opr = 0; rows++; } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; g_ops = 0; CHK(g_opt.m_rows == rows); return 0; } static int deleteScan(bool idx) { DBG("--- " << "deleteScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " ---"); Tup tup; NdbResultSet* rs; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); if (! idx) { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } else { CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbIndexScanOperation(g_opt.m_x2name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); } CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Exclusive)) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK1", (char*)&tup.m_pk1) != 0); if (g_opt.m_pk2len != 0) CHK(g_ops->getValue("PK2", tup.m_pk2) != 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned rows = 0; unsigned n = 0; while (1) { int ret; tup.m_pk1 = (Uint32)-1; memset(tup.m_pk2, 'x', g_opt.m_pk2len); CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; while (1) { DBG("deleteScan" << (idx ? "Idx" : "") << " pk1=" << hex << tup.m_pk1); Uint32 k = tup.m_pk1 - g_opt.m_pk1off; CHK(k < g_opt.m_rows && g_tups[k].m_exists); g_tups[k].m_exists = false; CHK(rs->deleteTuple() == 0); rows++; tup.m_pk1 = (Uint32)-1; memset(tup.m_pk2, 'x', g_opt.m_pk2len); CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(false)) == 0 || ret == 1 || ret == 2); if (++n == g_opt.m_batch || ret == 2) { DBG("execute batch: n=" << n << " ret=" << ret); switch (0) { case 0: // works normally CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(true || g_con->restart() == 0); break; case 1: // nonsense - g_con is invalid for 2nd batch CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); CHK(true || g_con->restart() == 0); break; case 2: // DBTC sendSignalErrorRefuseLab CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(g_con->restart() == 0); break; case 3: // 266 time-out CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); CHK(g_con->restart() == 0); break; } n = 0; } if (ret == 2) break; } } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; g_ops = 0; CHK(g_opt.m_rows == rows); return 0; } // main // from here on print always #undef DBG #define DBG(x) \ do { \ ndbout << "line " << __LINE__ << " " << x << endl; \ } while (0) static int testmain() { g_ndb = new Ndb(g_ncc, "TEST_DB"); CHK(g_ndb->init() == 0); CHK(g_ndb->waitUntilReady() == 0); g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary(); g_tups = new Tup [g_opt.m_rows]; CHK(dropTable() == 0); CHK(createTable() == 0); if (g_opt.m_bugtest != 0) { // test a general bug instead of blobs CHK((*g_opt.m_bugtest)() == 0); return 0; } Bcol& b1 = g_opt.m_blob1; CHK(NdbBlob::getBlobTableName(b1.m_btname, g_ndb, g_opt.m_tname, "BL1") == 0); DBG("BL1: inline=" << b1.m_inline << " part=" << b1.m_partsize << " table=" << b1.m_btname); if (! g_opt.m_oneblob) { Bcol& b2 = g_opt.m_blob2; CHK(NdbBlob::getBlobTableName(b2.m_btname, g_ndb, g_opt.m_tname, "BL2") == 0); DBG("BL2: inline=" << b2.m_inline << " part=" << b2.m_partsize << " table=" << b2.m_btname); } if (g_opt.m_seed != 0) srandom(g_opt.m_seed); for (g_loop = 0; g_opt.m_loop == 0 || g_loop < g_opt.m_loop; g_loop++) { int style; DBG("=== loop " << g_loop << " ==="); if (g_opt.m_seed == 0) srandom(g_loop); // pk for (style = 0; style <= 2; style++) { if (! testcase('k') || ! testcase(style)) continue; DBG("--- pk ops " << stylename[style] << " ---"); if (testcase('n')) { calcTups(false); CHK(insertPk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readPk(style) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { calcTups(style); CHK(updatePk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readPk(style) == 0); } CHK(deletePk() == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } if (testcase('w')) { calcTups(false); CHK(writePk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readPk(style) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { calcTups(style); CHK(writePk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readPk(style) == 0); } CHK(deletePk() == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } } // hash index for (style = 0; style <= 2; style++) { if (! testcase('i') || ! testcase(style)) continue; DBG("--- idx ops " << stylename[style] << " ---"); if (testcase('n')) { calcTups(false); CHK(insertPk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readIdx(style) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { calcTups(style); CHK(updateIdx(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readIdx(style) == 0); } CHK(deleteIdx() == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } if (testcase('w')) { calcTups(false); CHK(writePk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readIdx(style) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { calcTups(style); CHK(writeIdx(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readIdx(style) == 0); } CHK(deleteIdx() == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } } // scan table for (style = 0; style <= 2; style++) { if (! testcase('s') || ! testcase(style)) continue; DBG("--- table scan " << stylename[style] << " ---"); calcTups(false); CHK(insertPk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readScan(style, false) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { CHK(updateScan(style, false) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } CHK(deleteScan(false) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } // scan index for (style = 0; style <= 2; style++) { if (! testcase('r') || ! testcase(style)) continue; DBG("--- index scan " << stylename[style] << " ---"); calcTups(false); CHK(insertPk(style) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); CHK(readScan(style, true) == 0); if (testcase('u')) { CHK(updateScan(style, true) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } CHK(deleteScan(true) == 0); CHK(verifyBlob() == 0); } } delete g_ndb; return 0; } // separate performance test struct Tmr { // stolen from testOIBasic Tmr() { clr(); } void clr() { m_on = m_ms = m_cnt = m_time[0] = m_text[0] = 0; } void on() { assert(m_on == 0); m_on = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); } void off(unsigned cnt = 0) { NDB_TICKS off = NdbTick_CurrentMillisecond(); assert(m_on != 0 && off >= m_on); m_ms += off - m_on; m_cnt += cnt; m_on = 0; } const char* time() { if (m_cnt == 0) sprintf(m_time, "%u ms", m_ms); else sprintf(m_time, "%u ms per %u ( %u ms per 1000 )", m_ms, m_cnt, (1000 * m_ms) / m_cnt); return m_time; } const char* pct (const Tmr& t1) { if (0 < t1.m_ms) sprintf(m_text, "%u pct", (100 * m_ms) / t1.m_ms); else sprintf(m_text, "[cannot measure]"); return m_text; } const char* over(const Tmr& t1) { if (0 < t1.m_ms) { if (t1.m_ms <= m_ms) sprintf(m_text, "%u pct", (100 * (m_ms - t1.m_ms)) / t1.m_ms); else sprintf(m_text, "-%u pct", (100 * (t1.m_ms - m_ms)) / t1.m_ms); } else sprintf(m_text, "[cannot measure]"); return m_text; } NDB_TICKS m_on; unsigned m_ms; unsigned m_cnt; char m_time[100]; char m_text[100]; }; static int testperf() { if (! testcase('p')) return 0; DBG("=== perf test ==="); g_bh1 = g_bh2 = 0; g_ndb = new Ndb(g_ncc, "TEST_DB"); CHK(g_ndb->init() == 0); CHK(g_ndb->waitUntilReady() == 0); g_dic = g_ndb->getDictionary(); NdbDictionary::Table tab(g_opt.m_tnameperf); if (g_dic->getTable(tab.getName()) != 0) CHK(g_dic->dropTable(tab) == 0); // col A - pk { NdbDictionary::Column col("A"); col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Unsigned); col.setPrimaryKey(true); tab.addColumn(col); } // col B - char 20 { NdbDictionary::Column col("B"); col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Char); col.setLength(20); col.setNullable(true); tab.addColumn(col); } // col C - text { NdbDictionary::Column col("C"); col.setType(NdbDictionary::Column::Text); col.setInlineSize(20); col.setPartSize(512); col.setStripeSize(1); col.setNullable(true); tab.addColumn(col); } // create CHK(g_dic->createTable(tab) == 0); Uint32 cA = 0, cB = 1, cC = 2; // timers Tmr t1; Tmr t2; // insert char (one trans) { DBG("--- insert char ---"); char b[20]; t1.on(); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (Uint32 k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rowsperf; k++) { CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK(g_opr->insertTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal(cA, (char*)&k) == 0); memset(b, 0x20, sizeof(b)); b[0] = 'b'; CHK(g_opr->setValue(cB, b) == 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); } t1.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); CHK(g_con->execute(Rollback) == 0); DBG(t1.time()); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; } // insert text (one trans) { DBG("--- insert text ---"); t2.on(); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (Uint32 k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rowsperf; k++) { CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK(g_opr->insertTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal(cA, (char*)&k) == 0); CHK((g_bh1 = g_opr->getBlobHandle(cC)) != 0); CHK((g_bh1->setValue("c", 1) == 0)); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); } t2.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); CHK(g_con->execute(Rollback) == 0); DBG(t2.time()); g_bh1 = 0; g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; } // insert overhead DBG("insert overhead: " << t2.over(t1)); t1.clr(); t2.clr(); // insert { DBG("--- insert for read test ---"); unsigned n = 0; char b[20]; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (Uint32 k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rowsperf; k++) { CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK(g_opr->insertTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal(cA, (char*)&k) == 0); memset(b, 0x20, sizeof(b)); b[0] = 'b'; CHK(g_opr->setValue(cB, b) == 0); CHK((g_bh1 = g_opr->getBlobHandle(cC)) != 0); CHK((g_bh1->setValue("c", 1) == 0)); if (++n == g_opt.m_batch) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); n = 0; } } if (n != 0) { CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; n = 0; } g_bh1 = 0; g_opr = 0; } // pk read char (one trans) { DBG("--- pk read char ---"); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); Uint32 a; char b[20]; t1.on(); for (Uint32 k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rowsperf; k++) { CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK(g_opr->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal(cA, (char*)&k) == 0); CHK(g_opr->getValue(cA, (char*)&a) != 0); CHK(g_opr->getValue(cB, b) != 0); a = (Uint32)-1; b[0] = 0; CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); CHK(a == k && b[0] == 'b'); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); t1.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); DBG(t1.time()); g_opr = 0; g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; } // pk read text (one trans) { DBG("--- pk read text ---"); CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); Uint32 a; char c[20]; t2.on(); for (Uint32 k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rowsperf; k++) { CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK(g_opr->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal(cA, (char*)&k) == 0); CHK(g_opr->getValue(cA, (char*)&a) != 0); CHK((g_bh1 = g_opr->getBlobHandle(cC)) != 0); a = (Uint32)-1; c[0] = 0; CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); Uint32 m = 20; CHK(g_bh1->readData(c, m) == 0); CHK(a == k && m == 1 && c[0] == 'c'); } CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); t2.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); DBG(t2.time()); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_opr = 0; g_con = 0; } // pk read overhead DBG("pk read overhead: " << t2.over(t1)); t1.clr(); t2.clr(); // scan read char { DBG("--- scan read char ---"); NdbResultSet* rs; Uint32 a; char b[20]; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Read)) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue(cA, (char*)&a) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue(cB, b) != 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned n = 0; t1.on(); while (1) { a = (Uint32)-1; b[0] = 0; int ret; CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; CHK(a < g_opt.m_rowsperf && b[0] == 'b'); n++; } CHK(n == g_opt.m_rowsperf); t1.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); DBG(t1.time()); g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_ops = 0; g_con = 0; } // scan read text { DBG("--- read text ---"); NdbResultSet* rs; Uint32 a; char c[20]; CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); CHK((g_ops = g_con->getNdbScanOperation(tab.getName())) != 0); CHK((rs = g_ops->readTuples(NdbScanOperation::LM_Read)) != 0); CHK(g_ops->getValue(cA, (char*)&a) != 0); CHK((g_bh1 = g_ops->getBlobHandle(cC)) != 0); CHK(g_con->execute(NoCommit) == 0); unsigned n = 0; t2.on(); while (1) { a = (Uint32)-1; c[0] = 0; int ret; CHK((ret = rs->nextResult(true)) == 0 || ret == 1); if (ret == 1) break; Uint32 m = 20; CHK(g_bh1->readData(c, m) == 0); CHK(a < g_opt.m_rowsperf && m == 1 && c[0] == 'c'); n++; } CHK(n == g_opt.m_rowsperf); t2.off(g_opt.m_rowsperf); DBG(t2.time()); g_bh1 = 0; g_ops = 0; g_ndb->closeTransaction(g_con); g_con = 0; } // scan read overhead DBG("scan read overhead: " << t2.over(t1)); t1.clr(); t2.clr(); delete g_ndb; return 0; } // bug tests static int bugtest_4088() { unsigned i; DBG("bug test 4088 - ndb api hang with mixed ops on index table"); // insert rows calcTups(false); CHK(insertPk(false) == 0); // new trans CHK((g_con = g_ndb->startTransaction()) != 0); for (unsigned k = 0; k < g_opt.m_rows; k++) { Tup& tup = g_tups[k]; // read table pk via index as a table const unsigned pkcnt = 2; Tup pktup[pkcnt]; for (i = 0; i < pkcnt; i++) { char name[20]; // XXX guess table id sprintf(name, "%d/%s", 4, g_opt.m_x1name); CHK((g_opr = g_con->getNdbOperation(name)) != 0); CHK(g_opr->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opr->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); CHK(g_opr->getValue("NDB$PK", (char*)&pktup[i].m_pk1) != 0); } // read blob inline via index as an index CHK((g_opx = g_con->getNdbIndexOperation(g_opt.m_x1name, g_opt.m_tname)) != 0); CHK(g_opx->readTuple() == 0); CHK(g_opx->equal("PK2", tup.m_pk2) == 0); assert(tup.m_blob1.m_buf != 0); CHK(g_opx->getValue("BL1", (char*)tup.m_blob1.m_buf) != 0); // execute // BUG 4088: gets 1 tckeyconf, 1 tcindxconf, then hangs CHK(g_con->execute(Commit) == 0); // verify for (i = 0; i < pkcnt; i++) { CHK(pktup[i].m_pk1 == tup.m_pk1); CHK(memcmp(pktup[i].m_pk2, tup.m_pk2, g_opt.m_pk2len) == 0); } CHK(memcmp(tup.m_blob1.m_val, tup.m_blob1.m_buf, 8 + g_opt.m_blob1.m_inline) == 0); } return 0; } static int bugtest_2222() { return 0; } static int bugtest_3333() { return 0; } static struct { int m_bug; int (*m_test)(); } g_bugtest[] = { { 4088, bugtest_4088 } }; NDB_COMMAND(testOdbcDriver, "testBlobs", "testBlobs", "testBlobs", 65535) { ndb_init(); while (++argv, --argc > 0) { const char* arg = argv[0]; if (strcmp(arg, "-batch") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_batch = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-core") == 0) { g_opt.m_core = true; continue; } if (strcmp(arg, "-dbg") == 0) { g_opt.m_dbg = true; continue; } if (strcmp(arg, "-dbgall") == 0) { g_opt.m_dbg = true; g_opt.m_dbgall = true; putenv(strdup("NDB_BLOB_DEBUG=1")); continue; } if (strcmp(arg, "-dbug") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_dbug = strdup(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-full") == 0) { g_opt.m_full = true; continue; } if (strcmp(arg, "-loop") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_loop = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-parts") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_parts = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-rows") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_rows = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-rowsperf") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_rowsperf = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-seed") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_seed = atoi(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-skip") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_skip = strdup(argv[0]); continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-test") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_test = strdup(argv[0]); continue; } } // metadata if (strcmp(arg, "-pk2len") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_pk2len = atoi(argv[0]); if (g_opt.m_pk2len <= g_max_pk2len) continue; } } if (strcmp(arg, "-oneblob") == 0) { g_opt.m_oneblob = true; continue; } // bugs if (strcmp(arg, "-bug") == 0) { if (++argv, --argc > 0) { g_opt.m_bug = atoi(argv[0]); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(g_bugtest)/sizeof(g_bugtest[0]); i++) { if (g_opt.m_bug == g_bugtest[i].m_bug) { g_opt.m_bugtest = g_bugtest[i].m_test; break; } } if (g_opt.m_bugtest != 0) continue; } } ndbout << "testOIBasic: unknown option " << arg << endl; printusage(); return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_WRONGARGS); } if (g_opt.m_dbug != 0) { DBUG_PUSH(g_opt.m_dbug); } if (g_opt.m_pk2len == 0) { char b[100]; b[0] = 0; if (g_opt.m_skip != 0) strcpy(b, g_opt.m_skip); strcat(b, "i"); strcat(b, "r"); g_opt.m_skip = strdup(b); } g_ncc = new Ndb_cluster_connection(); if (g_ncc->connect(30) != 0 || testmain() == -1 || testperf() == -1) { ndbout << "line " << __LINE__ << " FAIL loop=" << g_loop << endl; return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_FAILED); } delete g_ncc; g_ncc = 0; return NDBT_ProgramExit(NDBT_OK); } // vim: set sw=2 et: