/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include "InitConfigFileParser.hpp" #include "Config.hpp" #include "MgmtErrorReporter.hpp" #include #include "ConfigInfo.hpp" const int MAX_LINE_LENGTH = 1024; // Max length of line of text in config file static void trim(char *); static void require(bool v) { if(!v) abort();} //**************************************************************************** // Ctor / Dtor //**************************************************************************** InitConfigFileParser::InitConfigFileParser(){ m_info = new ConfigInfo(); } InitConfigFileParser::~InitConfigFileParser() { delete m_info; } //**************************************************************************** // Read Config File //**************************************************************************** InitConfigFileParser::Context::Context(const ConfigInfo * info) : m_userProperties(true), m_configValues(1000, 20) { m_config = new Properties(true); m_defaults = new Properties(true); } InitConfigFileParser::Context::~Context(){ if(m_config != 0) delete m_config; if(m_defaults != 0) delete m_defaults; } Config * InitConfigFileParser::parseConfig(const char * filename) { FILE * file = fopen(filename, "r"); if(file == 0){ ndbout << "Error opening file: " << filename << endl; return 0; } Config * ret = parseConfig(file); fclose(file); return ret; } Config * InitConfigFileParser::parseConfig(FILE * file) { char line[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; Context ctx(m_info); ctx.m_lineno = 0; ctx.m_currentSection = 0; /************* * Open file * *************/ if (file == NULL) { return 0; } /*********************** * While lines to read * ***********************/ while (fgets(line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, file)) { ctx.m_lineno++; trim(line); if (isEmptyLine(line)) // Skip if line is empty or comment continue; // End with NULL instead of newline if (line[strlen(line)-1] == '\n') line[strlen(line)-1] = '\0'; /******************************** * 1. Parse new default section * ********************************/ if (char* section = parseDefaultSectionHeader(line)) { if(!storeSection(ctx)){ free(section); ctx.reportError("Could not store previous default section " "of configuration file."); return 0; } BaseString::snprintf(ctx.fname, sizeof(ctx.fname), section); free(section); ctx.type = InitConfigFileParser::DefaultSection; ctx.m_sectionLineno = ctx.m_lineno; ctx.m_currentSection = new Properties(true); ctx.m_userDefaults = NULL; require((ctx.m_currentInfo = m_info->getInfo(ctx.fname)) != 0); require((ctx.m_systemDefaults = m_info->getDefaults(ctx.fname)) != 0); continue; } /************************ * 2. Parse new section * ************************/ if (char* section = parseSectionHeader(line)) { if(!storeSection(ctx)){ free(section); ctx.reportError("Could not store previous section " "of configuration file."); return 0; } BaseString::snprintf(ctx.fname, sizeof(ctx.fname), section); free(section); ctx.type = InitConfigFileParser::Section; ctx.m_sectionLineno = ctx.m_lineno; ctx.m_currentSection = new Properties(true); ctx.m_userDefaults = getSection(ctx.fname, ctx.m_defaults); require((ctx.m_currentInfo = m_info->getInfo(ctx.fname)) != 0); require((ctx.m_systemDefaults = m_info->getDefaults(ctx.fname)) != 0); continue; } /**************************** * 3. Parse name-value pair * ****************************/ if (!parseNameValuePair(ctx, line)) { ctx.reportError("Could not parse name-value pair in config file."); return 0; } } if (ferror(file)){ ctx.reportError("Failure in reading"); return 0; } if(!storeSection(ctx)) { ctx.reportError("Could not store section of configuration file."); return 0; } for(size_t i = 0; ConfigInfo::m_ConfigRules[i].m_configRule != 0; i++){ ctx.type = InitConfigFileParser::Undefined; ctx.m_currentSection = 0; ctx.m_userDefaults = 0; ctx.m_currentInfo = 0; ctx.m_systemDefaults = 0; Vector tmp; if(!(* ConfigInfo::m_ConfigRules[i].m_configRule)(tmp, ctx, ConfigInfo::m_ConfigRules[i].m_ruleData)) return 0; for(size_t j = 0; jgetInfo(ctx.fname)) != 0); require((ctx.m_systemDefaults = m_info->getDefaults(ctx.fname)) != 0); if(!storeSection(ctx)) return 0; } } Uint32 nConnections = 0; Uint32 nComputers = 0; Uint32 nNodes = 0; Uint32 nExtConnections = 0; const char * system = "?"; ctx.m_userProperties.get("NoOfConnections", &nConnections); ctx.m_userProperties.get("NoOfComputers", &nComputers); ctx.m_userProperties.get("NoOfNodes", &nNodes); ctx.m_userProperties.get("ExtNoOfConnections", &nExtConnections); ctx.m_userProperties.get("ExtSystem", &system); ctx.m_config->put("NoOfConnections", nConnections); ctx.m_config->put("NoOfComputers", nComputers); ctx.m_config->put("NoOfNodes", nNodes); char tmpLine[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; BaseString::snprintf(tmpLine, MAX_LINE_LENGTH, "EXTERNAL SYSTEM_"); strncat(tmpLine, system, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); strncat(tmpLine, ":NoOfConnections", MAX_LINE_LENGTH); ctx.m_config->put(tmpLine, nExtConnections); Config * ret = new Config(); ret->m_configValues = (struct ndb_mgm_configuration*)ctx.m_configValues.getConfigValues(); ret->m_oldConfig = ctx.m_config; ctx.m_config = 0; return ret; } //**************************************************************************** // Parse Name-Value Pair //**************************************************************************** bool InitConfigFileParser::parseNameValuePair(Context& ctx, const char* line) { char tmpLine[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char fname[MAX_LINE_LENGTH], rest[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; char* t; const char *separator_list[]= {":", "=", 0}; const char *separator= 0; if (ctx.m_currentSection == NULL){ ctx.reportError("Value specified outside section"); return false; } strncpy(tmpLine, line, MAX_LINE_LENGTH); // ************************************* // Check if a separator exists in line // ************************************* for(int i= 0; separator_list[i] != 0; i++) { if(strchr(tmpLine, separator_list[i][0])) { separator= separator_list[i]; break; } } if (separator == 0) { ctx.reportError("Parse error"); return false; } // ******************************************* // Get pointer to substring before separator // ******************************************* t = strtok(tmpLine, separator); // ***************************************** // Count number of tokens before separator // ***************************************** if (sscanf(t, "%120s%120s", fname, rest) != 1) { ctx.reportError("Multiple names before \'%c\'", separator[0]); return false; } if (!ctx.m_currentInfo->contains(fname)) { ctx.reportError("[%s] Unknown parameter: %s", ctx.fname, fname); return false; } ConfigInfo::Status status = m_info->getStatus(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname); if (status == ConfigInfo::NOTIMPLEMENTED) { ctx.reportWarning("[%s] %s not yet implemented", ctx.fname, fname); } if (status == ConfigInfo::DEPRICATED) { const char * desc = m_info->getDescription(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname); if(desc){ ctx.reportWarning("[%s] %s is depricated, use %s instead", ctx.fname, fname, desc); } else { ctx.reportWarning("[%s] %s is depricated", ctx.fname, fname); } } // ****************************************** // Get pointer to substring after separator // ****************************************** t = strtok(NULL, "\0"); if (t == NULL) { ctx.reportError("No value for parameter"); return false; } // ****************************************** // Remove prefix and postfix spaces and tabs // ******************************************* trim(t); // *********************** // Store name-value pair // *********************** return storeNameValuePair(ctx, fname, t); } //**************************************************************************** // STORE NAME-VALUE pair in properties section //**************************************************************************** bool InitConfigFileParser::storeNameValuePair(Context& ctx, const char* fname, const char* value) { const char * pname = fname; if (ctx.m_currentSection->contains(pname)) { ctx.reportError("[%s] Parameter %s specified twice", ctx.fname, fname); return false; } // *********************** // Store name-value pair // *********************** const ConfigInfo::Type type = m_info->getType(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname); switch(type){ case ConfigInfo::BOOL: { bool value_bool; if (!convertStringToBool(value, value_bool)) { ctx.reportError("Illegal boolean value for parameter %s", fname); return false; } MGM_REQUIRE(ctx.m_currentSection->put(pname, value_bool)); break; } case ConfigInfo::INT: case ConfigInfo::INT64:{ Uint64 value_int; if (!convertStringToUint64(value, value_int)) { ctx.reportError("Illegal integer value for parameter %s", fname); return false; } if (!m_info->verify(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname, value_int)) { ctx.reportError("Illegal value %s for parameter %s.\n" "Legal values are between %Lu and %Lu", value, fname, m_info->getMin(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname), m_info->getMax(ctx.m_currentInfo, fname)); return false; } if(type == ConfigInfo::INT){ MGM_REQUIRE(ctx.m_currentSection->put(pname, (Uint32)value_int)); } else { MGM_REQUIRE(ctx.m_currentSection->put64(pname, value_int)); } break; } case ConfigInfo::STRING: MGM_REQUIRE(ctx.m_currentSection->put(pname, value)); break; case ConfigInfo::SECTION: abort(); } return true; } //**************************************************************************** // Is Empty Line //**************************************************************************** bool InitConfigFileParser::isEmptyLine(const char* line) const { int i; // Check if it is a comment line if (line[0] == '#') return true; // Check if it is a line with only spaces for (i = 0; i < MAX_LINE_LENGTH && line[i] != '\n' && line[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (line[i] != ' ' && line[i] != '\t') return false; } return true; } //**************************************************************************** // Convert String to Int //**************************************************************************** bool InitConfigFileParser::convertStringToUint64(const char* s, Uint64& val, Uint32 log10base) { if (s == NULL) return false; if (strlen(s) == 0) return false; errno = 0; char* p; long long v = strtoll(s, &p, log10base); if (errno != 0) return false; long mul = 0; if (p != &s[strlen(s)]){ char * tmp = strdup(p); trim(tmp); switch(tmp[0]){ case 'k': case 'K': mul = 10; break; case 'M': mul = 20; break; case 'G': mul = 30; break; default: free(tmp); return false; } free(tmp); } val = (v << mul); return true; } bool InitConfigFileParser::convertStringToBool(const char* s, bool& val) { if (s == NULL) return false; if (strlen(s) == 0) return false; if (!strcmp(s, "Y") || !strcmp(s, "y") || !strcmp(s, "Yes") || !strcmp(s, "YES") || !strcmp(s, "yes") || !strcmp(s, "True") || !strcmp(s, "TRUE") || !strcmp(s, "true") || !strcmp(s, "1")) { val = true; return true; } if (!strcmp(s, "N") || !strcmp(s, "n") || !strcmp(s, "No") || !strcmp(s, "NO") || !strcmp(s, "no") || !strcmp(s, "False") || !strcmp(s, "FALSE") || !strcmp(s, "false") || !strcmp(s, "0")) { val = false; return true; } return false; // Failure to convert } //**************************************************************************** // Parse Section Header //**************************************************************************** static void trim(char * str){ int len = strlen(str); for(len--; (str[len] == '\r' || str[len] == '\n' || str[len] == ' ' || str[len] == '\t') && len > 0; len--) str[len] = 0; int pos = 0; while(str[pos] == ' ' || str[pos] == '\t') pos++; if(str[pos] == '\"' && str[len] == '\"') { pos++; str[len] = 0; len--; } memmove(str, &str[pos], len - pos + 2); } char* InitConfigFileParser::parseSectionHeader(const char* line) const { char * tmp = strdup(line); if(tmp[0] != '['){ free(tmp); return NULL; } if(tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] != ']'){ free(tmp); return NULL; } tmp[strlen(tmp)-1] = 0; tmp[0] = ' '; trim(tmp); // Get the correct header name if an alias { const char *tmp_alias= m_info->getAlias(tmp); if (tmp_alias) { free(tmp); tmp= strdup(tmp_alias); } } // Lookup token among sections if(!m_info->isSection(tmp)) { free(tmp); return NULL; } if(m_info->getInfo(tmp)) return tmp; free(tmp); return NULL; } //**************************************************************************** // Parse Default Section Header //**************************************************************************** char* InitConfigFileParser::parseDefaultSectionHeader(const char* line) const { static char token1[MAX_LINE_LENGTH], token2[MAX_LINE_LENGTH]; int no = sscanf(line, "[%120[A-Z_a-z] %120[A-Z_a-z]]", token1, token2); // Not correct no of tokens if (no != 2) return NULL; // Not correct keyword at end if (!strcasecmp(token2, "DEFAULT") == 0) return NULL; const char *token1_alias= m_info->getAlias(token1); if (token1_alias == 0) token1_alias= token1; if(m_info->getInfo(token1_alias)){ return strdup(token1_alias); } // Did not find section return NULL; } const Properties * InitConfigFileParser::getSection(const char * name, const Properties * src){ const Properties * p; if(src && src->get(name, &p)) return p; return 0; } //**************************************************************************** // STORE section //**************************************************************************** bool InitConfigFileParser::storeSection(Context& ctx){ if(ctx.m_currentSection == NULL) return true; for(int i = strlen(ctx.fname) - 1; i>=0; i--){ ctx.fname[i] = toupper(ctx.fname[i]); } BaseString::snprintf(ctx.pname, sizeof(ctx.pname), ctx.fname); char buf[255]; if(ctx.type == InitConfigFileParser::Section) BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s", ctx.fname); if(ctx.type == InitConfigFileParser::DefaultSection) BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "%s DEFAULT", ctx.fname); BaseString::snprintf(ctx.fname, sizeof(ctx.fname), buf); if(ctx.type == InitConfigFileParser::Section){ for(int i = 0; im_NoOfRules; i++){ const ConfigInfo::SectionRule & rule = m_info->m_SectionRules[i]; if(!strcmp(rule.m_section, "*") || !strcmp(rule.m_section, ctx.fname)){ if(!(* rule.m_sectionRule)(ctx, rule.m_ruleData)){ return false; } } } } if(ctx.type == InitConfigFileParser::DefaultSection) require(ctx.m_defaults->put(ctx.pname, ctx.m_currentSection)); if(ctx.type == InitConfigFileParser::Section) require(ctx.m_config->put(ctx.pname, ctx.m_currentSection)); delete ctx.m_currentSection; ctx.m_currentSection = NULL; return true; } void InitConfigFileParser::Context::reportError(const char * fmt, ...){ va_list ap; char buf[1000]; va_start(ap, fmt); if (fmt != 0) BaseString::vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fmt, ap); ndbout << "Error line " << m_lineno << ": " << buf << endl; va_end(ap); //m_currentSection->print(); } void InitConfigFileParser::Context::reportWarning(const char * fmt, ...){ va_list ap; char buf[1000]; va_start(ap, fmt); if (fmt != 0) BaseString::vsnprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, fmt, ap); ndbout << "Warning line " << m_lineno << ": " << buf << endl; va_end(ap); }