/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include "Configuration.hpp" #include #include "GlobalData.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pc.hpp" #include #include extern "C" { void ndbSetOwnVersion(); } #include extern EventLogger g_eventLogger; static const char* opt_connect_str= 0; static int _daemon, _no_daemon, _initial, _no_start; /** * Arguments to NDB process */ static struct my_option my_long_options[] = { NDB_STD_OPTS("ndbd"), { "initial", 256, "Perform initial start of ndbd, including cleaning the file system. " "Consult documentation before using this", (gptr*) &_initial, (gptr*) &_initial, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "nostart", 'n', "Don't start ndbd immediately. Ndbd will await command from ndb_mgmd", (gptr*) &_no_start, (gptr*) &_no_start, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "daemon", 'd', "Start ndbd as daemon (default)", (gptr*) &_daemon, (gptr*) &_daemon, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { "nodaemon", 257, "Do not start ndbd as daemon, provided for testing purposes", (gptr*) &_no_daemon, (gptr*) &_no_daemon, 0, GET_BOOL, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }, { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, GET_NO_ARG, NO_ARG, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }; static void short_usage_sub(void) { printf("Usage: %s [OPTIONS]\n", my_progname); } static void print_version() { printf("MySQL distrib %s, for %s (%s)\n",MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION,SYSTEM_TYPE,MACHINE_TYPE); } static void usage() { short_usage_sub(); print_version(); my_print_help(my_long_options); my_print_variables(my_long_options); } static my_bool get_one_option(int optid, const struct my_option *opt __attribute__((unused)), char *argument) { switch (optid) { case '#': DBUG_PUSH(argument ? argument : "d:t:O,/tmp/ndbd.trace"); break; case 'V': print_version(); exit(0); case '?': usage(); exit(0); } return 0; } bool Configuration::init(int argc, char** argv) { const char *load_default_groups[]= { "mysql_cluster","ndbd",0 }; load_defaults("my",load_default_groups,&argc,&argv); int ho_error; if ((ho_error=handle_options(&argc, &argv, my_long_options, get_one_option))) exit(ho_error); if (_no_daemon) { _daemon= 0; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("no_start=%d", _no_start)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("initial=%d", _initial)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("daemon=%d", _daemon)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("connect_str=%s", opt_connect_str)); ndbSetOwnVersion(); // Check the start flag if (_no_start) globalData.theRestartFlag = initial_state; else globalData.theRestartFlag = perform_start; // Check the initial flag if (_initial) _initialStart = true; // Check connectstring if (opt_connect_str) _connectString = strdup(opt_connect_str); // Check daemon flag if (_daemon) _daemonMode = true; // Save programname if(argc > 0 && argv[0] != 0) _programName = strdup(argv[0]); else _programName = strdup(""); return true; } Configuration::Configuration() { _programName = 0; _connectString = 0; _fsPath = 0; _backupPath = 0; _initialStart = false; _daemonMode = false; m_config_retriever= 0; m_clusterConfig= 0; } Configuration::~Configuration(){ if(_programName != NULL) free(_programName); if(_fsPath != NULL) free(_fsPath); if(_backupPath != NULL) free(_backupPath); if (m_config_retriever) { delete m_config_retriever; } } void Configuration::closeConfiguration(){ if (m_config_retriever) { delete m_config_retriever; } m_config_retriever= 0; } void Configuration::fetch_configuration(){ /** * Fetch configuration from management server */ if (m_config_retriever) { delete m_config_retriever; } m_mgmd_port= 0; m_mgmd_host= 0; m_config_retriever= new ConfigRetriever(getConnectString(), NDB_VERSION, NODE_TYPE_DB); if (m_config_retriever->hasError()) { ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Could not connect initialize handle to management server", m_config_retriever->getErrorString()); } if(m_config_retriever->do_connect(12,5,1) == -1){ const char * s = m_config_retriever->getErrorString(); if(s == 0) s = "No error given!"; /* Set stop on error to true otherwise NDB will go into an restart loop... */ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Could not connect to ndb_mgmd", s); } m_mgmd_port= m_config_retriever->get_mgmd_port(); m_mgmd_host= m_config_retriever->get_mgmd_host(); ConfigRetriever &cr= *m_config_retriever; globalData.ownId = cr.allocNodeId(2 /*retry*/,3 /*delay*/); if(globalData.ownId == 0){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Unable to alloc node id", m_config_retriever->getErrorString()); } ndb_mgm_configuration * p = cr.getConfig(); if(p == 0){ const char * s = cr.getErrorString(); if(s == 0) s = "No error given!"; /* Set stop on error to true otherwise NDB will go into an restart loop... */ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Could not fetch configuration" "/invalid configuration", s); } if(m_clusterConfig) free(m_clusterConfig); m_clusterConfig = p; ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator iter(* p, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if (iter.find(CFG_NODE_ID, globalData.ownId)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "DB missing"); } if(iter.get(CFG_DB_STOP_ON_ERROR, &_stopOnError)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "StopOnError missing"); } } static char * get_and_validate_path(ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator &iter, Uint32 param, const char *param_string) { const char* path = NULL; if(iter.get(param, &path)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched missing ", param_string); } if(path == 0 || strlen(path) == 0){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched. Configuration does not contain valid ", param_string); } // check that it is pointing on a valid directory // char buf2[PATH_MAX]; memset(buf2, 0,sizeof(buf2)); #ifdef NDB_WIN32 char* szFilePart; if(!GetFullPathName(path, sizeof(buf2), buf2, &szFilePart) || (::GetFileAttributes(alloc_path)&FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY)) #else if((::realpath(path, buf2) == NULL)|| (::access(buf2, W_OK) != 0)) #endif { ERROR_SET(fatal, AFS_ERROR_INVALIDPATH, path, " Filename::init()"); } if (strcmp(&buf2[strlen(buf2) - 1], DIR_SEPARATOR)) strcat(buf2, DIR_SEPARATOR); return strdup(buf2); } void Configuration::setupConfiguration(){ DBUG_ENTER("Configuration::setupConfiguration"); ndb_mgm_configuration * p = m_clusterConfig; /** * Configure transporters */ { int res = IPCConfig::configureTransporters(globalData.ownId, * p, globalTransporterRegistry); if(res <= 0){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "No transporters configured"); } } /** * Setup cluster configuration data */ ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator iter(* p, CFG_SECTION_NODE); if (iter.find(CFG_NODE_ID, globalData.ownId)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "DB missing"); } unsigned type; if(!(iter.get(CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &type) == 0 && type == NODE_TYPE_DB)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "I'm wrong type of node"); } if(iter.get(CFG_DB_NO_SAVE_MSGS, &_maxErrorLogs)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "MaxNoOfSavedMessages missing"); } if(iter.get(CFG_DB_MEMLOCK, &_lockPagesInMainMemory)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "LockPagesInMainMemory missing"); } if(iter.get(CFG_DB_WATCHDOG_INTERVAL, &_timeBetweenWatchDogCheck)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "TimeBetweenWatchDogCheck missing"); } /** * Get paths */ if (_fsPath) free(_fsPath); _fsPath= get_and_validate_path(iter, CFG_DB_FILESYSTEM_PATH, "FileSystemPath"); if (_backupPath) free(_backupPath); _backupPath= get_and_validate_path(iter, CFG_DB_BACKUP_DATADIR, "BackupDataDir"); if(iter.get(CFG_DB_STOP_ON_ERROR_INSERT, &m_restartOnErrorInsert)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, "Invalid configuration fetched", "RestartOnErrorInsert missing"); } /** * Create the watch dog thread */ { Uint32 t = _timeBetweenWatchDogCheck; t = globalEmulatorData.theWatchDog ->setCheckInterval(t); _timeBetweenWatchDogCheck = t; } ConfigValues* cf = ConfigValuesFactory::extractCurrentSection(iter.m_config); m_clusterConfigIter = ndb_mgm_create_configuration_iterator (p, CFG_SECTION_NODE); calcSizeAlt(cf); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } bool Configuration::lockPagesInMainMemory() const { return _lockPagesInMainMemory; } int Configuration::timeBetweenWatchDogCheck() const { return _timeBetweenWatchDogCheck; } void Configuration::timeBetweenWatchDogCheck(int value) { _timeBetweenWatchDogCheck = value; } int Configuration::maxNoOfErrorLogs() const { return _maxErrorLogs; } void Configuration::maxNoOfErrorLogs(int val){ _maxErrorLogs = val; } bool Configuration::stopOnError() const { return _stopOnError; } void Configuration::stopOnError(bool val){ _stopOnError = val; } int Configuration::getRestartOnErrorInsert() const { return m_restartOnErrorInsert; } void Configuration::setRestartOnErrorInsert(int i){ m_restartOnErrorInsert = i; } const char * Configuration::getConnectString() const { return _connectString; } char * Configuration::getConnectStringCopy() const { if(_connectString != 0) return strdup(_connectString); return 0; } const ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * Configuration::getOwnConfigIterator() const { return m_ownConfigIterator; } ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * Configuration::getClusterConfigIterator() const { return m_clusterConfigIter; } void Configuration::calcSizeAlt(ConfigValues * ownConfig){ const char * msg = "Invalid configuration fetched"; char buf[255]; unsigned int noOfTables = 0; unsigned int noOfUniqueHashIndexes = 0; unsigned int noOfOrderedIndexes = 0; unsigned int noOfTriggers = 0; unsigned int noOfReplicas = 0; unsigned int noOfDBNodes = 0; unsigned int noOfAPINodes = 0; unsigned int noOfMGMNodes = 0; unsigned int noOfNodes = 0; unsigned int noOfAttributes = 0; unsigned int noOfOperations = 0; unsigned int noOfLocalOperations = 0; unsigned int noOfTransactions = 0; unsigned int noOfIndexPages = 0; unsigned int noOfDataPages = 0; unsigned int noOfScanRecords = 0; unsigned int noOfLocalScanRecords = 0; unsigned int noBatchSize = 0; m_logLevel = new LogLevel(); struct AttribStorage { int paramId; Uint32 * storage; bool computable; }; AttribStorage tmp[] = { { CFG_DB_NO_SCANS, &noOfScanRecords, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_LOCAL_SCANS, &noOfLocalScanRecords, true }, { CFG_DB_BATCH_SIZE, &noBatchSize, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_TABLES, &noOfTables, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_ORDERED_INDEXES, &noOfOrderedIndexes, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_UNIQUE_HASH_INDEXES, &noOfUniqueHashIndexes, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_TRIGGERS, &noOfTriggers, true }, { CFG_DB_NO_REPLICAS, &noOfReplicas, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_ATTRIBUTES, &noOfAttributes, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_OPS, &noOfOperations, false }, { CFG_DB_NO_LOCAL_OPS, &noOfLocalOperations, true }, { CFG_DB_NO_TRANSACTIONS, &noOfTransactions, false } }; ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator db(*(ndb_mgm_configuration*)ownConfig, 0); const int sz = sizeof(tmp)/sizeof(AttribStorage); for(int i = 0; isetLogLevel((LogLevel::EventCategory)j, tmp); } } // tmp ndb_mgm_configuration_iterator * p = m_clusterConfigIter; Uint32 nodeNo = noOfNodes = 0; NodeBitmask nodes; for(ndb_mgm_first(p); ndb_mgm_valid(p); ndb_mgm_next(p), nodeNo++){ Uint32 nodeId; Uint32 nodeType; if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_NODE_ID, &nodeId)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, "Node data (Id) missing"); } if(ndb_mgm_get_int_parameter(p, CFG_TYPE_OF_SECTION, &nodeType)){ ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, "Node data (Type) missing"); } if(nodeId > MAX_NODES || nodeId == 0){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Invalid node id: %d", nodeId); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, buf); } if(nodes.get(nodeId)){ BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Two node can not have the same node id: %d", nodeId); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, buf); } nodes.set(nodeId); switch(nodeType){ case NODE_TYPE_DB: noOfDBNodes++; // No of NDB processes if(nodeId > MAX_NDB_NODES){ snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Maximum node id for a ndb node is: %d", MAX_NDB_NODES); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, buf); } break; case NODE_TYPE_API: noOfAPINodes++; // No of API processes break; case NODE_TYPE_REP: break; case NODE_TYPE_MGM: noOfMGMNodes++; // No of MGM processes break; case NODE_TYPE_EXT_REP: break; default: BaseString::snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Unknown node type: %d", nodeType); ERROR_SET(fatal, ERR_INVALID_CONFIG, msg, buf); } } noOfNodes = nodeNo; noOfTables+= 2; // Add System tables noOfAttributes += 9; // Add System table attributes ConfigValues::Iterator it2(*ownConfig, db.m_config); it2.set(CFG_DB_NO_TABLES, noOfTables); it2.set(CFG_DB_NO_ATTRIBUTES, noOfAttributes); { Uint32 neededNoOfTriggers = /* types: Insert/Update/Delete/Custom */ 3 * noOfUniqueHashIndexes + /* for unique hash indexes, I/U/D */ 3 * NDB_MAX_ACTIVE_EVENTS + /* for events in suma, I/U/D */ 3 * noOfTables + /* for backup, I/U/D */ noOfOrderedIndexes; /* for ordered indexes, C */ if (noOfTriggers < neededNoOfTriggers) { noOfTriggers= neededNoOfTriggers; it2.set(CFG_DB_NO_TRIGGERS, noOfTriggers); } } /** * Do size calculations */ ConfigValuesFactory cfg(ownConfig); Uint32 noOfMetaTables= noOfTables + noOfOrderedIndexes + noOfUniqueHashIndexes; if (noOfMetaTables > MAX_TABLES) noOfMetaTables= MAX_TABLES; { /** * Dict Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_DICT_ATTRIBUTE, noOfAttributes); cfg.put(CFG_DICT_TABLE, noOfMetaTables); } if (noOfLocalScanRecords == 0) { noOfLocalScanRecords = (noOfDBNodes * noOfScanRecords) + 1; } if (noOfLocalOperations == 0) { noOfLocalOperations= (11 * noOfOperations) / 10; } Uint32 noOfTCScanRecords = noOfScanRecords; { Uint32 noOfAccTables= noOfMetaTables/*noOfTables+noOfUniqueHashIndexes*/; /** * Acc Size Alt values */ // Can keep 65536 pages (= 0.5 GByte) cfg.put(CFG_ACC_DIR_RANGE, 4 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAccTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_DIR_ARRAY, (noOfIndexPages >> 8) + 4 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAccTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_FRAGMENT, 2 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAccTables* noOfReplicas); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ // The extra operation records added are used by the scan and node // recovery process. // Node recovery process will have its operations dedicated to ensure // that they never have a problem with allocation of the operation record. // The remainder are allowed for use by the scan processes. /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ cfg.put(CFG_ACC_OP_RECS, (noOfLocalOperations + 50) + (noOfLocalScanRecords * noBatchSize) + NODE_RECOVERY_SCAN_OP_RECORDS); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_OVERFLOW_RECS, noOfIndexPages + 2 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAccTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_PAGE8, noOfIndexPages + 32); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_ROOT_FRAG, NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAccTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_TABLE, noOfAccTables); cfg.put(CFG_ACC_SCAN, noOfLocalScanRecords); } { /** * Dih Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_DIH_API_CONNECT, 2 * noOfTransactions); cfg.put(CFG_DIH_CONNECT, noOfOperations + noOfTransactions + 46); Uint32 noFragPerTable= ((noOfDBNodes + NO_OF_FRAGS_PER_CHUNK - 1) >> LOG_NO_OF_FRAGS_PER_CHUNK) << LOG_NO_OF_FRAGS_PER_CHUNK; cfg.put(CFG_DIH_FRAG_CONNECT, noFragPerTable * noOfMetaTables); int temp; temp = noOfReplicas - 2; if (temp < 0) temp = 1; else temp++; cfg.put(CFG_DIH_MORE_NODES, temp * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables * noOfDBNodes); cfg.put(CFG_DIH_REPLICAS, NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables * noOfDBNodes * noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_DIH_TABLE, noOfMetaTables); } { /** * Lqh Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_LQH_FRAG, NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables * noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_LQH_TABLE, noOfMetaTables); cfg.put(CFG_LQH_TC_CONNECT, noOfLocalOperations + 50); cfg.put(CFG_LQH_SCAN, noOfLocalScanRecords); } { /** * Tc Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_TC_API_CONNECT, 3 * noOfTransactions); cfg.put(CFG_TC_TC_CONNECT, (2 * noOfOperations) + 16 + noOfTransactions); cfg.put(CFG_TC_TABLE, noOfMetaTables); cfg.put(CFG_TC_LOCAL_SCAN, noOfLocalScanRecords); cfg.put(CFG_TC_SCAN, noOfTCScanRecords); } { /** * Tup Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_TUP_FRAG, 2 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_OP_RECS, noOfLocalOperations + 50); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_PAGE, noOfDataPages); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_PAGE_RANGE, 4 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables* noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_TABLE, noOfMetaTables); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_TABLE_DESC, 2 * 6 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfAttributes * noOfReplicas + 2 * 10 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfMetaTables * noOfReplicas ); cfg.put(CFG_TUP_STORED_PROC, noOfLocalScanRecords); } { /** * Tux Size Alt values */ cfg.put(CFG_TUX_INDEX, noOfMetaTables /*noOfOrderedIndexes*/); cfg.put(CFG_TUX_FRAGMENT, 2 * NO_OF_FRAG_PER_NODE * noOfOrderedIndexes * noOfReplicas); cfg.put(CFG_TUX_ATTRIBUTE, noOfOrderedIndexes * 4); cfg.put(CFG_TUX_SCAN_OP, noOfLocalScanRecords); } m_ownConfig = (ndb_mgm_configuration*)cfg.getConfigValues(); m_ownConfigIterator = ndb_mgm_create_configuration_iterator (m_ownConfig, 0); } void Configuration::setInitialStart(bool val){ _initialStart = val; }