/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef DUMP_STATE_ORD_HPP #define DUMP_STATE_ORD_HPP #include "SignalData.hpp" /** * DumpStateOrd is sent by the mgmtsrvr to CMVMI. * CMVMI the redirect the signal to all blocks. * * The implementation of the DumpStateOrd should dump state information * (typically using the infoEvent-function) */ class DumpStateOrd { /** * Sender/Reciver */ friend class Cmvmi; /** * Sender(s) */ friend class MgmtSrvr; /** * Reciver(s) */ friend class Dbacc; friend class Dblqh; friend class Dbtup; friend class Dbtc; friend class Ndbcntr; friend class Qmgr; friend class Dbdih; friend class Dbdict; friend class Ndbfs; public: enum DumpStateType { // 1 QMGR Dump information about phase 1 variables // 13 CMVMI Dump signal counter // 13 NDBCNTR Dump start phase information // 13 NDBCNTR_REF Dump start phase information CommitAckMarkersSize = 14, // TC+LQH Dump free size in commitAckMarkerP CommitAckMarkersDump = 15, // TC+LQH Dump info in commitAckMarkerPool DihDumpNodeRestartInfo = 16, // 16 DIH Dump node restart info DihDumpNodeStatusInfo = 17,// 17 DIH Dump node status info DihPrintFragmentation = 18,// 18 DIH Print fragmentation // 19 NDBFS Fipple with O_SYNC, O_CREATE etc. // 20-24 BACKUP NdbcntrTestStopOnError = 25, // 100-105 TUP and ACC // 200-240 UTIL // 300-305 TRIX NdbfsDumpFileStat = 400, NdbfsDumpAllFiles = 401, NdbfsDumpOpenFiles = 402, NdbfsDumpIdleFiles = 403, // 1222-1225 DICT LqhDumpAllDefinedTabs = 1332, LqhDumpNoLogPages = 1333, LqhDumpOneScanRec = 2300, LqhDumpAllScanRec = 2301, LqhDumpAllActiveScanRec = 2302, LqhDumpLcpState = 2303, AccDumpOneScanRec = 2400, AccDumpAllScanRec = 2401, AccDumpAllActiveScanRec = 2402, AccDumpOneOperationRec = 2403, AccDumpNumOpRecs = 2404, AccDumpFreeOpRecs = 2405, AccDumpNotFreeOpRecs = 2406, DumpPageMemory = 1000, // Acc & TUP TcDumpAllScanFragRec = 2500, TcDumpOneScanFragRec = 2501, TcDumpAllScanRec = 2502, TcDumpAllActiveScanRec = 2503, TcDumpOneScanRec = 2504, TcDumpOneApiConnectRec = 2505, TcDumpAllApiConnectRec = 2506, TcSetTransactionTimeout = 2507, TcSetApplTransactionTimeout = 2508, StartTcTimer = 2509, StopTcTimer = 2510, StartPeriodicTcTimer = 2511, TcStartDumpIndexOpCount = 2512, TcDumpIndexOpCount = 2513, CmvmiDumpConnections = 2600, CmvmiDumpLongSignalMemory = 2601, CmvmiSetRestartOnErrorInsert = 2602, CmvmiTestLongSigWithDelay = 2603, // 7000 DIH // 7001 DIH // 7002 DIH // 7003 DIH // 7004 DIH // 7005 DIH // 7006 DIH // 7006 DIH // 7007 DIH // 7008 DIH // 7009 DIH // 7010 DIH // 7011 DIH // 7012 DIH DihDumpLCPState= 7013, DihDumpLCPMasterTakeOver = 7014, // 7015 DIH DihAllAllowNodeStart = 7016, DihMinTimeBetweenLCP = 7017, DihMaxTimeBetweenLCP = 7018, EnableUndoDelayDataWrite = 7080, // DIH+ACC+TUP DihStartLcpImmediately = 7099, // 8000 Suma // 12000 Tux TuxLogToFile = 12001, TuxSetLogFlags = 12002, TuxMetaDataJunk = 12009 }; public: Uint32 args[25]; // Generic argument }; #endif