/* Copyright (c) 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. Copyright (c) 2017, MariaDB Corporation This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /** @file @brief Wrapper functions for OpenSSL and YaSSL. Also provides a Compatibility layer to make available YaSSL's MD5 implementation. */ #include #include #include #if defined(HAVE_WOLFSSL) #include #include typedef wc_Md5 EVP_MD_CTX; static void md5_init(EVP_MD_CTX *context) { wc_InitMd5(context);; } static void md5_input(EVP_MD_CTX *context, const uchar *buf, unsigned len) { wc_Md5Update(context, buf, len); } static void md5_result(EVP_MD_CTX *context, uchar digest[MD5_HASH_SIZE]) { wc_Md5Final(context,digest); } #elif defined(HAVE_OPENSSL) #include #include static void md5_init(EVP_MD_CTX *context) { #if OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER >= 0x30000000L EVP_MD *md5; EVP_MD_CTX_init(context); /* Ok to ignore FIPS: MD5 is not used for crypto here */ /* In OpenSSL 3.0.0+ it is a different EVP_MD provider */ md5 = EVP_MD_fetch(NULL, "MD5", "fips=no"); EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, md5, NULL); EVP_MD_free(md5); #else EVP_MD_CTX_init(context); #ifdef EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW /* Ok to ignore FIPS: MD5 is not used for crypto here */ /* In OpenSSL 1.1.1 the non FIPS allowed flag is context specific */ EVP_MD_CTX_set_flags(context, EVP_MD_CTX_FLAG_NON_FIPS_ALLOW); #endif EVP_DigestInit_ex(context, EVP_md5(), NULL); #endif } static void md5_input(EVP_MD_CTX *context, const uchar *buf, unsigned len) { EVP_DigestUpdate(context, buf, len); } static void md5_result(EVP_MD_CTX *context, uchar digest[MD5_HASH_SIZE]) { EVP_DigestFinal_ex(context, digest, NULL); EVP_MD_CTX_reset(context); } #endif /* HAVE_WOLFSSL */ /** Wrapper function to compute MD5 message digest. @param digest [out] Computed MD5 digest @param buf [in] Message to be computed @param len [in] Length of the message @return void */ void my_md5(uchar *digest, const char *buf, size_t len) { char ctx_buf[EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE]; EVP_MD_CTX * const ctx= (EVP_MD_CTX*)ctx_buf; md5_init(ctx); md5_input(ctx, (const uchar *)buf, (uint) len); md5_result(ctx, digest); } /** Wrapper function to compute MD5 message digest for many messages, concatenated. @param digest [out] Computed MD5 digest @param buf1 [in] First message @param len1 [in] Length of first message ... @param bufN [in] NULL terminates the list of buf,len pairs. @return void */ void my_md5_multi(uchar *digest, ...) { va_list args; const uchar *str; char ctx_buf[EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE]; EVP_MD_CTX * const ctx= (EVP_MD_CTX*)ctx_buf; va_start(args, digest); md5_init(ctx); for (str= va_arg(args, const uchar*); str; str= va_arg(args, const uchar*)) md5_input(ctx, str, (uint) va_arg(args, size_t)); md5_result(ctx, digest); va_end(args); } size_t my_md5_context_size() { return EVP_MD_CTX_SIZE; } void my_md5_init(void *context) { md5_init((EVP_MD_CTX *)context); } void my_md5_input(void *context, const uchar *buf, size_t len) { md5_input((EVP_MD_CTX *)context, buf, (uint) len); } void my_md5_result(void *context, uchar *digest) { md5_result((EVP_MD_CTX *)context, digest); }