# mysqltest should be fixed -- source include/not_embedded.inc # # Test of temporary tables # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; drop view if exists v1; --enable_warnings --echo # --echo # test basic creation of temporary tables together with normal table --echo # create table t1 (a int); create temporary table t1 AS SELECT 1; --error 1050 create temporary table t1 AS SELECT 1; --error 1050 create temporary table t1 (a int); drop temporary table t1; drop table t1; create temporary table t1 AS SELECT 1; --error 1050 create temporary table t1 AS SELECT 1; --error 1050 create temporary table t1 (a int); drop temporary table t1; --echo # --echo # Test with rename --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (c int not null, d char (10) not null); insert into t1 values(1,""),(2,"a"),(3,"b"); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (a int not null, b char (10) not null); insert into t1 values(4,"e"),(5,"f"),(6,"g"); alter table t1 rename t2; select * from t1; select * from t2; CREATE TABLE t2 (x int not null, y int not null); alter table t2 rename t1; select * from t1; create TEMPORARY TABLE t2 engine=heap select * from t1; create TEMPORARY TABLE IF NOT EXISTS t2 (a int) engine=heap; # This should give errors --error 1050 CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (a int not null, b char (10) not null); --error 1050 ALTER TABLE t1 RENAME t2; select * from t2; alter table t2 add primary key (a,b); drop table t1,t2; select * from t1; drop table t2; create temporary table t1 select *,2 as "e" from t1; select * from t1; drop table t1; drop table t1; # # Test CONCAT_WS with temporary tables # CREATE TABLE t1 (pkCrash INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,strCrash VARCHAR(255)); INSERT INTO t1 ( pkCrash, strCrash ) VALUES ( 1, '1'); SELECT CONCAT_WS(pkCrash, strCrash) FROM t1; drop table t1; create temporary table t1 select 1 as 'x'; drop table t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (x INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE tmp SELECT *, NULL FROM t1; drop table t1; # # Problem with ELT # create temporary table t1 (id int(10) not null unique); create temporary table t2 (id int(10) not null primary key, val int(10) not null); # put in some initial values insert into t1 values (1),(2),(4); insert into t2 values (1,1),(2,1),(3,1),(4,2); # do a query using ELT, a join and an ORDER BY. select one.id, two.val, elt(two.val,'one','two') from t1 one, t2 two where two.id=one.id order by one.id; drop table t1,t2; # # Test of failed ALTER TABLE on temporary table # create temporary table t1 (a int not null); insert into t1 values (1),(1); -- error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add primary key (a); drop table t1; # # In MySQL 4.0.4 doing a GROUP BY on a NULL column created a disk based # temporary table when a memory based one would be good enough. CREATE TABLE t1 ( d datetime default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2002-10-24 14:50:32'),('2002-10-24 14:50:33'),('2002-10-24 14:50:34'),('2002-10-24 14:50:34'),('2002-10-24 14:50:34'),('2002-10-24 14:50:35'),('2002-10-24 14:50:35'),('2002-10-24 14:50:35'),('2002-10-24 14:50:35'),('2002-10-24 14:50:36'),('2002-10-24 14:50:36'),('2002-10-24 14:50:36'),('2002-10-24 14:50:36'),('2002-10-24 14:50:37'),('2002-10-24 14:50:37'),('2002-10-24 14:50:37'),('2002-10-24 14:50:37'),('2002-10-24 14:50:38'),('2002-10-24 14:50:38'),('2002-10-24 14:50:38'),('2002-10-24 14:50:39'),('2002-10-24 14:50:39'),('2002-10-24 14:50:39'),('2002-10-24 14:50:39'),('2002-10-24 14:50:40'),('2002-10-24 14:50:40'),('2002-10-24 14:50:40'); flush status; select * from t1 group by d; show status like "created_tmp%tables"; drop table t1; # Fix for BUG#8921: Check that temporary table is ingored by view commands. create temporary table v1 as select 'This is temp. table' A; create view v1 as select 'This is view' A; select * from v1; show create table v1; show create view v1; drop view v1; select * from v1; create view v1 as select 'This is view again' A; select * from v1; drop table v1; select * from v1; drop view v1; # Bug #8497: tmpdir with extra slashes would cause failures # create table t1 (a int, b int, index(a), index(b)); create table t2 (c int auto_increment, d varchar(255), primary key (c)); insert into t1 values (3,1),(3,2); insert into t2 values (NULL, 'foo'), (NULL, 'bar'); select d, c from t1 left join t2 on b = c where a = 3 order by d; drop table t1, t2; # # BUG#21096: locking issue ; temporary table conflicts. # # The problem was that on DROP TEMPORARY table name lock was acquired, # which should not be done. # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); LOCK TABLE t1 WRITE; connect (conn1, localhost, root,,); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (i INT); --echo The following command should not block DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t1; disconnect conn1; connection default; DROP TABLE t1; # # Check that it's not possible to drop a base table with # DROP TEMPORARY statement. # CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2 (i INT); --error 1051 DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t2, t1; # Table t2 should have been dropped. --error 1146 SELECT * FROM t2; # But table t1 should still be there. SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests. # # Bug #24791: Union with AVG-groups generates wrong results # CREATE TABLE t1 ( c FLOAT( 20, 14 ) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES( 12139 ); CREATE TABLE t2 ( c FLOAT(30,18) ); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES( 123456 ); SELECT AVG( c ) FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; SELECT 1 UNION SELECT AVG( c ) FROM t1; SELECT 1 UNION SELECT * FROM t2 UNION SELECT 1; SELECT c/1 FROM t1 UNION SELECT 1; DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # Test truncate with temporary tables # create temporary table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (4711); select * from t1; truncate t1; insert into t1 values (42); select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #35392: Delete all statement does not execute properly after # few delete statements # CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1(a INT, b VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(1, 'val1'), (2, 'val2'), (3, 'val3'); DELETE FROM t1 WHERE a=1; SELECT count(*) FROM t1; DELETE FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#41348: INSERT INTO tbl SELECT * FROM temp_tbl overwrites locking type of temp table # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,t2; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS f1; --enable_warnings CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (a INT); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2 LIKE t1; DELIMITER |; CREATE FUNCTION f1() RETURNS INT BEGIN return 1; END| DELIMITER ;| INSERT INTO t2 SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1(); CREATE TABLE t3 SELECT * FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 SELECT f1(); UPDATE t1,t2 SET t1.a = t2.a; INSERT INTO t2 SELECT f1(); DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; DROP FUNCTION f1; --echo # --echo # Bug #48067: A temp table with the same name as an existing table, --echo # makes drop database fail. --echo # --disable_warnings DROP TEMPORARY TABLE IF EXISTS bug48067.t1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS bug48067; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE bug48067; CREATE TABLE bug48067.t1 (c1 int); INSERT INTO bug48067.t1 values (1); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE bug48067.t1 (c1 int); DROP DATABASE bug48067; DROP TEMPORARY table bug48067.t1; --echo End of 5.1 tests --echo # --echo # Test that admin statements work for temporary tables. --echo # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1,t2; --enable_warnings CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1(a INT); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t2(b INT); CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t3(c INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11), (12), (13); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101), (102), (103); ANALYZE TABLE t1, t2, t3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11), (12), (13); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101), (102), (103); CHECK TABLE t1, t2, t3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11), (12), (13); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101), (102), (103); --replace_column 2 xxx CHECKSUM TABLE t1, t2, t3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11), (12), (13); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101), (102), (103); OPTIMIZE TABLE t1, t2, t3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2), (3); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (11), (12), (13); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (101), (102), (103); REPAIR TABLE t1, t2, t3; DROP TABLES t1, t2, t3; # # CREATE TEMPORARY TEMPORARY TABLE # --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create temporary temporary table t1 (a int); # # MDEV-7832 Add status variables to track CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE and DROP TEMPORARY TABLE # flush status; create table t1 (a int); create temporary table t2 (a int); create temporary table t3 (a int); drop table t1; drop table t2; drop temporary table t3; show status like 'com_create%table'; show status like 'com_drop%table';