# # Test the debugging feature "show procedure/function code " # -- source include/have_debug.inc --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists empty; drop procedure if exists code_sample; --enable_warnings create procedure empty() begin end; show procedure code empty; drop procedure empty; create function almost_empty() returns int return 0; show function code almost_empty; drop function almost_empty; delimiter //; create procedure code_sample(x int, out err int, out nulls int) begin declare count int default 0; set nulls = 0; begin declare c cursor for select name from t1; declare exit handler for not found close c; open c; loop begin declare n varchar(20); declare continue handler for sqlexception set err=1; fetch c into n; if isnull(n) then set nulls = nulls + 1; else set count = count + 1; update t2 set idx = count where name=n; end if; end; end loop; end; select t.name, t.idx from t2 t order by idx asc; end// delimiter ;// show procedure code code_sample; drop procedure code_sample; # # BUG#15737: Stored procedure optimizer bug with LEAVE # # This is a much more extensive test case than is strictly needed, # but it was kept as is for two reasons: # - The bug occurs under some quite special circumstances, so it # wasn't trivial to create a smaller test, # - There's some value in having another more complex code sample # in this test file. This might catch future code generation bugs # that doesn't show in behaviour in any obvious way. --disable_warnings drop procedure if exists sudoku_solve; --enable_warnings delimiter //; create procedure sudoku_solve(p_naive boolean, p_all boolean) deterministic modifies sql data begin drop temporary table if exists sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule; create temporary table sudoku_work ( row smallint not null, col smallint not null, dig smallint not null, cnt smallint, key using btree (cnt), key using btree (row), key using btree (col), unique key using hash (row,col) ); create temporary table sudoku_schedule ( idx int not null auto_increment primary key, row smallint not null, col smallint not null ); call sudoku_init(); if p_naive then update sudoku_work set cnt = 0 where dig = 0; else call sudoku_count(); end if; insert into sudoku_schedule (row,col) select row,col from sudoku_work where cnt is not null order by cnt desc; begin declare v_scounter bigint default 0; declare v_i smallint default 1; declare v_dig smallint; declare v_schedmax smallint; select count(*) into v_schedmax from sudoku_schedule; more: loop begin declare v_tcounter bigint default 0; sched: while v_i <= v_schedmax do begin declare v_row, v_col smallint; select row,col into v_row,v_col from sudoku_schedule where v_i = idx; select dig into v_dig from sudoku_work where v_row = row and v_col = col; case v_dig when 0 then set v_dig = 1; update sudoku_work set dig = 1 where v_row = row and v_col = col; when 9 then if v_i > 0 then update sudoku_work set dig = 0 where v_row = row and v_col = col; set v_i = v_i - 1; iterate sched; else select v_scounter as 'Solutions'; leave more; end if; else set v_dig = v_dig + 1; update sudoku_work set dig = v_dig where v_row = row and v_col = col; end case; set v_tcounter = v_tcounter + 1; if not sudoku_digit_ok(v_row, v_col, v_dig) then iterate sched; end if; set v_i = v_i + 1; end; end while sched; select dig from sudoku_work; select v_tcounter as 'Tests'; set v_scounter = v_scounter + 1; if p_all and v_i > 0 then set v_i = v_i - 1; else leave more; end if; end; end loop more; end; drop temporary table sudoku_work, sudoku_schedule; end// delimiter ;// # The interestings parts are where the code for the two "leave" are: # ... #| 26 | jump_if_not 30 (v_i@3 > 0) | # ... #| 30 | stmt 0 "select v_scounter as 'Solutions'" | #| 31 | jump 45 | # ... #| 42 | jump_if_not 45 (p_all@1 and (v_i@3 > 0)) | #| 43 | set v_i@3 (v_i@3 - 1) | #| 44 | jump 14 | #| 45 | stmt 9 "drop temporary table sudoku_work, sud..." | #+-----+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ # The bug appeared at position 42 (with the wrong destination). show procedure code sudoku_solve; drop procedure sudoku_solve; # # Bug#19194 (Right recursion in parser for CASE causes excessive stack # usage, limitation) # This bug also exposed a flaw in the generated code with nested case # statements # --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_simple; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_searched; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_2; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_3; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS proc_19194_nested_4; --enable_warnings delimiter |; CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_simple(i int) BEGIN DECLARE str CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 1 THEN SET str="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str="3"; ELSE SET str="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str; END| CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_searched(i int) BEGIN DECLARE str CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=1 THEN SET str="1"; WHEN i=2 THEN SET str="2"; WHEN i=3 THEN SET str="3"; ELSE SET str="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str; END| # Outer SIMPLE case, inner SEARCHED case CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_1(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN 20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE WHEN j=1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN j=2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN j=3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN 30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN 40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| # Outer SEARCHED case, inner SIMPLE case CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_2(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN i=20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE j WHEN 1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN i=30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN i=40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| # Outer SIMPLE case, inner SIMPLE case CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_3(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE i WHEN 10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN 20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE j WHEN 1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN 2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN 3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN 30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN 40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| # Outer SEARCHED case, inner SEARCHED case CREATE PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_4(i int, j int) BEGIN DECLARE str_i CHAR(10); DECLARE str_j CHAR(10); CASE WHEN i=10 THEN SET str_i="10"; WHEN i=20 THEN BEGIN set str_i="20"; CASE WHEN j=1 THEN SET str_j="1"; WHEN j=2 THEN SET str_j="2"; WHEN j=3 THEN SET str_j="3"; ELSE SET str_j="unknown"; END CASE; select "i was 20"; END; WHEN i=30 THEN SET str_i="30"; WHEN i=40 THEN SET str_i="40"; ELSE SET str_i="unknown"; END CASE; SELECT str_i, str_j; END| delimiter ;| SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_simple; SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_searched; SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_1; SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_2; SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_3; SHOW PROCEDURE CODE proc_19194_nested_4; CALL proc_19194_nested_1(10, 1); # # Before 19194, the generated code was: # 20 jump_if_not 23(27) 30 # 21 set str_i@2 _latin1'30' # As opposed to the expected: # 20 jump_if_not 23(27) (case_expr@0 = 30) # 21 set str_i@2 _latin1'30' # # and as a result, this call returned "30", # because the expression 30 is always true, # masking the case 40, case 0 and the else. # CALL proc_19194_nested_1(25, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 2); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 3); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(20, 4); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(30, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(40, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_1(0, 0); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(10, 1); # # Before 19194, the generated code was: # 20 jump_if_not 23(27) (case_expr@0 = (i@0 = 30)) # 21 set str_i@2 _latin1'30' # As opposed to the expected: # 20 jump_if_not 23(27) (i@0 = 30) # 21 set str_i@2 _latin1'30' # and as a result, this call crashed the server, because there is no # such variable as "case_expr@0". # CALL proc_19194_nested_2(25, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 2); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 3); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(20, 4); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(30, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(40, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_2(0, 0); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(10, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(25, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 2); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 3); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(20, 4); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(30, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(40, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_3(0, 0); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(10, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(25, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 2); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 3); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(20, 4); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(30, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(40, 1); CALL proc_19194_nested_4(0, 0); DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_simple; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_searched; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_1; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_2; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_3; DROP PROCEDURE proc_19194_nested_4; # # Bug#19207: Final parenthesis omitted for CREATE INDEX in Stored # Procedure # # Wrong criteria was used to distinguish the case when there was no # lookahead performed in the parser. Bug affected only statements # ending in one-character token without any optional tail, like CREATE # INDEX and CALL. # --disable_warnings DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS p1; --enable_warnings CREATE PROCEDURE p1() CREATE INDEX idx ON t1 (c1); SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p1; # # Bug#26977 exception handlers never hreturn # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; drop procedure if exists proc_26977_broken; drop procedure if exists proc_26977_works; --enable_warnings create table t1(a int unique); delimiter //; create procedure proc_26977_broken(v int) begin declare i int default 5; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin select 'caught something'; retry: while i > 0 do begin set i = i - 1; select 'looping', i; end; end while retry; end; select 'do something'; insert into t1 values (v); select 'do something again'; insert into t1 values (v); end// create procedure proc_26977_works(v int) begin declare i int default 5; declare continue handler for sqlexception begin select 'caught something'; retry: while i > 0 do begin set i = i - 1; select 'looping', i; end; end while retry; select 'optimizer: keep hreturn'; end; select 'do something'; insert into t1 values (v); select 'do something again'; insert into t1 values (v); end// delimiter ;// show procedure code proc_26977_broken; show procedure code proc_26977_works; ## This caust an error because of jump short cut ## optimization. call proc_26977_broken(1); ## This works call proc_26977_works(2); drop table t1; drop procedure proc_26977_broken; drop procedure proc_26977_works; --echo End of 5.0 tests. # # Bug #26303: reserve() not called before qs_append() may lead to buffer # overflow # DELIMITER //; CREATE PROCEDURE p1() BEGIN DECLARE dummy int default 0; CASE 12 WHEN 12 THEN SET dummy = 0; END CASE; END// DELIMITER ;// SHOW PROCEDURE CODE p1; DROP PROCEDURE p1;