-- source include/mysql_upgrade_preparation.inc -- source include/have_working_dns.inc -- source include/have_innodb.inc -- source include/have_partition.inc set sql_mode=""; # # Basic test that we can run mysql_upgrde and that it finds the # expected binaries it uses. # --echo Run mysql_upgrade once --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`; file_exists $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info; --echo Run it again - should say already completed --replace_result $MYSQL_SERVER_VERSION VERSION --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir file_exists $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info; --echo Force should run it regardless of whether it has been run before --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 # It should have created a file in the MySQL Servers datadir file_exists $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info; # # Bug #25452 mysql_upgrade access denied. # # Password protect a root account and run mysql_upgrade CREATE USER mysqltest1@'%' IDENTIFIED by 'sakila'; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO mysqltest1@'%'; --echo Run mysql_upgrade with password protected account --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force --user=mysqltest1 --password=sakila 2>&1 DROP USER mysqltest1@'%'; # # check that we get proper error messages if wrong user --error 1 --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force --user=mysqltest1 --password=sakila 2>&1 # # Bug #26639 mysql_upgrade exits successfully even if external command failed # --echo Run mysql_upgrade with a non existing server socket --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --replace_regex /.*mysqlcheck.*: Got/mysqlcheck: Got/ /\([0-9|-]*\)/(errno)/ --error 1 # NC: Added --skip-version-check, as the version check would fail when # mysql_upgrade tries to get the server version. --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --verbose --force --host=not_existing_host --skip-version-check 2>&1 # # Bug #28401 mysql_upgrade Failed with STRICT_ALL_TABLES, ANSI_QUOTES and NO_ZERO_DATE # # The SQL commands used by mysql_upgrade are written to be run # with sql_mode set to '' - thus the scripts should change sql_mode # for the session to make sure the SQL is legal. # Test by setting sql_mode before running mysql_upgrade set GLOBAL sql_mode='STRICT_ALL_TABLES,ANSI_QUOTES,NO_ZERO_DATE'; --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 eval set GLOBAL sql_mode=default; --echo # --echo # Bug #41569 mysql_upgrade (ver 5.1) add 3 fields to mysql.proc table --echo # but does not set values. --echo # # Create a stored procedure and set the fields in question to null. # When running mysql_upgrade, a warning should be written. CREATE PROCEDURE testproc() BEGIN END; UPDATE mysql.proc SET character_set_client = NULL WHERE name LIKE 'testproc'; UPDATE mysql.proc SET collation_connection = NULL WHERE name LIKE 'testproc'; UPDATE mysql.proc SET db_collation = NULL WHERE name LIKE 'testproc'; --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2> $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/41569.txt CALL testproc(); DROP PROCEDURE testproc; --cat_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/41569.txt --remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/41569.txt --echo # --echo # Bug #53613: mysql_upgrade incorrectly revokes --echo # TRIGGER privilege on given table --echo # GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user3'@'%'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON `roelt`.`test2` TO 'user3'@'%'; --echo Run mysql_upgrade with all privileges on a user --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user3'@'%'; DROP USER 'user3'@'%'; --echo End of 5.1 tests # # Test the --upgrade-system-tables option # --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force --upgrade-system-tables --echo # --echo # Bug#11827359 60223: MYSQL_UPGRADE PROBLEM WITH OPTION --echo # SKIP-WRITE-BINLOG --echo # let $MYSQLD_DATADIR= `select @@datadir`; --echo # Droping the previously created mysql_upgrade_info file.. --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info --echo # Running mysql_upgrade with --skip-write-binlog.. --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-write-binlog # mysql_upgrade must have created mysql_upgrade_info file, # so the following command should never fail. --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info --echo # --echo # Bug #21489398: MYSQL_UPGRADE: FATAL ERROR: UPGRADE FAILED - IMPROVE ERROR --echo # --echo Run mysql_upgrade with unauthorized access --error 1 --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --user=root --password=wrong_password 2>&1 --echo # --echo # MDEV-4332 Increase username length from 16 characters --echo # MDEV-6068, MDEV-6178 mysql_upgrade breaks databases with long user names --echo # connection default; GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO very_long_user_name_number_1; GRANT SELECT ON mysql.* TO very_long_user_name_number_2; GRANT ALL ON *.* TO even_longer_user_name_number_3_to_test_the_grantor_and_definer_field_length@localhost WITH GRANT OPTION; --change_user even_longer_user_name_number_3_to_test_the_grantor_and_definer_field_length GRANT INSERT ON mysql.user TO very_long_user_name_number_1; GRANT INSERT ON mysql.user TO very_long_user_name_number_2; GRANT UPDATE (User) ON mysql.db TO very_long_user_name_number_1; GRANT UPDATE (User) ON mysql.db TO very_long_user_name_number_2; CREATE PROCEDURE test.pr() BEGIN END; --change_user root --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 SELECT definer FROM mysql.proc WHERE db = 'test' AND name = 'pr'; SELECT grantor FROM mysql.tables_priv WHERE db = 'mysql' AND table_name = 'user'; DROP USER very_long_user_name_number_1, very_long_user_name_number_2, even_longer_user_name_number_3_to_test_the_grantor_and_definer_field_length@localhost; DROP PROCEDURE test.pr; # # MDEV-13274 mysql_upgrade fails if dbname+tablename+partioname > 64 chars # use test; call mtr.add_suppression('Column last_update in table "mysql"."innodb_table_stats" is INT NOT NULL but should be'); alter table mysql.innodb_table_stats modify last_update int not null; create table extralongname_extralongname_extralongname_extralongname_ext ( id int(10) unsigned not null, created_date date not null, created timestamp not null, primary key (created,id,created_date) ) engine=innodb stats_persistent=1 default charset=latin1 partition by range (year(created_date)) subpartition by hash (month(created_date)) subpartitions 2 ( partition p2007 values less than (2008), partition p2008 values less than (2009) ); --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --skip-verbose --force 2>&1 select length(table_name) from mysql.innodb_table_stats; drop table extralongname_extralongname_extralongname_extralongname_ext; --echo End of 10.0 tests set sql_mode=default; # # Enforce storage engine option should not effect mysql_upgrade # --echo # Droping the previously created mysql_upgrade_info file.. --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info create table test.t1(a int) engine=MyISAM; --echo # Trying to enforce InnoDB for all tables SET GLOBAL enforce_storage_engine=InnoDB; --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR var --exec $MYSQL_UPGRADE --force 2>&1 --echo # Should return 2 SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables where ENGINE="InnoDB"; SHOW CREATE TABLE test.t1; DROP TABLE test.t1; # mysql_upgrade must have created mysql_upgrade_info file, # so the following command should never fail. --remove_file $MYSQLD_DATADIR/mysql_upgrade_info SET GLOBAL enforce_storage_engine=NULL; --echo End of 10.1 tests