# Description # ----------- # Testing string functions --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1,t2; --enable_warnings set global max_allowed_packet=1048576; connect (conn1,localhost,root,,); connection conn1; let $mysqld_datadir= `select @@datadir`; set names latin1; select 'hello',"'hello'",'""hello""','''h''e''l''l''o''',"hel""lo",'hel\'lo'; select 'hello' 'monty'; select length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); select bit_length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); select char_length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); select length(_latin1'\n\t\n\b\0\\_\\%\\'); select concat('monty',' was here ','again'),length('hello'),char(ascii('h')),ord('h'); select hex(char(256)); select locate('he','hello'),locate('he','hello',2),locate('lo','hello',2) ; select instr('hello','HE'), instr('hello',binary 'HE'), instr(binary 'hello','HE'); select position(binary 'll' in 'hello'),position('a' in binary 'hello'); # # Bug#11728 string function LEFT, # strange undocumented behaviour, strict mode # select left('hello',null), right('hello',null); select left('hello',2),right('hello',2),substring('hello',2,2),mid('hello',1,5) ; select concat('',left(right(concat('what ',concat('is ','happening')),9),4),'',substring('monty',5,1)) ; select substring_index('www.tcx.se','.',-2),substring_index('www.tcx.se','.',1); select substring_index('www.tcx.se','tcx',1),substring_index('www.tcx.se','tcx',-1); select substring_index('.tcx.se','.',-2),substring_index('.tcx.se','.tcx',-1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','a',1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',2); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',3); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',4); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',5); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',2); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',3); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',4); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaaa',1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaaa',2); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','1',1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','a',-1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',-1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',-2); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',-3); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',-4); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aa',-5); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',-1); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',-2); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',-3); select substring_index('aaaaaaaaa1','aaa',-4); select substring_index('the king of thethe hill','the',-2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill','the',-2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill','the',-2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' the ',-1); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' the ',-2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' ',-1); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' ',-2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' ',-3); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' ',-4); select substring_index('the king of the the hill',' ',-5); select substring_index('the king of the.the hill','the',-2); select substring_index('the king of thethethe.the hill','the',-3); select substring_index('the king of thethethe.the hill','the',-1); select substring_index('the king of the the hill','the',1); select substring_index('the king of the the hill','the',2); select substring_index('the king of the the hill','the',3); select concat(':',ltrim(' left '),':',rtrim(' right '),':'); select concat(':',trim(leading from ' left '),':',trim(trailing from ' right '),':'); select concat(':',trim(LEADING FROM ' left'),':',trim(TRAILING FROM ' right '),':'); select concat(':',trim(' m '),':',trim(BOTH FROM ' y '),':',trim('*' FROM '*s*'),':'); select concat(':',trim(BOTH 'ab' FROM 'ababmyabab'),':',trim(BOTH '*' FROM '***sql'),':'); select concat(':',trim(LEADING '.*' FROM '.*my'),':',trim(TRAILING '.*' FROM 'sql.*.*'),':'); select TRIM("foo" FROM "foo"), TRIM("foo" FROM "foook"), TRIM("foo" FROM "okfoo"); select concat_ws(', ','monty','was here','again'); select concat_ws(NULL,'a'),concat_ws(',',NULL,''); select concat_ws(',','',NULL,'a'); SELECT CONCAT('"',CONCAT_WS('";"',repeat('a',60),repeat('b',60),repeat('c',60),repeat('d',100)), '"'); select insert('txs',2,1,'hi'),insert('is ',4,0,'a'),insert('txxxxt',2,4,'es'); select replace('aaaa','a','b'),replace('aaaa','aa','b'),replace('aaaa','a','bb'),replace('aaaa','','b'),replace('bbbb','a','c'); select replace(concat(lcase(concat('THIS',' ','IS',' ','A',' ')),ucase('false'),' ','test'),'FALSE','REAL') ; select soundex(''),soundex('he'),soundex('hello all folks'),soundex('#3556 in bugdb'); select 'mood' sounds like 'mud'; select 'Glazgo' sounds like 'Liverpool'; select null sounds like 'null'; select 'null' sounds like null; select null sounds like null; select md5('hello'); select crc32("123"); select sha('abc'); select sha1('abc'); select aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt('abc','1'),'1'); select aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt('abc','1'),1); select aes_encrypt(NULL,"a"); select aes_encrypt("a",NULL); select aes_decrypt(NULL,"a"); select aes_decrypt("a",NULL); select aes_decrypt("a","a"); select aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt("","a"),"a"); select aes_decrypt("", "a"); select repeat('monty',5),concat('*',space(5),'*'); select reverse('abc'),reverse('abcd'); select rpad('a',4,'1'),rpad('a',4,'12'),rpad('abcd',3,'12'), rpad(11, 10 , 22), rpad("ab", 10, 22); select lpad('a',4,'1'),lpad('a',4,'12'),lpad('abcd',3,'12'), lpad(11, 10 , 22); select rpad(741653838,17,'0'),lpad(741653838,17,'0'); select rpad('abcd',7,'ab'),lpad('abcd',7,'ab'); select rpad('abcd',1,'ab'),lpad('abcd',1,'ab'); select rpad('STRING', 20, CONCAT('p','a','d') ); select lpad('STRING', 20, CONCAT('p','a','d') ); select LEAST(NULL,'HARRY','HARRIOT',NULL,'HAROLD'),GREATEST(NULL,'HARRY','HARRIOT',NULL,'HAROLD'); select least(1,2,3) | greatest(16,32,8), least(5,4)*1,greatest(-1.0,1.0)*1,least(3,2,1)*1.0,greatest(1,1.1,1.0),least("10",9),greatest("A","B","0"); select decode(encode(repeat("a",100000),"monty"),"monty")=repeat("a",100000); select decode(encode("abcdef","monty"),"monty")="abcdef"; select quote('\'\"\\test'); select quote(concat('abc\'', '\\cba')); select quote(1/0), quote('\0\Z'); select length(quote(concat(char(0),"test"))); select hex(quote(concat(char(224),char(227),char(230),char(231),char(232),char(234),char(235)))); select unhex(hex("foobar")), hex(unhex("1234567890ABCDEF")), unhex("345678"), unhex(NULL); select hex(unhex("1")), hex(unhex("12")), hex(unhex("123")), hex(unhex("1234")), hex(unhex("12345")), hex(unhex("123456")); select length(unhex(md5("abrakadabra"))); # # Bug #6564: QUOTE(NULL # select concat('a', quote(NULL)); # # Wrong usage of functions # select reverse(""); select insert("aa",100,1,"b"),insert("aa",1,3,"b"),left("aa",-1),substring("a",1,2); select elt(2,1),field(NULL,"a","b","c"),reverse(""); select locate("a","b",2),locate("","a",1); select ltrim("a"),rtrim("a"),trim(BOTH "" from "a"),trim(BOTH " " from "a"); select concat("1","2")|0,concat("1",".5")+0.0; select substring_index("www.tcx.se","",3); select length(repeat("a",100000000)),length(repeat("a",1000*64)); select position("0" in "baaa" in (1)),position("0" in "1" in (1,2,3)),position("sql" in ("mysql")); select position(("1" in (1,2,3)) in "01"); select length(repeat("a",65500)),length(concat(repeat("a",32000),repeat("a",32000))),length(replace("aaaaa","a",concat(repeat("a",10000)))),length(insert(repeat("a",40000),1,30000,repeat("b",50000))); select length(repeat("a",1000000)),length(concat(repeat("a",32000),repeat("a",32000),repeat("a",32000))),length(replace("aaaaa","a",concat(repeat("a",32000)))),length(insert(repeat("a",48000),1,1000,repeat("a",48000))); # # Problem med concat # create table t1 ( domain char(50) ); insert into t1 VALUES ("hello.de" ), ("test.de" ); select domain from t1 where concat('@', trim(leading '.' from concat('.', domain))) = '@hello.de'; select domain from t1 where concat('@', trim(leading '.' from concat('.', domain))) = '@test.de'; drop table t1; # # Test bug in concat_ws # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, title varchar(255) default NULL, prio int(10) unsigned default NULL, category int(10) unsigned default NULL, program int(10) unsigned default NULL, bugdesc text, created datetime default NULL, modified timestamp NOT NULL, bugstatus int(10) unsigned default NULL, submitter int(10) unsigned default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'Link',1,1,1,'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa','2001-02-28 08:40:16',20010228084016,0,4); SELECT CONCAT('"',CONCAT_WS('";"',title,prio,category,program,bugdesc,created,modified+0,bugstatus,submitter), '"') FROM t1; SELECT CONCAT('"',CONCAT_WS('";"',title,prio,category,program,bugstatus,submitter), '"') FROM t1; SELECT CONCAT_WS('";"',title,prio,category,program,bugdesc,created,modified+0,bugstatus,submitter) FROM t1; SELECT bugdesc, REPLACE(bugdesc, 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx', 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb') from t1 group by bugdesc; drop table t1; # # Test bug in AES_DECRYPT() when called with wrong argument # CREATE TABLE t1 (id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, tmp text NOT NULL, KEY id (id)) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'a545f661efdd1fb66fdee3aab79945bf'); SELECT 1 FROM t1 WHERE tmp=AES_DECRYPT(tmp,"password"); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( wid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, data_podp date default NULL, status_wnio enum('nowy','podp','real','arch') NOT NULL default 'nowy', PRIMARY KEY(wid) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (8,NULL,'real'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9,NULL,'nowy'); SELECT elt(status_wnio,data_podp) FROM t1 GROUP BY wid; DROP TABLE t1; # # test for #739 CREATE TABLE t1 (title text) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('Congress reconvenes in September to debate welfare and adult education'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('House passes the CAREERS bill'); SELECT CONCAT("",RPAD("",(55 - LENGTH(title)),".")) from t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # test for Bug #2290 "output truncated with ELT when using DISTINCT" # CREATE TABLE t1 (i int, j int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(2,2); SELECT DISTINCT i, ELT(j, '345', '34') FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # bug #3756: quote and NULL # create table t1(a char(4)); insert into t1 values ('one'),(NULL),('two'),('four'); select a, quote(a), isnull(quote(a)), quote(a) is null, ifnull(quote(a), 'n') from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #5498: TRIM fails with LEADING or TRAILING if remstr = str # select trim(trailing 'foo' from 'foo'); select trim(leading 'foo' from 'foo'); # # crashing bug with QUOTE() and LTRIM() or TRIM() fixed # Bug #7495 # select quote(ltrim(concat(' ', 'a'))); select quote(trim(concat(' ', 'a'))); # Bad results from QUOTE(). Bug #8248 CREATE TABLE t1 SELECT 1 UNION SELECT 2 UNION SELECT 3; SELECT QUOTE('A') FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # Test collation and coercibility # select 1=_latin1'1'; select _latin1'1'=1; select _latin2'1'=1; select 1=_latin2'1'; --error 1267 select _latin1'1'=_latin2'1'; select row('a','b','c') = row('a','b','c'); select row('A','b','c') = row('a','b','c'); select row('A' COLLATE latin1_bin,'b','c') = row('a','b','c'); select row('A','b','c') = row('a' COLLATE latin1_bin,'b','c'); --error 1267 select row('A' COLLATE latin1_general_ci,'b','c') = row('a' COLLATE latin1_bin,'b','c'); --error 1267 select concat(_latin1'a',_latin2'a'); --error 1270 select concat(_latin1'a',_latin2'a',_latin5'a'); --error 1271 select concat(_latin1'a',_latin2'a',_latin5'a',_latin7'a'); --error 1267 select concat_ws(_latin1'a',_latin2'a'); # # Test FIELD() and collations # select FIELD('b','A','B'); select FIELD('B','A','B'); select FIELD('b' COLLATE latin1_bin,'A','B'); select FIELD('b','A' COLLATE latin1_bin,'B'); --error 1270 select FIELD(_latin2'b','A','B'); --error 1270 select FIELD('b',_latin2'A','B'); select FIELD('1',_latin2'3','2',1); select POSITION(_latin1'B' IN _latin1'abcd'); select POSITION(_latin1'B' IN _latin1'abcd' COLLATE latin1_bin); select POSITION(_latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_bin IN _latin1'abcd'); --error 1267 select POSITION(_latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_general_ci IN _latin1'abcd' COLLATE latin1_bin); --error 1267 select POSITION(_latin1'B' IN _latin2'abcd'); select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B',_latin1'a,b,c,d'); # fix this: --disable_parsing select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B',_latin1'a,b,c,d' COLLATE latin1_bin); select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_bin,_latin1'a,b,c,d'); --enable_parsing --error 1267 select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_general_ci,_latin1'a,b,c,d' COLLATE latin1_bin); --error 1267 select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B',_latin2'a,b,c,d'); select SUBSTRING_INDEX(_latin1'abcdabcdabcd',_latin1'd',2); # fix this: --disable_parsing select SUBSTRING_INDEX(_latin1'abcdabcdabcd' COLLATE latin1_bin,_latin1'd',2); select SUBSTRING_INDEX(_latin1'abcdabcdabcd',_latin1'd' COLLATE latin1_bin,2); --enable_parsing --error 1267 select SUBSTRING_INDEX(_latin1'abcdabcdabcd',_latin2'd',2); --error 1267 select SUBSTRING_INDEX(_latin1'abcdabcdabcd' COLLATE latin1_general_ci,_latin1'd' COLLATE latin1_bin,2); select _latin1'B' between _latin1'a' and _latin1'c'; select _latin1'B' collate latin1_bin between _latin1'a' and _latin1'c'; select _latin1'B' between _latin1'a' collate latin1_bin and _latin1'c'; select _latin1'B' between _latin1'a' and _latin1'c' collate latin1_bin; --error 1270 select _latin2'B' between _latin1'a' and _latin1'b'; --error 1270 select _latin1'B' between _latin2'a' and _latin1'b'; --error 1270 select _latin1'B' between _latin1'a' and _latin2'b'; --error 1270 select _latin1'B' collate latin1_general_ci between _latin1'a' collate latin1_bin and _latin1'b'; select _latin1'B' in (_latin1'a',_latin1'b'); select _latin1'B' collate latin1_bin in (_latin1'a',_latin1'b'); select _latin1'B' in (_latin1'a' collate latin1_bin,_latin1'b'); select _latin1'B' in (_latin1'a',_latin1'b' collate latin1_bin); --error 1270 select _latin2'B' in (_latin1'a',_latin1'b'); --error 1270 select _latin1'B' in (_latin2'a',_latin1'b'); --error 1270 select _latin1'B' in (_latin1'a',_latin2'b'); --error 1270 select _latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_general_ci in (_latin1'a' COLLATE latin1_bin,_latin1'b'); --error 1270 select _latin1'B' COLLATE latin1_general_ci in (_latin1'a',_latin1'b' COLLATE latin1_bin); select collation(bin(130)), coercibility(bin(130)); select collation(oct(130)), coercibility(oct(130)); select collation(conv(130,16,10)), coercibility(conv(130,16,10)); select collation(hex(130)), coercibility(hex(130)); select collation(char(130)), coercibility(hex(130)); select collation(format(130,10)), coercibility(format(130,10)); select collation(lcase(_latin2'a')), coercibility(lcase(_latin2'a')); select collation(ucase(_latin2'a')), coercibility(ucase(_latin2'a')); select collation(left(_latin2'a',1)), coercibility(left(_latin2'a',1)); select collation(right(_latin2'a',1)), coercibility(right(_latin2'a',1)); select collation(substring(_latin2'a',1,1)), coercibility(substring(_latin2'a',1,1)); select collation(concat(_latin2'a',_latin2'b')), coercibility(concat(_latin2'a',_latin2'b')); select collation(lpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b')), coercibility(lpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b')); select collation(rpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b')), coercibility(rpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b')); select collation(concat_ws(_latin2'a',_latin2'b')), coercibility(concat_ws(_latin2'a',_latin2'b')); select collation(make_set(255,_latin2'a',_latin2'b',_latin2'c')), coercibility(make_set(255,_latin2'a',_latin2'b',_latin2'c')); select collation(export_set(255,_latin2'y',_latin2'n',_latin2' ')), coercibility(export_set(255,_latin2'y',_latin2'n',_latin2' ')); select collation(trim(_latin2' a ')), coercibility(trim(_latin2' a ')); select collation(ltrim(_latin2' a ')), coercibility(ltrim(_latin2' a ')); select collation(rtrim(_latin2' a ')), coercibility(rtrim(_latin2' a ')); select collation(trim(LEADING _latin2' ' FROM _latin2'a')), coercibility(trim(LEADING _latin2'a' FROM _latin2'a')); select collation(trim(TRAILING _latin2' ' FROM _latin2'a')), coercibility(trim(TRAILING _latin2'a' FROM _latin2'a')); select collation(trim(BOTH _latin2' ' FROM _latin2'a')), coercibility(trim(BOTH _latin2'a' FROM _latin2'a')); select collation(repeat(_latin2'a',10)), coercibility(repeat(_latin2'a',10)); select collation(reverse(_latin2'ab')), coercibility(reverse(_latin2'ab')); select collation(quote(_latin2'ab')), coercibility(quote(_latin2'ab')); select collation(soundex(_latin2'ab')), coercibility(soundex(_latin2'ab')); select collation(substring(_latin2'ab',1)), coercibility(substring(_latin2'ab',1)); select collation(insert(_latin2'abcd',2,3,_latin2'ef')), coercibility(insert(_latin2'abcd',2,3,_latin2'ef')); select collation(replace(_latin2'abcd',_latin2'b',_latin2'B')), coercibility(replace(_latin2'abcd',_latin2'b',_latin2'B')); select collation(encode('abcd','ab')), coercibility(encode('abcd','ab')); create table t1 select bin(130), oct(130), conv(130,16,10), hex(130), char(130), format(130,10), left(_latin2'a',1), right(_latin2'a',1), lcase(_latin2'a'), ucase(_latin2'a'), substring(_latin2'a',1,1), concat(_latin2'a',_latin2'b'), lpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b'), rpad(_latin2'a',4,_latin2'b'), concat_ws(_latin2'a',_latin2'b'), make_set(255,_latin2'a',_latin2'b',_latin2'c'), export_set(255,_latin2'y',_latin2'n',_latin2' '), trim(_latin2' a '), ltrim(_latin2' a '), rtrim(_latin2' a '), trim(LEADING _latin2' ' FROM _latin2' a '), trim(TRAILING _latin2' ' FROM _latin2' a '), trim(BOTH _latin2' ' FROM _latin2' a '), repeat(_latin2'a',10), reverse(_latin2'ab'), quote(_latin2'ab'), soundex(_latin2'ab'), substring(_latin2'ab',1), insert(_latin2'abcd',2,3,_latin2'ef'), replace(_latin2'abcd',_latin2'b',_latin2'B'), encode('abcd','ab') ; show create table t1; drop table t1; # # Bug#9129 # create table t1 (a char character set latin2); insert into t1 values (null); select charset(a), collation(a), coercibility(a) from t1; drop table t1; select charset(null), collation(null), coercibility(null); # # Make sure OUTER JOIN is not replaced with a regular joun # CREATE TABLE t1 (a int, b int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int, b int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,1),(2,2); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,2),(3,3); select t1.*,t2.* from t1 left join t2 on (t1.b=t2.b) where collation(t2.a) = _utf8'binary' order by t1.a,t2.a; select t1.*,t2.* from t1 left join t2 on (t1.b=t2.b) where charset(t2.a) = _utf8'binary' order by t1.a,t2.a; select t1.*,t2.* from t1 left join t2 on (t1.b=t2.b) where coercibility(t2.a) = 5 order by t1.a,t2.a; DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # test for SUBSTR # select SUBSTR('abcdefg',3,2); select SUBSTRING('abcdefg',3,2); select SUBSTR('abcdefg',-3,2) FROM DUAL; select SUBSTR('abcdefg',-1,5) FROM DUAL; select SUBSTR('abcdefg',0,0) FROM DUAL; select SUBSTR('abcdefg',-1,-1) FROM DUAL; select SUBSTR('abcdefg',1,-1) FROM DUAL; # # Test that fix_fields doesn't follow to upper level (to comparison) # when an error on a lower level (in concat) has accured: # create table t7 (s1 char); --error 1267 select * from t7 where concat(s1 collate latin1_general_ci,s1 collate latin1_swedish_ci) = 'AA'; drop table t7; select substring_index("1abcd;2abcd;3abcd;4abcd", ';', 2),substring_index("1abcd;2abcd;3abcd;4abcd", ';', -2); explain extended select md5('hello'); explain extended select sha('abc'); explain extended select sha1('abc'); explain extended select soundex(''); explain extended select 'mood' sounds like 'mud'; explain extended select aes_decrypt(aes_encrypt('abc','1'),'1'); explain extended select concat('*',space(5),'*'); explain extended select reverse('abc'); explain extended select rpad('a',4,'1'); explain extended select lpad('a',4,'1'); explain extended select concat_ws(',','',NULL,'a'); explain extended select make_set(255,_latin2'a', _latin2'b', _latin2'c'); explain extended select elt(2,1); explain extended select locate("a","b",2); explain extended select format(130,10); explain extended select char(0); explain extended select conv(130,16,10); explain extended select hex(130); explain extended select binary 'HE'; explain extended select export_set(255,_latin2'y', _latin2'n', _latin2' '); explain extended select FIELD('b' COLLATE latin1_bin,'A','B'); explain extended select FIND_IN_SET(_latin1'B', _latin1'a,b,c,d'); explain extended select collation(conv(130,16,10)); explain extended select coercibility(conv(130,16,10)); explain extended select length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); explain extended select bit_length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); explain extended select bit_length('\n\t\r\b\0\_\%\\'); explain extended select concat('monty',' was here ','again'); explain extended select length('hello'); explain extended select char(ascii('h')); explain extended select ord('h'); explain extended select quote(1/0); explain extended select crc32("123"); explain extended select replace('aaaa','a','b'); explain extended select insert('txs',2,1,'hi'); explain extended select left(_latin2'a',1); explain extended select right(_latin2'a',1); explain extended select lcase(_latin2'a'); explain extended select ucase(_latin2'a'); explain extended select SUBSTR('abcdefg',3,2); explain extended select substring_index("1abcd;2abcd;3abcd;4abcd", ';', 2); explain extended select trim(_latin2' a '); explain extended select ltrim(_latin2' a '); explain extended select rtrim(_latin2' a '); explain extended select decode(encode(repeat("a",100000),"monty"),"monty"); # # lpad returns incorrect result (Bug #2182) # SELECT lpad(12345, 5, "#"); # # Problem the the CONV() function (Bug #2972) # SELECT conv(71, 10, 36), conv('1Z', 36, 10); SELECT conv(71, 10, 37), conv('1Z', 37, 10), conv(0,1,10),conv(0,0,10), conv(0,-1,10); # # Bug in SUBSTRING when mixed with CONCAT and ORDER BY (Bug #3089) # create table t1 (id int(1), str varchar(10)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into t1 values (1,'aaaaaaaaaa'), (2,'bbbbbbbbbb'); create table t2 (id int(1), str varchar(10)) DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8; insert into t2 values (1,'cccccccccc'), (2,'dddddddddd'); select substring(concat(t1.str, t2.str), 1, 15) "name" from t1, t2 where t2.id=t1.id order by name; drop table t1, t2; # # Test case for conversion of long string value to integer (Bug #3472) # create table t1 (c1 INT, c2 INT UNSIGNED); insert into t1 values ('21474836461','21474836461'); insert into t1 values ('-21474836461','-21474836461'); show warnings; select * from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #4878: LEFT() in integer/float context # select left(1234, 3) + 0; # # Bug #7101: bug with LEFT() when used as a field in GROUP BY aggregation # create table t1 (a int not null primary key, b varchar(40), c datetime); insert into t1 (a,b,c) values (1,'Tom','2004-12-10 12:13:14'),(2,'ball games','2004-12-10 12:13:14'), (3,'Basil','2004-12-10 12:13:14'), (4,'Dean','2004-12-10 12:13:14'),(5,'Ellis','2004-12-10 12:13:14'), (6,'Serg','2004-12-10 12:13:14'), (7,'Sergei','2004-12-10 12:13:14'),(8,'Georg','2004-12-10 12:13:14'),(9,'Salle','2004-12-10 12:13:14'),(10,'Sinisa','2004-12-10 12:13:14'); select count(*) as total, left(c,10) as reg from t1 group by reg order by reg desc limit 0,12; drop table t1; # # Bug#7455 unexpected result: TRIM( FROM ) gives NOT NULL # According to ANSI if one of the TRIM arguments is NULL, then the result # must be NULL too. # select trim(null from 'kate') as "must_be_null"; select trim('xyz' from null) as "must_be_null"; select trim(leading NULL from 'kate') as "must_be_null"; select trim(trailing NULL from 'xyz') as "must_be_null"; # # Bug #7751 - conversion for a bigint unsigned constant # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, a bigint(20) unsigned default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ) ENGINE=MyISAM; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('0','16307858876001849059'); SELECT CONV('e251273eb74a8ee3', 16, 10); EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM t1 WHERE a = 16307858876001849059; EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM t1 WHERE a = CONV('e251273eb74a8ee3', 16, 10); DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #6317: string function CHAR, parameter is NULL, wrong result # SELECT CHAR(NULL,121,83,81,'76') as my_column; SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(CHAR(NULL,121,83,81,'76')) as my_column; # # Test case for bug #8669: null aes_decrypt result in order by query # CREATE TABLE t1 (id int PRIMARY KEY, str char(255) NOT NULL); CREATE TABLE t2 (id int NOT NULL UNIQUE); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1),(2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, aes_encrypt('foo', 'bar')); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, 'not valid'); SELECT t1.id, aes_decrypt(str, 'bar') FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id; SELECT t1.id, aes_decrypt(str, 'bar') FROM t1, t2 WHERE t1.id = t2.id ORDER BY t1.id; DROP TABLE t1, t2; # # Bug #10944: Mishandling of NULL arguments in FIELD() # select field(0,NULL,1,0), field("",NULL,"bar",""), field(0.0,NULL,1.0,0.0); select field(NULL,1,2,NULL), field(NULL,1,2,0); # # Bug #10124: access by integer index with a string key that is not a number # CREATE TABLE t1 (str varchar(20) PRIMARY KEY); CREATE TABLE t2 (num int primary key); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('notnumber'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (0), (1); SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE num=str; SELECT * FROM t1, t2 WHERE num=substring(str from 1 for 6); DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Bug #11469: NOT NULL optimization wrongly used for arguments of CONCAT_WS # CREATE TABLE t1( id int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment, pc int(11) NOT NULL default '0', title varchar(20) default NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 0, 'Main'), (2, 1, 'Toys'), (3, 1, 'Games'); SELECT t1.id, CONCAT_WS('->', t3.title, t2.title, t1.title) as col1 FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t1 AS t2 ON t1.pc=t2.id LEFT JOIN t1 AS t3 ON t2.pc=t3.id; SELECT t1.id, CONCAT_WS('->', t3.title, t2.title, t1.title) as col1 FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t1 AS t2 ON t1.pc=t2.id LEFT JOIN t1 AS t3 ON t2.pc=t3.id WHERE CONCAT_WS('->', t3.title, t2.title, t1.title) LIKE '%Toys%'; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1( trackid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, trackname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (trackid) ); CREATE TABLE t2( artistid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, artistname varchar(100) NOT NULL default '', PRIMARY KEY (artistid) ); CREATE TABLE t3( trackid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, artistid int(10) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (trackid,artistid) ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'April In Paris'), (2, 'Autumn In New York'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1, 'Vernon Duke'); INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (1,1); SELECT CONCAT_WS(' ', trackname, artistname) trackname, artistname FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t3 ON t1.trackid=t3.trackid LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.artistid=t3.artistid WHERE CONCAT_WS(' ', trackname, artistname) LIKE '%In%'; DROP TABLE t1,t2,t3; # # Correct length reporting from substring() (BUG#10269) # create table t1 (b varchar(5)); insert t1 values ('ab'), ('abc'), ('abcd'), ('abcde'); select *,substring(b,1),substring(b,-1),substring(b,-2),substring(b,-3),substring(b,-4),substring(b,-5) from t1; select * from (select *,substring(b,1),substring(b,-1),substring(b,-2),substring(b,-3),substring(b,-4),substring(b,-5) from t1) t; drop table t1; # # Bug #9854 hex() and out of range handling # select hex(29223372036854775809), hex(-29223372036854775809); # # Bug #11311: Incorrect length returned from LPAD() and RPAD() # create table t1 (i int); insert into t1 values (1000000000),(1); --enable_metadata select lpad(i, 7, ' ') as t from t1; select rpad(i, 7, ' ') as t from t1; --disable_metadata drop table t1; # # Bug #10418: LOAD_FILE does not behave like in manual if file does not exist # select load_file("lkjlkj"); select ifnull(load_file("lkjlkj"),"it's null"); # # Bug#15351: Wrong collation used for comparison of md5() and sha() # parameter can lead to a wrong result. # create table t1 (f1 varchar(4), f2 varchar(64), unique key k1 (f1,f2)); insert into t1 values ( 'test',md5('test')), ('test', sha('test')); select * from t1 where f1='test' and (f2= md5("test") or f2= md5("TEST")); select * from t1 where f1='test' and (f2= md5("TEST") or f2= md5("test")); select * from t1 where f1='test' and (f2= sha("test") or f2= sha("TEST")); select * from t1 where f1='test' and (f2= sha("TEST") or f2= sha("test")); drop table t1; # # Bug#18243: REVERSE changes its argument # CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('abc'), ('xyz'); SELECT a, CONCAT(a,' ',a) AS c FROM t1 HAVING LEFT(c,LENGTH(c)-INSTR(REVERSE(c)," ")) = a; SELECT a, CONCAT(a,' ',a) AS c FROM t1 HAVING LEFT(CONCAT(a,' ',a), LENGTH(CONCAT(a,' ',a))- INSTR(REVERSE(CONCAT(a,' ',a))," ")) = a; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#17526: WRONG PRINT for TRIM FUNCTION with two arguments # CREATE TABLE t1 (s varchar(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('yadda'), ('yaddy'); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT s FROM t1 WHERE TRIM(s) > 'ab'; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT s FROM t1 WHERE TRIM('y' FROM s) > 'ab'; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT s FROM t1 WHERE TRIM(LEADING 'y' FROM s) > 'ab'; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT s FROM t1 WHERE TRIM(TRAILING 'y' FROM s) > 'ab'; EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT s FROM t1 WHERE TRIM(BOTH 'y' FROM s) > 'ab'; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#23409: ENCODE() and DECODE() functions aren't printed correctly # create table t1(f1 varchar(4)); explain extended select encode(f1,'zxcv') as 'enc' from t1; explain extended select decode(f1,'zxcv') as 'enc' from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #31758 inet_ntoa, oct, crashes server with null + filesort # create table t1 (a bigint not null)engine=myisam; insert into t1 set a = 1024*1024*1024*4; delete from t1 order by (inet_ntoa(a)) desc limit 10; drop table t1; create table t1 (a char(36) not null)engine=myisam; insert ignore into t1 set a = ' '; insert ignore into t1 set a = ' '; select * from t1 order by (oct(a)); drop table t1; --echo End of 4.1 tests # # Bug #13361: SELECT FORMAT(, 2) crashes # create table t1 (d decimal default null); insert into t1 values (null); select format(d, 2) from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #14676: substring_index() returns incorrect results # create table t1 (c varchar(40)); insert into t1 values ('y,abc'),('y,abc'); select c, substring_index(lcase(c), @q:=',', -1) as res from t1; drop table t1; # # Bug #17043: Casting trimmed string to decimal loses precision # select cast(rtrim(' 20.06 ') as decimal(19,2)); select cast(ltrim(' 20.06 ') as decimal(19,2)); select cast(rtrim(ltrim(' 20.06 ')) as decimal(19,2)); # # Bug #13975: "same string" + 0 has 2 different results # select conv("18383815659218730760",10,10) + 0; select "18383815659218730760" + 0; # # Bug #21698: substitution of a string field for a constant under a function # CREATE TABLE t1 (code varchar(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a12'), ('A12'), ('a13'); SELECT ASCII(code), code FROM t1 WHERE code='A12'; SELECT ASCII(code), code FROM t1 WHERE code='A12' AND ASCII(code)=65; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('a12 '), ('A12 '); SELECT LENGTH(code), code FROM t1 WHERE code='A12'; SELECT LENGTH(code), code FROM t1 WHERE code='A12' AND LENGTH(code)=5; ALTER TABLE t1 ADD INDEX (code); CREATE TABLE t2 (id varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('a11'), ('a12'), ('a13'), ('a14'); SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t1.code=t2.id WHERE t2.id='a12' AND (LENGTH(code)=5 OR code < 'a00'); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON code=id WHERE id='a12' AND (LENGTH(code)=5 OR code < 'a00'); DROP TABLE t1,t2; # # Bug#22684: The Functions ENCODE, DECODE and FORMAT are not real functions # select encode(NULL, NULL); select encode("data", NULL); select encode(NULL, "password"); select decode(NULL, NULL); select decode("data", NULL); select decode(NULL, "password"); select format(NULL, NULL); select format(pi(), NULL); select format(NULL, 2); select benchmark(NULL, NULL); select benchmark(0, NULL); select benchmark(100, NULL); select benchmark(NULL, 1+1); # # Bug #20752: BENCHMARK with many iterations returns too quickly # # not a string, but belongs with the above Bug#22684 select benchmark(-1, 1); # # Please note: # 1) The collation of the password is irrelevant, the encryption uses # the binary representation of the string without charset/collation. # 2) These tests can not print the encoded text directly, because it's binary, # and doing this would cause problems with source control. # Instead, an md5() checksum is used, to verify the result indirectly. # 3) Each md5() result must be identical. # 4) The md5() result must never change, and must be stable across releases. # set @password="password"; set @my_data="clear text to encode"; select md5(encode(@my_data, "password")); select md5(encode(@my_data, _utf8 "password")); select md5(encode(@my_data, binary "password")); select md5(encode(@my_data, _latin1 "password")); select md5(encode(@my_data, _koi8r "password")); select md5(encode(@my_data, (select "password" from dual))); select md5(encode(@my_data, concat("pass", "word"))); select md5(encode(@my_data, @password)); set @my_data="binary encoded data"; select md5(decode(@my_data, "password")); select md5(decode(@my_data, _utf8 "password")); select md5(decode(@my_data, binary "password")); select md5(decode(@my_data, _latin1 "password")); select md5(decode(@my_data, _koi8r "password")); select md5(decode(@my_data, (select "password" from dual))); select md5(decode(@my_data, concat("pass", "word"))); select md5(decode(@my_data, @password)); set @dec=5; select format(pi(), (1+1)); select format(pi(), (select 3 from dual)); select format(pi(), @dec); set @bench_count=10; select benchmark(10, pi()); select benchmark(5+5, pi()); select benchmark((select 10 from dual), pi()); select benchmark(@bench_count, pi()); # # Bug #10963 # 4294967296 18446744073709551616 select locate('he','hello',-2); select locate('lo','hello',-4294967295); select locate('lo','hello',4294967295); select locate('lo','hello',-4294967296); select locate('lo','hello',4294967296); select locate('lo','hello',-4294967297); select locate('lo','hello',4294967297); select locate('lo','hello',-18446744073709551615); select locate('lo','hello',18446744073709551615); select locate('lo','hello',-18446744073709551616); select locate('lo','hello',18446744073709551616); select locate('lo','hello',-18446744073709551617); select locate('lo','hello',18446744073709551617); select left('hello', 10); select left('hello', 0); select left('hello', -1); select left('hello', -4294967295); select left('hello', 4294967295); select left('hello', -4294967296); select left('hello', 4294967296); select left('hello', -4294967297); select left('hello', 4294967297); select left('hello', -18446744073709551615); select left('hello', 18446744073709551615); select left('hello', -18446744073709551616); select left('hello', 18446744073709551616); select left('hello', -18446744073709551617); select left('hello', 18446744073709551617); select right('hello', 10); select right('hello', 0); select right('hello', -1); select right('hello', -4294967295); select right('hello', 4294967295); select right('hello', -4294967296); select right('hello', 4294967296); select right('hello', -4294967297); select right('hello', 4294967297); select right('hello', -18446744073709551615); select right('hello', 18446744073709551615); select right('hello', -18446744073709551616); select right('hello', 18446744073709551616); select right('hello', -18446744073709551617); select right('hello', 18446744073709551617); select substring('hello', 2, -1); select substring('hello', -1, 1); select substring('hello', -2, 1); select substring('hello', -4294967295, 1); select substring('hello', 4294967295, 1); select substring('hello', -4294967296, 1); select substring('hello', 4294967296, 1); select substring('hello', -4294967297, 1); select substring('hello', 4294967297, 1); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551615, 1); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551615, 1); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551616, 1); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551616, 1); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551617, 1); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551617, 1); select substring('hello', 1, -1); select substring('hello', 1, -4294967295); select substring('hello', 1, 4294967295); select substring('hello', 1, -4294967296); select substring('hello', 1, 4294967296); select substring('hello', 1, -4294967297); select substring('hello', 1, 4294967297); select substring('hello', 1, -18446744073709551615); select substring('hello', 1, 18446744073709551615); select substring('hello', 1, -18446744073709551616); select substring('hello', 1, 18446744073709551616); select substring('hello', 1, -18446744073709551617); select substring('hello', 1, 18446744073709551617); select substring('hello', -1, -1); select substring('hello', -4294967295, -4294967295); select substring('hello', 4294967295, 4294967295); select substring('hello', -4294967296, -4294967296); select substring('hello', 4294967296, 4294967296); select substring('hello', -4294967297, -4294967297); select substring('hello', 4294967297, 4294967297); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551615, -18446744073709551615); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551615); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551616, -18446744073709551616); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551616, 18446744073709551616); select substring('hello', -18446744073709551617, -18446744073709551617); select substring('hello', 18446744073709551617, 18446744073709551617); select insert('hello', -1, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967295, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967295, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967296, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967296, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967297, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967297, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551615, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551615, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551616, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551616, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551617, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551617, 1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -4294967295, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 4294967295, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -4294967296, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 4294967296, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -4294967297, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 4294967297, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -18446744073709551615, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 18446744073709551615, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -18446744073709551616, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 18446744073709551616, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, -18446744073709551617, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 1, 18446744073709551617, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -1, -1, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967295, -4294967295, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967295, 4294967295, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967296, -4294967296, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967296, 4294967296, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -4294967297, -4294967297, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 4294967297, 4294967297, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551615, -18446744073709551615, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551615, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551616, -18446744073709551616, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551616, 18446744073709551616, 'hi'); select insert('hello', -18446744073709551617, -18446744073709551617, 'hi'); select insert('hello', 18446744073709551617, 18446744073709551617, 'hi'); select repeat('hello', -1); select repeat('hello', -4294967295); select repeat('hello', 4294967295); select repeat('hello', -4294967296); select repeat('hello', 4294967296); select repeat('hello', -4294967297); select repeat('hello', 4294967297); select repeat('hello', -18446744073709551615); select repeat('hello', 18446744073709551615); select repeat('hello', -18446744073709551616); select repeat('hello', 18446744073709551616); select repeat('hello', -18446744073709551617); select repeat('hello', 18446744073709551617); select space(-1); select space(-4294967295); select space(4294967295); select space(-4294967296); select space(4294967296); select space(-4294967297); select space(4294967297); select space(-18446744073709551615); select space(18446744073709551615); select space(-18446744073709551616); select space(18446744073709551616); select space(-18446744073709551617); select space(18446744073709551617); select rpad('hello', -1, '1'); select rpad('hello', -4294967295, '1'); select rpad('hello', 4294967295, '1'); select rpad('hello', -4294967296, '1'); select rpad('hello', 4294967296, '1'); select rpad('hello', -4294967297, '1'); select rpad('hello', 4294967297, '1'); select rpad('hello', -18446744073709551615, '1'); select rpad('hello', 18446744073709551615, '1'); select rpad('hello', -18446744073709551616, '1'); select rpad('hello', 18446744073709551616, '1'); select rpad('hello', -18446744073709551617, '1'); select rpad('hello', 18446744073709551617, '1'); select lpad('hello', -1, '1'); select lpad('hello', -4294967295, '1'); select lpad('hello', 4294967295, '1'); select lpad('hello', -4294967296, '1'); select lpad('hello', 4294967296, '1'); select lpad('hello', -4294967297, '1'); select lpad('hello', 4294967297, '1'); select lpad('hello', -18446744073709551615, '1'); select lpad('hello', 18446744073709551615, '1'); select lpad('hello', -18446744073709551616, '1'); select lpad('hello', 18446744073709551616, '1'); select lpad('hello', -18446744073709551617, '1'); select lpad('hello', 18446744073709551617, '1'); # # BUG#17047: CHAR() and IN() can return NULL without signaling NULL # result # SET @orig_sql_mode = @@SQL_MODE; SET SQL_MODE=traditional; SELECT CHAR(0xff,0x8f USING utf8); SELECT CHAR(0xff,0x8f USING utf8) IS NULL; SET SQL_MODE=@orig_sql_mode; # # Bug #24947: problem with some string function with unsigned int parameters # select substring('abc', cast(2 as unsigned int)); select repeat('a', cast(2 as unsigned int)); select rpad('abc', cast(5 as unsigned integer), 'x'); select lpad('abc', cast(5 as unsigned integer), 'x'); # # Bug#15757: Wrong SUBSTRING() result when a tmp table was employed. # create table t1(f1 longtext); insert into t1 values ("123"),("456"); select substring(f1,1,1) from t1 group by 1; create table t2(f1 varchar(3)); insert into t1 values ("123"),("456"); select substring(f1,4,1), substring(f1,-4,1) from t2; drop table t1,t2; # # Bug #25197 :repeat function returns null when using table field directly as count # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `id` varchar(20) NOT NULL, `tire` tinyint(3) unsigned NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ); INSERT INTO `t1` (`id`, `tire`) VALUES ('A', 0), ('B', 1),('C', 2); SELECT REPEAT( '#', tire ) AS A, REPEAT( '#', tire % 999 ) AS B, tire FROM `t1`; SELECT REPEAT('0', CAST(0 AS UNSIGNED)); SELECT REPEAT('0', -2); SELECT REPEAT('0', 2); DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #26537: UNHEX() IS NULL comparison fails # SELECT UNHEX('G'); SELECT UNHEX('G') IS NULL; # # Bug #26281: INSERT() function mishandles NUL on boundary condition # SELECT INSERT('abc', 3, 3, '1234'); SELECT INSERT('abc', 4, 3, '1234'); SELECT INSERT('abc', 5, 3, '1234'); SELECT INSERT('abc', 6, 3, '1234'); # # Bug #27530: Grouping on crc32, or create table select crc32 # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT CRC32(a) AS C FROM t1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2),(3),(4),(5),(6),(7),(8),(9),(10); SELECT CRC32(a), COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY 1; SELECT CRC32(a), COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 1; SELECT * FROM (SELECT CRC32(a) FROM t1) t2; CREATE TABLE t2 SELECT CRC32(a) FROM t1; desc t2; SELECT * FROM v1; SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM v1) x; DROP TABLE t1, t2; DROP VIEW v1; # # Bug #27932: LOCATE with argument evaluated to NULL # SELECT LOCATE('foo', NULL) FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, 'o') FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, NULL) FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE('foo', NULL) IS NULL FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, 'o') IS NULL FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, NULL) IS NULL FROM DUAL; SELECT ISNULL(LOCATE('foo', NULL)) FROM DUAL; SELECT ISNULL(LOCATE(NULL, 'o')) FROM DUAL; SELECT ISNULL(LOCATE(NULL, NULL)) FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE('foo', NULL) <=> NULL FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, 'o') <=> NULL FROM DUAL; SELECT LOCATE(NULL, NULL) <=> NULL FROM DUAL; CREATE TABLE t1 (id int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, a varchar(10), p varchar(10)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1, 'foo', 'o'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2, 'foo', NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3, NULL, 'o'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4, NULL, NULL); SELECT id, LOCATE(a,p) FROM t1; SELECT id, LOCATE(a,p) IS NULL FROM t1; SELECT id, ISNULL(LOCATE(a,p)) FROM t1; SELECT id, LOCATE(a,p) <=> NULL FROM t1; SELECT id FROM t1 WHERE LOCATE(a,p) IS NULL; SELECT id FROM t1 WHERE LOCATE(a,p) <=> NULL; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #27130: SUBSTR with UNSIGNED 0 as the last argument # SELECT SUBSTR('foo',1,0) FROM DUAL; SELECT SUBSTR('foo',1,CAST(0 AS SIGNED)) FROM DUAL; SELECT SUBSTR('foo',1,CAST(0 AS UNSIGNED)) FROM DUAL; CREATE TABLE t1 (a varchar(10), len int unsigned); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('bar', 2), ('foo', 0); SELECT SUBSTR(a,1,len) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug #28850: Potential bugs related to the return type of the CHAR function # CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT CHAR(0x414243) as c1; SELECT HEX(c1) from t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT CHAR(0x414243) as c1; SELECT HEX(c1) from v1; DROP VIEW v1; # # Bug #35558 Wrong server metadata blows up the client # create table t1(a float); insert into t1 values (1.33); --enable_metadata select format(a, 2) from t1; --disable_metadata drop table t1; # # Bug #41868: crash or memory overrun with concat + upper, date_format functions # CREATE TABLE t1 (c DATE, aa VARCHAR(30)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('2008-12-31','aaaaaa'); SELECT DATE_FORMAT(c, GET_FORMAT(DATE, 'eur')) h, CONCAT(UPPER(aa),', ', aa) i FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # BUG#44774: load_file function produces valgrind warnings --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a TINYBLOB); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('aaaaaaaa'); SELECT LOAD_FILE(a) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # Bug#46815 CONCAT_WS returning wrong data # CREATE TABLE t1 (f2 VARCHAR(20)); CREATE TABLE t2 (f2 VARCHAR(20)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('MIN'),('MAX'); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('LOAD'); SELECT CONCAT_WS('_', (SELECT t2.f2 FROM t2), t1.f2) AS concat_name FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1, t2; --echo End of 5.0 tests # # Bug#44358 valgrind errors with decode() function # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings create table t1(f1 tinyint default null)engine=myisam; insert into t1 values (-1),(null); set @tmp_optimizer_switch=@@optimizer_switch; set optimizer_switch='derived_merge=off,derived_with_keys=off'; explain select 1 as a from t1,(select decode(f1,f1) as b from t1) a; explain select 1 as a from t1,(select encode(f1,f1) as b from t1) a; set optimizer_switch=@tmp_optimizer_switch; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#49141: Encode function is significantly slower in 5.1 compared to 5.0 --echo # --disable_warnings DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1, t2; --enable_warnings CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARCHAR(20), b INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (a VARCHAR(20), b INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ABC', 1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('ABC', 1); SELECT DECODE((SELECT ENCODE('secret', t1.a) FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a GROUP BY t1.b), t2.a) FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.b = t1.b > 0 GROUP BY t2.b; SELECT DECODE((SELECT ENCODE('secret', 'ABC') FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a GROUP BY t1.b), t2.a) FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.b = t1.b > 0 GROUP BY t2.b; SELECT DECODE((SELECT ENCODE('secret', t1.a) FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a GROUP BY t1.b), 'ABC') FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.b = t1.b > 0 GROUP BY t2.b; TRUNCATE TABLE t1; TRUNCATE TABLE t2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('EDF', 3), ('BCD', 2), ('ABC', 1); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES ('EDF', 3), ('BCD', 2), ('ABC', 1); SELECT DECODE((SELECT ENCODE('secret', t1.a) FROM t1,t2 WHERE t1.a = t2.a GROUP BY t1.b LIMIT 1), t2.a) FROM t2 WHERE t2.b = 1 GROUP BY t2.b; DROP TABLE t1, t2; --echo # --echo # Bug#52164 Assertion failed: param.sort_length, file .\filesort.cc, line 149 --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a LONGBLOB NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (''),(''); SELECT 1 FROM t1, t1 t2 ORDER BY QUOTE(t1.a); DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#57913 large negative number to string conversion functions crash --echo # Bug#57810 case/when/then : Assertion failed: length || !scale --echo # SELECT '1' IN ('1', SUBSTRING(-9223372036854775809, 1)); SELECT CONVERT(('' IN (REVERSE(CAST(('') AS DECIMAL)), '')), CHAR(3)); --echo # --echo # Bug#58165: "my_empty_string" gets modified and causes LOAD DATA to fail --echo # and other crashes --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( a TEXT ); --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR MYSQLTEST_VARDIR --eval SELECT 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaa' INTO OUTFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug58165.txt'; SELECT insert( substring_index( 'a', 'a', 'b' ), 1, 0, 'x' ); --replace_result $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR MYSQLTEST_VARDIR --eval LOAD DATA INFILE '$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug58165.txt' INTO TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # MDEV-759 lp:998340 - Valgrind complains on simple selects containing expression DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1)) # SELECT SUBSTRING('1', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1))); SELECT LEFT('1', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1))); SELECT RIGHT('1', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1))); SELECT REPEAT('1', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1))); SELECT RPAD('hi', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1)),'?'); SELECT LPAD('hi', DAY(FROM_UNIXTIME(-1)),'?'); # # MDEV-4289 Assertion `0' fails in make_sortkey with GROUP_CONCAT, MAKE_SET, GROUP BY # create table t1 (i int); insert into t1 values (null),(8); select group_concat( i ), make_set( i, 'a', 'b' ) field from t1 group by field; drop table t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#11766684 59851: UNINITIALISED VALUE IN ITEM_FUNC_LIKE::SELECT_OPTIMIZE WITH SUBQUERY AND --echo # CREATE TABLE t2(a INT, KEY(a)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1),(2); CREATE TABLE t1(b INT, PRIMARY KEY(b)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(254); SELECT 1 FROM t2 WHERE a LIKE (SELECT EXPORT_SET(1, b, b, b, b) FROM t1 LIMIT 1); DROP TABLE t1, t2; --echo End of 5.1 tests --echo # --echo # Start of 5.3 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Bug#11829861: SUBSTRING_INDEX() RESULTS IN MISSING CHARACTERS WHEN USED --echo # INSIDE LOWER() --echo # SET @user_at_host = 'root@mytinyhost-PC.local'; SELECT LOWER(SUBSTRING_INDEX(@user_at_host, '@', -1)); --echo # End of test BUG#11829861 --echo # --echo # Bug#42404: SUBSTRING_INDEX() RESULTS ARE INCONSISTENT --echo # CREATE TABLE t (i INT NOT NULL, c CHAR(255) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t VALUES (0,'.www.mysql.com'),(1,'.wwwmysqlcom'); SELECT i, SUBSTRING_INDEX(c, '.', -2) FROM t WHERE i = 1; SELECT i, SUBSTRING_INDEX(c, '.', -2) FROM t; DROP TABLE t; --echo # End of test BUG#42404 --echo # --echo # End of 5.3 tests --echo # --echo Start of 5.4 tests # # WL#4584 Internationalized number format # SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, NULL); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ar_AE'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ar_SA'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'be_BY'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'de_DE'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'en_IN'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'en_US'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'it_CH'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ru_RU'); SELECT format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, 'ta_IN'); CREATE TABLE t1 (fmt CHAR(5) NOT NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ar_AE'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ar_SA'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('be_BY'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('de_DE'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('en_IN'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('en_US'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('it_CH'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ru_RU'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('ta_IN'); SELECT fmt, format(12345678901234567890.123, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(12345678901234567890.123, 0, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(12345678901234567890, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(-12345678901234567890, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(-02345678901234567890, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(-00345678901234567890, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; SELECT fmt, format(-00045678901234567890, 3, fmt) FROM t1 ORDER BY fmt; DROP TABLE t1; SELECT format(123, 1, 'Non-existent-locale'); --echo End of 5.4 tests --echo # --echo # Start of 5.5 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Bug#55912 FORMAT with locale set fails for numbers < 1000 --echo # SELECT FORMAT(123.33, 2, 'no_NO'), FORMAT(1123.33, 2, 'no_NO'); SELECT FORMAT(12333e-2, 2, 'no_NO'), FORMAT(112333e-2, 2, 'no_NO'); CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT format(123,2,'no_NO'); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#11764310 conv function crashes, negative argument to memcpy --echo # SELECT CONV(1,-2147483648,-2147483648); --echo # --echo # Bug#12985030 SIMPLE QUERY WITH DECIMAL NUMBERS LEAKS MEMORY --echo # SELECT (rpad(1.0,2048,1)) IS NOT FALSE; SELECT ((+0) IN ((0b111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111),(rpad(1.0,2048,1)), (32767.1))); SELECT ((rpad(1.0,2048,1)) = ('4(') ^ (0.1)); --error 1690 SELECT pow((rpad(10.0,2048,1)),(b'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111')); SELECT ((rpad(1.0,2048,1)) + (0) ^ ('../')); SELECT stddev_samp(rpad(1.0,2048,1)); SELECT ((127.1) not in ((rpad(1.0,2048,1)),(''),(-1.1))); SELECT ((0xf3) * (rpad(1.0,2048,1)) << (0xcc)); --echo # --echo # Bug#13359121 LARGE NUMBERS, /STRINGS/DTOA.C:662: --echo # BALLOC: ASSERTION `K <= 15' FAILED. --echo # Bug#12985021 SIMPLE QUERY WITH DECIMAL NUMBERS TAKE AN --echo # EXTRAORDINARY LONG TIME TO EXECUTE SELECT @tmp_max:= @@global.max_allowed_packet; SET @@global.max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*1024; # switching connection to allow the new max_allowed_packet take effect --connect (newconn, localhost, root,,) SELECT @@global.max_allowed_packet; do format(rpad('111111111.1', 1111111, '999999999999999999999999999999999999999999'),0,'be_BY') ; # # Originally it was DO instead of SELECT here. # But in mysqltest --disable_prepare_warnings affects SELECT queries only # and can't suppress prepare time warnings for DO. # SELECT round( concat( ( coalesce( ( linefromwkb('2147483648', -b'1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111')), ( convert('[.DC2.]',decimal(30,30)) ), bit_count('') ) ), ( lpad( ( elt('01','}:K5')), sha1('P'), ( ( select '-9223372036854775808.1' > all (select ''))) ) ) ) ) AS r; --connection conn1 SET @@global.max_allowed_packet:= @tmp_max; --disconnect newconn # # Bug#11765562 58545: # EXPORT_SET() CAN BE USED TO MAKE ENTIRE SERVER COMPLETELY UNRESPONSIVE # SELECT @tmp_max:= @@global.max_allowed_packet; SET @@global.max_allowed_packet=1024*1024*1024; SELECT @@global.max_allowed_packet; SELECT CHAR_LENGTH(EXPORT_SET(1,1,1,REPEAT(1,100000000))); SET @@global.max_allowed_packet:= @tmp_max; --echo # --echo # MDEV-4272: DIV operator crashes in Item_func_int_div::val_int --echo # (incorrect NULL value handling by convert) --echo # create table t1(a int) select null; select 1 div convert(a using utf8) from t1; drop table t1; # # BUG#11757250: REPLACE(...) INSIDE A STORED PROCEDURE. # create table t1 (a int); create table t2 (a int); create procedure foo (var char(100)) select replace(var, '00000000', table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema='test'; --sorted_result call foo('(( 00000000 ++ 00000000 ))'); drop procedure foo; drop table t1,t2; # # Bug#18786138 SHA/MD5 HASHING FUNCTIONS DIE WITH "FILENAME" CHARACTER SET # select md5(_filename "a"), sha(_filename "a"); --echo # --echo # MDEV-18881 Assertion `0' failed in make_sortkey upon SELECT with GROUP BY after LOAD DATA --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a BIT(22), b CHAR(8) NOT NULL, c CHAR(8)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0xA4B,'foo','qux'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x8F5,'bar','foobar'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x0, '', NULL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x4B, 'foo','qux'); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x8F5, 'bar', 'foobar'); SET SESSION SQL_MODE= ''; SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(c) AS f FROM t1 GROUP BY LPAD('foo', 20, b); DROP TABLE t1; SET SESSION SQL_MODE=DEFAULT; CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT LPAD('a',10,' '), RPAD('a',10,' '), LPAD('a',10,' '), RPAD('a',10,' '), LPAD('a',10,NULL), RPAD('a',10,NULL), LPAD('a',10,''), RPAD('a',10,''), LPAD('a',10,RAND()), RPAD('a',10,RAND()); SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # End of 5.5 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Start of 5.6 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # WL#5510 Functions to_base64 and from_base64 --echo # let $1=64; while($1) { dec $1; eval CREATE TABLE t1 AS SELECT TO_BASE64(REPEAT('a',$1)) AS to_base64; SHOW CREATE TABLE t1; SELECT to_base64, LENGTH(to_base64) FROM t1; CREATE TABLE t2 AS SELECT from_base64(to_base64) AS from_base64 FROM t1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t2; SELECT from_base64, LENGTH(from_base64) FROM t2; DROP TABLE t2; DROP TABLE t1; --echo } CREATE TABLE t1 (a VARBINARY(64)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x00), (0x0000), (0x000000), (0x00000000); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0x00010203040506070809); SELECT TO_BASE64(a), hex(a) FROM t1 ORDER BY a; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Test NULL output for NULL input --echo # SELECT TO_BASE64(NULL); SELECT FROM_BASE64(NULL); --echo # --echo # RFC4648 test vectors --echo # SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64(''), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('f'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zg==" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('fo'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zm8=" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('foo'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zm9v" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('foob'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zm9vYg==" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('fooba'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zm9vYmE=" SELECT @b:= TO_BASE64('foobar'), FROM_BASE64(@b); # "Zm9vYmFy" --echo # --echo # Invalid characters - return NULL --echo # SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('#')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('A#')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('AB#')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('ABC#')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('ABCD#')); --echo # --echo # "=" is not valid on the first and second positions of a quadruple --echo # SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('=')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('A=')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('ABCD=')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('ABCDE=')); --echo # --echo # Incomplete sequences - return NULL --echo # SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('A')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('AB')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('ABC')); --echo # --echo # Unexpected input after pad characters - return NULL --echo # SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('AAA=x')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64('AA==x')); --echo # --echo # Delimiters are allowed at any position --echo # SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64(' A B C D ')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64(' A A = = ')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64(' A A A = ')); SELECT hex(FROM_BASE64(' A \n B \r C \t D ')); --echo # --echo # Testing that to_base64 respects max_allowed_packet --echo # SELECT LENGTH(TO_BASE64(REPEAT('a', @@max_allowed_packet-10))); --echo # --echo # Testing base64 with various data types --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( i1 INT, f1 FLOAT, dc1 DECIMAL(10,5), e1 ENUM('enum11','enum12','enum13'), s1 SET('set1','set2','set3'), t1 TIME, d1 DATE, dt1 DATETIME ); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (-12345, -456.789, 123.45, 'enum13', 'set1,set3', '01:02:03', '2010-01-01', '2011-01-01 02:03:04'); SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(i1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(f1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(dc1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(e1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(s1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(t1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(d1)) FROM t1; SELECT FROM_BASE64(TO_BASE64(dt1)) FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; # # BUG #12735829: SPACE() FUNCTION WARNING REFERS TO REPEAT() IN ER_WARN_ALLOWED_PACKET_OVERFLOWED # SELECT SPACE(@@global.max_allowed_packet*2); # # BUG #11746123-23637: CHARSET AND COLLATION OF THE FUNCTION SPACE() # SET NAMES latin1; PREPARE stmt FROM "SELECT COLLATION(space(2))"; EXECUTE stmt; SET NAMES latin2; EXECUTE stmt; disconnect conn1; connection default; set global max_allowed_packet=default; --echo # --echo # End of 5.6 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # Start of 10.0 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # MDEV-12681 Wrong VIEW results for CHAR(0xDF USING latin1) --echo # EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT CHAR(0xDF USING latin1); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT CHAR(0xDF USING `binary`); EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT CHAR(0xDF); --echo # --echo # MDEV-15619 using CONVERT() inside AES_ENCRYPT() in an UPDATE corrupts data --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL, session_id varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, directory mediumtext, checksum int(10) DEFAULT NULL, last_update datetime DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY lastupdate (last_update) ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,'',NULL,38391,'2017-06-24 07:35:28'); UPDATE t1 SET directory = AES_ENCRYPT(CONVERT('test stringrererejrjerjehrjekhrjkehrjkehrkjehrjkerhkjehrjekrhkjehrkjerhjkehrkjehrkjehrjkehrjkehrjkehrjkerjkehrjkehrjkehrjke rekjhrejrejhrjehgrehjgrhjerjhegrjherejhgrjhegrjehgrjhegrejhrgjehgrjhegrjhegrjhergjhegrjhegrhjegrjerhthkjjkdhjkgdfjkgjkdgdjkfjkhgjkfdhjgjkfdghkjdfghkjfdghfjkdghkdjfghdkjfghfjkdghfkjdghkjfdghfkjdghfkdjghfkjdghfdjkghjkdfhgdfjkghfjkdghfjkdghfjdkghfjkdghkfjdghfkjdghfkjdghkjdfghfjdkghjkfdghkjdfhgjkdfhgjkfdhgkjfdghkfjdhgkjfdgdjkejktjherjthkjrethkjrethjkerthjkerhtjkerhtkjerhtjkerhtjkerhtjkrehtkjerhtkjrehtjkrehtkjrehtkjerhtkjerhtjkrehtkjrehtjkrehtkjrethjkrethkjrehtkjethjkerhtjkrehtjkretkjerhtkjrehtjkerhtjkrehtjrehtkjrekjtrfgdsfgdhjsghjgfdhjsfhjdfgdhjshjdshjfghjdsfgjhsfgjhsdfgjhdsfgjdhsfgsjhfgjhsdfgsdjhfgjdhsfdjshfgdsjhfgjsdhfdjshfgdjhsfgdjshfgjdhsfgjhsdfgjhsdgfjhsdgfjhdsgfjhsgfjhsdgfjhdsgfhjsdehkjthrkjethjkre' USING latin1), '95F5A1F52A554'), last_update= NOW(); SELECT directory IS NULL FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, directory mediumtext ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,AES_ENCRYPT(CONVERT(REPEAT('a',800) USING latin1),'95F5A1F52A554')); SELECT AES_DECRYPT(directory,'95F5A1F52A554') FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; SET @enc=AES_ENCRYPT(REPEAT(_latin1'a',800),'95F5A1F52A554'); CREATE TABLE t1 ( id int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, directory mediumtext ) DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1,AES_DECRYPT(CONVERT(@enc USING binary),'95F5A1F52A554')); SELECT * FROM t1; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Start of 10.1 tests --echo # --echo # --echo # MDEV-8369 Unexpected impossible WHERE for a condition on a ZEROFILL field --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a BIGINT(20) ZEROFILL); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (18446744073709551615),(0); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=18446744073709551615; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE FORMAT(a,0)='18,446,744,073,709,551,615'; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=18446744073709551615 AND FORMAT(a,0)='18,446,744,073,709,551,615'; # This should not propagate the equality into FORMAT() EXPLAIN EXTENDED SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=18446744073709551615 AND FORMAT(a,0)='18,446,744,073,709,551,615'; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # Bug#58081 Duplicate entry error when doing GROUP BY --echo # MDEV-9332 Bug after upgrade to 10.1.10 --echo # SET NAMES latin1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (0),(0),(1),(0),(0); SELECT COUNT(*) FROM t1, t1 t2 GROUP BY INSERT('', t2.a, t1.a, @@global.max_binlog_size); DROP TABLE t1; --let func=hex --source include/func_str_ascii_checksum.inc --let func=to_base64 --source include/func_str_ascii_checksum.inc --echo # --echo # MDEV-10864 Wrong result for WHERE .. (f2=COMPRESS('test') OR f2=COMPRESS('TEST')) --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 VARCHAR(4), f2 VARCHAR(128), UNIQUE KEY k1 (f1,f2)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ('YQ==',from_base64('YQ==')), ('Yq==', from_base64('Yq==')); SELECT f1,HEX(f2) FROM t1 ignore index(k1) WHERE f1='YQ==' AND (f2= from_base64("YQ==") OR f2= from_base64("Yq==")); SELECT f1,HEX(f2) FROM t1 WHERE f1='YQ==' AND (f2= from_base64("YQ==") OR f2= from_base64("Yq==")); SELECT f1,HEX(f2) FROM t1 WHERE f1='YQ==' AND (f2= from_base64("Yq==") OR f2= from_base64("YQ==")); DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-18738 ASAN heap-use-after-free in copy_if_not_alloced / copy_fields --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT REPLACE( CAST( CURDATE() AS BINARY ), CURDATE(), REPEAT('a',32) ) AS f FROM t1 GROUP BY f; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT REPLACE( LEFT( CURDATE(), 4), LEFT(CURDATE(),4), REPEAT('a',32) ) AS f FROM t1 GROUP BY f; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT REPLACE(RIGHT(CURDATE(), 4), RIGHT(CURDATE(),4), REPEAT('a',32)) AS f FROM t1 GROUP BY f; DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1),(2); SELECT REPLACE(SUBSTR(CURDATE(),2,3), SUBSTR(CURDATE(),2,3), REPEAT('a',32)) AS f FROM t1 GROUP BY f; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-19359 ASAN heap-use-after-free in copy_if_not_alloced / make_sortkey --echo # CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT, b TIME, c TIME); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (NULL,'22:56:45','22:56:45'),(4,'12:51:42','12:51:42'); SELECT REPLACE( BINARY c, a, b ) f FROM t1 GROUP BY f WITH ROLLUP; DROP TABLE t1; --echo # --echo # End of 10.1 tests --echo #