# This test case is sensitive to execution timing. You may control # this sensitivity by the parameter below. Small values will result # in fast but more unstable execution, large values will improve # stability at the cost of speed. Basically, N is a number of seconds # to wait for operation to complete. Should be positive. Test runs # about 25*N seconds (it sleeps most of the time, so CPU speed is not # relevant). let $N = 5; --source include/big_test.inc --disable_warnings DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest_db1; --enable_warnings CREATE DATABASE mysqltest_db1; let $old_db= `SELECT DATABASE()`; USE mysqltest_db1; SET GLOBAL EVENT_SCHEDULER= OFF; SET @save_time_zone= @@TIME_ZONE; # # BUG#16420: Events: timestamps become UTC # BUG#26429: SHOW CREATE EVENT is incorrect for an event that # STARTS NOW() # BUG#26431: Impossible to re-create an event from backup if its # STARTS clause is in the past # WL#3698: Events: execution in local time zone # #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create rounding function. # Disable query log to hide actual value of $N. --disable_query_log eval SET @step= $N; --enable_query_log # Since we are working in a separate database, we may use any names we # like. CREATE TABLE t_step (step INT); INSERT INTO t_step VALUES (@step); # We can't use @variables in function, because it will be called from # the event thread, and 'eval' doesn't work for multi-statements, so # we can't interpolate $variables either, hence we fetch the step # value from the table. delimiter //; CREATE FUNCTION round_to_step(i INT, n INT) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE step INT; SELECT * INTO step FROM t_step; # We add 0.1 as a protection from inexact division. RETURN FLOOR((i % (step * n) + 0.1) / step); END// delimiter ;// # Test time computations wrt Daylight Saving Time shifts. We also # test here that the event operates in its time zone (see what NOW() # returns). # # Create a fake time zone with time transitions every 3*$N second. SET @step3= @step * 3; SET @step6= @step * 6; # Disable query log to hide current time. --disable_query_log SET @unix_time= UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - 1; --enable_query_log SET @unix_time= @unix_time - @unix_time % @step6; INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone VALUES (NULL, 'N'); SET @tzid= LAST_INSERT_ID(); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 0, 0, 0, 'b16420_0'); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 1, @step3 - @step, 1, 'b16420_1'); let $transition_unix_time= `SELECT @unix_time`; let $count= 30; --disable_query_log while ($count) { eval INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition VALUES (@tzid, $transition_unix_time, $transition_unix_time % @step6 = 0); let $transition_unix_time= `SELECT $transition_unix_time + @step3`; dec $count; } --enable_query_log INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_name VALUES ('bug16420', @tzid); CREATE TABLE t1 (count INT, unix_time INT, local_time INT, comment CHAR(80)); CREATE TABLE t2 (count INT); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); delimiter //; CREATE FUNCTION f1(comment CHAR(80)) RETURNS INT BEGIN DECLARE orig_tz CHAR(64); DECLARE unix_time INT; DECLARE local_now DATETIME; DECLARE utc_now DATETIME; DECLARE local_time INT; SET unix_time= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); SET local_now= FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_time); SET orig_tz= @@TIME_ZONE; SET TIME_ZONE = '+00:00'; SET utc_now= FROM_UNIXTIME(unix_time); SET TIME_ZONE= orig_tz; SET local_time = unix_time + TIMESTAMPDIFF(SECOND, utc_now, local_now); SET unix_time= round_to_step(unix_time, 6); SET local_time= round_to_step(local_time, 6); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ((SELECT count FROM t2), unix_time, local_time, comment); RETURN 0; END// delimiter ;// SET TIME_ZONE= '+00:00'; CREATE EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY @step SECOND STARTS FROM_UNIXTIME(@unix_time) DO SELECT f1(""); SET TIME_ZONE= 'bug16420'; CREATE EVENT e2 ON SCHEDULE EVERY @step SECOND STARTS FROM_UNIXTIME(@unix_time) DO SELECT f1(""); # We want to start at the beginning of the DST cycle, so we wait # untill current time divides by @step6. let $wait_timeout= `SELECT @step6 + 1`; let $wait_condition= SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() % @step6 = @step6 - 1; --source include/wait_condition.inc # The second wait is needed because after the first wait we may end up # on the ending edge of a second. Second wait will bring us to the # beginning edge. let $wait_timeout= `SELECT @step + 1`; let $wait_condition= SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP() % @step6 = 0; --source include/wait_condition.inc # Note that after the scheduler is enabled, the event will be # scheduled only for the next second. SET GLOBAL EVENT_SCHEDULER= ON; # We want to run after the events are executed. SELECT SLEEP(@step / 2); let $count= 7; --disable_query_log --disable_result_log while ($count) { SELECT SLEEP(@step); eval SELECT CASE $count WHEN 5 THEN f1(CONCAT("Second pass after backward -2 step shift,", " e2 should not be executed")) WHEN 4 THEN f1(CONCAT("Second pass after backward -2 step shift,", " e2 should not be executed")) WHEN 2 THEN f1(CONCAT("Forward +2 step shift, local 0, 1 are skipped,", " e2 should be executed")) ELSE f1("e2 should be executed") END; UPDATE t2 SET count= count + 1; dec $count; } --enable_result_log --enable_query_log SET GLOBAL EVENT_SCHEDULER= OFF; SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY count, comment; SET TIME_ZONE= @save_time_zone; DROP EVENT e2; DROP EVENT e1; DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP TABLE t1, t2; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_name WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_transition_type WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_transition WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test MONTH interval. # SET TIME_ZONE= '+00:00'; CREATE TABLE t1 (event CHAR(2), dt DATE, offset INT); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone VALUES (NULL, 'N'); SET @tzid= LAST_INSERT_ID(); SET @now= UNIX_TIMESTAMP(); SET @offset_month_01= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2030-01-31 12:00:00') - @now; SET @offset_month_02= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2030-02-28 12:00:00') - @now - 5*@step; SET @offset_month_03= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2030-03-31 12:00:00') - @now - 5*@step; SET @offset_month_04= UNIX_TIMESTAMP('2030-04-30 12:00:00') - @now - 13*@step; INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 0, @offset_month_01, 0, 'b16420_0'); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 1, @offset_month_02, 1, 'b16420_1'); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 2, @offset_month_03, 1, 'b16420_2'); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition_type VALUES (@tzid, 3, @offset_month_04, 1, 'b16420_3'); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition VALUES (@tzid, @now, 0); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition VALUES (@tzid, @now + 3 * @step, 1); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition VALUES (@tzid, @now + 7 * @step, 2); INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_transition VALUES (@tzid, @now + 12 * @step, 3); # We have to user a new time zone name, because 'bug16420' has been # cached already. INSERT INTO mysql.time_zone_name VALUES ('bug16420_2', @tzid); SET TIME_ZONE= 'bug16420_2'; SET GLOBAL EVENT_SCHEDULER= ON; let $now= `SELECT @now`; --disable_query_log eval CREATE EVENT e1 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MONTH STARTS FROM_UNIXTIME($now - @step) DO INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("e1", NOW(), round_to_step(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - $now, 4) - 1); eval CREATE EVENT e2 ON SCHEDULE EVERY 1 MONTH STARTS FROM_UNIXTIME($now + @step) DO INSERT INTO t1 VALUES ("e2", NOW(), round_to_step(UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - $now, 4) - 1); --enable_query_log let $wait_timeout= `SELECT 16 * @step`; let $wait_condition= SELECT COUNT(*) = 7 FROM t1; --source include/wait_condition.inc SET GLOBAL EVENT_SCHEDULER= OFF; --echo Below we should see the following: --echo - On Jan 31 only e2 is executed, because we started later than --echo e1 should have been executed. Offset of e2 is 0 because of --echo the late start, not 1. --echo - The next execution is on Feb 28 (last day of Feb). Both events --echo are executed in their times, offsets are -1 and 1. --echo - The next time is Mar 31. Because the time of event --echo execution was skipped over, events are executed right away, --echo offsets are 2 and 2. --echo - The next time is Apr 30. Events are again executed in their --echo appointed times, offsets are -1 and 1. SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY dt, event; DROP EVENT e2; DROP EVENT e1; DROP TABLE t1; SET TIME_ZONE= @save_time_zone; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_name WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_transition_type WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone_transition WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DELETE FROM mysql.time_zone WHERE time_zone_id = @tzid; DROP FUNCTION round_to_step; DROP TABLE t_step; DROP DATABASE mysqltest_db1; --disable_query_log eval USE $old_db; --enable_query_log let $wait_condition= select count(*) = 0 from information_schema.processlist where db='mysqltest_db1' and command = 'Connect' and user=current_user(); --source include/wait_condition.inc --echo End of 5.1 tests.