# # MDEV-17349 Assertion `!table || (!table->read_set || bitmap_is_set(table->read_set, field_index))' failed on concurrent SELECT and DELETE after RENAME from table with index on virtual column # source include/have_innodb.inc; source include/have_debug_sync.inc; create table t1 (f text, vf tinytext as (f), key (vf(64))) engine=innodb; insert t1 (f) values ('foo'); flush tables; connect con1,localhost,root,,test; set debug_sync='TABLE_after_field_clone WAIT_FOR go'; send delete from t1; connection default; let $wait_condition= select state like 'debug sync point%' from information_schema.processlist; source include/wait_condition.inc; select * from t1; set debug_sync='now SIGNAL go'; connection con1; reap; disconnect con1; connection default; drop table t1; set debug_sync='reset';