# # Test create options with sequences # --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_archive.inc drop table if exists t1; # # Check some sample engines # create or replace sequence t1 engine=myisam; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 engine=innodb; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 engine=maria; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; select * from t1; --error ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION create or replace sequence t1 engine=archive; # # The following error should be fixed. We shouldn't delete old table on errors # --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE show create table t1; # Check start values create or replace sequence t1 start with 10; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 minvalue=11; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 maxvalue=13 increment by -1; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 increment by -1 cache 100; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 cycle; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 nocycle; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; show create sequence t1; create or replace sequence t1 cycle minvalue= 14; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 cycle increment by -1; show create sequence t1; drop sequence t1; create sequence if not exists t1; create sequence if not exists t1 start with 10; select * from t1; show create sequence t1; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue=10 maxvalue=11 nocache cycle; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue=-10 maxvalue=11 cache=10 cycle increment by 10; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; # NO MINVALUE, NO MAXVALUE create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 NO MAXVALUE NO MINVALUE; # Some edge cases create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 maxvalue 10; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue 10; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue 10 maxvalue 11 cycle; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 maxvalue=9223372036854775806; create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue=-9223372036854775807; drop sequence if exists t1; create sequence t1 increment by 0; show create sequence t1; select * from t1; drop sequence t1; # # Wrong usage and arguments to create sequence # create table t1 (a int); --error ER_NOT_SEQUENCE show create sequence t1; --error ER_NOT_SEQUENCE2 drop sequence t1; drop sequence if exists t1; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_DATA create sequence t1 start with 10 maxvalue=9; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_DATA create sequence t1 minvalue= 100 maxvalue=10; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_DATA create sequence t1 start with 9 minvalue=10; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace sequence t1 maxvalue=13, increment by -1; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace sequence t1 start with= 10 maxvalue=13; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace sequence t1 maxvalue=13, increment= -1; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 min_value=1 NO MINVALUE; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 min_value=1 NO MINVALUE; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_DATA create sequence t1 start with 10 maxvalue=9223372036854775807; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create sequence t1 start with 10 minvalue=-9223372036854775808; --error ER_PARSE_ERROR create sequence t1 RESTART WITH 10; # This should probably give an error create or replace sequence t1 start with 10 NO MINVALUE minvalue=1; drop sequence t1; # # Test with LIST COLUMNS as first command # create sequence t1; show fields from t1; flush tables; show fields from t1; create or replace sequence t1 engine=aria; show fields from t1; show fields from t1; flush tables; # # Test with other create options # create or replace sequence t1 comment= "test 1"; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; create or replace sequence t1 comment= "test 2" min_rows=1 max_rows=2; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; create or replace sequence t1 start=1 increment= 2; create or replace sequence t1 start 1 increment 2; create or replace sequence t1 cache +1; drop sequence t1; # # test with create table # CREATE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; show create sequence t1; show create table t1; drop sequence t1; # Wrong column name --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count_not_exists` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; # Wrong type --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` int(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, /* error */ `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; # Missing NOT NULL --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21), /* error */ `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; # Extra field --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL, extra_field bigint(21) ) sequence=1; # Wrong field order --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; # key --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL, key key1 (next_not_cached_value) ) sequence=1; # Check constraint --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL, CHECK (start_value < minimum_value) ) sequence=1; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL CHECK (start_value < minimum_value), `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) NOT NULL ) sequence=1; # Virtual field --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE CREATE TABLE t1 ( `next_not_cached_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `minimum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `maximum_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `start_value` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `increment` bigint(21) NOT NULL, `cache_size` bigint(21) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_option` tinyint(1) unsigned NOT NULL, `cycle_count` bigint(21) generated always as (1) virtual ) sequence=1; drop sequence if exists t1; # # DROP SEQUENCE # create sequence t1; create sequence t2; create table t3 (a int) engine=myisam; select table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, table_type from information_schema.tables where table_catalog="test"; CREATE SEQUENCE s1; drop sequence s1; drop sequence if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; drop table if exists t1,t2,t3; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int); CREATE SEQUENCE s1; drop table t1,t2,s1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int); CREATE SEQUENCE s1; drop table if exists t1,t2,s1,s2; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int); CREATE SEQUENCE s1; --error ER_NOT_SEQUENCE2 drop sequence t1,t2,s1,s2; drop table if exists t1,t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int); CREATE SEQUENCE s1; drop sequence if exists t1,t2,s1,s2; drop table if exists t1,t2; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE s1; DROP SEQUENCE s1; --error ER_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCES DROP TEMPORARY SEQUENCE s1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE s1; CREATE SEQUENCE s2; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t2 (a int); --error ER_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCES DROP TEMPORARY SEQUENCE t1,t2,s1,s2; --error ER_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCES DROP TEMPORARY SEQUENCE s1; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE t1; --error ER_BAD_TABLE_ERROR DROP TABLE t1,t2,s1,s2; create view v1 as (select 1); CREATE SEQUENCE s1; --error ER_IT_IS_A_VIEW DROP SEQUENCE s1,v1; drop view v1; # # CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE # CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE t1; select next value for t1; drop temporary table t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select previous value for t1; CREATE SEQUENCE t1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 10 increment by 1 cache 10; select next value for t1; select previous value for t1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE t1 start with 100 minvalue 100 maxvalue 200 increment by 1 cache 10; select previous value for t1; select next value for t1; select previous value for t1; drop temporary sequence t1; select previous value for t1; drop sequence t1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE t1 engine=innodb; select next value for t1; drop temporary table t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE select previous value for t1; CREATE SEQUENCE t1 start with 1 minvalue 1 maxvalue 10 increment by 1 cache 10 engine=innodb; select next value for t1; select previous value for t1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE t1 start with 100 minvalue 100 maxvalue 200 increment by 1 cache 10 engine=innodb; START TRANSACTION WITH CONSISTENT SNAPSHOT; select previous value for t1; select next value for t1; select previous value for t1; drop temporary sequence t1; select previous value for t1; drop sequence t1; # # Check that we can't create anything with the sequence engine # --error ER_UNKNOWN_STORAGE_ENGINE create table t1 (a int) engine=sql_sequence; --echo # --echo # MDEV-13711 assertion on CREATE LIKE fix --echo # create sequence s; create table t like s; show create table t; show create sequence t; drop tables t, s; --echo # --echo # MDEV-13714 SEQUENCE option fix --echo # create or replace table s ( `next_value` bigint(21) not null, `min_value` bigint(21) not null, `max_value` bigint(21) not null, `start` bigint(21) not null, `increment` bigint(21) not null, `cache` bigint(21) not null, `cycle` tinyint(1) unsigned not null, `round` bigint(21) not null) sequence=0; create or replace table s2 ( `next_value` bigint(21) not null, `min_value` bigint(21) not null, `max_value` bigint(21) not null, `start` bigint(21) not null, `increment` bigint(21) not null, `cache` bigint(21) not null, `cycle` tinyint(1) unsigned not null, `round` bigint(21) not null) sequence=default; show create table s; show create table s2; --error ER_NOT_SEQUENCE show create sequence s; --error ER_NOT_SEQUENCE show create sequence s2; drop table s,s2; --echo # --echo # MDEV-13721 Assertion is_lock_owner() failed in mysql_rm_table_no_locks --echo # create or replace sequence s; create temporary table s (i int); drop sequence s; show create table s; drop table s; create or replace sequence s; create temporary sequence s; show create table s; drop sequence s; show create table s; drop table s; create or replace sequence s; create temporary sequence s; drop temporary sequence s; show create table s; drop table s; create temporary sequence s; drop temporary table s; create temporary table s (i int); --error ER_UNKNOWN_SEQUENCES drop temporary sequence s; drop table s; --echo # --echo # MDEV-15115 Assertion failure in CREATE SEQUENCE...ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT --echo # CREATE SEQUENCE seq1 ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT; --replace_column 1 # 5 # SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.INNODB_SYS_TABLES WHERE NAME='test/seq1'; DROP SEQUENCE seq1; CREATE TEMPORARY SEQUENCE seq1 ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT; DROP TEMPORARY SEQUENCE seq1; --echo # --echo # MDEV-17503 CREATE SEQUENCE failed with innodb_force_primary_key =1 --echo # set global innodb_force_primary_key =1; CREATE SEQUENCE s1 START WITH 100 INCREMENT BY 10 ENGINE=innodb; set global innodb_force_primary_key=default; --error ER_SEQUENCE_INVALID_TABLE_STRUCTURE ALTER TABLE s1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (next_not_cached_value); DROP SEQUENCE s1;