create table t1 (a int, b int) engine=aria select seq,seq+10 from seq_1_to_2; alter table t1 engine=s3; ERROR HY000: Can't create table `test`.`t1` (errno: 138 "Unsupported extension used for table") drop table t1; select * from s3_unique_table; ERROR 42000: Table 's3_unique_table' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version truncate table s3_unique_table; ERROR 42000: Table 's3_unique_table' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version rename table s3_unique_table to t1; ERROR HY000: Error on rename of './test/s3_unique_table' to './test/t1' (errno: 138 "Unsupported extension used for table") drop table s3_unique_table; Warnings: Warning 1112 Table 's3_unique_table' uses an extension that doesn't exist in this MariaDB version