# Requires binlog_format=statement format since query involving # get_lock() is logged in row format if binlog_format=mixed or row. -- source include/have_binlog_format_statement.inc -- source include/master-slave.inc CALL mtr.add_suppression("Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT"); # Load some data into t1 create table t1 (word char(20) not null); load data infile '../../std_data/words.dat' into table t1; --replace_result $MYSQL_TEST_DIR MYSQL_TEST_DIR eval load data local infile '$MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/words.dat' into table t1; select * from t1 limit 10; # # Test slave with wrong password # sync_slave_with_master; stop slave; connection master; create temporary table tmp select * from mysql.global_priv where host="localhost" and user="root"; set password for root@"localhost" = password('foo'); connection slave; start slave; connection master; # # Give slave time to do at last one failed connect retry # This one must be short so that the slave will not stop retrying real_sleep 2; replace into mysql.global_priv select * from tmp; drop temporary table tmp; flush privileges; # Give slave time to connect (will retry every second) sleep 2; create table t3(n int); insert into t3 values(1),(2); sync_slave_with_master; select * from t3; select sum(length(word)) from t1; connection master; drop table t1,t3; sync_slave_with_master; # Test if the slave SQL thread can be more than 16K behind the slave # I/O thread (> IO_SIZE) connection master; # we'll use table-level locking to delay slave SQL thread eval create table t1 (n int); sync_slave_with_master; connection master; reset master; connection slave; stop slave; --source include/reset_slave.inc connection master; let $1=5000; # Generate 16K of relay log disable_query_log; while ($1) { eval insert into t1 values($1); dec $1; } enable_query_log; # Try to cause a large relay log lag on the slave by locking t1 connection slave; lock tables t1 read; start slave; connection master; --source include/sync_slave_io_with_master.inc unlock tables; #test handling of aborted connection in the middle of update connection master; create table t2(id int); insert into t2 values(connection_id()); connection master1; # Avoid generating result create temporary table t3(n int); --disable_warnings insert into t3 select get_lock('crash_lock%20C', 1) from t2; --enable_warnings connection master; send update t1 set n = n + get_lock('crash_lock%20C', 2); connection master1; let $wait_condition= SELECT count(*) > 0 FROM information_schema.processlist WHERE info LIKE 'update%' AND state='User lock'; source include/wait_condition.inc; select (@id := id) - id from t2; kill @id; drop table t2; drop temporary table t3; connection master; # The get_lock function causes warning for unsafe statement. --disable_warnings # 2013 = CR_SERVER_LOST --error ER_QUERY_INTERRUPTED,ER_CONNECTION_KILLED,2013 reap; --enable_warnings connection slave; # The SQL slave thread should now have stopped because the query was killed on # the master (so it has a non-zero error code in the binlog). # 1927 = ER_CONNECTION_KILLED --let $slave_sql_errno= 1927 --source include/wait_for_slave_sql_error_and_skip.inc select count(*) from t1; connection master1; drop table t1; # End of 4.1 tests --source include/rpl_end.inc