# This test will test all the option related to the Alter Table command # NOTE not all alter statements will follow alter_algorithm since for some statements # copy is only option # parameters # $alter_algorithm {DEFAULT|INPLACE|COPY|NOCOPY|INSTANT} # $show_binlog # --source include/have_partition.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/master-slave.inc --let $alter_algorithm= default #--let $show_binlog= false --source include/start_alter_options.inc --let $alter_algorithm= inplace --source include/start_alter_options.inc --let $alter_algorithm= copy --source include/start_alter_options.inc --echo # Prove formal support for nocopy and instant --let $alter_algorithm= instant --source include/start_alter_options.inc --let $alter_algorithm= nocopy --source include/start_alter_options.inc --source include/rpl_end.inc