# # Purpose: # This test validates that a slave's relay log format description event is # not used to calculate the Seconds_Behind_Master time displayed by # SHOW SLAVE STATUS. # # Methodology: # Ensure that a slave's reported Seconds_Behind_Master does not point before # a time in which we can prove that it has progressed beyond. The slave's # relay log events are created using the timestamp at which the IO thread was # created. Therefore, after starting the slave's IO thread, we sleep so any # proceeding events are forced to have later timestamps. After sleeping, we run # MDL statements on the master and save the time at which they are binlogged. # Once the slave executes these MDL commands, we have proven that the slave has # caught up to this saved timestamp. At this point, if the value of # Seconds_Behind_Master points before the time in which the MDL events were # logged, it is invalid. # # References: # MDEV-16091: Seconds_Behind_Master spikes to millions of seconds # --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/master-slave.inc --connection slave # Using_Gtid needs to start as NO before updating debug_dbug --source include/stop_slave.inc CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_USE_GTID=NO; --source include/start_slave.inc --source include/stop_slave.inc SET @save_dbug= @@GLOBAL.debug_dbug; SET @@global.debug_dbug="+d,pause_sql_thread_on_fde"; --source include/start_slave.inc --let $sleep_time=2 --echo # Future events must be logged at least $sleep_time seconds after --echo # the slave starts --sleep $sleep_time --connection master --echo # Write events to ensure slave will be consistent with master create table t1 (a int); insert into t1 values (1); --let $t_master_events_logged= `SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()` --echo # Flush logs on master forces slave to generate a Format description --echo # event in its relay log flush logs; --connection slave --echo # Ignore FDEs that happen before the CREATE/INSERT commands SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR paused_on_fde'; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL sql_thread_continue'; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR paused_on_fde'; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL sql_thread_continue'; --echo # On the next FDE, the slave should have the master CREATE/INSERT events SET DEBUG_SYNC='now WAIT_FOR paused_on_fde'; select count(*)=1 from t1; --echo # The relay log FDE has been processed - here we check to ensure it was --echo # not considered in Seconds_Behind_Master calculation --connection slave1 let $sbm= query_get_value(SHOW SLAVE STATUS, Seconds_Behind_Master, 1); --let $t_now= `SELECT UNIX_TIMESTAMP()` # Ensure Seconds_Behind_Master does not point beyond when we have proven the # events we have proven to have executed. The extra second is needed as a # buffer because the recorded times are not exact with when the events were # recorded on the master. if(`select $sbm > $t_now - $t_master_events_logged + 1`) { die "A relay log event was incorrectly used to set Seconds_Behind_Master"; } --echo # Safely resume slave SQL thread --let $dbug_wait_state="debug sync point: now" --echo # Prove SQL thread is in state $dbug_wait_state --let $wait_condition= SELECT STATE=$dbug_wait_state from information_schema.PROCESSLIST where COMMAND="Slave_SQL" --source include/wait_condition.inc SET @@global.debug_dbug="-d,pause_sql_thread_on_fde"; SET DEBUG_SYNC='now SIGNAL sql_thread_continue'; # We have to wait for the SQL thread to acknowledge the sql_thread_continue # signal. Otherwise the below RESET command can overwrite the signal before # the SQL thread is notified to proceed, causing it to "permanently" become # stuck awaiting the signal (until timeout is reached). --echo # Wait for SQL thread to continue into normal execution --let $wait_condition= SELECT STATE!= $dbug_wait_state from information_schema.PROCESSLIST where COMMAND="Slave_SQL" --source include/wait_condition.inc # Reset last sql_thread_continue signal SET DEBUG_SYNC='RESET'; # Cleanup --connection master DROP TABLE t1; --connection slave SET @@global.debug_dbug=$save_dbug; --source include/rpl_end.inc