############################################################################### # Bug#21205695 DROP TABLE MAY CAUSE SLAVES TO BREAK # # Problem: # ======== # 1) Drop table queries are re-generated by server # before writing the events(queries) into binlog # for various reasons. If table name/db name contains # a non regular characters (like latin characters), # the generated query is wrong. Hence it breaks the # replication. # 2) In the edge case, when table name contains # 64 latin characters (latin takes 2 bytes), server is # throwing an assert (M_TBLLEN < 128) # # 3) In the edge case, when db name contains 64 latin # characters, binlog contents are interpreted wrongly # which is leading to replication issues. # ############################################################################### --source include/not_windows.inc --source include/master-slave.inc --let iter=1 # Change iteration to 4 after fixing Bug #22280214 while ($iter <= 2) { --connection master if ($iter == 1) { --echo Test case 1:- table name with one character latin name. --let $tblname= REPEAT(CHAR(131),1) } if ($iter == 2) { --echo Test case 2:- table name and database names with one character latin name. --let $tblname= REPEAT(CHAR(131),1),"`.`",REPEAT(CHAR(131),1) --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("CREATE DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(131),1),"`") PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; } # After fixing Bug #22280214 DATADIR LOCATION IS LIMITING # IDENTIFIER MAX LENGTH, the following two tests (iter 3 and 4) can be # uncommented. #if ($iter == 3) #{ # --echo Test case 3:- table name and database names with 64 latin characters name. # --let $tblname= REPEAT(CHAR(131),64),"`.`", REPEAT(CHAR(131),64) # --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("CREATE DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(131),64),"`") # PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; #} #if ($iter == 4) #{ # --echo Test case 4:- table name and database names with 64 Euro(€) characters. # --let $tblname= REPEAT(CHAR(226,130,172),64),"`.`", REPEAT(CHAR(226,130,172),64) # --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("CREATE DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(226,130,172),64),"`") # PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; #} --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("CREATE TABLE `",$tblname,"` (a INT)") PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("INSERT INTO `",$tblname,"` VALUES (1)") PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("DROP TABLE `",$tblname, "`") PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; if ($iter == 2) { --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("DROP DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(131),1),"`") PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; } # After fixing Bug #22280214 DATADIR LOCATION IS LIMITING # IDENTIFIER MAX LENGTH, the following two tests (iter 3 and 4) can be # uncommented. #if ($iter == 3) #{ # --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("DROP DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(131),64),"`") # PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; #} #if ($iter == 4) #{ # --eval SET @s:=CONCAT("DROP DATABASE `",REPEAT(CHAR(226,130,172),64),"`") # PREPARE STMT FROM @s; EXECUTE stmt; #} --sync_slave_with_master --inc $iter } --source include/rpl_end.inc