include/ [connection master] connection slave; stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid= current_pos; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; set global slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; set global gtid_strict_mode=1; start slave; connection master; set binlog_alter_two_phase=true; create table t1(a int , b int) engine=innodb; create table a1(a int , b int) engine=myisam; create temporary table tmp_tbl(a int, b int) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add column d int first, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add column e int after c, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=default; alter table t1 drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=default; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=default; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 drop index index_1, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add fulltext key f_1(h), force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add period for system_time(f,h); alter table t1 add system versioning; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=default; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=default ;; alter table t1 alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=default ;; alter table t1 alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=default ;; alter table t1 change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=default ;; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 rename t2, force , algorithm=default; alter table t2 rename t1, force , algorithm=default; alter table a1 order by a; alter table t1 rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=default; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=default; alter table t1 partition by hash(b) partitions 8; alter table t1 remove partitioning; alter table t1 drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=default; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; connection master; drop table t1, a1; drop temporary table tmp_tbl; connection slave; include/ set global slave_parallel_threads = 0;; set global slave_parallel_mode = optimistic;; set global gtid_strict_mode = 0;; include/ connection slave; stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid= current_pos; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; set global slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; set global gtid_strict_mode=1; start slave; connection master; set binlog_alter_two_phase=true; create table t1(a int , b int) engine=innodb; create table a1(a int , b int) engine=myisam; create temporary table tmp_tbl(a int, b int) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add column d int first, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add column e int after c, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=inplace; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop index index_1, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add fulltext key f_1(h), force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add period for system_time(f,h); alter table t1 add system versioning; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=inplace; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=inplace ;; alter table t1 alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=inplace ;; alter table t1 alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=inplace ;; alter table t1 change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=inplace ;; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 rename t2, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t2 rename t1, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table a1 order by a; alter table t1 rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=inplace; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=inplace; alter table t1 partition by hash(b) partitions 8; alter table t1 remove partitioning; alter table t1 drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=inplace; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; connection master; drop table t1, a1; drop temporary table tmp_tbl; connection slave; include/ set global slave_parallel_threads = 0;; set global slave_parallel_mode = optimistic;; set global gtid_strict_mode = 0;; include/ connection slave; stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid= current_pos; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; set global slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; set global gtid_strict_mode=1; start slave; connection master; set binlog_alter_two_phase=true; create table t1(a int , b int) engine=innodb; create table a1(a int , b int) engine=myisam; create temporary table tmp_tbl(a int, b int) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add column d int first, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add column e int after c, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column d int first, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column e int after c, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop index index_1, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add fulltext key f_1(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop index index_1, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add period for system_time(f,h); alter table t1 add system versioning; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status alter table tmp_tbl add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table t1 alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table t1 alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table t1 change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table tmp_tbl add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table tmp_tbl alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table tmp_tbl alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=copy ;; alter table tmp_tbl change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table tmp_tbl modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table tmp_tbl drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy ;; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 rename t2, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t2 rename t1, force , algorithm=copy; alter table a1 order by a; alter table t1 rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`tmp_tbl` doesn't have this option alter table tmp_tbl enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`tmp_tbl` doesn't have this option alter table a1 order by a; alter table tmp_tbl rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 partition by hash(b) partitions 8; alter table t1 remove partitioning; alter table t1 drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=copy; alter table tmp_tbl drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; connection master; drop table t1, a1; drop temporary table tmp_tbl; connection slave; include/ set global slave_parallel_threads = 0;; set global slave_parallel_mode = optimistic;; set global gtid_strict_mode = 0;; include/ # Prove formal support for nocopy and instant connection slave; stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid= current_pos; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; set global slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; set global gtid_strict_mode=1; start slave; connection master; set binlog_alter_two_phase=true; create table t1(a int , b int) engine=innodb; create table a1(a int , b int) engine=myisam; create temporary table tmp_tbl(a int, b int) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add column d int first, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add column e int after c, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=instant; alter table t1 drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=instant; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 drop index index_1, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add fulltext key f_1(h), force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add period for system_time(f,h); alter table t1 add system versioning; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=instant; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=instant ;; alter table t1 alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=instant ;; alter table t1 alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=instant ;; alter table t1 change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=instant ;; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 rename t2, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t2 rename t1, force , algorithm=instant; alter table a1 order by a; alter table t1 rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=instant; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=instant; alter table t1 partition by hash(b) partitions 8; alter table t1 remove partitioning; alter table t1 drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=instant; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; connection master; drop table t1, a1; drop temporary table tmp_tbl; connection slave; include/ set global slave_parallel_threads = 0;; set global slave_parallel_mode = optimistic;; set global gtid_strict_mode = 0;; include/ connection slave; stop slave; change master to master_use_gtid= current_pos; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=4; set global slave_parallel_mode=optimistic; set global gtid_strict_mode=1; start slave; connection master; set binlog_alter_two_phase=true; create table t1(a int , b int) engine=innodb; create table a1(a int , b int) engine=myisam; create temporary table tmp_tbl(a int, b int) engine=innodb; alter table t1 add column if not exists c int , force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add column d int first, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add column e int after c, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add column f int after c, force , add column g int first ,add column h char, algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 drop column c, drop column d, drop column e, drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=nocopy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f int after b, force , add column g int first ,add column h varchar(100), algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 drop index index_1, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add unique key unique_1(g), force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 drop index unique_1, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add fulltext key f_1(h), force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add primary key(h), force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop primary key, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column h, force , algorithm=copy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b, add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add period for system_time(f,h); alter table t1 add system versioning; alter table t1 drop system versioning; alter table t1 drop column f, drop column g , drop column h, force , algorithm=nocopy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=nocopy ;; alter table t1 alter column f set default "****", force , algorithm=nocopy ;; alter table t1 alter column f drop default, force , algorithm=nocopy ;; alter table t1 change column g new_g char, force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 modify column h varchar(100), force , algorithm=copy;; alter table t1 drop column new_g ,drop column f, drop column h, force , algorithm=nocopy ;; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 add index if not exists index_1(f), force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 disable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 enable keys, force , algorithm=copy; Warnings: Note 1031 Storage engine InnoDB of the table `test`.`t1` doesn't have this option alter table t1 rename t2, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t2 rename t1, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table a1 order by a; alter table t1 rename column f to new_f, force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 convert to character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default character set 'utf8', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 default collate 'utf8_icelandic_ci', force , algorithm=copy; alter table t1 drop column new_f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=nocopy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; alter table t1 add column f varchar(100) after b,add column g varchar(100) first ,add column h char, force , algorithm=nocopy; alter table t1 partition by hash(b) partitions 8; alter table t1 remove partitioning; alter table t1 drop column f ,drop column g, drop column h, force , algorithm=nocopy; # show binlog and clear status connection slave; reset master; connection master; connection master; drop table t1, a1; drop temporary table tmp_tbl; connection slave; include/ set global slave_parallel_threads = 0;; set global slave_parallel_mode = optimistic;; set global gtid_strict_mode = 0;; include/ include/