*** Test all-to-all replication with --gtid-ignore-duplicates *** connect server_1,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_1; connect server_2,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_2; connect server_3,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_3; connect server_4,,root,,,$SERVER_MYPORT_4; connection server_1; SET @old_parallel= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=5; SET @old_ignore_duplicates= @@GLOBAL.gtid_ignore_duplicates; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates=1; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 1; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 1; CHANGE MASTER 'b2a' TO master_port=MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; CHANGE MASTER 'c2a' TO master_port=MYPORT_3, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; set default_master_connection = 'b2a'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = 'c2a'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; connection server_2; SET @old_parallel= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=5; SET @old_ignore_duplicates= @@GLOBAL.gtid_ignore_duplicates; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates=1; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 2; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 2; CHANGE MASTER 'a2b' TO master_port=MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; CHANGE MASTER 'c2b' TO master_port=MYPORT_3, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; set default_master_connection = 'a2b'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = 'c2b'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; connection server_3; SET @old_parallel= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=5; SET @old_ignore_duplicates= @@GLOBAL.gtid_ignore_duplicates; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates=1; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 3; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 3; CHANGE MASTER 'a2c' TO master_port=MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; CHANGE MASTER 'b2c' TO master_port=MYPORT_2, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; set default_master_connection = 'a2c'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = 'b2c'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; connection server_4; SET @old_parallel= @@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=5; SET @old_ignore_duplicates= @@GLOBAL.gtid_ignore_duplicates; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates=1; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id= 1; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= 1; CHANGE MASTER 'a2d' TO master_port=MYPORT_1, master_host='', master_user='root', master_use_gtid=slave_pos; set default_master_connection = 'a2d'; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc set default_master_connection = ''; connection server_1; ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); COMMIT; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4), (5); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (6); include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_2; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a 1 2 3 4 5 6 connection server_3; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a 1 2 3 4 5 6 connection server_4; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a 1 2 3 4 5 6 connection server_1; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 ORDER BY a; a 1 2 3 4 5 6 connection server_3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (10); include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_2; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 10 ORDER BY a; a 10 STOP SLAVE "c2b"; SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc STOP SLAVE "a2b"; SET default_master_connection = "a2b"; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc connection server_3; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (11); include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_1; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 10 ORDER BY a; a 10 11 SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc connection server_2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (12); SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 10 ORDER BY a; a 10 12 include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_1; START SLAVE "b2a"; SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 10 ORDER BY a; a 10 11 12 connection server_2; START SLAVE "c2b"; SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc START SLAVE "a2b"; SET default_master_connection = "a2b"; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc connection server_1; include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_2; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 10 ORDER BY a; a 10 11 12 *** Test also with not using parallel replication. connection server_1; SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2a"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2a"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc connection server_2; SET default_master_connection = "a2b"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET default_master_connection = "a2b"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc connection server_3; SET default_master_connection = "a2c"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET default_master_connection = "b2c"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET default_master_connection = "a2c"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SET default_master_connection = "b2c"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc connection server_4; SET default_master_connection = "a2d"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=0; SET default_master_connection = "a2d"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc connection server_2; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (21); BEGIN; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (22); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (23); COMMIT; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (24), (25); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (26); include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_1; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 20 ORDER BY a; a 21 22 23 24 25 26 connection server_3; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 20 ORDER BY a; a 21 22 23 24 25 26 connection server_4; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 20 ORDER BY a; a 21 22 23 24 25 26 connection server_2; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 20 ORDER BY a; a 21 22 23 24 25 26 *** MDEV-8354: out-of-order error with --gtid-ignore-duplicates and row-based replication *** connection server_1; SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2a"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc connection server_2; SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc connection server_3; SET default_master_connection = "b2c"; STOP SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_stop.inc SET @old_slave_mode=@@GLOBAL.slave_exec_mode; SET GLOBAL slave_exec_mode=IDEMPOTENT; SET @old_strict=@@GLOBAL.gtid_strict_mode; SET GLOBAL gtid_strict_mode=1; SET @old_dbug=@@GLOBAL.debug_dbug; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,inject_sleep_gtid_100_x_x"; connection server_1; SET @old_domain=@@SESSION.gtid_domain_id; SET @old_format=@@SESSION.binlog_format; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id=100; SET SESSION binlog_format='row'; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (30); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (31); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (32); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (33); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (34); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (35); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (36); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (37); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (38); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (39); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (40); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (41); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (42); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (43); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (44); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (45); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (46); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (47); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (48); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (49); SET SESSION gtid_domain_id=@old_domain; SET SESSION binlog_format=@old_format; include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_2; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (50); include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_3; SET default_master_connection = "b2c"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SELECT MASTER_GTID_WAIT("GTID", 30); MASTER_GTID_WAIT("GTID", 30) 0 connection server_1; SET default_master_connection = "b2a"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc SET default_master_connection = "c2a"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 30 ORDER BY a; a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 connection server_2; SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; START SLAVE; include/wait_for_slave_to_start.inc include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 30 ORDER BY a; a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 connection server_3; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SET GLOBAL debug_dbug=@old_dbug; SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 30 ORDER BY a; a 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SET GLOBAL slave_exec_mode=@old_slave_mode; SET GLOBAL gtid_strict_mode=@old_strict; *** MDEV-8496: gtid_ignore_duplicates treats gtid_seq_no as 32-bit *** connection server_1; SET @old_domain= @@SESSION.gtid_domain_id; SET SESSION gtid_domain_id=102; SET SESSION gtid_seq_no=4294967294; INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (60); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (61); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (62); SET SESSION gtid_domain_id= @old_domain; include/save_master_gtid.inc connection server_4; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 60 ORDER BY a; a 60 61 62 connection server_2; SET default_master_connection = "c2b"; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SET default_master_connection = "a2b"; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 60 ORDER BY a; a 60 61 62 connection server_3; SET default_master_connection = "b2c"; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SET default_master_connection = "a2c"; include/sync_with_master_gtid.inc SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a >= 60 ORDER BY a; a 60 61 62 connection server_1; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; STOP ALL SLAVES; Warnings: Note 1938 SLAVE 'b2a' stopped Note 1938 SLAVE 'c2a' stopped SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads= @old_parallel; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates= @old_ignore_duplicates; connection server_2; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; STOP ALL SLAVES; Warnings: Note 1938 SLAVE 'a2b' stopped Note 1938 SLAVE 'c2b' stopped SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads= @old_parallel; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates= @old_ignore_duplicates; connection server_3; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; STOP ALL SLAVES; Warnings: Note 1938 SLAVE 'a2c' stopped Note 1938 SLAVE 'b2c' stopped SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads= @old_parallel; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates= @old_ignore_duplicates; connection server_4; SET GLOBAL gtid_domain_id=0; STOP ALL SLAVES; Warnings: Note 1938 SLAVE 'a2d' stopped SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads= @old_parallel; SET GLOBAL gtid_ignore_duplicates= @old_ignore_duplicates; connection server_1; DROP TABLE t1; include/reset_master_slave.inc disconnect server_1; connection server_2; DROP TABLE t1; include/reset_master_slave.inc disconnect server_2; connection server_3; DROP TABLE t1; include/reset_master_slave.inc disconnect server_3; connection server_4; DROP TABLE t1; include/reset_master_slave.inc disconnect server_4;