--source include/have_debug.inc let $targetdir=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/backup; mkdir $targetdir; CREATE TABLE t1(i int) ENGINE INNODB; set global innodb_log_checkpoint_now = 1; exec $XTRABACKUP --defaults-file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/my.cnf --backup --target-dir=$targetdir --lock-ddl-per-table --dbug=+d,rename_during_mdl_lock_table; echo # xtrabackup prepare; --disable_result_log exec $XTRABACKUP --prepare --target-dir=$targetdir; -- source include/restart_and_restore.inc --enable_result_log # the table was renamed from t1 to t2 # make sure t1 does not exist, and t2 does CREATE TABLE t1(i int); DROP TABLE t1; SELECT * from t2; DROP TABLE t2; rmdir $targetdir;