# # This test simulates an error in an aria file discovered during a recursive SQL call. # The error handling causes used join structures to be deleted, which caused crashes in # upper levels when trying to access structures that does not exist anymore # --source include/have_debug_sync.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc set @save_big_tables=@@big_tables; set big_tables=1; create table folks(id int, name char(32), dob date, father int, mother int); insert into folks values (100, 'Me', '2000-01-01', 20, 30), (20, 'Dad', '1970-02-02', 10, 9), (30, 'Mom', '1975-03-03', 8, 7), (10, 'Grandpa Bill', '1940-04-05', null, null), (9, 'Grandma Ann', '1941-10-15', null, null), (25, 'Uncle Jim', '1968-11-18', 8, 7), (98, 'Sister Amy', '2001-06-20', 20, 30), (7, 'Grandma Sally', '1943-08-23', null, 6), (8, 'Grandpa Ben', '1940-10-21', null, null), (6, 'Grandgrandma Martha', '1923-05-17', null, null), (67, 'Cousin Eddie', '1992-02-28', 25, 27), (27, 'Auntie Melinda', '1971-03-29', null, null); call mtr.add_suppression(".*marked as crashed.*"); SET @saved_dbug= @@SESSION.debug_dbug; SET SESSION debug_dbug="+d,ha_rnd_next_error"; SET @ha_rnd_next_error_counter=110; let q= with recursive ancestor_couples(h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother, w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother) as ( select h.*, w.* from folks h, folks w, coupled_ancestors a where a.father = h.id AND a.mother = w.id union select h.*, w.* from folks v, folks h, folks w where v.name = 'Me' and (v.father = h.id AND v.mother= w.id) ), coupled_ancestors (id, name, dob, father, mother) as ( select h_id, h_name, h_dob, h_father, h_mother from ancestor_couples union select w_id, w_name, w_dob, w_father, w_mother from ancestor_couples ) select h_name, h_dob, w_name, w_dob from ancestor_couples; --error ER_CRASHED_ON_USAGE eval $q; drop table folks; set big_tables=@save_big_tables; SET @@SESSION.debug_dbug=@saved_dbug;