--source include/innodb_page_size.inc # Embedded server tests do not support restarting --source include/not_embedded.inc --source include/maybe_debug.inc --disable_query_log call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Table `mysql`\\.`innodb_table_stats` not found"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: incorrect flags in SYS_TABLES"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Table `test`.`t[cp]` in InnoDB data dictionary contains invalid flags\\. SYS_TABLES\\.TYPE=(129|289|3873|1232[31]) SYS_TABLES\\.N_COLS=2147483649\\r?$"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Table `test`\\.`tr` in InnoDB data dictionary contains invalid flags\\. SYS_TABLES\\.TYPE=65 SYS_TABLES\\.MIX_LEN=4294967295\\r?$"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Refusing to load '\\..test.td\\.ibd' \\(id=3, flags=0x([2e]1)\\); dictionary contains id=3, flags=0x100\\1\\r?$"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Refusing to load '\\..test.td\\.ibd' \\(id=3, flags=0x(1[2ae]1)\\); dictionary contains id=3, flags=0x10\\1\\r?$"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Ignoring tablespace for `test`.`td` because it could not be opened\\."); # FIXME: Remove the following spam due to invalid flags for test.td call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Operating system error number .* in a file operation"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: If you are installing InnoDB, remember that you must create directories yourself"); call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: adjusting FSP_SPACE_FLAGS of file "); FLUSH TABLES; --enable_query_log let INNODB_PAGE_SIZE=`select @@innodb_page_size`; let MYSQLD_DATADIR=`select @@datadir`; let bugdir= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/table_flags; --mkdir $bugdir --let SEARCH_FILE = $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err --let $d=--innodb-data-home-dir=$bugdir --innodb-log-group-home-dir=$bugdir --let $d=$d --innodb-data-file-path=ibdata1:1M:autoextend --let $d=$d --innodb-undo-tablespaces=0 --let $d=$d --innodb-purge-rseg-truncate-frequency=1 --let $d=$d --skip-innodb-fast-shutdown if ($have_debug) { --let $d=$d --debug=d,create_and_drop_garbage } --let $restart_noprint=1 --let $restart_parameters=$d --innodb-stats-persistent=0 --source include/restart_mysqld.inc SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=1; CREATE TABLE tr(a INT PRIMARY KEY)ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT; CREATE TABLE tc(a INT PRIMARY KEY)ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPACT; CREATE TABLE td(a INT PRIMARY KEY)ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC; SET innodb_strict_mode=OFF; CREATE TABLE tz(a INT PRIMARY KEY)ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED KEY_BLOCK_SIZE=1; SET innodb_strict_mode=ON; # PAGE_COMPRESSED is supported starting with MariaDB 10.1.0 CREATE TABLE tp(a INT PRIMARY KEY)ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC PAGE_COMPRESSED=1 PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=9; --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --perl use strict; do "$ENV{MTR_SUITE_DIR}/include/crc32.pl"; my $ps= $ENV{INNODB_PAGE_SIZE}; my $file= "$ENV{bugdir}/ibdata1"; open(FILE, "+<", $file) || die "Unable to open $file\n"; die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $_, 58) == 58; my $full_crc32 = unpack("N",substr($_,54,4)) & 0x10; # FIL_SPACE_FLAGS # Read DICT_HDR_TABLES, the root page number of CLUST_IND (SYS_TABLES.NAME). sysseek(FILE, 7*$ps+38+32, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file"; die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $_, 4) == 4; my $sys_tables_root = unpack("N", $_); my $page; print "SYS_TABLES clustered index root page ($sys_tables_root):\n"; sysseek(FILE, $sys_tables_root*$ps, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file"; die "Unable to read $file" unless sysread(FILE, $page, $ps) == $ps; open(BACKUP, ">$ENV{bugdir}/sys_tables.bin") || die "Unable to open backup\n"; syswrite(BACKUP, $page, $ps)==$ps || die "Unable to write backup\n"; close(BACKUP) || die "Unable to close backup\n"; print "N_RECS=", unpack("n", substr($page,38+16,2)); print "; LEVEL=", unpack("n", substr($page,38+26,2)); print "; INDEX_ID=0x", unpack("H*", substr($page,38+28,8)), "\n"; my @fields=("NAME","DB_TRX_ID","DB_ROLL_PTR", "ID","N_COLS","TYPE","MIX_ID","MIX_LEN","CLUSTER_NAME","SPACE"); for (my $offset= 0x65; $offset; $offset= unpack("n", substr($page,$offset-2,2))) { print "header=0x", unpack("H*",substr($page,$offset-6,6)), " ("; my $n_fields= unpack("n", substr($page,$offset-4,2)) >> 1 & 0x3ff; my $start= 0; my $name; for (my $i= 0; $i < $n_fields; $i++) { my $end= unpack("C", substr($page, $offset-7-$i, 1)); print ",\n " if $i; print "$fields[$i]="; if ($end & 0x80) { print "NULL(", ($end & 0x7f) - $start, " bytes)" } elsif ($n_fields > 1 && $i == 0) { $name= substr($page,$offset+$start,$end-$start); print "'$name'" } else { print "0x", unpack("H*", substr($page,$offset+$start,$end-$start)) } # Corrupt SYS_TABLES.TYPE if ($i == 5) { my $flags= 0; if ($name eq 'test/tr') { $flags= 0x40 # DATA_DIR (largely ignored by 10.1+) } elsif ($name eq 'test/tc') { $flags= 0x80 # 10.1 PAGE_COMPRESSED } elsif ($name eq 'test/td') { $flags= 0xf00 # PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=15 (0..9 is valid) # As part of the MDEV-12873 fix, because the # PAGE_COMPRESSED=YES flag was not set, we will assume that # this table was actually created with 10.2.2..10.2.6 # using PAGE_COMPRESSED=YES PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=7. } elsif ($name eq 'test/tz') { $flags= 0x3000 # 10.1 ATOMIC_WRITES=3 (0..2 is valid) } elsif ($name eq 'test/tp') { $flags= 0x880 # 10.1 PAGE_COMPRESSED, PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=8 # (in 10.2.2 through 10.2.6, this is interpreted as # PAGE_COMPRESSION_LEVEL=4 without PAGE_COMPRESSED # but with SHARED_SPACE, which should be invalid) } substr($page,$offset+$start,$end-$start)= pack( "N", $flags ^ unpack("N", substr($page,$offset+$start,$end-$start))) if $flags; } # Corrupt SYS_TABLES.MIX_LEN (ignored for ROW_FORMAT=REDUNDANT) if ($i == 7 && $name eq 'test/tr') { substr($page,$offset+$start,$end-$start)= chr(255) x 4; } $start= $end & 0x7f; } print ")\n"; } my $polynomial = 0x82f63b78; # CRC-32C if ($full_crc32) { my $ck = mycrc32(substr($page, 0, $ps-4), 0, $polynomial); substr($page, $ps-4, 4) = pack("N", $ck); } else { my $ck= pack("N",mycrc32(substr($page, 4, 22), 0, $polynomial) ^ mycrc32(substr($page, 38, $ps - 38 - 8), 0, $polynomial)); substr($page,0,4)=$ck; substr($page,$ps-8,4)=$ck; } sysseek(FILE, $sys_tables_root*$ps, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file"; syswrite(FILE, $page, $ps)==$ps || die "Unable to write $file\n"; close(FILE) || die "Unable to close $file\n"; EOF --source include/start_mysqld.inc --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE SHOW CREATE TABLE tr; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE SHOW CREATE TABLE tc; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE SELECT * FROM tc; SHOW CREATE TABLE td; SELECT * FROM td; # This table was converted to NO_ROLLBACK due to the SYS_TABLES.TYPE change. SHOW CREATE TABLE tz; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tz VALUES(42); ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM tz; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE_IN_ENGINE SHOW CREATE TABLE tp; --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc let SEARCH_FILE= $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/log/mysqld.1.err; --let SEARCH_PATTERN= InnoDB: Table `test`.`t[cp]` in InnoDB data dictionary contains invalid flags\. SYS_TABLES\.TYPE=(129|289|3873|1232[13]) SYS_TABLES\.N_COLS=2147483649 --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc --let SEARCH_PATTERN= InnoDB: Table `test`\.`tr` in InnoDB data dictionary contains invalid flags\. SYS_TABLES\.TYPE=65 SYS_TABLES\.MIX_LEN=4294967295\b --source include/search_pattern_in_file.inc # Restore the backup of the corrupted SYS_TABLES clustered index root page --perl use strict; my $ps= $ENV{INNODB_PAGE_SIZE}; my $file= "$ENV{bugdir}/ibdata1"; open(FILE, "+<", $file) || die "Unable to open $file\n"; open(BACKUP, "<$ENV{bugdir}/sys_tables.bin") || die "Unable to open backup\n"; # Read DICT_HDR_TABLES, the root page number of CLUST_IND (SYS_TABLES.NAME). sysseek(FILE, 7*$ps+38+32, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file"; die "Unable to read $file\n" unless sysread(FILE, $_, 4) == 4; my $sys_tables_root = unpack("N", $_); print "Restoring SYS_TABLES clustered index root page ($sys_tables_root)\n"; sysseek(FILE, $sys_tables_root*$ps, 0) || die "Unable to seek $file"; die "Unable to read backup\n" unless sysread(BACKUP, $_, $ps) == $ps; die "Unable to restore backup\n" unless syswrite(FILE, $_, $ps) == $ps; close(BACKUP); close(FILE) || die "Unable to close $file\n"; EOF --source include/start_mysqld.inc SHOW CREATE TABLE tr; SHOW CREATE TABLE tc; SHOW CREATE TABLE td; SHOW CREATE TABLE tz; SHOW CREATE TABLE tp; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tr VALUES(1); INSERT INTO tc VALUES(1); INSERT INTO td VALUES(1); # We cannot access tz, because due to our fiddling of the NO_ROLLBACK flag, # it now has a record with DB_TRX_ID=0, which is invalid for # transactional tables until MDEV-12288 is implemented. # INSERT INTO tz VALUES(1); INSERT INTO tp VALUES(1); ROLLBACK; SELECT * FROM tr; SELECT * FROM tc; SELECT * FROM td; # SELECT * FROM tz; SELECT * FROM tp; DROP TABLE tr,tc,td,tz,tp; --let $restart_parameters= --source include/restart_mysqld.inc --error 0,1 --remove_file $bugdir/ibtmp1 --error 0,1 --remove_file $bugdir/ib_buffer_pool --list_files $bugdir --remove_files_wildcard $bugdir --rmdir $bugdir call mtr.add_suppression("ERROR HY000: Can't create table `test`.`t1`"); --error ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE CREATE TABLE t1(f1 INT, f2 VARCHAR(1), KEY k1(f2), FULLTEXT KEY(f2), FOREIGN KEY (f2) REFERENCES t1(f3))ENGINE=InnoDB;