--source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/have_debug.inc --source include/have_debug_sync.inc # This test is slow on buildbot. --source include/big_test.inc call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: innodb_open_files=13 is exceeded"); SET @save_tdc= @@GLOBAL.table_definition_cache; SET @save_toc= @@GLOBAL.table_open_cache; # InnoDB plugin essentially ignores table_definition_cache size # and hard-wires it to 400, which also is the minimum allowed value. SET GLOBAL table_definition_cache= 400; SET GLOBAL table_open_cache= 1024; CREATE TABLE to_be_evicted(a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO to_be_evicted VALUES(1,2),(2,1); connect(ddl,localhost,root,,); SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'row_log_apply_before SIGNAL scanned WAIT_FOR got_duplicate'; --send ALTER TABLE to_be_evicted ADD UNIQUE INDEX(b); connection default; SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now WAIT_FOR scanned'; # During the ADD UNIQUE INDEX, start a transaction that inserts a duplicate # and then hogs the table lock, so that the unique index cannot be dropped. BEGIN; INSERT INTO to_be_evicted VALUES(3, 2); SET DEBUG_SYNC = 'now SIGNAL got_duplicate'; connection ddl; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY reap; disconnect ddl; connection default; # Release the table lock. COMMIT; SET DEBUG_SYNC = RESET; # Allow cache eviction. FLUSH TABLES; --disable_query_log # Pollute the cache with many tables, so that our table will be evicted. let $N=1000; let $loop=$N; while ($loop) { eval CREATE TABLE t_$loop(id INT)ENGINE=InnoDB; dec $loop; } # Hopefully let InnoDB evict the tables. sleep 10; let $loop=$N; while ($loop) { eval DROP TABLE t_$loop; dec $loop; } SET GLOBAL table_definition_cache= @save_tdc; SET GLOBAL table_open_cache= @save_toc; DROP TABLE to_be_evicted;