--source include/have_innodb.inc --echo # Create statement with FK on base column of stored column --error ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE create table t1(f1 int, f2 int as(f1) stored, foreign key(f1) references t2(f1) on delete cascade)engine=innodb; --echo # adding new stored column during alter table copy operation. create table t1(f1 int primary key) engine=innodb; create table t2(f1 int not null, f2 int as (f1) virtual, foreign key(f1) references t1(f1) on update cascade)engine=innodb; # MySQL 5.7 would refuse this #--error ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME alter table t2 add column f3 int as (f1) stored, add column f4 int as (f1) virtual; show create table t2; drop table t2; --echo # adding foreign key constraint for base columns during alter copy. create table t2(f1 int not null, f2 int as (f1) stored) engine=innodb; # MySQL 5.7 would refuse this alter table t2 add foreign key(f1) references t1(f1) on update cascade, algorithm=copy; show create table t2; drop table t2; --echo # adding foreign key constraint for base columns during online alter. create table t2(f1 int not null, f2 int as (f1) stored) engine=innodb; set foreign_key_checks = 0; --error 138 alter table t2 add foreign key(f1) references t1(f1) on update cascade, algorithm=inplace; drop table t2; --echo # adding stored column via online alter. create table t2(f1 int not null, foreign key(f1) references t1(f1) on update cascade)engine=innodb; --error ER_ALTER_OPERATION_NOT_SUPPORTED alter table t2 add column f2 int as (f1) stored, algorithm=inplace; drop table t2, t1; --echo # --echo # BUG#26731689 FK ON TABLE WITH GENERATED COLS: ASSERTION POS < N_DEF --echo # CREATE TABLE s (a INT, b INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (0) STORED, c INT, d INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (0) VIRTUAL, e INT) ENGINE=innodb; CREATE TABLE t (a INT) ENGINE=innodb; # This would fail. No corresponding index --error ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (e) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; ALTER TABLE t ADD PRIMARY KEY(a); ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (e) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; DROP TABLE s,t; CREATE TABLE s (a INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (0) VIRTUAL, b INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (0) STORED, c INT) ENGINE=innodb; CREATE TABLE t (a INT) ENGINE=innodb; # This would fail. No corresponding index --error ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (c) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; ALTER TABLE t ADD PRIMARY KEY(a); ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (c) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; DROP TABLE s,t; CREATE TABLE s (a INT, b INT GENERATED ALWAYS AS (0) STORED) ENGINE=innodb; CREATE TABLE t (a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=innodb; ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; DROP TABLE s,t; CREATE TABLE s (a INT, b INT) ENGINE=innodb; CREATE TABLE t (a INT) ENGINE=innodb; # This would fail. No corresponding index --error ER_FK_NO_INDEX_PARENT ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; ALTER TABLE t ADD PRIMARY KEY(a); ALTER TABLE s ADD CONSTRAINT c FOREIGN KEY (a) REFERENCES t(a) ON UPDATE SET null; DROP TABLE s,t;