--source include/have_innodb.inc # Bug #49164 READ-COMMITTED reports "matched: 0" on compound PK # a duplicate of # Bug #52663 Lost update incrementing column value under READ COMMITTED connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connect (con2,localhost,root,,); connection con1; SET tx_isolation = 'READ-COMMITTED'; CREATE TABLE bug49164 (a INT, b BIGINT, c TINYINT, PRIMARY KEY (a, b)) ENGINE=InnoDB; insert into bug49164 values (1,1,1), (2,2,2), (3,3,3); begin; update bug49164 set c=7; select * from bug49164; rollback; select * from bug49164; begin; update bug49164 set c=7; connection con2; SET tx_isolation = 'READ-COMMITTED'; begin; select * from bug49164; commit; begin; --send update bug49164 set c=6 where a=1 and b=1; connection con1; rollback; select * from bug49164; connection con2; reap; commit; connection con1; select * from bug49164; connection default; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; drop table bug49164;