# MDEV-6424: Mariadb server crashes with assertion failure in file ha_innodb.cc --source include/have_innodb.inc --source include/no_valgrind_without_big.inc # DEBUG_SYNC must be compiled in. --source include/have_debug_sync.inc call mtr.add_suppression("InnoDB: Warning: Index.*"); # This caused crash earlier SET @saved_dbug = @@SESSION.debug_dbug; set DEBUG_DBUG='+d,ib_ha_innodb_stat_not_initialized'; create table t1(a int not null primary key, b int, c int, key(b), key(c)) engine=innodb; delimiter //; create procedure innodb_insert_proc (repeat_count int) begin declare current_num int; set current_num = 0; while current_num < repeat_count do insert into t1 values(current_num, current_num, current_num); set current_num = current_num + 1; end while; end// delimiter ;// commit; set autocommit=0; call innodb_insert_proc(10000); commit; set autocommit=1; select count(1) from t1; select count(1) from t1 where a between 5 and 100; select count(1) from t1 where b between 5 and 256; select count(1) from t1 where c between 7 and 787; drop procedure innodb_insert_proc; drop table t1; SET debug_dbug= @saved_dbug;