# # Bug#19685095 DO NOT CARE ABOUT UNRESOLVED MLOG_FILE_NAME # IF THERE ARE NO OPERATIONS TO APPLY # SET GLOBAL DEBUG_DBUG='+d,fil_names_write_bogus'; CREATE TABLE t1(a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; # Kill the server # restart: --debug=d,innodb_log_abort_1 --innodb-log-file-size=4194304 SELECT * FROM t1; ERROR 42000: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' FOUND 1 /InnoDB: Tablespace 4294967280 was not found at .*, but there were no modifications either/ in mysqld.1.err # restart: --debug=d,innodb_log_abort_3,ib_log --innodb-log-file-size=4194304 SELECT * FROM t1; ERROR 42000: Unknown storage engine 'InnoDB' FOUND 1 /ib_log: FILE_CHECKPOINT.* written/ in mysqld.1.err # restart # restart DROP TABLE t1;