# # Test that even after multiple restarts in a WAN context with two segments, the cluster continues to operate correctly. # # We can not easily restart the first node, so instead we restart all the other nodes. MTR does not allow multiple nodes # to be down at the same time, so restarts are sequential. # # We can not test any of the actual WAN optimizations from inside MTR and no # status variables are provided. So we only check that simple replication works. # --source include/big_test.inc --source include/galera_cluster.inc --source include/have_innodb.inc SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; --connection node_1 CREATE TABLE t1 (f1 INTEGER); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); --connection node_2 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (2); --connect node_3,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_3 --connection node_3 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (3); --connect node_4,, root, , test, $NODE_MYPORT_4 --connection node_4 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (4); # # Restart node #3 # --connection node_3 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (13); --source include/kill_galera.inc --sleep 5 --connection node_1 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (11); --connection node_2 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (12); --connection node_4 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (14); --connection node_3 --source include/start_mysqld.inc --sleep 5 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (131); # # Restart node #2 # --connection node_2 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (22); --source include/kill_galera.inc --sleep 5 --connection node_1 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (21); --connection node_3 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (23); --connection node_4 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (24); --connection node_2 --source include/start_mysqld.inc --sleep 5 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (221); # # Restart node #4 # --connection node_4 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (34); --source include/kill_galera.inc --sleep 5 --connection node_1 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (31); --connection node_2 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (32); --connection node_3 INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (33); --connection node_4 --source include/start_mysqld.inc --sleep 5 --source include/wait_until_connected_again.inc INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (341); # # Check all nodes # --connection node_1 --let $wait_condition = SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; --source include/wait_condition.inc SELECT COUNT(*) = 19 FROM t1; --connection node_2 SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 19 FROM t1; --connection node_3 SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 19 FROM t1; --connection node_4 SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE = 4 FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'wsrep_cluster_size'; SELECT COUNT(*) = 19 FROM t1; --connection node_1 DROP TABLE t1; CALL mtr.add_suppression("There are no nodes in the same segment that will ever be able to become donors, yet there is a suitable donor outside"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("WSREP: gcs_caused\\(\\) returned -1 \\(Operation not permitted\\)"); --connection node_2 CALL mtr.add_suppression("Action message in non-primary configuration from member 0"); --connection node_3 CALL mtr.add_suppression("There are no nodes in the same segment that will ever be able to become donors, yet there is a suitable donor outside"); CALL mtr.add_suppression("Action message in non-primary configuration from member 0"); --connection node_4 CALL mtr.add_suppression("Action message in non-primary configuration from member 0");