include/ [connection master] connection server_2; SET @old_parallel_threads=@@GLOBAL.slave_parallel_threads; include/ SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=10; CHANGE MASTER TO master_use_gtid=slave_pos; include/ connection server_1; ALTER TABLE mysql.gtid_slave_pos ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t4 (a INT PRIMARY KEY, b INT, KEY b_idx(b)) ENGINE=InnoDB; INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (1,NULL), (2,2), (3,NULL), (4,4), (5, NULL), (6, 6); connect con1,,root,,test,$SERVER_MYPORT_1,; connect con2,,root,,test,$SERVER_MYPORT_1,; connection server_2; include/ connection con1; SET debug_sync='commit_after_release_LOCK_prepare_ordered SIGNAL master_queued1 WAIT_FOR master_cont1'; UPDATE t4 SET b=NULL WHERE a=6; connection server_1; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR master_queued1'; connection con2; SET debug_sync='commit_after_release_LOCK_prepare_ordered SIGNAL master_queued2'; DELETE FROM t4 WHERE b <= 1; connection server_1; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR master_queued2'; SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL master_cont1'; connection con1; connection con2; SET debug_sync='RESET'; connection server_2; SET @old_dbug= @@GLOBAL.debug_dbug; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,disable_thd_need_ordering_with"; include/ SET GLOBAL debug_dbug=@old_dbug; SELECT * FROM t4 ORDER BY a; a b 1 NULL 2 2 3 NULL 4 4 5 NULL 6 NULL SET @last_gtid= 'GTID'; SELECT IF(@@gtid_slave_pos LIKE CONCAT('%',@last_gtid,'%'), "GTID found ok", CONCAT("GTID ", @last_gtid, " not found in gtid_slave_pos=", @@gtid_slave_pos)) AS result; result GTID found ok SELECT "ROW FOUND" AS `Is the row found?` FROM mysql.gtid_slave_pos WHERE CONCAT(domain_id, "-", server_id, "-", seq_no) = @last_gtid; Is the row found? ROW FOUND connection server_2; include/ SET GLOBAL slave_parallel_threads=@old_parallel_threads; include/ SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; connection server_1; DROP TABLE t4; SET DEBUG_SYNC= 'RESET'; disconnect con1; disconnect con2; include/