include/ [connection master] call mtr.add_suppression('Found invalid event in binary log'); call mtr.add_suppression('Slave I/O: Relay log write failure: could not queue event from master'); call mtr.add_suppression('event read from binlog did not pass crc check'); call mtr.add_suppression('Replication event checksum verification failed'); call mtr.add_suppression('Event crc check failed! Most likely there is event corruption'); call mtr.add_suppression('Slave SQL: Error initializing relay log position: I/O error reading event at position .*, error.* 1593'); SET @old_master_verify_checksum = @@master_verify_checksum; # 1. Creating test table/data and set corruption position for testing connection master; * insert/update/delete rows in table t1 * CREATE TABLE t1 (a INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b VARCHAR(10), c VARCHAR(100)); include/ # 2. Corruption in master binlog and SHOW BINLOG EVENTS SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,corrupt_read_log_event_char"; SHOW BINLOG EVENTS; ERROR HY000: Error when executing command SHOW BINLOG EVENTS: Wrong offset or I/O error SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,corrupt_read_log_event_char"; # 3. Master read a corrupted event from binlog and send the error to slave SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,corrupt_read_log_event2_set"; connection slave; START SLAVE IO_THREAD; include/ [errno=1236] connection master; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,corrupt_read_log_event2_set"; # 4. Master read a corrupted event from binlog and send it to slave connection master; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum=0; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,corrupt_read_log_event2_set"; connection slave; START SLAVE IO_THREAD; include/ [errno=1595,1743] connection master; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,corrupt_read_log_event2_set"; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug= ""; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum=1; # 5. Slave. Corruption in network connection slave; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,corrupt_queue_event"; START SLAVE IO_THREAD; include/ [errno=1595,1743] SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,corrupt_queue_event"; # 6. Slave. Corruption in relay log SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="+d,corrupt_read_log_event_char"; START SLAVE SQL_THREAD; include/ [errno=1593] SET GLOBAL debug_dbug="-d,corrupt_read_log_event_char"; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug= ""; # 7. Seek diff for tables on master and slave connection slave; include/ connection master; connection slave; include/ [master:test.t1, slave:test.t1] # 8. Clean up connection master; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug= ""; SET GLOBAL master_verify_checksum = @old_master_verify_checksum; DROP TABLE t1; connection slave; SET GLOBAL debug_dbug= ""; include/