drop table if exists t1,t2; create table t1 (product varchar(32), country_id int not null, year int, profit int); insert into t1 values ( 'Computer', 2,2000, 1200), ( 'TV', 1, 1999, 150), ( 'Calculator', 1, 1999,50), ( 'Computer', 1, 1999,1500), ( 'Computer', 1, 2000,1500), ( 'TV', 1, 2000, 150), ( 'TV', 2, 2000, 100), ( 'TV', 2, 2000, 100), ( 'Calculator', 1, 2000,75), ( 'Calculator', 2, 2000,75), ( 'TV', 1, 1999, 100), ( 'Computer', 1, 1999,1200), ( 'Computer', 2, 2000,1500), ( 'Calculator', 2, 2000,75), ( 'Phone', 3, 2003,10) ; create table t2 (country_id int primary key, country char(20) not null); insert into t2 values (1, 'USA'),(2,'India'), (3,'Finland'); select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by product; product sum(profit) Calculator 275 Computer 6900 Phone 10 TV 600 select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; product sum(profit) Calculator 275 Computer 6900 Phone 10 TV 600 NULL 7785 select product, sum(profit) from t1 group by 1 with rollup; product sum(profit) Calculator 275 Computer 6900 Phone 10 TV 600 NULL 7785 select product, sum(profit),avg(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; product sum(profit) avg(profit) Calculator 275 68.7500 Computer 6900 1380.0000 Phone 10 10.0000 TV 600 120.0000 NULL 7785 519.0000 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator 1 1999 50 Calculator 1 2000 75 Calculator 2 2000 150 Computer 1 1999 2700 Computer 1 2000 1500 Computer 2 2000 2700 Phone 3 2003 10 TV 1 1999 250 TV 1 2000 150 TV 2 2000 200 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator 1 1999 50 Calculator 1 2000 75 Calculator 1 NULL 125 Calculator 2 2000 150 Calculator 2 NULL 150 Calculator NULL NULL 275 Computer 1 1999 2700 Computer 1 2000 1500 Computer 1 NULL 4200 Computer 2 2000 2700 Computer 2 NULL 2700 Computer NULL NULL 6900 Phone 3 2003 10 Phone 3 NULL 10 Phone NULL NULL 10 TV 1 1999 250 TV 1 2000 150 TV 1 NULL 400 TV 2 2000 200 TV 2 NULL 200 TV NULL NULL 600 NULL NULL NULL 7785 explain extended select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; id select_type table type possible_keys key key_len ref rows Extra 1 SIMPLE t1 ALL NULL NULL NULL NULL 15 Using temporary; Using filesort Warnings: Note 1003 select test.t1.product AS `product`,test.t1.country_id AS `country_id`,test.t1.year AS `year`,sum(test.t1.profit) AS `sum(profit)` from test.t1 group by test.t1.product,test.t1.country_id,test.t1.year with rollup select product, country_id , sum(profit) from t1 group by product desc, country_id with rollup; product country_id sum(profit) TV 1 400 TV 2 200 TV NULL 600 Phone 3 10 Phone NULL 10 Computer 1 4200 Computer 2 2700 Computer NULL 6900 Calculator 1 125 Calculator 2 150 Calculator NULL 275 NULL NULL 7785 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup limit 5; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator 1 1999 50 Calculator 1 2000 75 Calculator 1 NULL 125 Calculator 2 2000 150 Calculator 2 NULL 150 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup limit 3,3; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator 2 2000 150 Calculator 2 NULL 150 Calculator NULL NULL 275 select product, country_id, count(*), count(distinct year) from t1 group by product, country_id; product country_id count(*) count(distinct year) Calculator 1 2 2 Calculator 2 2 1 Computer 1 3 2 Computer 2 2 1 Phone 3 1 1 TV 1 3 2 TV 2 2 1 select product, country_id, count(*), count(distinct year) from t1 group by product, country_id with rollup; product country_id count(*) count(distinct year) Calculator 1 2 2 Calculator 2 2 1 Calculator NULL 4 2 Computer 1 3 2 Computer 2 2 1 Computer NULL 5 2 Phone 3 1 1 Phone NULL 1 1 TV 1 3 2 TV 2 2 1 TV NULL 5 2 NULL NULL 15 3 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having country_id = 1; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator 1 1999 50 Calculator 1 2000 75 Calculator 1 NULL 125 Computer 1 1999 2700 Computer 1 2000 1500 Computer 1 NULL 4200 TV 1 1999 250 TV 1 2000 150 TV 1 NULL 400 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having sum(profit) > 200; product country_id year sum(profit) Calculator NULL NULL 275 Computer 1 1999 2700 Computer 1 2000 1500 Computer 1 NULL 4200 Computer 2 2000 2700 Computer 2 NULL 2700 Computer NULL NULL 6900 TV 1 1999 250 TV 1 NULL 400 TV NULL NULL 600 NULL NULL NULL 7785 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup having sum(profit) > 7000; product country_id year sum(profit) NULL NULL NULL 7785 select concat(product,':',country_id) as 'prod', concat(":",year,":") as 'year',1+1, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by 1,2 with rollup; prod year 1+1 sum(profit)/count(*) Calculator:1 :1999: 2 50.00 Calculator:1 :2000: 2 75.00 Calculator:1 NULL 2 62.50 Calculator:2 :2000: 2 75.00 Calculator:2 NULL 2 75.00 Computer:1 :1999: 2 1350.00 Computer:1 :2000: 2 1500.00 Computer:1 NULL 2 1400.00 Computer:2 :2000: 2 1350.00 Computer:2 NULL 2 1350.00 Phone:3 :2003: 2 10.00 Phone:3 NULL 2 10.00 TV:1 :1999: 2 125.00 TV:1 :2000: 2 150.00 TV:1 NULL 2 133.33 TV:2 :2000: 2 100.00 TV:2 NULL 2 100.00 NULL NULL 2 519.00 select product, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by product with rollup; product sum(profit)/count(*) Calculator 68.75 Computer 1380.00 Phone 10.00 TV 120.00 NULL 519.00 select left(product,4) as prod, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by prod with rollup; prod sum(profit)/count(*) Calc 68.75 Comp 1380.00 Phon 10.00 TV 120.00 NULL 519.00 select concat(product,':',country_id), 1+1, sum(profit)/count(*) from t1 group by concat(product,':',country_id) with rollup; concat(product,':',country_id) 1+1 sum(profit)/count(*) Calculator:1 2 62.50 Calculator:2 2 75.00 Computer:1 2 1400.00 Computer:2 2 1350.00 Phone:3 2 10.00 TV:1 2 133.33 TV:2 2 100.00 NULL 2 519.00 select product, country , year, sum(profit) from t1,t2 where t1.country_id=t2.country_id group by product, country, year with rollup; product country year sum(profit) Calculator India 2000 150 Calculator India NULL 150 Calculator USA 1999 50 Calculator USA 2000 75 Calculator USA NULL 125 Calculator NULL NULL 275 Computer India 2000 2700 Computer India NULL 2700 Computer USA 1999 2700 Computer USA 2000 1500 Computer USA NULL 4200 Computer NULL NULL 6900 Phone Finland 2003 10 Phone Finland NULL 10 Phone NULL NULL 10 TV India 2000 200 TV India NULL 200 TV USA 1999 250 TV USA 2000 150 TV USA NULL 400 TV NULL NULL 600 NULL NULL NULL 7785 select product, `sum` from (select product, sum(profit) as 'sum' from t1 group by product with rollup) as tmp where product is null; product sum NULL 7785 select product from t1 where exists (select product, country_id , sum(profit) from t1 as t2 where t1.product=t2.product group by product, country_id with rollup having sum(profit) > 6000); product Computer Computer Computer Computer Computer select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year having country_id is NULL; product country_id year sum(profit) select concat(':',product,':'), sum(profit),avg(profit) from t1 group by product with rollup; concat(':',product,':') sum(profit) avg(profit) :Calculator: 275 68.7500 :Computer: 6900 1380.0000 :Phone: 10 10.0000 :TV: 600 120.0000 :TV: 7785 519.0000 select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube; ERROR 42000: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'CUBE' explain select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube; ERROR 42000: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'CUBE' select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with cube union all select product, country_id , year, sum(profit) from t1 group by product, country_id, year with rollup; ERROR 42000: This version of MySQL doesn't yet support 'CUBE' drop table t1,t2; CREATE TABLE t1 (i int); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES(100); CREATE TABLE t2 (i int); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (100),(200); SELECT i, COUNT(*) FROM t1 GROUP BY i WITH ROLLUP; i COUNT(*) 100 1 NULL 1 SELECT t1.i, t2.i, COUNT(*) FROM t1,t2 GROUP BY t1.i,t2.i WITH ROLLUP; i i COUNT(*) 100 100 1 100 200 1 100 NULL 2 NULL NULL 2 drop table t1,t2; CREATE TABLE user_day( user_id INT NOT NULL, date DATE NOT NULL, UNIQUE INDEX user_date (user_id, date) ); INSERT INTO user_day VALUES (1, '2004-06-06' ), (1, '2004-06-07' ), (2, '2004-06-06' ); SELECT d.date AS day, COUNT(d.user_id) as sample, COUNT(next_day.user_id) AS not_cancelled FROM user_day d LEFT JOIN user_day next_day ON next_day.user_id=d.user_id AND next_day.date= DATE_ADD( d.date, interval 1 day ) GROUP BY day; day sample not_cancelled 2004-06-06 2 1 2004-06-07 1 0 SELECT d.date AS day, COUNT(d.user_id) as sample, COUNT(next_day.user_id) AS not_cancelled FROM user_day d LEFT JOIN user_day next_day ON next_day.user_id=d.user_id AND next_day.date= DATE_ADD( d.date, interval 1 day ) GROUP BY day WITH ROLLUP; day sample not_cancelled 2004-06-06 2 1 2004-06-07 1 0 NULL 3 1 DROP TABLE user_day;