# -*- cperl -*-
# mysql-test-run.pl
# Tool used for executing a suite of .test files
# See the "MySQL Test framework manual" for more information
# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysqltest/en/index.html
use strict;
use warnings;
# Check that mysql-test-run.pl is started from mysql-test/
unless ( -f "mysql-test-run.pl" )
print "**** ERROR **** ",
"You must start mysql-test-run from the mysql-test/ directory\n";
# Check that lib exist
unless ( -d "lib/" )
print "**** ERROR **** ",
"Could not find the lib/ directory \n";
use lib "lib";
use Cwd;
use Getopt::Long;
use My::File::Path; # Patched version of File::Path
use File::Basename;
use File::Copy;
use File::Find;
use File::Temp qw / tempdir /;
use File::Spec::Functions qw / splitdir /;
use My::Platform;
use My::SafeProcess;
use My::ConfigFactory;
use My::Options;
use My::Find;
use My::SysInfo;
use My::CoreDump;
use mtr_cases;
use mtr_report;
use mtr_match;
use mtr_unique;
use IO::Socket::INET;
use IO::Select;
require "lib/mtr_process.pl";
require "lib/mtr_io.pl";
require "lib/mtr_gcov.pl";
require "lib/mtr_misc.pl";
$SIG{INT}= sub { mtr_error("Got ^C signal"); };
our $mysql_version_id;
our $glob_mysql_test_dir;
our $basedir;
our $path_charsetsdir;
our $path_client_bindir;
our $path_client_libdir;
our $path_language;
our $path_current_testlog;
our $path_testlog;
our $default_vardir;
our $opt_vardir; # Path to use for var/ dir
my $path_vardir_trace; # unix formatted opt_vardir for trace files
my $opt_tmpdir; # Path to use for tmp/ dir
my $path_config_file; # The generated config file, var/my.cnf
# Visual Studio produces executables in different sub-directories based on the
# configuration used to build them. To make life easier, an environment
# variable or command-line option may be specified to control which set of
# executables will be used by the test suite.
our $opt_vs_config = $ENV{'MTR_VS_CONFIG'};
my $DEFAULT_SUITES= "main,binlog,federated,rpl,rpl_ndb,ndb";
my $opt_suites;
our $opt_verbose= 0; # Verbose output, enable with --verbose
our $exe_mysql;
our $exe_mysqladmin;
our $exe_mysqltest;
our $exe_libtool;
our $opt_big_test= 0;
our @opt_combinations;
our @opt_extra_mysqld_opt;
our $opt_compress;
our $opt_ssl;
our $opt_skip_ssl;
our $opt_ssl_supported;
our $opt_ps_protocol;
our $opt_sp_protocol;
our $opt_cursor_protocol;
our $opt_view_protocol;
our $opt_debug;
our @opt_cases; # The test cases names in argv
our $opt_embedded_server;
# Options used when connecting to an already running server
my %opts_extern;
sub using_extern { return (keys %opts_extern > 0);};
our $opt_fast= 0;
our $opt_force;
our $opt_mem= $ENV{'MTR_MEM'};
our $opt_gcov;
our $opt_gcov_err;
our $opt_gcov_msg;
our $glob_debugger= 0;
our $opt_gdb;
our $opt_client_gdb;
our $opt_ddd;
our $opt_client_ddd;
our $opt_manual_gdb;
our $opt_manual_ddd;
our $opt_manual_debug;
our $opt_debugger;
our $opt_client_debugger;
my $config; # The currently running config
my $current_config_name; # The currently running config file template
my $baseport;
my $opt_build_thread= $ENV{'MTR_BUILD_THREAD'} || "auto";
my $opt_record;
my $opt_report_features;
our $opt_check_testcases= 1;
my $opt_mark_progress;
my $opt_sleep;
my $opt_testcase_timeout= 15; # minutes
my $opt_suite_timeout = 300; # minutes
my $opt_shutdown_timeout= 10; # seconds
my $opt_start_timeout = 180; # seconds
my $opt_start;
my $opt_start_dirty;
my $opt_repeat= 1;
my $opt_retry= 3;
my $opt_retry_failure= 2;
my $opt_strace_client;
our $opt_user = "root";
my $opt_valgrind= 0;
my $opt_valgrind_mysqld= 0;
my $opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 0;
my @default_valgrind_args= ("--show-reachable=yes");
my @valgrind_args;
my $opt_valgrind_path;
my $opt_callgrind;
our $opt_warnings= 1;
our $opt_skip_ndbcluster= 0;
our $opt_skip_ndbcluster_slave= 0;
our $opt_with_ndbcluster;
my $exe_ndbd;
my $exe_ndb_mgmd;
my $exe_ndb_waiter;
our $debug_compiled_binaries;
our %mysqld_variables;
my $source_dist= 0;
my $opt_max_save_core= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE} || 5;
my $opt_max_save_datadir= $ENV{MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATADIR} || 20;
my $opt_max_test_fail= $ENV{MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL} || 10;
$| = 1; # Automatically flush STDOUT
sub main {
# Default, verbosity on
report_option('verbose', 0);
# This is needed for test log evaluation in "gen-build-status-page"
# in all cases where the calling tool does not log the commands
# directly before it executes them, like "make test-force-pl" in RPM builds.
mtr_report("Logging: $0 ", join(" ", @ARGV));
my $opt_parallel= $ENV{MTR_PARALLEL};
GetOptions('parallel=i' => \$opt_parallel) or usage(0, "Can't read options");
if ( $opt_gcov ) {
if (!$opt_suites) {
$opt_suites= $DEFAULT_SUITES;
# Check for any extra suites to enable based on the path name
my %extra_suites=
"mysql-5.1-new-ndb" => "ndb_team",
"mysql-5.1-new-ndb-merge" => "ndb_team",
"mysql-5.1-telco-6.2" => "ndb_team",
"mysql-5.1-telco-6.2-merge" => "ndb_team",
"mysql-5.1-telco-6.3" => "ndb_team",
"mysql-6.0-ndb" => "ndb_team",
foreach my $dir ( reverse splitdir($basedir) ) {
my $extra_suite= $extra_suites{$dir};
if (defined $extra_suite) {
mtr_report("Found extra suite: $extra_suite");
$opt_suites= "$extra_suite,$opt_suites";
mtr_report("Collecting tests...");
my $tests= collect_test_cases($opt_suites, \@opt_cases);
if ( $opt_report_features ) {
# Put "report features" as the first test to run
my $tinfo = My::Test->new
name => 'report_features',
# No result_file => Prints result
path => 'include/report-features.test',
template_path => "include/default_my.cnf",
master_opt => [],
slave_opt => [],
unshift(@$tests, $tinfo);
print "vardir: $opt_vardir\n";
my $num_tests= @$tests;
if ( not defined $opt_parallel ) {
# Try to find a suitable value for number of workers
my $sys_info= My::SysInfo->new();
$opt_parallel= $sys_info->num_cpus();
for my $limit (2000, 1500, 1000, 500){
$opt_parallel-- if ($sys_info->min_bogomips() < $limit);
$opt_parallel= 8 if ($opt_parallel > 8);
$opt_parallel= $num_tests if ($opt_parallel > $num_tests);
$opt_parallel= 1 if (IS_WINDOWS and $sys_info->isvm());
$opt_parallel= 1 if ($opt_parallel < 1);
mtr_report("Using parallel: $opt_parallel");
# Create server socket on any free port
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET
LocalAddr => 'localhost',
Proto => 'tcp',
Listen => $opt_parallel,
mtr_error("Could not create testcase server port: $!") unless $server;
my $server_port = $server->sockport();
mtr_report("Using server port $server_port");
# Create child processes
my %children;
for my $child_num (1..$opt_parallel){
my $child_pid= My::SafeProcess::Base::_safe_fork();
if ($child_pid == 0){
$server= undef; # Close the server port in child
$tests= {}; # Don't need the tests list in child
# Use subdir of var and tmp unless only one worker
if ($opt_parallel > 1) {
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_tmpdir/$child_num";
run_worker($server_port, $child_num);
$children{$child_pid}= 1;
my $completed= run_test_server($server, $tests, $opt_parallel);
# Send Ctrl-C to any children still running
kill("INT", keys(%children));
# Wait for childs to exit
foreach my $pid (keys %children)
my $ret_pid= waitpid($pid, 0);
if ($ret_pid != $pid){
mtr_report("Unknown process $ret_pid exited");
else {
delete $children{$ret_pid};
if ( not defined @$completed ) {
mtr_error("Test suite aborted");
if ( @$completed != $num_tests){
if ($opt_force){
# All test should have been run, print any that are still in $tests
foreach my $test ( @$tests ){
# Not all tests completed, failure
mtr_report("Only ", int(@$completed), " of $num_tests completed.");
mtr_error("Not all tests completed");
if ( $opt_gcov ) {
gcov_collect($basedir, $opt_gcov,
$opt_gcov_msg, $opt_gcov_err);
sub run_test_server ($$$) {
my ($server, $tests, $childs) = @_;
my $num_saved_cores= 0; # Number of core files saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_saved_datadir= 0; # Number of datadirs saved in vardir/log/ so far.
my $num_failed_test= 0; # Number of tests failed so far
# Scheduler variables
my $max_ndb= $childs / 2;
$max_ndb = 4 if $max_ndb > 4;
$max_ndb = 1 if $max_ndb < 1;
my $num_ndb_tests= 0;
my $completed= [];
my %running;
my $result;
my $suite_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer($opt_suite_timeout * 60);
my $s= IO::Select->new();
while (1) {
my @ready = $s->can_read(1); # Wake up once every second
foreach my $sock (@ready) {
if ($sock == $server) {
# New client connected
my $child= $sock->accept();
mtr_verbose("Client connected");
print $child "HELLO\n";
else {
my $line= <$sock>;
if (!defined $line) {
# Client disconnected
mtr_verbose("Child closed socket");
if (--$childs == 0){
return $completed;
if ($line eq 'TESTRESULT'){
$result= My::Test::read_test($sock);
# $result->print_test();
# Report test status
if ( $result->is_failed() ) {
# Save the workers "savedir" in var/log
my $worker_savedir= $result->{savedir};
my $worker_savename= basename($worker_savedir);
my $savedir= "$opt_vardir/log/$worker_savename";
if ($opt_max_save_datadir > 0 &&
$num_saved_datadir >= $opt_max_save_datadir)
mtr_report(" - skipping '$worker_savedir/'");
else {
mtr_report(" - saving '$worker_savedir/' to '$savedir/'");
rename($worker_savedir, $savedir);
if ($opt_max_save_core > 0) {
# Limit number of core files saved
find({ no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
my $core_file= $File::Find::name;
my $core_name= basename($core_file);
if ($core_name =~ "core*"){
mtr_report(" - found '$core_name'",
if ($num_saved_cores >= $opt_max_save_core) {
mtr_report(" - deleting it, already saved",
if ( !$opt_force ) {
# Test has failed, force is off
push(@$completed, $result);
return $completed;
elsif ($opt_max_test_fail > 0 and
$num_failed_test >= $opt_max_test_fail) {
mtr_report("Too many tests($num_failed_test) failed!",
return undef;
# Retry test run after test failure
my $retries= $result->{retries} || 2;
my $test_has_failed= $result->{failures} || 0;
if ($test_has_failed and $retries <= $opt_retry){
# Test should be run one more time unless it has failed
# too many times already
my $failures= $result->{failures};
if ($opt_retry > 1 and $failures >= $opt_retry_failure){
mtr_report("\nTest has failed $failures times,",
"no more retries!\n");
else {
mtr_report("\nRetrying test, attempt($retries/$opt_retry)...\n");
$result->{retries}= $retries+1;
$result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE');
# Repeat test $opt_repeat number of times
my $repeat= $result->{repeat} || 1;
if ($repeat < $opt_repeat)
$result->{retries}= 0;
$result->{failures}= 0;
$result->{repeat}= $repeat+1;
$result->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE');
# Remove from list of running
mtr_error("'", $result->{name},"' is not known to be running")
unless delete $running{$result->key()};
# Update scheduler variables
$num_ndb_tests-- if ($result->{ndb_test});
# Save result in completed list
push(@$completed, $result);
elsif ($line eq 'START'){
; # Send first test
else {
mtr_error("Unknown response: '$line' from client");
# Find next test to schedule
# - Try to use same configuration as worker used last time
# - Limit number of parallel ndb tests
my $next;
my $second_best;
for(my $i= 0; $i <= @$tests; $i++)
my $t= $tests->[$i];
last unless defined $t;
if (run_testcase_check_skip_test($t)){
# Move the test to completed list
#mtr_report("skip - Moving test $i to completed");
push(@$completed, splice(@$tests, $i, 1));
# Since the test at pos $i was taken away, next
# test will also be at $i -> redo
# Limit number of parallell NDB tests
if ($t->{ndb_test} and $num_ndb_tests >= $max_ndb){
#mtr_report("Skipping, num ndb is already at max, $num_ndb_tests");
# Prefer same configuration
if (defined $result and
$result->{template_path} eq $t->{template_path})
#mtr_report("Test uses same config => good match");
# Test uses same config => good match
$next= splice(@$tests, $i, 1);
# Second best choice is the first that does not fulfill
# any of the above conditions
if (!defined $second_best){
#mtr_report("Setting second_best to $i");
$second_best= $i;
# Use second best choice if no other test has been found
if (!$next and defined $second_best){
#mtr_report("Take second best choice $second_best");
mtr_error("Internal error, second best too large($second_best)")
if $second_best > $#$tests;
$next= splice(@$tests, $second_best, 1);
if ($next) {
$next->write_test($sock, 'TESTCASE');
$running{$next->key()}= $next;
$num_ndb_tests++ if ($next->{ndb_test});
else {
# No more test, tell child to exit
#mtr_report("Saying BYE to child");
print $sock "BYE\n";
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if test suite timer expired
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $suite_timeout_proc->wait_one(0) )
mtr_report("Test suite timeout! Terminating...");
return undef;
sub run_worker ($) {
my ($server_port, $thread_num)= @_;
$SIG{INT}= sub { exit(1); };
# Connect to server
my $server = new IO::Socket::INET
PeerAddr => 'localhost',
PeerPort => $server_port,
Proto => 'tcp'
mtr_error("Could not connect to server at port $server_port: $!")
unless $server;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set worker name
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Use auto build thread in all but first worker
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
set_build_thread_ports($thread_num > 1 ? 'auto' : $opt_build_thread);
if (check_ports_free()){
# Some port was not free(which one has already been printed)
mtr_error("Some port(s) was not free")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Turn off verbosity in workers, unless explicitly specified
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
report_option('verbose', undef) if ($opt_verbose == 0);
# Read hello from server which it will send when shared
# resources have been setup
my $hello= <$server>;
if ( using_extern() ) {
# Ask server for first test
print $server "START\n";
while(my $line= <$server>){
if ($line eq 'TESTCASE'){
my $test= My::Test::read_test($server);
#$test->{result}= 'MTR_RES_PASSED';
# Send it back, now with results set
$test->write_test($server, 'TESTRESULT');
elsif ($line eq 'BYE'){
mtr_report("Server said BYE");
else {
mtr_error("Could not understand server, '$line'");
sub ignore_option {
my ($opt, $value)= @_;
mtr_report("Ignoring option '$opt'");
# Setup any paths that are $opt_vardir related
sub set_vardir {
my ($vardir)= @_;
$opt_vardir= $vardir;
$path_vardir_trace= $opt_vardir;
# Chop off any "c:", DBUG likes a unix path ex: c:/src/... => /src/...
$path_vardir_trace=~ s/^\w://;
# Location of my.cnf that all clients use
$path_config_file= "$opt_vardir/my.cnf";
$path_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/mysqltest.log";
$path_current_testlog= "$opt_vardir/log/current_test";
sub command_line_setup {
my $opt_comment;
my $opt_usage;
# Read the command line options
# Note: Keep list, and the order, in sync with usage at end of this file
# Control what engine/variation to run
'embedded-server' => \$opt_embedded_server,
'ps-protocol' => \$opt_ps_protocol,
'sp-protocol' => \$opt_sp_protocol,
'view-protocol' => \$opt_view_protocol,
'cursor-protocol' => \$opt_cursor_protocol,
'ssl|with-openssl' => \$opt_ssl,
'skip-ssl' => \$opt_skip_ssl,
'compress' => \$opt_compress,
'with-ndbcluster|ndb' => \$opt_with_ndbcluster,
'vs-config' => \$opt_vs_config,
# Config file to use as template for all tests
'defaults-file=s' => \&collect_option,
# Extra config file to append to all generated configs
'defaults-extra-file=s' => \&collect_option,
# Control what test suites or cases to run
'force' => \$opt_force,
'with-ndbcluster-only' => \&collect_option,
'skip-ndbcluster|skip-ndb' => \$opt_skip_ndbcluster,
=> \$opt_skip_ndbcluster_slave,
'suite|suites=s' => \$opt_suites,
'skip-rpl' => \&collect_option,
'skip-test=s' => \&collect_option,
'do-test=s' => \&collect_option,
'start-from=s' => \&collect_option,
'big-test' => \$opt_big_test,
'combination=s' => \@opt_combinations,
'skip-combinations' => \&collect_option,
'skip-im' => \&ignore_option,
# Specify ports
'build-thread|mtr-build-thread=i' => \$opt_build_thread,
# Test case authoring
'record' => \$opt_record,
'check-testcases!' => \$opt_check_testcases,
'mark-progress' => \$opt_mark_progress,
# Extra options used when starting mysqld
'mysqld=s' => \@opt_extra_mysqld_opt,
# Run test on running server
'extern=s' => \%opts_extern, # Append to hash
# Debugging
'debug' => \$opt_debug,
'gdb' => \$opt_gdb,
'client-gdb' => \$opt_client_gdb,
'manual-gdb' => \$opt_manual_gdb,
'manual-debug' => \$opt_manual_debug,
'ddd' => \$opt_ddd,
'client-ddd' => \$opt_client_ddd,
'manual-ddd' => \$opt_manual_ddd,
'debugger=s' => \$opt_debugger,
'client-debugger=s' => \$opt_client_debugger,
'strace-client:s' => \$opt_strace_client,
'max-save-core=i' => \$opt_max_save_core,
'max-save-datadir=i' => \$opt_max_save_datadir,
'max-test-fail=i' => \$opt_max_test_fail,
# Coverage, profiling etc
'gcov' => \$opt_gcov,
'valgrind|valgrind-all' => \$opt_valgrind,
'valgrind-mysqltest' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqltest,
'valgrind-mysqld' => \$opt_valgrind_mysqld,
'valgrind-options=s' => sub {
my ($opt, $value)= @_;
# Deprecated option unless it's what we know pushbuild uses
if ($value eq "--gen-suppressions=all --show-reachable=yes") {
push(@valgrind_args, $_) for (split(' ', $value));
die("--valgrind-options=s is deprecated. Use ",
"--valgrind-option=s, to be specified several",
" times if necessary");
'valgrind-option=s' => \@valgrind_args,
'valgrind-path=s' => \$opt_valgrind_path,
'callgrind' => \$opt_callgrind,
# Directories
'tmpdir=s' => \$opt_tmpdir,
'vardir=s' => \$opt_vardir,
'mem' => \$opt_mem,
'client-bindir=s' => \$path_client_bindir,
'client-libdir=s' => \$path_client_libdir,
# Misc
'report-features' => \$opt_report_features,
'comment=s' => \$opt_comment,
'fast' => \$opt_fast,
'reorder!' => \&collect_option,
'enable-disabled' => \&collect_option,
'verbose+' => \$opt_verbose,
'verbose-restart' => \&report_option,
'sleep=i' => \$opt_sleep,
'start-dirty' => \$opt_start_dirty,
'start' => \$opt_start,
'print-testcases' => \&collect_option,
'repeat=i' => \$opt_repeat,
'retry=i' => \$opt_retry,
'retry-failure=i' => \$opt_retry_failure,
'timer!' => \&report_option,
'user=s' => \$opt_user,
'testcase-timeout=i' => \$opt_testcase_timeout,
'suite-timeout=i' => \$opt_suite_timeout,
'shutdown-timeout=i' => \$opt_shutdown_timeout,
'warnings!' => \$opt_warnings,
'timestamp' => \&report_option,
'timediff' => \&report_option,
'help|h' => \$opt_usage,
) or usage("Can't read options");
usage("") if $opt_usage;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Setup verbosity
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($opt_verbose != 0){
report_option('verbose', $opt_verbose);
if ( -d "../sql" )
$source_dist= 1;
# Find the absolute path to the test directory
$glob_mysql_test_dir= cwd();
# Use mixed path format i.e c:/path/to/
$glob_mysql_test_dir= mixed_path($glob_mysql_test_dir);
# In most cases, the base directory we find everything relative to,
# is the parent directory of the "mysql-test" directory. For source
# distributions, TAR binary distributions and some other packages.
$basedir= dirname($glob_mysql_test_dir);
# In the RPM case, binaries and libraries are installed in the
# default system locations, instead of having our own private base
# directory. And we install "/usr/share/mysql-test". Moving up one
# more directory relative to "mysql-test" gives us a usable base
# directory for RPM installs.
if ( ! $source_dist and ! -d "$basedir/bin" )
$basedir= dirname($basedir);
# Look for the client binaries directory
if ($path_client_bindir)
# --client-bindir=path set on command line, check that the path exists
$path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists($path_client_bindir);
$path_client_bindir= mtr_path_exists("$basedir/client_release",
vs_config_dirs('client', ''),
# Look for language files and charsetsdir, use same share
my $path_share= mtr_path_exists("$basedir/share/mysql",
$path_language= mtr_path_exists("$path_share/english");
$path_charsetsdir= mtr_path_exists("$path_share/charsets");
if (using_extern())
# Connect to the running mysqld and find out what it supports
# Run the mysqld to find out what features are available
if ( $opt_comment )
mtr_report("# $opt_comment");
foreach my $arg ( @ARGV )
if ( $arg =~ /^--skip-/ )
push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, $arg);
elsif ( $arg =~ /^--$/ )
# It is an effect of setting 'pass_through' in option processing
# that the lone '--' separating options from arguments survives,
# simply ignore it.
elsif ( $arg =~ /^-/ )
usage("Invalid option \"$arg\"");
push(@opt_cases, $arg);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find out type of logging that are being used
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt )
if ( $arg =~ /binlog[-_]format=(\S+)/ )
# Save this for collect phase
collect_option('binlog-format', $1);
mtr_report("Using binlog format '$1'");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Find out default storage engine being used(if any)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
foreach my $arg ( @opt_extra_mysqld_opt )
if ( $arg =~ /default-storage-engine=(\S+)/ )
# Save this for collect phase
collect_option('default-storage-engine', $1);
mtr_report("Using default engine '$1'")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check if we should speed up tests by trying to run on tmpfs
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( defined $opt_mem)
mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --vardir at the same time ")
if $opt_vardir;
mtr_error("Can't use --mem and --tmpdir at the same time ")
if $opt_tmpdir;
# Search through list of locations that are known
# to be "fast disks" to find a suitable location
# Use --mem=
as first location to look.
my @tmpfs_locations= ($opt_mem, "/dev/shm", "/tmp");
foreach my $fs (@tmpfs_locations)
if ( -d $fs )
my $template= "var_${opt_build_thread}_XXXX";
$opt_mem= tempdir( $template, DIR => $fs, CLEANUP => 0);
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the "var/" directory, the base for everything else
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
$default_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/var";
if ( ! $opt_vardir )
$opt_vardir= $default_vardir;
# We make the path absolute, as the server will do a chdir() before usage
unless ( $opt_vardir =~ m,^/, or
(IS_WINDOWS and $opt_vardir =~ m,^[a-z]:/,i) )
# Make absolute path, relative test dir
$opt_vardir= "$glob_mysql_test_dir/$opt_vardir";
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Set the "tmp" directory
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $opt_tmpdir )
$opt_tmpdir= "$opt_vardir/tmp" unless $opt_tmpdir;
if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/testsocket.sock"))
mtr_report("Too long tmpdir path '$opt_tmpdir'",
" creating a shorter one...");
# Create temporary directory in standard location for temporary files
$opt_tmpdir= tempdir( TMPDIR => 1, CLEANUP => 1 );
mtr_report(" - using tmpdir: '$opt_tmpdir'\n");
$opt_tmpdir =~ s,/+$,,; # Remove ending slash if any
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# fast option
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($opt_fast){
$opt_shutdown_timeout= 0; # Kill processes instead of nice shutdown
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Record flag
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_record and ! @opt_cases )
mtr_error("Will not run in record mode without a specific test case");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Embedded server flag
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
# Add the location for libmysqld.dll to the path.
my $separator= ";";
my $lib_mysqld=
if ( IS_CYGWIN )
$lib_mysqld= posix_path($lib_mysqld);
$separator= ":";
$ENV{'PATH'}= "$ENV{'PATH'}".$separator.$lib_mysqld;
$opt_skip_ndbcluster= 1; # Turn off use of NDB cluster
$opt_skip_ssl= 1; # Turn off use of SSL
# Turn off use of bin log
push(@opt_extra_mysqld_opt, "--skip-log-bin");
if ( using_extern() )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern with --embedded-server");
if ($opt_gdb)
mtr_warning("Silently converting --gdb to --client-gdb in embedded mode");
$opt_client_gdb= $opt_gdb;
$opt_gdb= undef;
if ($opt_ddd)
mtr_warning("Silently converting --ddd to --client-ddd in embedded mode");
$opt_client_ddd= $opt_ddd;
$opt_ddd= undef;
if ($opt_debugger)
mtr_warning("Silently converting --debugger to --client-debugger in embedded mode");
$opt_client_debugger= $opt_debugger;
$opt_debugger= undef;
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_ddd ||
$opt_manual_debug || $opt_debugger )
mtr_error("You need to use the client debug options for the",
"embedded server. Ex: --client-gdb");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Big test flags
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_big_test )
$ENV{'BIG_TEST'}= 1;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Gcov flag
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_gcov and ! $source_dist )
mtr_error("Coverage test needs the source - please use source dist");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Check debug related options
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_client_gdb || $opt_ddd || $opt_client_ddd ||
$opt_manual_gdb || $opt_manual_ddd || $opt_manual_debug ||
$opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger )
# Indicate that we are using debugger
$glob_debugger= 1;
if ( using_extern() )
mtr_error("Can't use --extern when using debugger");
# Check valgrind arguments
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_valgrind or $opt_valgrind_path or @valgrind_args)
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for all executables");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqltest= 1;
# Increase the timeouts when running with valgrind
$opt_testcase_timeout*= 10;
$opt_suite_timeout*= 6;
$opt_start_timeout*= 10;
elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqld(s) only");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
elsif ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind for mysqltest and mysql_client_test only");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
if ( $opt_callgrind )
mtr_report("Turning on valgrind with callgrind for mysqld(s)");
$opt_valgrind= 1;
$opt_valgrind_mysqld= 1;
# Set special valgrind options unless options passed on command line
push(@valgrind_args, "--trace-children=yes")
unless @valgrind_args;
if ( $opt_valgrind )
# Set valgrind_options to default unless already defined
push(@valgrind_args, @default_valgrind_args)
unless @valgrind_args;
mtr_report("Running valgrind with options \"",
join(" ", @valgrind_args), "\"");
mtr_report("Checking supported features...");
# To make it easier for different devs to work on the same host,
# an environment variable can be used to control all ports. A small
# number is to be used, 0 - 16 or similar.
# Note the MASTER_MYPORT has to be set the same in all 4.x and 5.x
# versions of this script, else a 4.0 test run might conflict with a
# 5.1 test run, even if different MTR_BUILD_THREAD is used. This means
# all port numbers might not be used in this version of the script.
# Also note the limitation of ports we are allowed to hand out. This
# differs between operating systems and configuration, see
# http://www.ncftp.com/ncftpd/doc/misc/ephemeral_ports.html
# But a fairly safe range seems to be 5001 - 32767
sub set_build_thread_ports($) {
my $build_thread= shift || 0;
if ( lc($build_thread) eq 'auto' ) {
#mtr_report("Requesting build thread... ");
$build_thread= mtr_get_unique_id(250, 299);
if ( !defined $build_thread ) {
mtr_error("Could not get a unique build thread id");
#mtr_report(" - got $build_thread");
$ENV{MTR_BUILD_THREAD}= $build_thread;
$opt_build_thread= $build_thread;
# Calculate baseport
$baseport= $build_thread * 10 + 10000;
if ( $baseport < 5001 or $baseport + 9 >= 32767 )
mtr_error("MTR_BUILD_THREAD number results in a port",
"outside 5001 - 32767",
"($baseport - $baseport + 9)");
mtr_report("Using MTR_BUILD_THREAD $build_thread,",
"with reserved ports $baseport..".($baseport+9));
sub collect_mysqld_features {
my $found_variable_list_start= 0;
my $use_tmpdir;
if ( defined $opt_tmpdir and -d $opt_tmpdir){
# Create the tempdir in $opt_tmpdir
$use_tmpdir= $opt_tmpdir;
my $tmpdir= tempdir(CLEANUP => 0, # Directory removed by this function
DIR => $use_tmpdir);
# Execute "mysqld --no-defaults --help --verbose" to get a
# list of all features and settings
# --no-defaults and --skip-grant-tables are to avoid loading
# system-wide configs and plugins
# --datadir must exist, mysqld will chdir into it
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", mixed_path($tmpdir));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $path_language);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-grant-tables");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--help");
my $exe_mysqld= find_mysqld($basedir);
my $cmd= join(" ", $exe_mysqld, @$args);
my $list= `$cmd`;
foreach my $line (split('\n', $list))
# First look for version
if ( !$mysql_version_id )
# Look for version
my $exe_name= basename($exe_mysqld);
mtr_verbose("exe_name: $exe_name");
if ( $line =~ /^\S*$exe_name\s\sVer\s([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/ )
#print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n";
$mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3;
#print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n";
mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3");
if (!$found_variable_list_start)
# Look for start of variables list
if ( $line =~ /[\-]+\s[\-]+/ )
$found_variable_list_start= 1;
# Put variables into hash
if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ )
# print "$1=\"$2\"\n";
$mysqld_variables{$1}= $2;
# The variable list is ended with a blank line
if ( $line =~ /^[\s]*$/ )
# Send out a warning, we should fix the variables that has no
# space between variable name and it's value
# or should it be fixed width column parsing? It does not
# look like that in function my_print_variables in my_getopt.c
mtr_warning("Could not parse variable list line : $line");
mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id;
mtr_error("Could not find variabes list") unless $found_variable_list_start;
sub collect_mysqld_features_from_running_server ()
my $mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts_extern )) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--$option=$value");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent"); # Tab separated output
mtr_add_arg($args, "-e '%s'", "use mysql; SHOW VARIABLES");
my $cmd= "$mysql " . join(' ', @$args);
mtr_verbose("cmd: $cmd");
my $list = `$cmd` or
mtr_error("Could not connect to extern server using command: '$cmd'");
foreach my $line (split('\n', $list ))
# Put variables into hash
if ( $line =~ /^([\S]+)[ \t]+(.*?)\r?$/ )
# print "$1=\"$2\"\n";
$mysqld_variables{$1}= $2;
# Parse version
my $version_str= $mysqld_variables{'version'};
if ( $version_str =~ /^([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)/ )
#print "Major: $1 Minor: $2 Build: $3\n";
$mysql_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3;
#print "mysql_version_id: $mysql_version_id\n";
mtr_report("MySQL Version $1.$2.$3");
mtr_error("Could not find version of MySQL") unless $mysql_version_id;
sub find_mysqld {
my ($mysqld_basedir)= @_;
my @mysqld_names= ("mysqld", "mysqld-max-nt", "mysqld-max",
if ( $opt_debug ){
# Put mysqld-debug first in the list of binaries to look for
mtr_verbose("Adding mysqld-debug first in list of binaries to look for");
unshift(@mysqld_names, "mysqld-debug");
return my_find_bin($mysqld_basedir,
["sql", "libexec", "sbin"],
sub executable_setup () {
# Check if libtool is available in this distribution/clone
# we need it when valgrinding or debugging non installed binary
# Otherwise valgrind will valgrind the libtool wrapper or bash
# and gdb will not find the real executable to debug
if ( -x "../libtool")
$exe_libtool= "../libtool";
if ($opt_valgrind or $glob_debugger)
mtr_report("Using \"$exe_libtool\" when running valgrind or debugger");
# Look for the client binaries
$exe_mysqladmin= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqladmin");
$exe_mysql= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysql");
if ( ! $opt_skip_ndbcluster )
["storage/ndb/src/kernel", "libexec"],
["storage/ndb/src/mgmsrv", "libexec"],
["storage/ndb/tools/", "bin"],
# Look for mysqltest executable
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
$exe_mysqltest= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqltest");
sub client_debug_arg($$) {
my ($args, $client_name)= @_;
if ( $opt_debug ) {
$path_vardir_trace, $client_name)
sub mysql_fix_arguments () {
return "" if ( IS_WINDOWS );
my $exe=
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=", $basedir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--bindir=", $path_client_bindir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--verbose");
return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args);
sub client_arguments ($) {
my $client_name= shift;
my $client_exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/$client_name");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
client_debug_arg($args, $client_name);
return mtr_args2str($client_exe, @$args);
sub mysqlslap_arguments () {
my $exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqlslap");
if ( $exe eq "" ) {
# mysqlap was not found
if (defined $mysql_version_id and $mysql_version_id >= 50100 ) {
mtr_error("Could not find the mysqlslap binary");
return ""; # Don't care about mysqlslap
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
client_debug_arg($args, "mysqlslap");
return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args);
sub mysqldump_arguments ($) {
my($group_suffix) = @_;
my $exe= mtr_exe_exists("$path_client_bindir/mysqldump");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $group_suffix);
client_debug_arg($args, "mysqldump-$group_suffix");
return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args);
sub mysql_client_test_arguments(){
my $exe;
# mysql_client_test executable may _not_ exist
if ( $opt_embedded_server ) {
$exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists(
} else {
$exe= mtr_exe_maybe_exists(vs_config_dirs('tests', 'mysql_client_test'),
my $args;
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest ) {
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--testcase");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--vardir=$opt_vardir");
return mtr_args2str($exe, @$args);
# Set environment to be used by childs of this process for
# things that are constant during the whole lifetime of mysql-test-run
sub environment_setup {
my @ld_library_paths;
if ($path_client_libdir)
# Use the --client-libdir passed on commandline
push(@ld_library_paths, "$path_client_libdir");
# Setup LD_LIBRARY_PATH so the libraries from this distro/clone
# are used in favor of the system installed ones
if ( $source_dist )
push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/libmysql/.libs/",
push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/lib");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the path where libndbclient can be found
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( !$opt_skip_ndbcluster )
push(@ld_library_paths, "$basedir/storage/ndb/src/.libs");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the path where mysqld will find udf_example.so
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $lib_udf_example=
mtr_file_exists(vs_config_dirs('sql', 'udf_example.dll'),
if ( $lib_udf_example )
push(@ld_library_paths, dirname($lib_udf_example));
($lib_udf_example ? basename($lib_udf_example) : "");
$ENV{'UDF_EXAMPLE_LIB_OPT'}= "--plugin-dir=".
($lib_udf_example ? dirname($lib_udf_example) : "");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add the path where mysqld will find ha_example.so
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($mysql_version_id >= 50100) {
my $lib_example_plugin=
mtr_file_exists(vs_config_dirs('storage/example', 'ha_example.dll'),
($lib_example_plugin ? basename($lib_example_plugin) : "");
$ENV{'EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_OPT'}= "--plugin-dir=".
($lib_example_plugin ? dirname($lib_example_plugin) : "");
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Valgrind need to be run with debug libraries otherwise it's almost
# impossible to add correct supressions, that means if "/usr/lib/debug"
# is available, it should be added to
# But pthread is broken in libc6-dbg on Debian <= 3.1 (see Debian
# bug 399035, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=399035),
# so don't change LD_LIBRARY_PATH on that platform.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
my $debug_libraries_path= "/usr/lib/debug";
my $deb_version;
if ( $opt_valgrind and -d $debug_libraries_path and
(! -e '/etc/debian_version' or
mtr_grab_file('/etc/debian_version')) !~ /^[0-9]+\.[0-9]$/ or
$deb_version > 3.1 ) )
push(@ld_library_paths, $debug_libraries_path);
$ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
split(':', $ENV{'LD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ());
$ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
split(':', $ENV{'DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH'}) : ());
# The environment variable used for shared libs on AIX
$ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
split(':', $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}) : ());
mtr_debug("SHLIB_PATH: $ENV{'SHLIB_PATH'}");
# The environment variable used for shared libs on hp-ux
$ENV{'LIBPATH'}= join(":", @ld_library_paths,
split(':', $ENV{'LIBPATH'}) : ());
mtr_debug("LIBPATH: $ENV{'LIBPATH'}");
$ENV{'CHARSETSDIR'}= $path_charsetsdir;
$ENV{'UMASK'}= "0660"; # The octal *string*
$ENV{'UMASK_DIR'}= "0770"; # The octal *string*
# MySQL tests can produce output in various character sets
# (especially, ctype_xxx.test). To avoid confusing Perl
# with output which is incompatible with the current locale
# settings, we reset the current values of LC_ALL and LC_CTYPE to "C".
# For details, please see
# Bug#27636 tests fails if LC_* variables set to *_*.UTF-8
$ENV{'LC_ALL'}= "C";
$ENV{'LC_CTYPE'}= "C";
$ENV{'USE_RUNNING_SERVER'}= using_extern();
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST_DIR'}= $glob_mysql_test_dir;
$ENV{'DEFAULT_MASTER_PORT'}= $mysqld_variables{'master-port'} || 3306;
$ENV{'MYSQL_TMP_DIR'}= $opt_tmpdir;
$ENV{'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR'}= $opt_vardir;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Setup env for NDB
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( ! $opt_skip_ndbcluster )
["storage/ndb/src/mgmclient", "bin"],
["storage/ndb/tools", "bin"]);
["storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples", "bin"]);
["storage/ndb/ndbapi-examples/ndbapi_simple", "bin"],
"ndbapi_simple", NOT_REQUIRED);
my $path_ndb_testrun_log= "$opt_vardir/log/ndb_testrun.log";
$ENV{'NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT'}= $path_ndb_testrun_log;
$ENV{'NDB_EXAMPLES_OUTPUT'}= $path_ndb_testrun_log;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# mysql clients
# ----------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'MYSQL_CHECK'}= client_arguments("mysqlcheck");
$ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP'}= mysqldump_arguments(".1");
$ENV{'MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE'}= mysqldump_arguments(".2");
$ENV{'MYSQL_SLAP'}= mysqlslap_arguments();
$ENV{'MYSQL_IMPORT'}= client_arguments("mysqlimport");
$ENV{'MYSQL_SHOW'}= client_arguments("mysqlshow");
$ENV{'MYSQL_BINLOG'}= client_arguments("mysqlbinlog");
$ENV{'MYSQL'}= client_arguments("mysql");
$ENV{'MYSQL_UPGRADE'}= client_arguments("mysql_upgrade");
$ENV{'MYSQLADMIN'}= native_path($exe_mysqladmin);
$ENV{'MYSQL_CLIENT_TEST'}= mysql_client_test_arguments();
$ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_SYSTEM_TABLES'}= mysql_fix_arguments();
$ENV{'EXE_MYSQL'}= $exe_mysql;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# bug25714 executable may _not_ exist in
# some versions, test using it should be skipped
# ----------------------------------------------------
my $exe_bug25714=
mtr_exe_maybe_exists(vs_config_dirs('tests', 'bug25714'),
$ENV{'MYSQL_BUG25714'}= native_path($exe_bug25714);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# mysql_fix_privilege_tables.sql
# ----------------------------------------------------
my $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables=
$ENV{'MYSQL_FIX_PRIVILEGE_TABLES'}= $file_mysql_fix_privilege_tables;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# my_print_defaults
# ----------------------------------------------------
my $exe_my_print_defaults=
mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('extra', 'my_print_defaults'),
$ENV{'MYSQL_MY_PRINT_DEFAULTS'}= native_path($exe_my_print_defaults);
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Setup env so childs can execute myisampack and myisamchk
# ----------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'MYISAMCHK'}= native_path(mtr_exe_exists(
vs_config_dirs('storage/myisam', 'myisamchk'),
vs_config_dirs('myisam', 'myisamchk'),
$ENV{'MYISAMPACK'}= native_path(mtr_exe_exists(
vs_config_dirs('storage/myisam', 'myisampack'),
vs_config_dirs('myisam', 'myisampack'),
# ----------------------------------------------------
# perror
# ----------------------------------------------------
my $exe_perror= mtr_exe_exists(vs_config_dirs('extra', 'perror'),
$ENV{'MY_PERROR'}= native_path($exe_perror);
# Create an environment variable to make it possible
# to detect that valgrind is being used from test cases
$ENV{'VALGRIND_TEST'}= $opt_valgrind;
# Remove var and any directories in var/ created by previous
# tests
sub remove_stale_vardir () {
mtr_report("Removing old var directory...");
# Safety!
mtr_error("No, don't remove the vardir when running with --extern")
if using_extern();
mtr_verbose("opt_vardir: $opt_vardir");
if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir )
# Running with "var" in mysql-test dir
if ( -l $opt_vardir)
# var is a symlink
if ( $opt_mem )
# Remove the directory which the link points at
mtr_verbose("Removing " . readlink($opt_vardir));
# Remove the "var" symlink
# Some users creates a soft link in mysql-test/var to another area
# - allow it, but remove all files in it
mtr_report(" - WARNING: Using the 'mysql-test/var' symlink");
# Make sure the directory where it points exist
mtr_error("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist")
if ! -d readlink($opt_vardir);
foreach my $bin ( glob("$opt_vardir/*") )
mtr_verbose("Removing bin $bin");
# Remove the entire "var" dir
mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/");
if ( $opt_mem )
# A symlink from var/ to $opt_mem will be set up
# remove the $opt_mem dir to assure the symlink
# won't point at an old directory
mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_mem");
# Running with "var" in some other place
# Remove the var/ dir in mysql-test dir if any
# this could be an old symlink that shouldn't be there
mtr_verbose("Removing $default_vardir");
# Remove the "var" dir
mtr_verbose("Removing $opt_vardir/");
# Create var and the directories needed in var
sub setup_vardir() {
mtr_report("Creating var directory '$opt_vardir'...");
if ( $opt_vardir eq $default_vardir )
# Running with "var" in mysql-test dir
if ( -l $opt_vardir )
# it's a symlink
# Make sure the directory where it points exist
mtr_error("The destination for symlink $opt_vardir does not exist")
if ! -d readlink($opt_vardir);
elsif ( $opt_mem )
# Runinng with "var" as a link to some "memory" location, normally tmpfs
mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_mem");
mtr_report(" - symlinking 'var' to '$opt_mem'");
symlink($opt_mem, $opt_vardir);
if ( ! -d $opt_vardir )
mtr_verbose("Creating $opt_vardir");
# Ensure a proper error message if vardir couldn't be created
unless ( -d $opt_vardir and -w $opt_vardir )
mtr_error("Writable 'var' directory is needed, use the " .
"'--vardir=' option");
# Create var/tmp and tmp - they might be different
mkpath($opt_tmpdir) if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp");
# On some operating systems, there is a limit to the length of a
# UNIX domain socket's path far below PATH_MAX.
# Don't allow that to happen
if (check_socket_path_length("$opt_tmpdir/testsocket.sock")){
mtr_error("Socket path '$opt_tmpdir' too long, it would be ",
"truncated and thus not possible to use for connection to ",
"MySQL Server. Set a shorter with --tmpdir= option");
# copy all files from std_data into var/std_data
# and make them writable
copytree("$glob_mysql_test_dir/std_data", "$opt_vardir/std_data");
# Remove old log files
foreach my $name (glob("r/*.progress r/*.log r/*.warnings"))
# Check if running as root
# i.e a file can be read regardless what mode we set it to
sub check_running_as_root () {
my $test_file= "$opt_vardir/test_running_as_root.txt";
mtr_tofile($test_file, "MySQL");
chmod(oct("0000"), $test_file);
my $result="";
if (open(FILE,"<",$test_file))
$result= join('', );
close FILE;
# Some filesystems( for example CIFS) allows reading a file
# although mode was set to 0000, but in that case a stat on
# the file will not return 0000
my $file_mode= (stat($test_file))[2] & 07777;
mtr_verbose("result: $result, file_mode: $file_mode");
if ($result eq "MySQL" && $file_mode == 0)
mtr_warning("running this script as _root_ will cause some " .
"tests to be skipped");
chmod(oct("0755"), $test_file);
sub check_ssl_support ($) {
my $mysqld_variables= shift;
if ($opt_skip_ssl)
mtr_report(" - skipping SSL");
$opt_ssl_supported= 0;
$opt_ssl= 0;
if ( ! $mysqld_variables->{'ssl'} )
if ( $opt_ssl)
mtr_error("Couldn't find support for SSL");
mtr_report(" - skipping SSL, mysqld not compiled with SSL");
$opt_ssl_supported= 0;
$opt_ssl= 0;
mtr_report(" - SSL connections supported");
$opt_ssl_supported= 1;
sub check_debug_support ($) {
my $mysqld_variables= shift;
if ( ! $mysqld_variables->{'debug'} )
#mtr_report(" - binaries are not debug compiled");
$debug_compiled_binaries= 0;
if ( $opt_debug )
mtr_error("Can't use --debug, binaries does not support it");
mtr_report(" - binaries are debug compiled");
$debug_compiled_binaries= 1;
# Helper function to handle configuration-based subdirectories which Visual
# Studio uses for storing binaries. If opt_vs_config is set, this returns
# a path based on that setting; if not, it returns paths for the default
# /release/ and /debug/ subdirectories.
# $exe can be undefined, if the directory itself will be used
sub vs_config_dirs ($$) {
my ($path_part, $exe) = @_;
$exe = "" if not defined $exe;
# Don't look in these dirs when not on windows
return () unless IS_WINDOWS;
if ($opt_vs_config)
return ("$basedir/$path_part/$opt_vs_config/$exe");
return ("$basedir/$path_part/release/$exe",
sub check_ndbcluster_support ($) {
my $mysqld_variables= shift;
if ($opt_skip_ndbcluster)
mtr_report(" - skipping ndbcluster");
$opt_skip_ndbcluster_slave= $opt_skip_ndbcluster;
if ( ! $mysqld_variables{'ndb-connectstring'} )
mtr_report(" - skipping ndbcluster, mysqld not compiled with ndbcluster");
$opt_skip_ndbcluster= 2;
$opt_skip_ndbcluster_slave= 2;
mtr_report(" - using ndbcluster when necessary, mysqld supports it");
sub ndbcluster_wait_started($$){
my $cluster= shift;
my $ndb_waiter_extra_opt= shift;
my $path_waitlog= join('/', $opt_vardir, $cluster->name(), "ndb_waiter.log");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix());
mtr_add_arg($args, "--timeout=%d", $opt_start_timeout);
if ($ndb_waiter_extra_opt)
mtr_add_arg($args, "$ndb_waiter_extra_opt");
# Start the ndb_waiter which will connect to the ndb_mgmd
# and poll it for state of the ndbd's, will return when
# all nodes in the cluster is started
my $res= My::SafeProcess->run
name => "ndb_waiter ".$cluster->name(),
path => $exe_ndb_waiter,
args => \$args,
output => $path_waitlog,
error => $path_waitlog,
append => 1,
# Check that ndb_mgmd(s) are still alive
foreach my $ndb_mgmd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndb_mgmds()) )
my $proc= $ndb_mgmd->{proc};
if ( ! $proc->wait_one(0) )
mtr_warning("$proc died");
return 2;
# Check that all started ndbd(s) are still alive
foreach my $ndbd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndbds()) )
my $proc= $ndbd->{proc};
next unless defined $proc;
if ( ! $proc->wait_one(0) )
mtr_warning("$proc died");
return 3;
if ($res)
mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_wait_started failed");
return 1;
return 0;
sub ndb_mgmd_wait_started($) {
my ($cluster)= @_;
my $retries= 100;
while ($retries)
my $result= ndbcluster_wait_started($cluster, "--no-contact");
if ($result == 0)
# ndb_mgmd is started
mtr_verbose("ndb_mgmd is started");
return 0;
elsif ($result > 1)
mtr_warning("Cluster process failed while waiting for start");
return $result;
return 1;
sub ndb_mgmd_start ($$) {
my ($cluster, $ndb_mgmd)= @_;
my $dir= $ndb_mgmd->value("DataDir");
mkpath($dir) unless -d $dir;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix());
mtr_add_arg($args, "--mycnf");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--nodaemon");
my $path_ndb_mgmd_log= "$dir/ndb_mgmd.log";
$ndb_mgmd->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $ndb_mgmd->after('cluster_config.'),
path => $exe_ndb_mgmd,
args => \$args,
output => $path_ndb_mgmd_log,
error => $path_ndb_mgmd_log,
append => 1,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
mtr_verbose("Started $ndb_mgmd->{proc}");
# FIXME Should not be needed
# Unfortunately the cluster nodes will fail to start
# if ndb_mgmd has not started properly
if (ndb_mgmd_wait_started($cluster))
mtr_warning("Failed to wait for start of ndb_mgmd");
return 1;
return 0;
sub ndbd_start {
my ($cluster, $ndbd)= @_;
my $dir= $ndbd->value("DataDir");
mkpath($dir) unless -d $dir;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $cluster->suffix());
mtr_add_arg($args, "--nodaemon");
# > 5.0 { 'character-sets-dir' => \&fix_charset_dir },
my $path_ndbd_log= "$dir/ndbd.log";
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $ndbd->after('cluster_config.'),
path => $exe_ndbd,
args => \$args,
output => $path_ndbd_log,
error => $path_ndbd_log,
append => 1,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
mtr_verbose("Started $proc");
$ndbd->{proc}= $proc;
sub ndbcluster_start ($) {
my $cluster= shift;
mtr_verbose("ndbcluster_start '".$cluster->name()."'");
foreach my $ndb_mgmd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndb_mgmds()) )
next if started($ndb_mgmd);
ndb_mgmd_start($cluster, $ndb_mgmd);
foreach my $ndbd ( in_cluster($cluster, ndbds()) )
next if started($ndbd);
ndbd_start($cluster, $ndbd);
return 0;
sub create_config_file_for_extern {
my %opts=
socket => '/tmp/mysqld.sock',
port => 3306,
user => $opt_user,
password => '',
mtr_report("Creating my.cnf file for extern server...");
my $F= IO::File->new($path_config_file, "w")
or mtr_error("Can't write to $path_config_file: $!");
print $F "[client]\n";
while (my ($option, $value)= each( %opts )) {
print $F "$option= $value\n";
mtr_report(" $option= $value");
print $F < 0 and $check_counter--) {
$ret= kill(0, $pid);
mtr_report($check_counter ? " ok!" : " failed!");
mtr_warning("Found non pid file '$elem' in '$rundir'")
if -f "$rundir/$elem";
# Check that all the ports that are going to
# be used are free
sub check_ports_free
my @ports_to_check;
for ($baseport..$baseport+9){
push(@ports_to_check, $_);
#mtr_report("Checking ports...");
# print "@ports_to_check\n";
foreach my $port (@ports_to_check){
if (mtr_ping_port($port)){
mtr_report(" - 'localhost:$port' was not free");
return 1; # One port was not free
return 0; # All ports free
sub initialize_servers {
if ( using_extern() )
# Running against an already started server, if the specified
# vardir does not already exist it should be created
if ( ! -d $opt_vardir )
mtr_verbose("No need to create '$opt_vardir' it already exists");
# Kill leftovers from previous run
# using any pidfiles found in var/run
if ( ! $opt_start_dirty )
mysql_install_db(default_mysqld(), "$opt_vardir/install.db");
# Remove all newline characters expect after semicolon
sub sql_to_bootstrap {
my ($sql) = @_;
my @lines= split(/\n/, $sql);
my $result= "\n";
my $delimiter= ';';
foreach my $line (@lines) {
# Change current delimiter if line starts with "delimiter"
if ( $line =~ /^delimiter (.*)/ ) {
my $new= $1;
# Remove old delimiter from end of new
$new=~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$//;
$delimiter = $new;
mtr_debug("changed delimiter to $delimiter");
# No need to add the delimiter to result
# Add newline if line ends with $delimiter
# and convert the current delimiter to semicolon
if ( $line =~ /\Q$delimiter\E$/ ){
$line =~ s/\Q$delimiter\E$/;/;
$result.= "$line\n";
mtr_debug("Added default delimiter");
# Remove comments starting with --
if ( $line =~ /^\s*--/ ) {
mtr_debug("Discarded $line");
# Replace @HOSTNAME with localhost
$line=~ s/\'\@HOSTNAME\@\'/localhost/;
# Default, just add the line without newline
# but with a space as separator
$result.= "$line ";
return $result;
sub default_mysqld {
# Generate new config file from template
my $config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config
( {
basedir => $basedir,
template_path => "include/default_my.cnf",
vardir => $opt_vardir,
tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir,
baseport => 0,
user => $opt_user,
password => '',
my $mysqld= $config->group('mysqld.1')
or mtr_error("Couldn't find mysqld.1 in default config");
return $mysqld;
sub mysql_install_db {
my ($mysqld, $datadir)= @_;
my $install_datadir= $datadir || $mysqld->value('datadir');
my $install_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir');
my $install_lang= $mysqld->value('language');
my $install_chsdir= $mysqld->value('character-sets-dir');
mtr_report("Installing system database...");
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--bootstrap");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--basedir=%s", $install_basedir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--datadir=%s", $install_datadir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-innodb");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--loose-skip-ndbcluster");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--core-file");
if ( $opt_debug )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/bootstrap.trace",
mtr_add_arg($args, "--language=%s", $install_lang);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $install_chsdir);
# If DISABLE_GRANT_OPTIONS is defined when the server is compiled (e.g.,
# configure --disable-grant-options), mysqld will not recognize the
# --bootstrap or --skip-grant-tables options. The user can set
# MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP to the full path to a mysqld which does accept
# --bootstrap, to accommodate this.
my $exe_mysqld_bootstrap =
$ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP'} || find_mysqld($install_basedir);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# export MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD variable containing /mysqld
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'MYSQLD_BOOTSTRAP_CMD'}= "$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Create the bootstrap.sql file
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
my $bootstrap_sql_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/bootstrap.sql";
my $path_sql= my_find_file($install_basedir,
["mysql", "sql/share", "share", "scripts"],
if (-f $path_sql )
my $sql_dir= dirname($path_sql);
# Use the mysql database for system tables
mtr_tofile($bootstrap_sql_file, "use mysql\n");
# Add the offical mysql system tables
# for a production system
# Add the mysql system tables initial data
# for a production system
# Add test data for timezone - this is just a subset, on a real
# system these tables will be populated either by mysql_tzinfo_to_sql
# or by downloading the timezone table package from our website
# Fill help tables, just an empty file when running from bk repo
# but will be replaced by a real fill_help_tables.sql when
# building the source dist
# Install db from init_db.sql that exist in early 5.1 and 5.0
# versions of MySQL
my $init_file= "$install_basedir/mysql-test/lib/init_db.sql";
mtr_report(" - from '$init_file'");
my $text= mtr_grab_file($init_file) or
mtr_error("Can't open '$init_file': $!");
# Remove anonymous users
"DELETE FROM mysql.user where user= '';\n");
# Create mtr database
# Add help tables and data for warning detection and supression
# Add procedures for checking server is restored after testcase
# Log bootstrap command
my $path_bootstrap_log= "$opt_vardir/log/bootstrap.log";
"$exe_mysqld_bootstrap " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n");
# Create directories mysql and test
if ( My::SafeProcess->run
name => "bootstrap",
path => $exe_mysqld_bootstrap,
args => \$args,
input => $bootstrap_sql_file,
output => $path_bootstrap_log,
error => $path_bootstrap_log,
append => 1,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
) != 0)
mtr_error("Error executing mysqld --bootstrap\n" .
"Could not install system database from $bootstrap_sql_file\n" .
"see $path_bootstrap_log for errors");
sub run_testcase_check_skip_test($)
my ($tinfo)= @_;
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# If marked to skip, just print out and return.
# Note that a test case not marked as 'skip' can still be
# skipped later, because of the test case itself in cooperation
# with the mysqltest program tells us so.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $tinfo->{'skip'} )
return 1;
return 0;
sub run_query {
my ($tinfo, $mysqld, $query)= @_;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "-e %s", $query);
my $res= My::SafeProcess->run
name => "run_query -> ".$mysqld->name(),
path => $exe_mysql,
args => \$args,
output => '/dev/null',
error => '/dev/null'
return $res
sub do_before_run_mysqltest($)
my $tinfo= shift;
# Remove old files produced by mysqltest
my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($tinfo->{result_file},
"result"); # Trim extension
if (defined $base_file ){
if ( $mysql_version_id < 50000 ) {
# Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to 1
# if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok
$ENV{'NDB_STATUS_OK'} = "1";
} elsif ( $mysql_version_id < 50100 ) {
# Set environment variable NDB_STATUS_OK to YES
# if script decided to run mysqltest cluster _is_ installed ok
# Check all server for sideffects
# 0 ok
# 1 Check failed
# >1 Fatal errro
sub check_testcase($$)
my ($tinfo, $mode)= @_;
my $tname= $tinfo->{name};
# Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time
# also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check
my %started;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} )
my $proc= start_check_testcase($tinfo, $mode, $mysqld);
$started{$proc->pid()}= $proc;
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
while (1){
my $result;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
my $err_file= $proc->user_data();
my $base_file= mtr_match_extension($err_file, "err"); # Trim extension
# One check testcase process returned
my $res= $proc->exit_status();
if ( $res == 0){
# Check completed without problem
# Remove the .err file the check generated
# Remove the .result file the check generated
if ( $mode eq 'after' ){
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All checks completed
return 0;
# Wait for next process to exit
if ( $mode eq "after" and $res == 1 )
# Test failed, grab the report mysqltest has created
my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file);
"\nThe check of testcase '$tname' failed, this is the\n".
"diff between before and after:\n";
$tinfo->{check}.= $report;
# Check failed, mark the test case with that info
$tinfo->{'check_testcase_failed'}= 1;
$result= 1;
elsif ( $res )
my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file);
"Could not execute 'check-testcase' $mode testcase '$tname':\n";
$tinfo->{comment}.= $report;
$result= 2;
# Remove the .err file the check generated
# Remove the .result file the check generated
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running ".
"'check testcase $mode test'";
$result= 3;
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return $result;
# Start run mysqltest on one server
# 0 OK
# 1 Check failed
sub start_run_one ($$) {
my ($mysqld, $run)= @_;
my $name= "$run-".$mysqld->name();
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/$run.test");
my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err";
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $name,
path => $exe_mysqltest,
error => $errfile,
output => $errfile,
args => \$args,
user_data => $errfile,
mtr_verbose("Started $proc");
return $proc;
# Run script on all servers, collect results
# 0 ok
# 1 Failure
sub run_on_all($$)
my ($tinfo, $run)= @_;
# Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time
# also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check
# and to have a timeout process
my %started;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} )
my $proc= start_run_one($mysqld, $run);
$started{$proc->pid()}= $proc;
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
my $timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer(60); # Seconds
while (1){
my $result;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
# One mysqltest process returned
my $err_file= $proc->user_data();
my $res= $proc->exit_status();
# Append the report from .err file
$tinfo->{comment}.= " == $err_file ==\n";
$tinfo->{comment}.= mtr_grab_file($err_file);
$tinfo->{comment}.= "\n";
# Remove the .err file
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All completed
return 0;
# Wait for next process to exit
elsif ( $proc eq $timeout_proc ) {
$tinfo->{comment}.= "Timeout $timeout_proc expired for running '$run'";
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running '$run'";
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return 1;
sub mark_log {
my ($log, $tinfo)= @_;
my $log_msg= "CURRENT_TEST: $tinfo->{name}\n";
mtr_tofile($log, $log_msg);
sub find_testcase_skipped_reason($)
my ($tinfo)= @_;
# Set default message
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Detected by testcase(no log file)";
# Open the test log file
my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog)
or return;
my $reason;
while ( my $line= <$F> )
# Look for "reason: "
if ( $line =~ /reason: (.*)/ )
$reason= $1;
if ( ! $reason )
mtr_warning("Could not find reason for skipping test in $path_current_testlog");
$reason= "Detected by testcase(reason unknown) ";
$tinfo->{'comment'}= $reason;
sub find_analyze_request
# Open the test log file
my $F= IO::File->new($path_current_testlog)
or return;
my $analyze;
while ( my $line= <$F> )
# Look for "reason: "
if ( $line =~ /analyze: (.*)/ )
$analyze= $1;
return $analyze;
# Return timezone value of tinfo or default value
sub timezone {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
return $tinfo->{timezone} || "GMT-3";
# Storage for changed environment variables
my %old_env;
# Run a single test case
# 0 OK
# > 0 failure
sub run_testcase ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
mtr_verbose("Running test:", $tinfo->{name});
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Init variables that can change between each test case
# -------------------------------------------------------
my $timezone= timezone($tinfo);
$ENV{'TZ'}= $timezone;
mtr_verbose("Setting timezone: $timezone");
if ( ! using_extern() )
my @restart= servers_need_restart($tinfo);
if ( @restart != 0) {
stop_servers($tinfo, @restart );
if ( started(all_servers()) == 0 )
# Remove old datadirs
# Restore old ENV
while (my ($option, $value)= each( %old_env )) {
if (defined $value){
mtr_verbose("Restoring $option to $value");
$ENV{$option}= $value;
} else {
mtr_verbose("Removing $option");
%old_env= ();
mtr_verbose("Generating my.cnf from '$tinfo->{template_path}'");
# Generate new config file from template
$config= My::ConfigFactory->new_config
( {
basedir => $basedir,
template_path => $tinfo->{template_path},
extra_template_path => $tinfo->{extra_template_path},
vardir => $opt_vardir,
tmpdir => $opt_tmpdir,
baseport => $baseport,
#hosts => [ 'host1', 'host2' ],
user => $opt_user,
password => '',
ssl => $opt_ssl_supported,
embedded => $opt_embedded_server,
# Write the new my.cnf
# Remember current config so a restart can occur when a test need
# to use a different one
$current_config_name= $tinfo->{template_path};
# Set variables in the ENV section
foreach my $option ($config->options_in_group("ENV"))
# Save old value to restore it before next time
$old_env{$option->name()}= $ENV{$option->name()};
mtr_verbose($option->name(), "=",$option->value());
$ENV{$option->name()}= $option->value();
# Write start of testcase to log
mark_log($path_current_testlog, $tinfo);
if (start_servers($tinfo))
return 1;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# If --start or --start-dirty given, stop here to let user manually
# run tests
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_start or $opt_start_dirty )
mtr_print("\nStarted", started(all_servers()));
mtr_print("Waiting for server(s) to exit...");
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
mtr_print("Server $proc died");
mtr_print("Unknown process $proc died");
my $test_timeout_proc= My::SafeProcess->timer($opt_testcase_timeout * 60);
if ( $opt_check_testcases and check_testcase($tinfo, "before") ){
# Failed to record state of server or server crashed
# Stop the test case timer
return 1;
my $test= start_mysqltest($tinfo);
while (1)
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
unless ( defined $proc )
mtr_error("wait_any failed");
mtr_verbose("Got $proc");
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Was it the test program that exited
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ($proc eq $test)
# Stop the test case timer
my $res= $test->exit_status();
if ( $res == 0 )
if ( $opt_warnings and check_warnings($tinfo) )
# Found unexpected warnings
$res= 1;
my $check_res;
if ( $opt_check_testcases and
$check_res= check_testcase($tinfo, "after"))
if ($check_res == 1) {
# Test case had sideeffects, not fatal error, just continue
mtr_report("Resuming tests...\n");
else {
# Test case check failed fatally, probably a server crashed
return 1;
elsif ( $res == 62 )
# Testcase itself tell us to skip this one
$tinfo->{skip_detected_by_test}= 1;
# Try to get reason from test log file
elsif ( $res == 65 )
# Testprogram killed by signal
"testprogram crashed(returned code $res)";
elsif ( $res == 1 )
# Check if the test tool requests that
# an analyze script should be run
my $analyze= find_analyze_request();
if ($analyze){
run_on_all($tinfo, "analyze-$analyze");
# Test case failure reported by mysqltest
# mysqltest failed, probably crashed
"mysqltest failed with unexpected return code $res";
# Save info from this testcase run to mysqltest.log
if( -f $path_current_testlog)
mtr_appendfile_to_file($path_current_testlog, $path_testlog);
return ($res == 62) ? 0 : $res;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if it was an expected crash
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( check_expected_crash_and_restart($proc) )
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Stop the test case timer
# ----------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------
# It's not mysqltest that has exited, kill it
# ----------------------------------------------------
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if it was a server that died
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( grep($proc eq $_, started(all_servers())) )
# Server failed, probably crashed
"Server $proc failed during test run";
return 1;
# ----------------------------------------------------
# Check if testcase timer expired
# ----------------------------------------------------
if ( $proc eq $test_timeout_proc )
"Test case timeout after $opt_testcase_timeout minute(s)\n\n";
$tinfo->{'timeout'}= $opt_testcase_timeout; # Mark as timeout
run_on_all($tinfo, 'analyze-timeout');
return 1;
mtr_error("Unhandled process $proc exited");
mtr_error("Should never come here");
# Run include/check-warnings.test
# 0 OK
# 1 Check failed
sub start_check_warnings ($$) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $mysqld= shift;
my $name= "warnings-".$mysqld->name();
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-warnings.test");
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
# Get the args needed for the embedded server
# and append them to args prefixed
# with --sever-arg=
my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded')
or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section");
my $mysqld_args;
my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo);
mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args;
my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err";
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $name,
path => $exe_mysqltest,
error => $errfile,
output => $errfile,
args => \$args,
user_data => $errfile,
mtr_verbose("Started $proc");
return $proc;
# Loop through our list of processes and check the error log
# for unexepcted errors and warnings
sub check_warnings ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
my $res= 0;
my $tname= $tinfo->{name};
# Clear previous warnings
# Start the mysqltest processes in parallel to save time
# also makes it possible to wait for any process to exit during the check
my %started;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
if ( defined $mysqld->{'proc'} )
my $proc= start_check_warnings($tinfo, $mysqld);
$started{$proc->pid()}= $proc;
# Return immediately if no check proceess was started
return 0 unless ( keys %started );
while (1){
my $result= 0;
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->wait_any();
mtr_report("Got $proc");
if ( delete $started{$proc->pid()} ) {
# One check warning process returned
my $res= $proc->exit_status();
my $err_file= $proc->user_data();
if ( $res == 0 or $res == 62 ){
if ( $res == 0 ) {
# Check completed with problem
my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file);
# Log to var/log/warnings file
$tinfo->{'warnings'}.= $report;
$result= 1;
if ( $res == 62 ) {
# Test case was ok and called "skip"
# Remove the .err file the check generated
if ( keys(%started) == 0){
# All checks completed
return $result;
# Wait for next process to exit
my $report= mtr_grab_file($err_file);
"Could not execute 'check-warnings' for testcase '$tname':";
$tinfo->{comment}.= $report;
$result= 2;
# Remove the .err file the check generated
else {
# Unknown process returned, most likley a crash, abort everything
"The server $proc crashed while running 'check warnings'";
$result= 3;
# Kill any check processes still running
map($_->kill(), values(%started));
return $result;
return $res;
return $res;
# Loop through our list of processes and look for and entry
# with the provided pid, if found check for the file indicating
# expected crash and restart it.
sub check_expected_crash_and_restart {
my ($proc)= @_;
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
next unless ( $mysqld->{proc} eq $proc );
# Check if crash expected by looking at the .expect file
# in var/tmp
my $expect_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/".$mysqld->name().".expect";
if ( -f $expect_file )
mtr_verbose("Crash was expected, file '$expect_file' exists");
while (1){
# If last line in expect file starts with "wait"
# sleep a little and try again, thus allowing the
# test script to control when the server should start
# up again
my $last_line= mtr_lastlinefromfile($expect_file);
if ($last_line =~ /^wait/ )
mtr_verbose("Test says wait before restart");
# Start server with same settings as last time
mysqld_start($mysqld, $mysqld->{'started_opts'});
return 1;
# Not an expected crash
return 0;
# Remove all files and subdirectories of a directory
sub clean_dir {
my ($dir)= @_;
mtr_verbose("clean_dir: $dir");
{ no_chdir => 1,
wanted => sub {
if (-d $_){
# A dir
if ($_ eq $dir){
# The dir to clean
} else {
mtr_verbose("rmdir: '$_'");
rmdir($_) or mtr_warning("rmdir($_) failed: $!");
} else {
# Hopefully a file
mtr_verbose("unlink: '$_'");
unlink($_) or mtr_warning("unlink($_) failed: $!");
sub clean_datadir {
mtr_verbose("Cleaning datadirs...");
if (started(all_servers()) != 0){
mtr_error("Trying to clean datadir before all servers stopped");
foreach my $cluster ( clusters() )
my $cluster_dir= "$opt_vardir/".$cluster->{name};
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$cluster_dir'");
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
my $mysqld_dir= dirname($mysqld->value('datadir'));
if (-d $mysqld_dir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$mysqld_dir'");
# Remove all files in tmp and var/tmp
if ($opt_tmpdir ne "$opt_vardir/tmp"){
# Save datadir before it's removed
sub save_datadir_after_failure($$) {
my ($dir, $savedir)= @_;
mtr_report(" - saving '$dir'");
my $dir_name= basename($dir);
rename("$dir", "$savedir/$dir_name");
sub after_failure ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
mtr_report("Saving datadirs...");
my $save_dir= "$opt_vardir/log/";
$save_dir.= $tinfo->{name};
# Add combination name if any
$save_dir.= "-$tinfo->{combination}"
if defined $tinfo->{combination};
# Save savedir path for server
$tinfo->{savedir}= $save_dir;
mkpath($save_dir) if ! -d $save_dir;
# Save the used my.cnf file
copy($path_config_file, $save_dir);
# Copy the tmp dir
copytree("$opt_vardir/tmp/", "$save_dir/tmp/");
if ( clusters() ) {
foreach my $cluster ( clusters() ) {
my $cluster_dir= "$opt_vardir/".$cluster->{name};
save_datadir_after_failure($cluster_dir, $save_dir);
else {
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() ) {
my $data_dir= $mysqld->value('datadir');
save_datadir_after_failure(dirname($data_dir), $save_dir);
sub report_failure_and_restart ($) {
my $tinfo= shift;
$tinfo->{'result'}= 'MTR_RES_FAILED';
my $test_failures= $tinfo->{'failures'} || 0;
$tinfo->{'failures'}= $test_failures + 1;
if ( $tinfo->{comment} )
# The test failure has been detected by mysql-test-run.pl
# when starting the servers or due to other error, the reason for
# failing the test is saved in "comment"
if ( !defined $tinfo->{logfile} )
my $logfile= $path_current_testlog;
if ( defined $logfile )
if ( -f $logfile )
# Test failure was detected by test tool and its report
# about what failed has been saved to file. Save the report
# in tinfo
$tinfo->{logfile}= mtr_fromfile($logfile);
# The test tool report didn't exist, display an
# error message
$tinfo->{logfile}= "Could not open test tool report '$logfile'";
sub run_sh_script {
my ($script)= @_;
return 0 unless defined $script;
mtr_verbose("Running '$script'");
my $ret= system("/bin/sh $script") >> 8;
return $ret;
sub mysqld_stop {
my $mysqld= shift or die "usage: mysqld_stop()";
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--no-defaults");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=%s", $opt_user);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--password=");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--port=%d", $mysqld->value('port'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--host=%s", $mysqld->value('#host'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--connect_timeout=20");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--protocol=tcp");
mtr_add_arg($args, "shutdown");
name => "mysqladmin shutdown ".$mysqld->name(),
path => $exe_mysqladmin,
args => \$args,
error => "/dev/null",
sub mysqld_arguments ($$$) {
my $args= shift;
my $mysqld= shift;
my $extra_opts= shift;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
# When mysqld is run by a root user(euid is 0), it will fail
# to start unless we specify what user to run as, see BUG#30630
my $euid= $>;
if (!IS_WINDOWS and $euid == 0 and
(grep(/^--user/, @$extra_opts)) == 0) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--user=root");
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
if ( $mysql_version_id < 50100 )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-bdb");
if ( $mysql_version_id >= 50106 )
# Turn on logging to both tables and file
mtr_add_arg($args, "--log-output=table,file");
# Check if "extra_opt" contains skip-log-bin
my $skip_binlog= grep(/^(--|--loose-)skip-log-bin/, @$extra_opts);
# Indicate to mysqld it will be debugged in debugger
if ( $glob_debugger )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--gdb");
my $found_skip_core= 0;
foreach my $arg ( @$extra_opts )
# Allow --skip-core-file to be set in -[master|slave].opt file
if ($arg eq "--skip-core-file")
$found_skip_core= 1;
elsif ($skip_binlog and mtr_match_prefix($arg, "--binlog-format"))
; # Dont add --binlog-format when running without binlog
elsif ($arg eq "--loose-skip-log-bin" and
; # Dont add --skip-log-bin when mysqld have --log-slave-updates in config
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $arg);
if ( !$found_skip_core )
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", "--core-file");
return $args;
sub mysqld_start ($$) {
my $mysqld= shift;
my $extra_opts= shift;
mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("mysqld_start", @$extra_opts));
my $exe= find_mysqld($mysqld->value('basedir'));
my $wait_for_pid_file= 1;
mtr_error("Internal error: mysqld should never be started for embedded")
if $opt_embedded_server;
my $args;
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqld )
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
if ( $opt_debug )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--debug=d:t:i:A,%s/log/%s.trace",
$path_vardir_trace, $mysqld->name());
if ( $opt_gdb || $opt_manual_gdb )
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_ddd || $opt_manual_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_debugger )
debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, $mysqld->name());
elsif ( $opt_manual_debug )
print "\nStart " .$mysqld->name()." in your debugger\n" .
"dir: $glob_mysql_test_dir\n" .
"exe: $exe\n" .
"args: " . join(" ", @$args) . "\n\n" .
"Waiting ....\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$exe= undef;
# Default to not wait until pid file has been created
$wait_for_pid_file= 0;
# Remove the old pidfile if any
my $output= $mysqld->value('log-error');
if ( $opt_valgrind and $opt_debug )
# When both --valgrind and --debug is selected, send
# all output to the trace file, making it possible to
# see the exact location where valgrind complains
$output= "$opt_vardir/log/".$mysqld->name().".trace";
if ( defined $exe )
$mysqld->{'proc'}= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $mysqld->name(),
path => $exe,
args => \$args,
output => $output,
error => $output,
append => 1,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
host => undef,
shutdown => sub { mysqld_stop($mysqld) },
mtr_verbose("Started $mysqld->{proc}");
if ( $wait_for_pid_file &&
mtr_error("Failed to start mysqld $mysqld->name()");
# Remember options used when starting
$mysqld->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts;
sub stop_all_servers () {
mtr_verbose("Stopping all servers...");
# Kill all started servers
My::SafeProcess::shutdown(0, # shutdown timeout 0 => kill
# Remove pidfiles
foreach my $server ( all_servers() )
my $pid_file= $server->if_exist('pid-file');
unlink($pid_file) if defined $pid_file;
# Mark servers as stopped
map($_->{proc}= undef, all_servers());
# Find out if server should be restarted for this test
sub server_need_restart {
my ($tinfo, $server)= @_;
if ( using_extern() )
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "no restart for --extern server");
return 0;
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "no start or restart for embedded server");
return 0;
if ( $tinfo->{'force_restart'} ) {
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "forced in .opt file");
return 1;
if ( $tinfo->{template_path} ne $current_config_name)
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "using different config file");
return 1;
if ( $tinfo->{'master_sh'} || $tinfo->{'slave_sh'} )
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "sh script to run");
return 1;
if ( ! started($server) )
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "not started");
return 1;
my $started_tinfo= $server->{'started_tinfo'};
if ( defined $started_tinfo )
# Check if timezone of test that server was started
# with differs from timezone of next test
if ( timezone($started_tinfo) ne timezone($tinfo) )
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "different timezone");
return 1;
# Temporary re-enable the "always restart slave" hack
# this should be removed asap, but will require that each rpl
# testcase cleanup better after itself - ie. stop and reset
# replication
# Use the "#!use-slave-opt" marker to detect that this is a "slave"
# server
if ( $server->option("#!use-slave-opt") ){
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "Always restart slave(s)");
return 1;
my $is_mysqld= grep ($server eq $_, mysqlds());
if ($is_mysqld)
# Check that running process was started with same options
# as the current test requires
my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($server, $tinfo);
my $started_opts= $server->{'started_opts'};
if (!My::Options::same($started_opts, $extra_opts) )
my $use_dynamic_option_switch= 0;
if (!$use_dynamic_option_switch)
mtr_verbose_restart($server, "running with different options '" .
join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" .
join(" ", @{$started_opts}) . "'" );
return 1;
mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("started_opts", @$started_opts));
mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("extra_opts", @$extra_opts));
# Get diff and check if dynamic switch is possible
my @diff_opts= My::Options::diff($started_opts, $extra_opts);
mtr_verbose(My::Options::toStr("diff_opts", @diff_opts));
my $query= My::Options::toSQL(@diff_opts);
mtr_verbose("Attempting dynamic switch '$query'");
if (run_query($tinfo, $server, $query)){
mtr_verbose("Restart: running with different options '" .
join(" ", @{$extra_opts}) . "' != '" .
join(" ", @{$started_opts}) . "'" );
return 1;
# Remember the dynamically set options
$server->{'started_opts'}= $extra_opts;
# Default, no restart
return 0;
sub servers_need_restart($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
return grep { server_need_restart($tinfo, $_); } all_servers();
# Return list of specific servers
# - there is no servers in an empty config
sub _like { return $config ? $config->like($_[0]) : (); }
sub mysqlds { return _like('mysqld.'); }
sub ndbds { return _like('cluster_config.ndbd.');}
sub ndb_mgmds { return _like('cluster_config.ndb_mgmd.'); }
sub clusters { return _like('mysql_cluster.'); }
sub all_servers { return ( mysqlds(), ndb_mgmds(), ndbds() ); }
# Filter a list of servers and return only those that are part
# of the specified cluster
sub in_cluster {
my ($cluster)= shift;
# Return only processes for a specific cluster
return grep { $_->suffix() eq $cluster->suffix() } @_;
# Filter a list of servers and return the SafeProcess
# for only those that are started or stopped
sub started { return grep(defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); }
sub stopped { return grep(!defined $_, map($_->{proc}, @_)); }
sub envsubst {
my $string= shift;
if ( ! defined $ENV{$string} )
mtr_error(".opt file references '$string' which is not set");
return $ENV{$string};
sub get_extra_opts {
my ($mysqld, $tinfo)= @_;
my $opts=
$mysqld->option("#!use-slave-opt") ?
$tinfo->{slave_opt} : $tinfo->{master_opt};
# Expand environment variables
foreach my $opt ( @$opts )
$opt =~ s/\$\{(\w+)\}/envsubst($1)/ge;
$opt =~ s/\$(\w+)/envsubst($1)/ge;
return $opts;
sub stop_servers($$) {
my ($tinfo, @servers)= @_;
# Remember if we restarted for this test case (count restarts)
$tinfo->{'restarted'}= 1;
if ( join('|', @servers) eq join('|', all_servers()) )
# All servers are going down, use some kind of order to
# avoid too many warnings in the log files
mtr_report("Restarting all servers");
# mysqld processes
My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout, started(mysqlds()) );
# cluster processes
My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout,
started(ndbds(), ndb_mgmds()) );
mtr_report("Restarting ", started(@servers));
# Stop only some servers
My::SafeProcess::shutdown( $opt_shutdown_timeout,
started(@servers) );
foreach my $server (@servers)
# Mark server as stopped
$server->{proc}= undef;
# Forget history
delete $server->{'started_tinfo'};
delete $server->{'started_opts'};
delete $server->{'started_cnf'};
# start_servers
# Start servers not already started
# 0 OK
# 1 Start failed
sub start_servers($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
# Start clusters
foreach my $cluster ( clusters() )
# Start mysqlds
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
if ( $mysqld->{proc} )
# Already started
# Write start of testcase to log file
mark_log($mysqld->value('log-error'), $tinfo);
my $datadir= $mysqld->value('datadir');
if ($opt_start_dirty)
# Don't delete anything if starting dirty
my @options= ('log-bin', 'relay-log');
foreach my $option_name ( @options ) {
next unless $mysqld->option($option_name);
my $file_name= $mysqld->value($option_name);
next unless
defined $file_name and
-e $file_name;
mtr_debug(" -removing '$file_name'");
unlink($file_name) or die ("unable to remove file '$file_name'");
if (-d $datadir ) {
mtr_verbose(" - removing '$datadir'");
my $mysqld_basedir= $mysqld->value('basedir');
if ( $basedir eq $mysqld_basedir )
# Copy datadir from installed system db
for my $path ( "$opt_vardir", "$opt_vardir/..") {
my $install_db= "$path/install.db";
copytree($install_db, $datadir)
if -d $install_db;
mtr_error("Failed to copy system db to '$datadir'")
unless -d $datadir;
mtr_error("Failed to install system db to '$datadir'")
unless -d $datadir;
# Create the servers tmpdir
my $tmpdir= $mysqld->value('tmpdir');
mkpath($tmpdir) unless -d $tmpdir;
# Write start of testcase to log file
mark_log($mysqld->value('log-error'), $tinfo);
# Run -master.sh
if ($mysqld->option('#!run-master-sh') and
run_sh_script($tinfo->{master_sh}) )
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{master_sh}'";
return 1;
# Run -slave.sh
if ($mysqld->option('#!run-slave-sh') and
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Failed to execute '$tinfo->{slave_sh}'";
return 1;
if (!$opt_embedded_server)
my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo);
# Save this test case information, so next can examine it
$mysqld->{'started_tinfo'}= $tinfo;
# Wait for clusters to start
foreach my $cluster ( clusters() )
if (ndbcluster_wait_started($cluster, ""))
# failed to start
$tinfo->{'comment'}= "Start of '".$cluster->name()."' cluster failed";
return 1;
# Wait for mysqlds to start
foreach my $mysqld ( mysqlds() )
next if !started($mysqld);
if (sleep_until_file_created($mysqld->value('pid-file'),
$mysqld->{'proc'}) == 0) {
"Failed to start ".$mysqld->name();
my $logfile= $mysqld->value('log-error');
if ( defined $logfile and -f $logfile )
$tinfo->{logfile}= mtr_fromfile($logfile);
$tinfo->{logfile}= "Could not open server logfile: '$logfile'";
return 1;
return 0;
# Run include/check-testcase.test
# Before a testcase, run in record mode and save result file to var/tmp
# After testcase, run and compare with the recorded file, they should be equal!
# The newly started process
sub start_check_testcase ($$$) {
my $tinfo= shift;
my $mode= shift;
my $mysqld= shift;
my $name= "check-".$mysqld->name();
# Replace dots in name with underscore to avoid that mysqltest
# misinterpret's what the filename extension is :(
$name=~ s/\./_/g;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-group-suffix=%s", $mysqld->after('mysqld'));
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.result");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", "include/check-testcase.test");
if ( $mode eq "before" )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--record");
my $errfile= "$opt_vardir/tmp/$name.err";
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
name => $name,
path => $exe_mysqltest,
error => $errfile,
args => \$args,
user_data => $errfile,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
mtr_report("Started $proc");
return $proc;
sub run_mysqltest ($) {
my $proc= start_mysqltest(@_);
sub start_mysqltest ($) {
my ($tinfo)= @_;
my $exe= $exe_mysqltest;
my $args;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--defaults-file=%s", $path_config_file);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--silent");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-safemalloc");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tmpdir=%s", $opt_tmpdir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--character-sets-dir=%s", $path_charsetsdir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--logdir=%s/log", $opt_vardir);
# Log line number and time for each line in .test file
mtr_add_arg($args, "--mark-progress")
if $opt_mark_progress;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--database=test");
if ( $opt_ps_protocol )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ps-protocol");
if ( $opt_sp_protocol )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--sp-protocol");
if ( $opt_view_protocol )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--view-protocol");
if ( $opt_cursor_protocol )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--cursor-protocol");
if ( $opt_strace_client )
$exe= $opt_strace_client || "strace";
mtr_add_arg($args, "-o");
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s/log/mysqltest.strace", $opt_vardir);
mtr_add_arg($args, "$exe_mysqltest");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--timer-file=%s/log/timer", $opt_vardir);
if ( $opt_compress )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--compress");
if ( $opt_sleep )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--sleep=%d", $opt_sleep);
if ( $opt_ssl )
# Turn on SSL for _all_ test cases if option --ssl was used
mtr_add_arg($args, "--ssl");
elsif ( $opt_ssl_supported )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--skip-ssl");
if ( $opt_embedded_server )
# Get the args needed for the embedded server
# and append them to args prefixed
# with --sever-arg=
my $mysqld= $config->group('embedded')
or mtr_error("Could not get [embedded] section");
my $mysqld_args;
my $extra_opts= get_extra_opts($mysqld, $tinfo);
mysqld_arguments($mysqld_args, $mysqld, $extra_opts);
mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=%s", $_) for @$mysqld_args;
# Trick the server to send output to stderr, with --console
mtr_add_arg($args, "--server-arg=--console");
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# export MYSQL_TEST variable containing /mysqltest
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
$ENV{'MYSQL_TEST'}= mtr_args2str($exe_mysqltest, @$args);
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Add arguments that should not go into the MYSQL_TEST env var
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( $opt_valgrind_mysqltest )
# Prefix the Valgrind options to the argument list.
# We do this here, since we do not want to Valgrind the nested invocations
# of mysqltest; that would mess up the stderr output causing test failure.
my @args_saved = @$args;
valgrind_arguments($args, \$exe);
mtr_add_arg($args, "%s", $_) for @args_saved;
mtr_add_arg($args, "--test-file=%s", $tinfo->{'path'});
# Number of lines of resut to include in failure report
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tail-lines=20");
if ( defined $tinfo->{'result_file'} ) {
mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{'result_file'});
client_debug_arg($args, "mysqltest");
if ( $opt_record )
mtr_add_arg($args, "--record");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--result-file=%s", $tinfo->{record_file});
if ( $opt_client_gdb )
gdb_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
elsif ( $opt_client_ddd )
ddd_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
elsif ( $opt_client_debugger )
debugger_arguments(\$args, \$exe, "client");
my $proc= My::SafeProcess->new
name => "mysqltest",
path => $exe,
args => \$args,
append => 1,
error => $path_current_testlog,
verbose => $opt_verbose,
mtr_verbose("Started $proc");
return $proc;
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in gdb in xterm
sub gdb_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to gdb init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
if ( $type eq "client" )
# write init file for client
"set args $str\n" .
"break main\n");
# write init file for mysqld
"set args $str\n" .
"break mysql_parse\n" .
"commands 1\n" .
"disable 1\n" .
"end\n" .
if ( $opt_manual_gdb )
print "\nTo start gdb for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "gdb -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
$$args= [];
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-title");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$type");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-e");
if ( $exe_libtool )
mtr_add_arg($$args, $exe_libtool);
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "gdb");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "-x");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$$exe");
$$exe= "xterm";
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in ddd
sub ddd_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $type= shift;
# Write $args to ddd init file
my $str= join(" ", @$$args);
my $gdb_init_file= "$opt_vardir/tmp/gdbinit.$type";
# Remove the old gdbinit file
if ( $type eq "client" )
# write init file for client
"set args $str\n" .
"break main\n");
# write init file for mysqld
"file $$exe\n" .
"set args $str\n" .
"break mysql_parse\n" .
"commands 1\n" .
"disable 1\n" .
if ( $opt_manual_ddd )
print "\nTo start ddd for $type, type in another window:\n";
print "ddd -cd $glob_mysql_test_dir -x $gdb_init_file $$exe\n";
# Indicate the exe should not be started
$$exe= undef;
my $save_exe= $$exe;
$$args= [];
if ( $exe_libtool )
$$exe= $exe_libtool;
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--mode=execute");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "ddd");
$$exe= "ddd";
mtr_add_arg($$args, "--command=$gdb_init_file");
mtr_add_arg($$args, "$save_exe");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in the selected debugger
sub debugger_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
my $debugger= $opt_debugger || $opt_client_debugger;
if ( $debugger =~ /vcexpress|vc|devenv/ )
# vc[express] /debugexe exe arg1 .. argn
# Add /debugexe and name of the exe before args
unshift(@$$args, "/debugexe");
unshift(@$$args, "$$exe");
# Set exe to debuggername
$$exe= $debugger;
elsif ( $debugger =~ /windbg/ )
# windbg exe arg1 .. argn
# Add name of the exe before args
unshift(@$$args, "$$exe");
# Set exe to debuggername
$$exe= $debugger;
elsif ( $debugger eq "dbx" )
# xterm -e dbx -r exe arg1 .. argn
unshift(@$$args, $$exe);
unshift(@$$args, "-r");
unshift(@$$args, $debugger);
unshift(@$$args, "-e");
$$exe= "xterm";
mtr_error("Unknown argument \"$debugger\" passed to --debugger");
# Modify the exe and args so that program is run in valgrind
sub valgrind_arguments {
my $args= shift;
my $exe= shift;
if ( $opt_callgrind)
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tool=callgrind");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--base=$opt_vardir/log");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--tool=memcheck"); # From >= 2.1.2 needs this option
mtr_add_arg($args, "--alignment=8");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--leak-check=yes");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--num-callers=16");
mtr_add_arg($args, "--suppressions=%s/valgrind.supp", $glob_mysql_test_dir)
if -f "$glob_mysql_test_dir/valgrind.supp";
# Add valgrind options, can be overriden by user
mtr_add_arg($args, '%s', $_) for (@valgrind_args);
mtr_add_arg($args, $$exe);
$$exe= $opt_valgrind_path || "valgrind";
if ($exe_libtool)
# Add "libtool --mode-execute" before the test to execute
# if running in valgrind(to avoid valgrinding bash)
unshift(@$args, "--mode=execute", $$exe);
$$exe= $exe_libtool;
# Usage
sub usage ($) {
my ($message)= @_;
if ( $message )
print STDERR "$message\n";
print < Use fixed config template for all
defaults_extra_file= Extra config template to add to
all generated configs
Options to control directories to use
tmpdir=DIR The directory where temporary files are stored
(default: ./var/tmp).
vardir=DIR The directory where files generated from the test run
is stored (default: ./var). Specifying a ramdisk or
tmpfs will speed up tests.
mem Run testsuite in "memory" using tmpfs or ramdisk
Attempts to find a suitable location
using a builtin list of standard locations
for tmpfs (/dev/shm)
The option can also be set using environment
variable MTR_MEM=[DIR]
client-bindir=PATH Path to the directory where client binaries are located
client-libdir=PATH Path to the directory where client libraries are located
Options to control what test suites or cases to run
force Continue to run the suite after failure
with-ndbcluster-only Run only tests that include "ndb" in the filename
skip-ndb[cluster] Skip all tests that need cluster
skip-ndb[cluster]-slave Skip all tests that need a slave cluster
do-test=PREFIX or REGEX
Run test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
or fulfills REGEX
skip-test=PREFIX or REGEX
Skip test cases which name are prefixed with PREFIX
or fulfills REGEX
start-from=PREFIX Run test cases starting test prefixed with PREFIX where
prefix may be suite.testname or just testname
Collect tests in suites from the comma separated
list of suite names.
The default is: "$DEFAULT_SUITES"
skip-rpl Skip the replication test cases.
big-test Also run tests marked as "big"
Options that specify ports
mtr-build-thread=# Specify unique number to calculate port number(s) from.
build-thread=# Can be set in environment variable MTR_BUILD_THREAD.
Set MTR_BUILD_THREAD="auto" to automatically aquire
a build thread id that is unique to current host
Options for test case authoring
record TESTNAME (Re)genereate the result file for TESTNAME
check-testcases Check testcases for sideeffects
mark-progress Log line number and elapsed time to .progress
Options that pass on options
mysqld=ARGS Specify additional arguments to "mysqld"
Options to run test on running server
extern option=value Run only the tests against an already started server
the options to use for connection to the extern server
must be specified using name-value pair notation
For example:
./$0 --extern socket=/tmp/mysqld.sock
Options for debugging the product
client-ddd Start mysqltest client in ddd
client-debugger=NAME Start mysqltest in the selected debugger
client-gdb Start mysqltest client in gdb
ddd Start mysqld in ddd
debug Dump trace output for all servers and client programs
debugger=NAME Start mysqld in the selected debugger
gdb Start the mysqld(s) in gdb
manual-debug Let user manually start mysqld in debugger, before
running test(s)
manual-gdb Let user manually start mysqld in gdb, before running
manual-ddd Let user manually start mysqld in ddd, before running
strace-client=[path] Create strace output for mysqltest client, optionally
specifying name and path to the trace program to use.
Example: $0 --strace-client=ktrace
max-save-core Limit the number of core files saved (to avoid filling
up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to
$opt_max_save_core, set to 0 for no limit. Set
it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_CORE
max-save-datadir Limit the number of datadir saved (to avoid filling
up disks for heavily crashing server). Defaults to
$opt_max_save_datadir, set to 0 for no limit. Set
it's default with MTR_MAX_SAVE_DATDIR
max-test-fail Limit the number of test failurs before aborting
the current test run. Defaults to
$opt_max_test_fail, set to 0 for no limit. Set
it's default with MTR_MAX_TEST_FAIL
Options for valgrind
valgrind Run the "mysqltest" and "mysqld" executables using
valgrind with default options
valgrind-all Synonym for --valgrind
valgrind-mysqltest Run the "mysqltest" and "mysql_client_test" executable
with valgrind
valgrind-mysqld Run the "mysqld" executable with valgrind
valgrind-options=ARGS Deprecated, use --valgrind-option
valgrind-option=ARGS Option to give valgrind, replaces default option(s),
can be specified more then once
valgrind-path=[EXE] Path to the valgrind executable
callgrind Instruct valgrind to use callgrind
Misc options
user=USER User for connecting to mysqld(default: $opt_user)
comment=STR Write STR to the output
notimer Don't show test case execution time
verbose More verbose output(use multiple times for even more)
start Only initialize and start the servers, using the
startup settings for the first specified test case
$0 --start alias &
start-dirty Only start the servers (without initialization) for
the first specified test case
fast Run as fast as possible, dont't wait for servers
to shutdown etc.
repeat=N Run each test N number of times
retry=N Retry tests that fail N times, limit number of failures
to $opt_retry_failure
retry-failure=N Limit number of retries for a failed test
reorder Reorder tests to get fewer server restarts
help Get this help text
testcase-timeout=MINUTES Max test case run time (default $opt_testcase_timeout)
suite-timeout=MINUTES Max test suite run time (default $opt_suite_timeout)
shutdown-timeout=SECONDS Max number of seconds to wait for server shutdown
before killing servers (default $opt_shutdown_timeout)
warnings Scan the log files for warnings. Use --nowarnings
to turn off.
sleep=SECONDS Passed to mysqltest, will be used as fixed sleep time