# # MDEV-7793 - Race condition between XA COMMIT/ROLLBACK and disconnect # # Note that this test is meaningful only with valgrind. connect con1, localhost, root; connect con2, localhost, root; connection con1; XA START 'xatest'; XA END 'xatest'; XA PREPARE 'xatest'; connection con2; SET debug_sync='xa_after_search SIGNAL parked WAIT_FOR go'; XA COMMIT 'xatest'; connection default; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR parked'; disconnect con1; # Waiting for thread to get deleted SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL go'; connection con2; ERROR XAE04: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID *** Must have 'xatest' in the list XA RECOVER; formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data 1 6 0 xatest XA COMMIT 'xatest'; disconnect con2; connection default; SET debug_sync='RESET'; connect con1, localhost, root; connect con2, localhost, root; connection con1; XA START 'xatest'; XA END 'xatest'; XA PREPARE 'xatest'; connection con2; SET debug_sync='xa_after_search SIGNAL parked WAIT_FOR go'; XA ROLLBACK 'xatest'; connection default; SET debug_sync='now WAIT_FOR parked'; disconnect con1; # Waiting for thread to get deleted SET debug_sync='now SIGNAL go'; connection con2; ERROR XAE04: XAER_NOTA: Unknown XID *** Must have 'xatest' in the list XA RECOVER; formatID gtrid_length bqual_length data 1 6 0 xatest XA ROLLBACK 'xatest'; disconnect con2; connection default; SET debug_sync='RESET';