--disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings SET @OLD_SQL_MODE=@@SQL_MODE; SET SQL_MODE='IGNORE_BAD_TABLE_OPTIONS'; create table t1 (a int fkey=vvv, key akey (a) dff=vvv) tkey1='1v1'; show create table t1; drop table t1; --echo #reassiginig options in the same line create table t1 (a int fkey=vvv, key akey (a) dff=vvv) tkey1=1v1 TKEY1=DEFAULT tkey1=1v2 tkey2=2v1; show create table t1; -- echo #add option alter table t1 tkey4=4v1; show create table t1; --echo #remove options alter table t1 tkey3=DEFAULT tkey4=DEFAULT; show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1 (a int fkey1=v1, key akey (a) kkey1=v1) tkey1=1v1 tkey1=1v2 TKEY1=DEFAULT tkey2=2v1 tkey3=3v1; show create table t1; --echo #change field with option with the same value alter table t1 change a a int `FKEY1`='v1'; show create table t1; --echo #change field with option with a different value alter table t1 change a a int fkey1=v2; show create table t1; --echo #new column no options alter table t1 add column b int; show create table t1; --echo #new key with options alter table t1 add key bkey (b) kkey2=v1; show create table t1; --echo #new column with options alter table t1 add column c int fkey1=v1 fkey2=v2; show create table t1; --echo #new key no options alter table t1 add key ckey (c); show create table t1; --echo #drop column alter table t1 drop b; show create table t1; --echo #add column with options after delete alter table t1 add column b int fkey2=v1; show create table t1; --echo #add key alter table t1 add key bkey (b) kkey2=v2; show create table t1; drop table t1; #numeric (unquoted) value create table t1 (a int) tkey1=100; show create table t1; drop table t1; --echo #error on unknown option SET SQL_MODE=''; --error ER_UNKNOWN_OPTION create table t1 (a int fkey=vvv, key akey (a) dff=vvv) tkey1=1v1; SET @@SQL_MODE=@OLD_SQL_MODE;